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Menee vähän OT mutta olen aikaisemminkin heittänyt ajatuksen.. Olisiko Kasparovista valtiomieheksi joka yhdistäisi opposition ja pääsisi valtaan? On kuitenkin tunnettu ja arvostettu sekä Venäjällä että lännessä ja mieheltä löytyy näkemystä.. Ja selkärankaa tuoda se näkemys esille..Hänen Krimin liittyvästä yhdestä lauseesta tehtiin ylisuuren, ja tarkoituksellisesti vääristäen, varsinkin kun repäistiin se koko asiasta, jossa Navalnyi tuomitsi Krimin anneksion suorin kovin sanoin, samassa haastattelussa Venediktovin lähettämälle porukalle. Navalny ei koskaan sanonut että Krimi kuuluu ryssälään. Hän sanoi että ukrainalaisten parempi olla kuvittelematta että Krimin palaa Ukrainaan lähitulevaisuudessa. Jokainen jolla on logiikka tallella ymmärrä että Navalnyi on..yksinkertaisesti oikeassa. Hän vain lausui sitä julma totuutta, josta ukrainalaiset itse tiesi, mutteivät halunneet sanoa.
Navalnyi ei sanonut ettei Krimi koskaan palaa Ukrainaan takaisin.
Venäjän oppositio on riitaisa ja se on ongelma. On vasteenmielista katsoa miten erityisesti Kasparovin sivustolla kaikki zaidmanit ym haukku häntä itse istumalla mukavasti Lännessä.
Eivät kelpaa Navalnille edes kengänpohjalliseksi jos ollaan rehellisia. Helppo haukkua Putleria USAsta, mutta onko heistä kerämään nuoria kapinaan Venäjällä? Tuskin. Ja heille kannattaa mennä peiliin eteen kun haukkuu miestä joka istuu nyt vankilassa, ja melkein koko ajan kartserissa, raukkamaista.
Ja kyllä, Navalnyi on hyvällä tavalla patriotti, maltillisesti terve kanasallismielisyys on ok.
Fakta, surullinen kyllä, että Navalnyi tehnyt virheen. Hänen ei olisi pitänyt palata sinne. Hän on Danko, se vaati kyllä aikamoista luonnetta, jota monella ei ole.
Niin, ja oppositiossa pitää olla erilaisia ihmisiä, mm sellaisia radikaalisempia, kuten Navalnyi.
Menee vähän OT mutta olen aikaisemminkin heittänyt ajatuksen.. Olisiko Kasparovista valtiomieheksi joka yhdistäisi opposition ja pääsisi valtaan? On kuitenkin tunnettu ja arvostettu sekä Venäjällä että lännessä ja mieheltä löytyy näkemystä.. Ja selkärankaa tuoda se näkemys esille..
Ei oo mikää ihan pikku kohde kun tuolla määrällä puikkoja lähtee
Orwellin kirjan lukeneena, voin todeta, että nyky diktatuureissa pätee varsin sama psykologia. Vaikka 1984 on proosaa, siinä on ikäänkuin profetia tulevasta. Kirjan lukeminen lukioikäisenä kylmäsi ja kylmää edelleen, kun se on niin täynnä samaa, ku tämän päivän paska.Ja jos katsoo tämän videon Orwellin 1984:stä - aika monet siinä mainitut asiat ovat tätä päivää diktatuureissa.
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Tonni soimaan. Soi muuten kauniisti. Ai että tuntuu hyvältä.Täältä osallistuttu myös![]()
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Tuntemattoman maan F35 Adir koneillako nämä tuhottiin?Näemmä käynyt tuntematon lentävä objekti kylässä
Vladimir Putin and speech.
@interfaxonline On October 27, Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the Valdai Discussion Club.
@oreshkins Another historic speech by the president is over, as are the historical answers to historical questions. And, as happens with historical things, we did not hear anything new.
@vizioner_rf He didn't say anything new again. The style of the speech was conciliatory, persuasive.
@skurlatovlive Rather boring and dull text. Assistants stuffed him, of course, with quotes from various figures, but the essence has not changed. This is not the speech of the Winner, but lamentation, irritation, emotions without a clear response to the challenges of the United States and China.
@a_nesmijan_longread Take any speech and make canned food out of it - it's almost indistinguishable, except for current contextual questions on today's events. The main distinguishing feature, by which one can unmistakably recognize Putin's speech, is the complete absence of even formal logic in what he says.
@abbasgallyamovpolitics The Russian people have a great definition: "Words are a sack, but deeds are an inch." Just about domestic politics.
@alexparkermedia All these thoughts about the multipolar world, the bad West and in general about the reorganization of the world are so ridiculous that it makes no sense to even discuss all this nonsense. First, practice on cats and deal with Ukraine.
@Za_DerjavyIt's not easy for the president, yes. There's nothing you can do - such a position. In such a position and in such a country, being a weak leader is unacceptable. Weakness is not forgiven either by the people or by enemies.
@rrharisov_live The main thing from Vladimir Putin's Valdai speech: there will be no termination of the NWO and no change in our positions.
@thegraschenkov The whole speech was a nod to the "peace party", no matter how its opponents tried to ambiguously interpret Putin's statements.
@BFMnews Putin: Any alternative point of view is declared in the West as subversive propaganda and a threat to democracy, everywhere they see the machinations of the Kremlin.
@bulbe_de_tronesIn my opinion, it was like this before the CBO in the brilliant performance of your friends. Now there are no alternative points of view at all, the entire West is preparing to bring down the Russian Federation, and even multipolar India and China have adopted a position of squeamish expectation.
@skurlatovlive Nobody wants to be friends with an economically weak country. For they are friends with the strong. Nobody canceled Darwin's laws. Therefore, the new laws of Vladimir Vladimirovich in the spirit of the cat Leopold, permeated with masochistic humanism at the expense of the lives of their own (Russian) people, have always been and will be unviable.
@kremlebezBashennikDmitry Drize: A year ago, Vladimir Putin (it's hard to imagine now) spoke with the newly minted Nobel laureate Dmitry Muratov (now a foreign agent). The discussions with Alexei Kudrin (the main Russian systemic liberal) are memorable... Now we see Fyodor Lukyanov and Alexander Andreevich Prokhanov sitting alone in the presidium.
@anatoly_nesmiyan What is painful in this situation is that a person who only looks back somewhere continues to lead the country. With such a set of complexes, resentments and constant digging in the past, there is no time to think about the future.
@zhivoffWhat was missing in the president's global philosophical speech? It was not enough and is still sorely lacking the image of the future for Russia itself. No one really answered the Russian person like that: why did they start all this for the sake of him personally ?!
@vizioner_rf Putin has a little of everything and nothing to the end. Putin is a man of the middle, he is always partly. Partial war. partial mobilization. partial justice. Partially fresh.
@wisedruidd Another highlight of the president's speech. Russia is not going to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, despite the fact that Kyiv is intensively preparing such provocations.
@rusbriefBiden: If Putin has no intentions, why does he keep talking about it (nuclear weapons)? Why does he talk about the ability to use tactical nuclear weapons?
@anatoly_nesmiyan It looks like a veiled label for Putin as a slob.
@chto_delat_2022 In 40 minutes of his speech at Valdai, Putin spoke 8 times about negotiations with the West. "Those who implement policy in Washington can very quickly solve the problem of Ukraine through diplomacy - they just need to send a signal."
@obrazbuduschego2 Putin openly declared his readiness for negotiations. The Pope is now negotiating with representatives of Washington and London, then he will call up VVP and Zelensky, on whom everything rests. Therefore, they do not touch the key nodes of the Ukrainian energy system.
@alexparkermedia Every mobilized should know that he is fighting for negotiations with the Kiev regime, which must be influenced by the West. So we will win.
@radiogovoritmskVladimir Putin: They took Soleimani, they killed an Iranian general. They killed and said yes, we killed. What is it in general?
@rian_ru Putin: This is an official of another state...
@alexparkermedia If anyone is interested in the question why the Russian Federation does not destroy Ukrainian generals, deputies, ministers, then the answer is in this video.
@vizioner_rf Fedor Lukyanov - What is the plan of the NWO, the society does not really understand. What's the plan? Putin - The plan and goal has always been the same - to help the residents of Donbass. Everyone is silent - (But what about the denazification, demilitarization and desatanization of Ukraine?)
@alexparkermedia Again, only the goal of liberating Donbass is declared. Where did denazification and demilitarization go? Everything? Bobby is dead.
@KremlinPeresmeshnikFurther escalation is already leading to a dead end and is more likely to strengthen negotiating positions, otherwise everything would not have been done openly and with the involvement of diplomatic resources in order to preserve the ability to defuse the situation through dialogue.
@rusbrief Kadyrov: I'm wondering: nobody cares how Lapin got a star for taking Lisichansk, which he wasn't even in? No one is interested in how he managed to pass the Red Estuary and why there was no check?
@regnum_naAccording to the Chechen leader, the situation needs to be urgently changed, tactical and personnel changes are needed. “Something needs to be done about this before we lose the guys and recaptured villages. As Yevgeny Viktorovich [Prigozhin] rightly noted, tactical and personnel changes are needed. Now, not tomorrow."
@obrazbuduschego2 Ramzan Kadyrov's indignation is quite understandable. Lapin does not get in touch with Kadyrov on Gerasimov's orders.
@vizioner_rf Kadyrov, relying on E.Prigozhin, decided to put pressure on at least the commander of the Russian grouping of troops in Ukraine "Center", Colonel-General A.Lapin, since it is not possible to further move his leadership - the Chief of the General Staff close to Lapin Gerasimov and Shoigu.
@a_nesmijan_longreadThe triumvirate of Kadyrov-Prigozhin-Surovikin (there are certain questions with the latter: is he a player in this team or just a hired temporary performer) from the army clearly does not feel any particular threat.
@bulbe_de_trones Medvedev: “We must recognize the legitimacy of Russia's demands within the framework of the NWO and its results, reflected in our Constitution. And then the light (in Kyiv) will get better…” That is, the most incredible, optimistic scenario of the post-war world is the current territorial acquisitions.
@gramotyyaroslavaIt would be good to understand exactly how the motivation of those mobilized and those who remained in the rear is influenced by the simple fact that none of the authors of numerous and blatant fakups, the results of which were huge losses and the army's complete loss of the reputation of being "second in the world", suffered public punishment.
@skurlatovlive The tension of the fighters and commanders of Russian military units, judging by my personal conversations with them, is growing in Ukraine. Perplexity with the strategy and tactics of the war begins to develop into disappointment and hatred. The Kremlin got involved in dangerous games.
Onko nykyään edes olemassa mitään IR-hakeutuvia PST-ohjuksia? Miten ne edes toimisivat taistelukentällä missä on lämmönlähteitä ihan riittämiin palavista ryssistä palaviin taloihin ja räjähteleviin ajoneuvoihin?!Mitähän asetta vastaan tämän ajatellaan toimivan? NLAW ja Stugna-P ovat ihmisen ohjaamia, joten niiden harhauttamiseen tuon ei pitäisi ainakaan toimia. Javelin käyttää jotain älykästä systeemiä itsenäiseen kohteeseen hakeutumiseen ja kai lämpökameraa, mutta se kai hakeutuu oikean näköistä kuvaa kohti, ei vain tyhmästi sitä kohden, mikä on suurin lämmönlähde (kuten kai it-ohjukset tekee).
Olisin siis yllättynyt, jos tuo viritelmä voisi edes teoriassa toimia missään olosuhteissa.
Oliko niin että BONUS käytti IR:ää?Onko nykyään edes olemassa mitään IR-hakeutuvia PST-ohjuksia? Miten ne edes toimisivat taistelukentällä missä on lämmönlähteitä ihan riittämiin palavista ryssistä palaviin taloihin ja räjähteleviin ajoneuvoihin?!
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