Puolalainen juoruilee että Ukrainalla voisi olla joku EW-laite käytössä. Mahdollisesti, jos tulkitsen kirjoitusta oikein, voisi jopa olla ryssän oma johon "fiksut tyypit" olisivat tehneet tarvittavia muutoksia, mahdollisesti "ystävien" avustamana. Juoruilun mukaan olisi jopa sellainen joka purisi Kalibr-risteilyohjuksiin - jos siis sattuvat lentämään siten että tulevat laitteen / laitteiden kantamalle.
Tämä on hieman vekkulisti kirjoitettu, kuten käännöksestä näkyy eikä ole varmuutta voiko tähän luottaa. Jaroslaw Wolski linkitti tämän tänään joten ei ole välttämättä ihan perätöntä höpinää:
So you say there are problems with electricity in Ukraine? Well, please, and it does not prevent certain "cookers" from working at all. What is going on? Well, into the tender embrace of muddy chernozem began to fall mines. 3M54 (Kalibr cruise missiles), in which electronics are fed to the table well done.
The piquancy of the dish is added by the fact that some of these "cookers" were in stock until recently, bringing peace and freedom to the oppressed proletariat of the Red Army .... return to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Their use, not quite according to the original owner's intention, on the one hand, it is due to the crazy and professional actions of the Ukrainian Special Forces, and on the other hand, to the hard work of "a couple of smart guys" among whom the attentive eye also noticed fans of bigos, hamburgers, tea with milk (yuck…) and… definitely tanned, for the prevailing weather, amateurs of Mediterranean cuisine…
You will probably ask, why do all the rockets or other Shaheds not fall like that, but do damage to the Ukrainian infrastructure? Well, "the laws of physics you don't you will deceive."
First of all, there are far too few of these "kitchens".
Secondly, the scope of their operation is very limited, and their use is subject to numerous restrictions.
Certainly, this is not an element that could replace the classic anti-aircraft defense at the moment missile defense, but it is an interesting complement to it.
With this nice accent on the jubilee of 300 days of the "three-day special military operation", I leave my dear readers, returning to the main course in the form of a prepared text