Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Olisi myös mukava tietää, mitä nämä kaksi euroeunukkia Marcon ja Scholz miettivät tällä hetkellä 🤔... Olisiko aika jo ryhdistäytyä yhteiseen rintamaan ryssää vastaan vai jatkuuko yhä viime viikkoiset puheet Venäjän turvallisuushuolien ymmärtämisestä ja muusta tyhjän päiväisestä paskasta. Luulenpa vaan, että venkoilu jatkuu, ja ei uskalleta tunnustaa tosiasioita vasta kun pakon edessä, jos silloinkaan...

Pekka Toverilla taas hyviä kannanottoja:

Shoigun ja Putinin eilisistä puheista muutama havainto. Putin lupasi asevoimille kaikki tarvittavat resurssit. Huomioiden talouden ja energiatulojen heikkeneminen ja sodan kulut, ei tiedä hyvää venäläisten koulutukselle, terveydenhuollolle ja monille muille asioille.
Shoigu ilmoitti, että joukkoja kasvatetaan 30%, perustetaan maavoimiin, merijalkaväkeen ja maahanlaskujoukkoihin armeijakunta ja 10 uutta divisioonaa sekä muutetaan 12 prikaatia divisiooniksi. Ilmavoimiin kolme uutta divisioonaa, lähinnä pommittajia, jne.
Aloitetaan henkilöstöstä. Taustalla kannattaa muistaa, että Venäjä on 2 vuosikymmentä yrittänyt luoda miljoonan sotilaan ammattiarmeijaa ja epäonnistunut siinä, siksi edelleen varusmiespalvelus käytössä. Tästä huolimatta ei päästy miljoonan vahvuuteen.
Uusia divisioonia ja prikaateja on perustettu yli 10 viimeisen 10 v aikana. Ne kaikki ovat olleet alle 50% vahvuudessa, vaikka divisioonat organisoitiin pienemmiksi kuin NL:n aikoina. Siksi siirryttiin pataljoonien taisteluosastojen käyttöön, mitkä eivät toimineet sodassa.
Nyt pitäisi rekrytoida lisää satoja tuhansia sopimussotilaita. Rekrytointia helpottaa, että Putin romahduttaa Venäjän talouden, jolloin rekrytoitavia tulee lisää tarjolle. Lisäksi tarvittaisiin kuitenkin kymmeniä tuhansia upseereita, joiden kouluttaminen kestää vuosia.
Lisäksi tarvitaan paljon lisää infraa. Eli uusien divisioonien perustaminen kestää vuosia, ja ne jäävät tn silti pääosin runkokokoonpanossa oleviksi Potemkinin kulisseiksi. Hyvä reservi ja lkp-järjestelmä auttaisi, mutta sellaisen luomisesta ei ole puhuttu.
Sitten kalusto. Shoigun väite 2021, että 70% asevoimien kalustosta on uutta tai uuden veroista, on osoittautunut valeeksi. Panssareista vajaat puolet on modernisoitu edes auttavasti. Kenttäviestijärjestelmät ja maastouttamisvälineet puuttuvat jne.
Pelkästään jo kärsittyjen maavoimien kalustotappioiden korvaaminen kestää 5-10 vuotta, ja nyt tarvittaisiin paljon lisäkalustoa.
Lisäksi tarvitaan uuden sukupolven teknologiaa, koska osa kalustosta on osoittautunut toimimattomaksi ja alivoimaiseksi länsimaihin verrattuna.
Sotateollisuuden tuotantokyky pitäisi moninkertaistaa ja tuotantoa osin nykyaikaistaa. Ei helppoa, koska ovat täysin riippuvaisia länsimaisista komponenteista ja tuotantovälineistöstä. Teknologisesti ovat valtaosin selvästi länttä jäljessä.
Tehoton sotateollisuus kilpailee samasta työvoimasta asevoimien kanssa. Osa parhaasta tutkimus- ja kehittämisväestä on jo jättänyt maan ja aivovuoto vain kiihtyy. Ja loputon korruptio ja varastaminen syö tehoa investoinneista.

Putin on kuitenkin päättänyt siirtää Venäjän sotajalalle, joten investointeja tullaan tekemään ja asevelvollisuutta ja rekrytointia laajentamaan. Kaikki tämä merkitsee tosiaan huonoja aikoja siviiliyhteiskunnalle, jonka rappeutuminen kiihtyy etenkin syrjäseuduilla.
Venäjän asevoimien kyvyn nousuun menee vuosia ellei vuosikymmeniä, ja se jää vähäisemmäksi kuin uhotaan. Jonkin verran se tulee lähialueillamme kuitenkin nousemaan. Venäjä säilyy kuitenkin Suomelle pitkän tähtäimen sotilaallisena uhkana, johon Nato-jäsenyys tuo helpotusta.

Lainaan spoilerin taakse molemmat puheet jos haluaa lukea sanasta sanaan mitä sanoivat (Google Translate käännökset):


Vladimir Putin: Dear comrades!

We meet at the annual board of the Ministry of Defense at a very important period in the life of the country. A special military operation is underway, and today, taking into account the experience gained in combat operations, we will discuss key areas for the development of the army and navy.

First of all, I want to convey my most sincere words of gratitude to our soldiers and officers who are now on the front lines or in personnel training centers. All of them fulfill their military duty with dignity, risk their lives, spare no effort, and if necessary, cover their fellow soldiers with themselves.

And of course, today we must honor the memory of all our comrades-in-arms who gave their lives for their Motherland.

(A minute of silence.)

Dear members of the board!

It is well known that today the military potential and capabilities of almost all major NATO countries are being actively used against Russia.

Nevertheless, our soldiers, sergeants and officers are fighting for Russia courageously and steadfastly, confidently, step by step they solve their tasks. And these tasks will, of course, be fulfilled in all territories of the Russian Federation, including new territories, and the safe life of all our citizens will be ensured. The combat capabilities of our Armed Forces are constantly increasing day by day, and we will certainly step up this process.

I would like to once again thank all those who are fulfilling their duty in combat duty today. I thank tankers, paratroopers, artillerymen, motorized riflemen, sappers, signalmen, pilots, special forces and air defense soldiers, sailors, military topographers, logistic support specialists, personnel of the Russian Guard and other formations for the way you fight. You fight - I, you know, I'm not afraid of these comparisons, these are not grandiloquent words - just like the heroes of the war of 1812, the First World War or the Great Patriotic War.

Special words for military doctors who bravely, often at the risk of their own lives, save our soldiers. Both the military and civilian builders - for the creation of fortifications, vital infrastructure in the areas of the operation, for assistance in the restoration of civilian facilities in the liberated territories.

At the same time, the hostilities, of course, also highlighted issues on which, as they say in such cases, we should work especially. Including those that we have discussed more than once. I mean communications, automated command and control systems for troops and weapons, counter-battery tactics, target designation, and so on.

This is the combat experience that we must and will use in the further construction and development of the Armed Forces.

Today, our task is to implement the entire necessary set of measures for the qualitative renewal and improvement of the Armed Forces.

What would you like to pay special attention to?

We are well aware of all the information about NATO forces and means that are actively used in the course of a special military operation and countering us. You have all this, and all this should be carefully analyzed and used to build our, as I said, Armed Forces, to increase the combat capabilities of our troops, as well as domestic special services.

Huge combat experience was gained by our units during this special operation.

The task of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, as I said, is to carefully analyze this experience, systematize it as quickly as possible and include it in programs and plans for training personnel, training troops in general and supplying the necessary equipment to the troops.

In addition, the experience of a special military operation, as well as the practice gained by our troops in Syria, should, as I have already said, become the basis for a serious improvement in combat training, including being used in the preparation and conduct of exercises and training at all levels.

In turn, officers and sergeants who have proven themselves in the course of a special military operation should be promoted to new command positions as a priority, be the first personnel reserve when entering military universities and academies, including the General Staff Academy.

Secondly, I draw the attention of the Government, the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and other departments to the need to work in the closest contact with each other within the framework of a specially created structure - the Coordinating Council. Including with the heads of regions and representatives of the military-industrial complex.

I also expect that our designers and engineers will continue the practice of going to the front line. I want to express my gratitude to them for this, they regularly visit there, make the necessary adjustments to the work of the equipment. I hope that this practice will be continued in order to test the tactical and technical characteristics of weapons and equipment in real combat conditions, and, as I said, to improve them.

In general, substantive work is needed with the relevant ministries and departments. We see what works brilliantly and what needs improvement. Engineers see, technicians, scientists. And this whole machine works. When I said that we are improving and will continue to improve our weapons and equipment, I had in mind this process as well. The Military-Industrial Commission should become the headquarters of interaction between the defense industry, science and the Armed Forces to solve the most urgent and promising tasks, including, and above all, the logistics of the troops: I mean equipment, ammunition, and so on.

Third, we will continue to maintain the combat readiness and improve the combat readiness of the nuclear triad. This is the main guarantee of preserving our sovereignty and territorial integrity, strategic parity, and the overall balance of power in the world.

This year, the level of modern weapons in the strategic nuclear forces has already exceeded 91 percent. The re-equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces regiments with a modern missile system with the Avangard hypersonic warhead continues.

In the near future, Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles will be put on combat duty for the first time. We know that there is some movement to the right [in time], this does not change our plans, everything will be implemented. The troops continue to receive Yars missile systems. We will continue the development of hypersonic missile systems that are unique in their characteristics and have no analogues in the world. In early January next year, the frigate Admiral Gorshkov of the Fleet of the Soviet Union will enter combat service with the latest, I repeat once again, sea-based hypersonic missile systems Zirkon, which have no analogues in the world.

We will continue to equip our strategic forces with the latest types of weapons. I repeat, all the plans outlined will certainly be fulfilled.

Further, it is important to increase the combat capabilities of the Aerospace Forces, including the number of fighters and bombers when they operate in the coverage area of modern air defense systems.

An urgent task is to improve unmanned aerial vehicles, including strategic and reconnaissance-strike, as well as ways to use them. The experience of a special military operation has shown that the use of drones has become almost universal, and such an arsenal of means should be in combat squads, platoons, companies, battalions. The target should be detected as quickly as possible, and information should be transmitted to strike in real time.

Unmanned aerial vehicles must be linked to each other, integrated into a single reconnaissance network, and have secure communication channels with headquarters and commanders. Already in the near future, every fighter should have the opportunity to receive information transmitted from drones. This is what we need to go for, this is what we need to strive for. Technically, this can be implemented in the very near future, practically already now. I ask you to pay special attention to this when finalizing the entire complex of equipment and tactical equipment of personnel.

We know that there can be no small things on the battlefield, so we need to pay special attention - I know that the Ministry [of Defense] is doing this, nevertheless I want to emphasize it again: first-aid kits, food, dry rations, uniforms, shoes , protective helmets, body armor - everything should be at the most modern and high level. It is necessary to saturate the troops with night vision devices, high-quality sights, and new generation sniper rifles. I will not list everything, but I will say the main thing: everything a fighter needs should be modern, convenient and reliable, and the supply should be based on real needs. If some departmental regulations are outdated, they need to be changed - quickly.

I want to draw the attention of the Minister of Defense, the Chief of the General Staff, and all the commanders who are represented here. We have no funding restrictions. The country, the Government give everything that the army asks for, everything. I hope that the answer will be properly formulated and the corresponding results will be achieved.

Returning to the subject of UAVs, I would like to note that we have good experience in developing unique underwater UAVs. I know that the industry has every opportunity to create a wide range of air and ground unmanned vehicles with the best, high performance characteristics, including elements of artificial intelligence. In addition, we will generally need to work out the issues of expanding the arsenals of modern strike weapons.

Fifth, it is necessary to improve the command and control system in order to ensure the stability and efficiency of command and control in any conditions. To do this, more actively use artificial intelligence technologies at all levels of decision-making. As experience shows, including recent months, the most effective weapons systems are those that operate quickly and almost automatically.

Further, the partial mobilization carried out revealed certain problems, it is well known to everyone, which should be promptly addressed. I know that the necessary measures are being taken, but we still need to pay attention to this and build this system in a modern way. First of all, it is necessary to modernize the system of military commissariats. This concerns the digitalization of databases, interaction with local and regional authorities. Updates require a system of organization of civil and territorial defense, interaction with industry. In particular, it is necessary to improve the system of accumulation and storage of weapons, military equipment, material resources for the deployment of units and formations for mobilization.

As is known, 300,000 people have been drafted into the ranks of the Armed Forces. Some of them are already in the war zone. As reported by the Minister of Defense, Chief of the General Staff, 150,000 people are being trained at military training grounds, and this is a sufficient reserve for conducting an operation. This is practically a strategic reserve, which is not used in hostilities today, but people undergo the necessary training there.

Dear colleagues!

I want to sincerely thank our citizens who, at the call of their hearts, help the Armed Forces, send cars, additional equipment, equipment, warm clothes to the front lines, send letters and gifts to the wounded to hospitals. Even if the Ministry of Defense provides everything necessary in some segment, you still need to say a big thank you to people for this and bow low.

I ask the Ministry of Defense to be attentive to all civilian initiatives, including taking into account criticism and responding to it correctly and in a timely manner. It is clear that the reaction of people who see problems, and problems in such a large, complex work, of course, always appear, such a reaction can be emotional. But one must, of course, hear those who do not hush up the existing problems, but seek to contribute to their solution.

I am sure that the Ministry of Defense will be in constant dialogue with people. The unity, as we know, of the army and the people has always been our strength - and so it is today.

Let's move on to the reports. Please give the floor to the Minister of Defense.

Thank you for your attention.
Jatkoa edelliseen:


Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief!

I will start my report with a special military operation.

Today, in Ukraine, Russian military personnel are being countered by the combined forces of the West.

The United States and its allies are pumping weapons into the Kyiv regime, training military personnel, providing intelligence, sending advisers and mercenaries, and waging an information and sanctions war against us.

The Ukrainian leadership resorts to prohibited methods of confrontation, including terrorist attacks and contract killings, shelling civilians with heavy weapons. Western countries try to ignore all this, as well as elements of nuclear blackmail, for example, provocations against the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant and scenarios for preparing the so-called dirty nuclear bomb.

It is clear that the current situation is beneficial primarily to the United States, which seeks to use it to maintain global dominance and weaken other countries, including their allies in Europe.

Of particular concern is the build-up of NATO's forward presence near the borders of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, as well as the desire of the West to prolong military operations in Ukraine as much as possible in order to weaken our country.

After the revelations of Mrs. Merkel, Poroshenko and other politicians about the true goals of the Minsk agreements, it became obvious to everyone that Russia was not the source of the conflict in Ukraine. The reason is the coup d'etat in Kyiv financed by the West in 2014, which brought anti-Russian forces to power and divided the fraternal peoples. This provoked an armed confrontation in the Donbass.

We are taking action to save the population from genocide and terror. Russia is always open to constructive peace talks.

Russian troops continue to destroy military targets, inflict massive high-precision strikes on the military command and control system, enterprises of the military-industrial complex and related facilities, including energy. The supply chain of foreign weapons is being destroyed, the military potential of Ukraine is being crushed.

At the same time, exhaustive measures are being taken to exclude the death of the civilian population.

As a result, the armed forces of Ukraine suffered significant losses. A significant part of the weapons and equipment available at the beginning of the operation was destroyed.

To compensate for the losses, the United States and NATO countries increased military assistance to the Kyiv regime at times. Twenty-seven countries have already spent $97 billion on arms supplies to Ukraine, which is much more than the Americans abandoned in Afghanistan. Some of it is in the hands of terrorists and is spreading all over the world. It is not known in whose hands weapons from Ukraine will end up tomorrow.

It should be noted that NATO staff officers, artillerymen and other specialists are in the combat zone.

More than 500 US and NATO spacecraft operate in the interests of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, of which over 70 are military, the rest are dual-use.

The United States and its allies spend significant amounts of money on providing information and psychological impact on Russia and our allies. We fully understood what the supposedly "free Western press" is. Every day, on command from Washington, thousands of fakes about events in Ukraine are published according to the same templates. Hundreds of television agencies, tens of thousands of print media, media resources on social networks and instant messengers work for this.

The height of cynicism is the total silence of the Western media about the war crimes of the Ukrainian military. At the same time, the glorification of the Kyiv criminal regime and neo-Nazis is taking place. The terrorist methods of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are presented as legitimate self-defense or are presented as the actions of Russian units. Ukrainian nationalists took on the role of detachments. Every day we receive data on executions of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who evade combat missions.

To stabilize the situation, protect new territories and carry out further offensive actions, it was necessary to increase the combat and numerical strength of our troops' groupings.

For these purposes, a partial mobilization was carried out. It has become a criterion for the maturity of Russian society, a serious test for the country and the Armed Forces.

Mobilization plans have not been put into effect since the Great Patriotic War. The system of mobilization training itself was not fully adapted to the new economic relations.

Therefore, with the beginning of partial mobilization, we encountered difficulties in alerting and calling up citizens who were in reserve.

All shortcomings had to be corrected on the go. In the shortest possible time, changes were made to the organizational and staffing structures of military command and control bodies, formations and units.

Urgent measures were taken to improve all types of support.

Partial mobilization measures were completed in a timely manner and in full. 300,000 reserve citizens were called up for military service.

An important role in this was played by the consolidated work of federal and regional government bodies.

I will especially note the active civic stand of the Russians. Without waiting for summonses, more than 20 thousand people entered the troops as volunteers.

To support the country's economy, more than 830,000 citizens were exempted from conscription, working at enterprises of the military-industrial complex and in a number of other socially significant areas that ensure the life of the state.

Thanks to the decisions taken by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the mobilized citizens received the same benefits and guarantees as contract servicemen.

With the mobilized military personnel, preparations for combat operations were organized - from the development of individual skills to combat coordination as part of units.

A huge burden fell on the military-political bodies. This confirmed the correctness of the decision taken in 2018 to create them. At the same time, much remains to be done to ensure that they fully ensure the readiness of personnel to perform combat missions.

In general, partial mobilization made it possible to increase the combat capabilities of the troops and intensify combat operations.

The troops liberated the territory 5 times larger than that which the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics occupied until February 24.

At the end of May, the large industrial center of Mariupol was completely cleared of the Nazis by Russian troops. The city was turned by the Kyiv regime into a powerful fortified area, the core of which was the industrial zone of the Azovstal plant.

As a result of the successful actions of the units of the Russian Armed Forces and the Donetsk People's Militia, more than 4 thousand militants were destroyed, two and a half thousand (2439) Azov nationalists and military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine laid down their arms and surrendered.

A peaceful life is being established.

Today, the ports in Berdyansk and Mariupol are fully functioning. We plan to deploy in them the points of basing of support vessels, emergency rescue services and ship repair units of the Navy.

The Sea of Azov has again become the inland sea of Russia, as it has been for three hundred years of the history of our country.

Overland communication with the Crimea by rail and road has been resumed.

Railway traffic with Donbass is being restored.

Cargo has been delivered to Mariupol, Berdyansk and other liberated settlements for several months now.

The establishment of control over the North Crimean Canal made it possible to restore the water supply of the Crimean peninsula, which had been absent for 8 years due to the water and energy blockade.

Russian servicemen during a special military operation show courage, resilience and selflessness.

Over 100 thousand people were awarded state awards, 120 of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

During the special operation, more than 250,000 servicemen gained combat experience.

Today, the Russian Armed Forces are actively involved in establishing a peaceful life in the liberated territories. More than 27,000 hectares of territory have been demined.

In Mariupol, military builders built 12 residential buildings. The construction of six more houses, a kindergarten and a school is underway.

In Lugansk and Mariupol, two multifunctional medical centers with the most modern equipment with a capacity of 260 beds were built in record time.

A lot of work is being done to restore the water supply of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. Conduits with a total length of more than 200 km have been built. They provided water for more than 1 million 500 thousand people. The construction of a 194-kilometer water conduit from the Don River is underway, which is guaranteed to provide water supply to Donetsk.

In general, the special military operation demonstrated the high professionalism of commanders, commanders, headquarters of all levels of government, as well as the readiness of servicemen to perform the most difficult combat missions.

Our samples of weapons and military equipment have confirmed exceptional reliability and efficiency.

A special military operation provides a unique opportunity to analyze modern methods of carrying out interspecific operations, the forces and means used in this case to be taken into account in plans for improving the Armed Forces.

The leadership of the country and the Armed Forces received unprecedented support from Russian citizens. This clearly shows the unity of the army and society.

This year the Ministry of Defense has solved and continues to solve a number of other important tasks.

At the beginning of the year, together with the CSTO countries, they carried out an operation to stabilize the situation in Kazakhstan. They did not allow a color revolution in this country.

Russian groupings of troops remain the main guarantor of maintaining peace in Syria and Nagorno-Karabakh. During the year, humanitarian actions were carried out, demining, and medical assistance was provided to the population.

Our nuclear triad is maintained at a level that allows us to guarantee strategic deterrence.

The high combat readiness of strategic nuclear forces is ensured by an unprecedented level of modernity, brought to 91.3%.

The Strategic Missile Forces have completed the re-equipment of two missile regiments with the Yars mobile ground-based missile system.

Another missile regiment, equipped with the Avangard missile system with a hypersonic glide wing, has taken up combat duty.

Successful launches of a new heavy missile of the Sarmat missile system during state tests made it possible to begin work on its deployment.

The aviation strategic nuclear forces were replenished with the Tu-160m strategic missile carrier and the Tu-95ms aircraft.

This year, 73 air patrols have been conducted, two of them jointly with the People's Liberation Army of China.

Nuclear-powered missile submarines carry out planned combat service in designated areas of the World Ocean.

Another nuclear submarine of the Borey-A project, Generalissimo Suvorov, armed with Bulava ballistic missiles, has been accepted into the Navy.

The increase in the combat capabilities of the branches and arms of the Armed Forces continued.

In the Aerospace Forces, the Unified Space System was further developed. The sixth Kupol spacecraft was launched, which allows for continuous monitoring of missile-prone areas in the Northern Hemisphere.

Training aviation is systematically developing. Flight time of cadets increased by more than a third due to the receipt of new types of training aircraft.

This year saw the first graduation of women military pilots. More than half of the graduates completed their studies with honors.

The Navy received the most modern submarine, six surface ships, three combat boats, 11 support vessels and boats, as well as two coastal missile systems.

Serial deliveries of the Tsirkon sea-based hypersonic missile have begun. At the final stage is the preparation of the frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" with hypersonic missiles on board for combat service in an unplanned area of the oceans.

The most important feature of the implementation of the state defense order in 2022 was the provision of weapons and equipment for groupings of troops that solve problems in a special military operation. In order to build up their combat capabilities, deliveries of the most popular samples were postponed from 2024–2025 to 2023.

In order to optimize the supply of weapons, a ten-day schedule has been formed. Control over its implementation is carried out by a joint operational group of the Ministry of Defense, the Military-Industrial Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and organizations of the defense industry.

The amount of financial resources provided for in 2022, taking into account the additional supply of weapons and equipment, made it possible to increase the number of basic models sent to the troops by 30%, ammunition for rocket and artillery weapons and aviation weapons - from 69 to - 109%.

At the same time, the level of fulfillment of the State Defense Order tasks for the main samples was 91%.

In 2022, all planned operational and combat training activities were completed, including 14 international exercises at various levels.

At the beginning of the year, a series of large-scale naval exercises were held, during which the tasks of countering Russian military threats from sea and ocean directions were worked out.

The final event of the military service was the strategic command and staff exercise "Vostok-2022".

It was attended by more than 51 thousand military personnel, including from the armed forces of 14 foreign states. A feature of the exercise was the creation of an international grouping of troops to solve joint tasks.

The exercise demonstrated the ability of the created interspecific groupings to effectively carry out tasks to ensure regional security.

During a special exercise, the strategic nuclear forces successfully worked out the tasks of delivering a massive nuclear strike in response to the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy.

An Arctic expedition was carried out in the eastern sector of the Arctic and on the Chukotka Peninsula. A complex of training and combat activities, research and experiments have been completed. All types of weapons have confirmed their technical characteristics in arctic conditions.

Despite the attempts of the collective West to isolate Russia, we continue to expand the geography of international military and military-technical cooperation.

The Ministry of Defense is developing relations with the armed forces of 109 states in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.

This year, 350 significant international events were held.

The International Army Games have become one of the main events of joint training with the armies of foreign states. More than 5,300 servicemen from 34 countries participated in the games. The Games, held in 12 countries, were attended by over three million people.

Over the eight years of the Games, 80 training grounds have been modernized, the training and material base of which is actively used for combat training of units.

The annual forum "ARMY" contributed to the strengthening of international military-technical cooperation. It was attended by delegations from 85 foreign countries, and the number of visitors amounted to almost two million people.

At the forum, 36 state contracts were concluded with defense industry enterprises for a total amount of more than 525 billion rubles.

The Forum is an effective and dynamically developing project, which in terms of its performance significantly outperforms similar world's leading exhibition venues.

In August, the Tenth Moscow Conference on International Security was held, which was attended by over 700 delegates from 70 countries. This is the largest military-political event in the world in terms of participants.

This year the 1st International Anti-Fascist Congress was held. It was attended by statesmen and public figures, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, nine delegations of foreign states and military attachés from 26 countries. The forum participants unconditionally condemned any manifestations of fascism, neo-Nazism and chauvinism in the modern world.

The Congress is planned to be held annually.

Our higher military school is one of the best in the world. Students and cadets from 55 states study at the universities of the Ministry of Defense, which exceeds the Soviet era.

From September 1, 2023, the network of educational institutions of the Armed Forces will be replenished with the Donetsk Higher Military Combined Arms Command School.

The development of the network of pre-university educational organizations of the Ministry of Defense continues.

By September 1 next year, we will open a new Suvorov military school in Irkutsk.

Together with the authorities, work has been organized to create a Federal Agency for Work with Veterans. This will make it possible to centralize and make the system of social protection of military veterans more effective.

Thank you, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, for supporting this initiative.

Housing conditions have been resolved for 49,000 families of military personnel, and 100,000 people receive compensation for housing sub-rent.

We pay great attention to the development of military medicine.

Thanks to ongoing therapeutic and preventive measures for 10 years, the overall incidence in the Armed Forces has decreased by 1.5 times.

The number of military medical organizations providing high-tech medical care has tripled, and the range of services they provide has doubled. The number of patients who received this type of assistance amounted to more than 28 thousand people.

Military medics showed themselves especially well during a special military operation. First aid is provided within 10 minutes. The wounded get to medical units within 1 hour, and to military hospitals - within the first day.

Achieved low mortality at the stages of evacuation of the wounded. In the hospital link, mortality was less than half a percent.

This is the lowest figure in the history of military medicine.

In accordance with your instruction, the implementation of the military healthcare modernization program for the period up to 2027 has begun.

A new modern military hospital with 150 beds has been opened in Kazan. Nine new military hospitals are being built in Ryazan, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod, Kaspiysk, Sevastopol, Mirny and Vladikavkaz.

The construction of a health-improving and medical center has been completed at the unique balneological resort in Kamchatka.

The Ministry of Defense has organized a systematic fight against a new coronavirus infection. During the sixth wave, an outbreak of the disease was not allowed.

As for the military construction complex.

All plans have been fulfilled, more than 3 thousand buildings and structures have been built.

The main attention is paid to the development of infrastructure for strategic nuclear forces. This year, 650 high-tech facilities were built for them, including for the placement of the Avangard, Yars and Sarmat missile systems.

The Northern Fleet put into operation coastal energy and social infrastructure facilities in Gadzhiyevo.

A berthing front with a length of 1,154 meters was put into operation at the base of the Caspian Flotilla, and the construction of another berth was completed.

As part of the development of the basing system for aviation of the Armed Forces, infrastructure facilities were reconstructed at 15 airfields to receive all modern types of aviation equipment.

Arrangement of military camps was carried out in a planned manner. The construction of 625 buildings and structures of the park and barracks-housing zones has been completed.

In accordance with your instruction, units of the railway troops continue the reconstruction of the BAM at the Ulak-Fevralsk section, 339 kilometers long.

About 3 million cubic meters of earthworks have already been completed, which is more than half of the planned figures.

The Ministry of Defense has implemented major patriotic and cultural projects.

Military parades were held in 28 cities. Traditionally, the Main Naval Parade took place.

In accordance with your instructions, the Saur-Mogila memorial complex, which is significant for the whole country, has been restored in 90 days. The Eternal Flame burns again on the mound.

Systematic work on the military-patriotic education of youth continued. Its core is the UNARMIA movement, which has already covered all regions of Russia and united more than 1 million 251 thousand children and adolescents.

In cooperation with the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, work continued on the development of a network of educational and methodological centers for the military-patriotic education of young people "Avangard". In 2022, 20 regional centers and 25 in cities with a population of over 100,000 people will be opened.

In total, more than 150,000 high school students have been trained in 88 Avangard centers.

We believe that the creation of such centers should become the basis of initial military training and the system of military-patriotic education of youth in the country.

Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief! In general, all the tasks set for 2022 have been fulfilled by the Armed Forces. Their combat capabilities increased by more than 13%. A given level of maintaining the country's defense capability has been provided.

Measures to strengthen the security of the Russian Federation

Given NATO's desire to build up military potential near the Russian borders, as well as to expand the North Atlantic Alliance through Finland and Sweden, response measures are required to create an appropriate grouping of troops in northwestern Russia.

When recruiting the Armed Forces, gradually increase the age of conscription of citizens from 18 to 21 years, and raise the limit to 30 years. To ensure the possibility, at the request of citizens, to enter military service under a contract from the first day of joining the service.

Create two interspecific strategic territorial associations of the Armed Forces - the Moscow and Leningrad military districts.

To continue improving the composition and structure of the services of the Armed Forces, to increase the responsibility of the main commands for the training and employment of formations and formations.

To form three motorized rifle divisions, including as part of combined arms formations in the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, as well as an army corps in Karelia.

Reorganize into motorized rifle divisions seven motorized rifle brigades in the Western, Central, Eastern military districts and in the Northern Fleet.

In the Airborne Forces, it is necessary to additionally form two airborne assault divisions.

For each combined-arms (tank) army, maintain a mixed aviation division and an army aviation brigade, numbering 80-100 combat helicopters.

In addition, to additionally form three directorates of aviation divisions, eight bomber aviation regiments, one fighter aviation regiment, and six army aviation brigades.

To create an artillery reserve in strategic directions, form five artillery divisions of military districts, as well as high-capacity artillery brigades.

In the coastal troops of the Navy, on the basis of the existing marine brigades, form five divisions of the marine corps.

In order to guarantee the solution of the tasks of ensuring the military security of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to increase the number of the Armed Forces to one and a half million military personnel, including 695 thousand military personnel under contract.

The transition to outsourcing in 2008-2012 led to the practical destruction of military repair bodies, which negatively affected the serviceability of weapons and equipment. Since 2012, measures have been taken to recreate them. The special military operation showed the need for a further build-up of repair and restoration organs in the troops.

Next year, three repair plants will be formed and repair units at the military level will be strengthened.

In the military commissariats to introduce a federal state civil service with an increase in the number of military posts in them.

Complete the digital transformation of military registration and enlistment offices.

Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief!

With your consent, the approaches outlined will be included in the plans for the development of the Armed Forces in the prescribed manner.

Priority tasks for 2023

Continue conducting a special military operation until the tasks are fully completed.

Russian groupings of troops and forces to ensure the preservation of peace and stability in Nagorno-Karabakh and Syria.

Fully implement a set of operational and combat training measures with an emphasis on the threats associated with the further expansion of NATO to the East.

Prepare and conduct maneuvers of troops (forces) "West-2023".

Put on combat duty in the Strategic Missile Forces 22 launchers with intercontinental ballistic missiles "Yars", "Avangard" and "Sarmat".

To accept three Tu-160m strategic missile carriers into the aviation strategic nuclear forces.

To take into the fleet the nuclear submarine of the Borey-A project Imperator Alexander III, as well as four submarines and 12 surface ships.

To increase the supply of high-precision hypersonic missile systems Kinzhal and Zirkon. Continue work on other promising samples.

To increase the number of military personnel under the contract, taking into account the replacement of mobilized citizens in the groupings of troops and the recruitment of new formations, by the end of the year, to 521,000 people.

Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief!

In accordance with your instructions, the course towards progressive development of the Armed Forces and enhancement of their combat capabilities will continue next year.

We will discuss in detail the results of the activities during the closed part of the meeting of the Collegium.

The report is finished.

Arvio, että W:lla on 50 000 ukkoa poteroissa, joista 10 000 sopimussotilaita ja loput 40 000 vankeja. W:sta 1 000 ukkoa laitettu kylmäksi viime viikkoina.
Viimeksi muokattu:

”Yhdysvallat näkee, miten heikko Eurooppa on tällä hetkellä. Koska he ovat pelastaneet Euroopan ensimmäisessä ja toisessa maailmansodassa, heidän on pakko reagoida, jottei pahuus voita.”

Tosiasioiden myöntäminen on viisautta 👍 Täyttä Maraa💪
Ianin ajatuksia rysyjen kyvystä oppia virheistään. Toivottavasti linkitetty käännös toimii kun en ole ennen tehnyt.

Pahoittelut jos tämä oli jo täällä, en löytänyt haulla ainakaan ja selasin aika pitkälle taaksepäin. Mahdollista että oli jossain Twitter upotteessa.
Lähes 30 minuutin video ja juttua Buchan tapahtumista.

Edit: Saa myös tekstit englanniksi laitettua videoon. CC

Hesarin juttu.

KUUKAUSIA kestäneen tutkimuksen keskeinen löytö on, että päävastuussa Butšan verilöylystä on venäläinen 234. maahanlaskurykmentti. Se koostuu laskuvarjojääkäreistä, jotka on koulutettu Pihkovan kaupungissa Länsi-Venäjällä hyvin lähellä Viron rajaa.

Rykmentti kuuluu Venäjän asevoimien parhaiten koulutettuihin ja varusteltuihin yksikköihin. Rykmentin johtajana toimi ja näin ollen Butšan tapahtumista ensisijaisesti vastuussa oli everstiluutnantti Artjom Gorodilov, The New York Times kertoo. Gorodilov ylennettiin everstiksi vain muutama päivä sen jälkeen, kun Venäjän joukot olivat vetäytyneet Butšasta. Lehti ei tavoittanut Gorodilovia kommentoimaan tekojaan.

The New York Timesin jutussa todetaan, että Butšassa oli myös muiden venäläisten yksiköiden sotilaita, mutta suurimman vastuun joukkosurmasta kantaa 234. rykmentti. Lehti on todistanut asian keräämällä kuvamateriaalia sotatarvikkeista, univormujen merkeistä ja ammuslaatikoiden pakkausmerkinnöistä sekä kuuntelemalla radiokeskusteluja.

PUHELUTIETOJA selvittämällä The New York Times sai todistettua, että venäläissotilaat käyttivät surmaamiensa ukrainalaissiviilien puhelimia soittaakseen kotona oleville läheisilleen. Usein sotilaat käyttivät kuolleiden ukrainalaisten puhelimia soittaakseen kotiin Venäjälle vain tunteja sen jälkeen, kun olivat tappaneet nämä.

Puhelutietojen avulla lehti onnistui henkilöimään 234. rykmentistä yli 20 sotilasta, jotka osallistuivat Butšan joukkosurmaan. Lehti selvitti myös yli 30 kuolleen henkilöllisyyden. Kuolleet olivat kaiken ikäisiä, ja suuri osa heistä oli tapettu ampumalla. Lähes kaikki kuolleet olivat siviilejä.
Venäläisen ajattelun mukaan natsi/fasisit tarkoittaa kaikkia, jotka ei ole tue heidän narratiiviaan, yksinkertaisesti siksi. Eli jos Venäjällä länsimaalaisittain määriteltynä natsi pieksee ja alistaa juutalaista mutta kannatta Venäjän laajentumispolitiikkaa, se on ihan harashoo siellä, vaikka millasia natsimerkkejä käyttäis.

Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin (Russian: Дми́трий Оле́гович Рого́зин; born 21 December 1963) is a Russian politician who served as director general of Roscosmos from 2018 to July 2022. He previously served as deputy prime minister in charge of the defense industry from 2011 to 2018, and as Russia's ambassador to NATO from 2008 to 2011.


Ryssän foorumilta tänään... :unsure:

"Context - During 90s Russian political movements were very brutish and primitive, just remember the birth of nazbolism... That's what you get when you pull people out of vacuum - they cling to various whacko ideas. Not to mention that people loved to be contrarian.

Anyways, back in the days I had chat with a Russian nazi (not a nazi anymore) and I asked him is it OK for Russians to Sieg Heil and use swastikas. He said that the Russians are the only ones allowed to Sieg Heil as they claimed that right by defeating nazis. It carries a different meaning for them. Just like black people can use N-word now. I couldn't argue with this logic"
Jostain syystä Zelenski ei näytä pelkäävän jokaisen vastaantulijan yrittävän myrkyttää, vaikka ehkä syytä olisi. Samaan aikaan pitkän pöydän päässä...
Tässä tilanteessa Nato-maassa turvallisuus on varmasti hoidettu viimeisen päälle,ja jatkuva pelkääminen tappaa toimintakyvyn.Saataisikohan kaveri meille presidenttiehdokkaaksi Salen jälkeen näiden meidän nahjusten rinnalle?