Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Tämä taitaa kuvastaa koko ryssän touhua isossa ja pienessä mittakaavassa.

Edit: vaikuttaa samalta paikalta vain eri suunnasta kuvattuna ja ehkä ennen tuota huipentumaa yllä.

Noissa videoissa on erittäin hyvä kuva kuinka avoin taistelukenttä on. Siinä ymmärtää hyvin länsivaunujen tarpeen ja kyvykkyyden, jossa ryssältä tornit häipyy ennen kuin itse pystyvät edes vaikuttamaan vastustajaan. Siihen kun lisätään, että t-sarja on massamainen hyökkäys ase. Ei manooveri sodankäynnin taktinen vaunu, jossa kantama ja liikkeestä ammuttu osuma ovat valttia sekä taistelukentän havainnointi.
Länsi vaunujen saavuttua täytyy ryssän vetää vaunut taaemmaksi.

Lisäksi ryssän BTG:ssä on komppaniallinen tst-vaunuja. Joukkueella länsi vaunuja haastaa btg:n ja todennäköisesti niitä tullaan käyttämään minimissään panssaripataljoonina. Tästä seuraa se, että jos haluat haastaa tämän hyökkäyskiilan tulisi panssari prikaatin iskeä ryssältä vastaan.
Ne varmistaa perääntyessä ettei jää haavoittuneita lavertelemaan sotasalaisuuksia viholliselle.

Samalla tavalla kuin Venäjän tiedustelu siivoaa jälkensä niittaamalla vähemmän arvokkaat operaattorinsa, joiden käyttöarvo on loppunut mutta joiden kielenkannat saattaisivat vielä toimia väärällä tavalla: ("Motorola")

"Arsen Pavlov was killed on 16 October 2016 by an IED explosion in his apartment's elevator[25] in Donetsk. Pavlov's bodyguard was also killed in the blast.[26] Donetsk People's Republic officials accused of the killing a previously unkown "Misanthropic Division", an alleged Ukrainian Neo-Nazi group that was possibly fabricated by Russian FSB agents[27] A 17 October 2016 analysis by IHS Jane’s 360 noted "We have not seen any capabilities of Ukrainian guerrilla fighters embedded in Donetsk".[28] Ukrainian officials denied the allegations, stating that Arsen Pavlov was "lucky" to be killed so he would not have to face justice for his crimes, further suggesting the rebel leader was likely assassinated by Russia's special forces as part of a wider purge against the early leaders of the rebel movement, pointing to the fact that about half dozen rebel commanders have been assassinated.[29] DPR authorities declared a three-day mourning commemorating "DPR hero, Colonel Arseny Pavlov".[30]

Following his death, the Ukrainian hacking group Cyber Junta disclosed information from Pavlov's phone, including personal photos and videos, legal documents, and correspondence. In the weeks leading up to his assassination, Pavlov expressed worry over a conflict with Russian officers, and believed he had become expendable. On 15 October, Pavlov instructed his wife to not trust Russian FSB agents.[31] Shaun Walker, the Moscow correspondent of The Guardian reported that Pavlov was extremely paranoid about his security, and that it is likely that such an attack would require aid from someone within his inner circle.[32]"

"Omien kirjojensa lisäksi Hellevig on julkaissut Johan Bäckmanin kirjan Saatana saapuu Helsinkiin. Hellevig oli Pravda-verkkolehden kolumnisti."

"Kun toukokuussa 2014 Karita Mattila kieltäytyi esiintymästä Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putinia Krimin miehitystä tukevan Valeri Gergijevin kapellimestarin johdolla, Hellevig solvasi Facebook-kirjoituksessaan Mattilaa sekä uhkasi Mattilaa raiskauksella"

"Hellevig kuoli Moskovassa 26. toukokuuta 2020. Pari viikkoa ennen kuolemaansa tekemässään päivityksessä Hellevig kertoi sairastaneensa kuuden viikon ajan ja uskovansa, että kyseessä oli ollut COVID-19-tauti. Hellevig arveli myös Venäjän hallinnon juonittelevan hänen tappamisekseen ja lavastavan sen koronakuolemaksi."
Mukava lukea tuosta Jon Hellevig:stä, sai kunnon lopputilin. Se on myös mukava tietää, että eräät Janukset/Johanit pääsevät kuittaamaan myös kunnon bonukset, kun ura venäjän palveluksessa on tullut päätökseen.

Monesta venäläisiä voi syyttää, mutta tuota piirrettä arvostan, että heiltä ei armoa heru maanpettureille. Kerran maanpetturi, aina maanpetturi.
Analyysiä Venäjän ilmavoimien epäonnistumisesta.

"In the course of conducting a special military operation, some significant features of the hostilities both on the part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and on the part of the actions of the armed forces of Ukraine were revealed:

Combat operations on both sides are of a clearly expressed combined-arms nature, when the priority and large-scale use of ground troops is brought to the fore. In this regard, large-caliber artillery and multiple launch rocket systems have acquired special significance and importance.

Against the background of the actions of the ground forces, strike aviation was assigned (for various objective and subjective reasons) an auxiliary role, which boils down to the use of mainly attack and army aviation for the tasks of air support for troops at the forefront, fighter and bomber aviation - for stationary objects in tactical and operational tactical depth and defeat of detected long-range, medium-range and short-range air defense systems using guided missiles and guided (gliding) bomber weapons.

Attack aviation practically does not fulfill the task of destroying communication facilities (bridges, crossings, railway junctions, trains with troops and equipment) in the operational depth of enemy troops, although on February 28, 2022, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that Russian aviation had won dominance in air on the territory of Ukraine.

The use of Russian means of air and space reconnaissance turned out to be very limited, especially in terms of identifying mobile objects and movements of troops of the armed forces of Ukraine. This circumstance significantly limits the capabilities of the strike aircraft of the Aerospace Forces to deliver operational strikes against such objects in real time.

It turned out that even in the conditions of air supremacy won, strike aircraft cannot carry out tasks in full force either at the forefront, much less in the depths of enemy territory, while he uses even a limited number of air defense systems, receiving full-scale reconnaissance information and target designation from radar systems. patrol and surveillance, air and space reconnaissance of NATO countries.

The enemy’s lack of full-fledged aviation and the presence of even a limited number of air defense systems with effective reconnaissance support and target designation by NATO means do not allow Russian strike aviation to effectively solve combat and special tasks in accordance with its main purpose.

The combat actions of the parties in a special military operation are accompanied by a significant use of unmanned vehicles, starting with mini-UAVs and ending with complexes with long-range and long-duration UAVs. Unmanned aircraft have won in the airspace a predominant role over manned aircraft in solving the problems of aerial reconnaissance and target designation. Attack UAVs, capable of inflicting significant damage to both mobile small targets and large objects of Ukraine's critical infrastructure, showed particular importance in solving strike tasks both above the front line and in the depths of the territory of Ukraine.

In the course of a special military operation, the significant role of the long-range VTO (visoko tochnoe oruzhie - high precision weapons) in solving the problems of destroying the critical infrastructure of the enemy was once again demonstrated. At the same time, it becomes clear that the use of VTO for solving such problems should be measured by tens, if not hundreds of long-range cruise missiles used in each massive fire strike in order to reliably overcome the air defense system and achieve the desired effect of hitting critical infrastructure."

"The use of strike aviation of the Aerospace Forces in the military conflicts of the future." Colonel Ermolin O.V., Colonel Zubov N.P., Colonel Fomin M.V. - Military Thought, No. 2 - 2023.
Colonel Yermolin Oleg Vladimirovich, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor. Heads the Research Center at the Central Research Institute of the Air Force of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Colonels Zubov Nikolai Petrovich and Fomin Mikhail Vladimirovich are also employees of the same institute.
Mukava lukea tuosta Jon Hellevig:stä, sai kunnon lopputilin. Se on myös mukava tietää, että eräät Janukset/Johanit pääsevät kuittaamaan myös kunnon bonukset, kun ura venäjän palveluksessa on tullut päätökseen.

Monesta venäläisiä voi syyttää, mutta tuota piirrettä arvostan, että heiltä ei armoa heru maanpettureille. Kerran maanpetturi, aina maanpetturi.
Enpä tiedä... OW Kuusinenkin sai tulla haudatuksi Kremlin muuriin.
Ne varmistaa perääntyessä ettei jää haavoittuneita lavertelemaan sotasalaisuuksia viholliselle.

Samalla tavalla kuin Venäjän tiedustelu siivoaa jälkensä niittaamalla vähemmän arvokkaat operaattorinsa, joiden käyttöarvo on loppunut mutta joiden kielenkannat saattaisivat vielä toimia väärällä tavalla: ("Motorola")

"Arsen Pavlov was killed on 16 October 2016 by an IED explosion in his apartment's elevator[25] in Donetsk. Pavlov's bodyguard was also killed in the blast.[26] Donetsk People's Republic officials accused of the killing a previously unkown "Misanthropic Division", an alleged Ukrainian Neo-Nazi group that was possibly fabricated by Russian FSB agents[27] A 17 October 2016 analysis by IHS Jane’s 360 noted "We have not seen any capabilities of Ukrainian guerrilla fighters embedded in Donetsk".[28] Ukrainian officials denied the allegations, stating that Arsen Pavlov was "lucky" to be killed so he would not have to face justice for his crimes, further suggesting the rebel leader was likely assassinated by Russia's special forces as part of a wider purge against the early leaders of the rebel movement, pointing to the fact that about half dozen rebel commanders have been assassinated.[29] DPR authorities declared a three-day mourning commemorating "DPR hero, Colonel Arseny Pavlov".[30]

Following his death, the Ukrainian hacking group Cyber Junta disclosed information from Pavlov's phone, including personal photos and videos, legal documents, and correspondence. In the weeks leading up to his assassination, Pavlov expressed worry over a conflict with Russian officers, and believed he had become expendable. On 15 October, Pavlov instructed his wife to not trust Russian FSB agents.[31] Shaun Walker, the Moscow correspondent of The Guardian reported that Pavlov was extremely paranoid about his security, and that it is likely that such an attack would require aid from someone within his inner circle.[32]"

"Omien kirjojensa lisäksi Hellevig on julkaissut Johan Bäckmanin kirjan Saatana saapuu Helsinkiin. Hellevig oli Pravda-verkkolehden kolumnisti."

"Kun toukokuussa 2014 Karita Mattila kieltäytyi esiintymästä Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putinia Krimin miehitystä tukevan Valeri Gergijevin kapellimestarin johdolla, Hellevig solvasi Facebook-kirjoituksessaan Mattilaa sekä uhkasi Mattilaa raiskauksella"

"Hellevig kuoli Moskovassa 26. toukokuuta 2020. Pari viikkoa ennen kuolemaansa tekemässään päivityksessä Hellevig kertoi sairastaneensa kuuden viikon ajan ja uskovansa, että kyseessä oli ollut COVID-19-tauti. Hellevig arveli myös Venäjän hallinnon juonittelevan hänen tappamisekseen ja lavastavan sen koronakuolemaksi."
Tai sitten Hellevig pistettiin juomaan teetä? Harvinaisen vastenmielinen tyyppi falsettiäänineen, jotenka tämän poistaminen on yksinomaan iloinen asia
--- poistettu lainaus ---
Mielestäni asiaton ja negatiivinen kommentti, monestakin syystä. Leopardeista kiisteltiin niin pitkään että kun toimitus alkaa, on sillä todella iso PR-arvo. Edelleen muut kuin Euroopan maat toimittavat. Valitettavasti.

Kyseessä kuitenkin on tankki:. Paino: 2A6: 62.3 tonnes (68.7 short tons)
Lentokone jolla kuljetetaan on "Boeing C-17 Globemaster III" ja tästä sanotaan näin: Maximum payload of the C-17 is 170,900 pounds (77,500 kg; 85.5 short tons),

Koneeseen mahtuu siis vain yksi tankki.
Viimeksi muokattu:

Official: Russia ‘threw its full strength’ into encircling Bakhmut.​

by The Kyiv Independent news desk
February 4, 2023 7:51 pm
Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar said on Feb. 4 that, over the past week, Russian forces had thrown all their strength into “breaking our defense and encircling Bakhmut and launched a severe offensive near Lyman."

Maliar added, however, that Russia's attempts to surround the town of Bakhmut in Donetsk Oblast had failed so far.
President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Feb. 3 that Ukraine “will not surrender” Bakhmut.

No one will surrender Bakhmut. We will fight as long as we can,” Zelensky said at a press conference following a historic Ukraine-EU summit in Kyiv.
The Ukrainian intelligence on Feb. 2 issued a stark warning that Russia was redeploying additional assault groups and military equipment in an effort to capture the Donbas by March.

Russian regular forces, along with Kremlin-controlled mercenary group Wagner, have been attempting to capture Bakhmut for months as Russia tries to consolidate its grip over the entirety of Donetsk Oblast, half of which it currently controls.

Russian troops have recently captured settlements north and south of Bakhmut and are trying to cut off all supply lines leading to the embattled town.
Capturing Bakhmut would allow Russia to disrupt Ukraine’s supply lines in the area and open up a main road leading to the two key Ukrainian cities of Kramatorsk and Sloviansk.