Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Näkemys että Primorsk-Akhtarsk sotilaslentokentän seudulle tehdyn iskun uutisoinnissa nähty kuva (alla) on todennäköisemmin Kh-22 ohjuksen osuma. Kraatteri on liian suuri ja syvä ollakseen esim. Storm Shadow.

About the photo of the funnel near the airfield in Primorsk-Akhtarsk in the Krasnodar Territory. Obviously, this is not Storm Shadow, SCALP, or some other means of destruction. The funnel is too large for this and looks more like the result of the impact of the Kh-22 rocket.


Through the Primorsk-Akhtarsk sector, from time to time, flights of Tu-22M3 strategists and launches of Kh-22 missiles are carried out. In turn, it is well known that the Kh-22 is not only a very inaccurate missile, but also defective, especially in matters of reliability of its fuel system.

In 2022, 3 Kh-22s fell into the Black Sea due to a fuel system failure. In this regard, one should ask the question whether there were Kh-22 carriers in the air at the time of the incident in the Krasnodar Territory. If yes, then we can congratulate Primorsk-Akhtarsk on successfully taking over from Belgorod.


En muista kuulleeni Kh-22 laukaisuista viime päivinä, tosin muistamme että Tu-22M3 pommikoneiden sanottiin lentäneen Kaukasukselle Mozdok sotilaslentokentälle:


Venäjä on laukaissut risteilyohjuksia tyypillisesti joko Kaspianmeren pohjoisosista tai Mustanmeren yltä, joten Primorsko-Akhtarsk ei ole ihan suoraan lentoreitillä - toki riippuen mikä on kohde ja onko kyseessä harhautunut ohjus.

On myös mahdollista että tuota kuvaa on käytetty ns. kuvituskuvana.

Uskon kuitenkin että kentän seudulle on tosiaan isketty ja iskun seurauksena jotain palaa / palanut, koska iskun jälkeen on nähty kuvia kentän suunnalta nousevasta savupilvestä.
Näkemys että Primorsk-Akhtarsk sotilaslentokentän seudulle tehdyn iskun uutisoinnissa nähty kuva (alla) on todennäköisemmin Kh-22 ohjuksen osuma. Kraatteri on liian suuri ja syvä ollakseen esim. Storm Shadow.

About the photo of the funnel near the airfield in Primorsk-Akhtarsk in the Krasnodar Territory. Obviously, this is not Storm Shadow, SCALP, or some other means of destruction. The funnel is too large for this and looks more like the result of the impact of the Kh-22 rocket.

Katso liite: 80321

Through the Primorsk-Akhtarsk sector, from time to time, flights of Tu-22M3 strategists and launches of Kh-22 missiles are carried out. In turn, it is well known that the Kh-22 is not only a very inaccurate missile, but also defective, especially in matters of reliability of its fuel system.

In 2022, 3 Kh-22s fell into the Black Sea due to a fuel system failure. In this regard, one should ask the question whether there were Kh-22 carriers in the air at the time of the incident in the Krasnodar Territory. If yes, then we can congratulate Primorsk-Akhtarsk on successfully taking over from Belgorod.


En muista kuulleeni Kh-22 laukaisuista viime päivinä, tosin muistamme että Tu-22M3 pommikoneiden sanottiin lentäneen Kaukasukselle Mozdok sotilaslentokentälle:

Katso liite: 80322

Venäjä on laukaissut risteilyohjuksia tyypillisesti joko Kaspianmeren pohjoisosista tai Mustanmeren yltä, joten Primorsko-Akhtarsk ei ole ihan suoraan lentoreitillä - toki riippuen mikä on kohde ja onko kyseessä harhautunut ohjus.

On myös mahdollista että tuota kuvaa on käytetty ns. kuvituskuvana.

Uskon kuitenkin että kentän seudulle on tosiaan isketty ja iskun seurauksena jotain palaa / palanut, koska iskun jälkeen on nähty kuvia kentän suunnalta nousevasta savupilvestä.
JR puhelee että shaheadeja olis tuolta lähetelty
JR puhelee että shaheadeja olis tuolta lähetelty

Jep, useampi muukin kirjoittanut samaa. Ukraina ilmoitti ampuneensa alas 8 kpl Shahed-136/131 droneja tänään aamulla ja nyt ollut puhetta että kyseisten dronejen laukaisuun käytetylle sotilaslentokentälle olisi isketty. Pitkä matka sinne, joten Storm Shadow olisi yksi vaihtoehto (ei toki ainoa):

Orcs attacked from the south at night with Shaheds and Calibers. All targets have been hit.

During the current day, there was an arrival of missiles at the base of the orcs, from where the "balalaikas" are launched.

I think the results will be tomorrow in the form of satellite images, but the orcs tensed up, because there is an answer.




Viime tietojen mukaan (ja useiden päivien/viikkojen ajan) Ukraina yrittänyt edetä Robotynen suunnalla. Wolskin tietojen mukaan ryssällä olisi yhä aggressiivista EW -kapasiteettia alueella.

Once again:
If someone put a cross on the Russian radio-electronic warfare, then after what has been shown for the last 24 hours in Zaporozhye, you should probably change your mind ... I do not know what is the direct cause of firing such broadband jamming (I bet on really strong Ukrainian strikes) but on my state of knowledge most drones used for reconnaissance and those for FPV attacks have very serious problems with operating and bordering on uselessness.

It is probably a temporary problem resulting from the coverage of the bands that the Russians have not hidden so far (or have done it selectively), but there is some problem that will affect the UA activities until changes are made in the equipment itself. Or painstakingly chopping out individual jammers with artillery and specials.
Sieltä tullut poika sanoi, ettei siellä kukaan heistä levyjä alun jälkeen kantanut. Tekee tiedustelijan liian hitaaksi ja kömpelöksi. Eikä kuulemma pääse tarpeeksi alas luonnon painanteisiin tulikosketuksessa. En tiedä, käyttävätkö miten sitten kaivannoissa ja kuljetuksessa ollessaan.
nii,näinhän se vaan usein menee että käytännössä näistä on monessa paikkaa enemmän haittaa kuin hyötyä ja käytäntö opettaa mikä on aivan ylimäärästä kuormaa tai vaikeuttaa toimintaa enemmän kuin hyödyttää. Vrt.teräspotta ja kenttälapiot yms. viimesotien aikaan
Joo. Jotenkin tähän mennessä nähdystä tulee mieleen jonkinlainen mini-Kursk. Ryssällä oli aikaa linnoittaa ja suluttaa ja saada aikaan syvähkö puolustus. Siihen se sakemannin meno 1943 kesällä tyssäsi kun joukot kuluivat eikä ratkaisevaa läpimurtoa saatu aikaan.

Toista tankkifiaskoa ei ole nähty joten luulisin että tämä miinaongelma on syvällä takaraivossa viimeistään nyt.
En myöskään usko, että UA lähtisi höökimään jonkun merkkipaalun takia kuten NATO-kokous viikon päästä.
Mikäli jotain isompaa hyökkäystä nyt on käynnistymässä niin sopiva sääikkuna on varmaan syy.

Varmaa tietoa on hyvin vähän, kun lähinnä ammennetaan ja suodatetaan ryssän tiltujen antia.
Eteneminen on joka tapauksessa hidasta. Täytyy toivoa että laajimmat miinakentät ovat nimenomaan täällä ulkokehällä.
Tuntuisi luonnolliselta, pitäähän ryssän itsekin liikkua omalla alueellaan ja ryssän tuntien tuskin hirveästi voivat luottaa miinakarttoihin.
Robotynesta kirjoitettu paljon viime viikkojen aikana, tässä lisää: väittää että yrittäisivät kiertää kyseisen paikan idän puolelta. Lisäksi väite että Ukrainalla olisi hallussaan korkeammat maastokohdat, mikä antaa hyvät lähtökohdat hyökkäykselle.

Tai jos tuota lukee hieman varovaisemmin, heillä olisi paremmat asemat yrittää Robotynen kiertämistä idän puolelta - tullaanko tällainen yritys näkemään, siitä ei ole varmuutta.

#UkraineRussianWar Zaporozhye. In the Tokmak direction of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, having pinned down the enemy’s actions on the flanks and in the direction of the settlement itself, they are conducting heavy battles bypassing Rabotino from the left flank. Ours are at superior heights on this flank and have the advantage. We believe in the APU!


Tämä ei varsinaisesti ole yllätys että patonkien rengas"tankit" eivät käy todellisista tankeista. Taisi olla aikaisemminkin juttua.

French AMX 10RC vehicles are not suitable for offensive operations - battalion commander of the 37th Marine Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Major ps. "Spartan".

According to him, the AMX-10 RC vehicles delivered to Ukraine by France are impractical in the offensive due to their thin armor and will only be used for reconnaissance and fire support.

As a result of the explosion of a 152 mm artillery shell near the said vehicle, shrapnel penetrated the armor, which led to the death of the crew, added the Ukrainian commander
Tästä tosiaan oli vähän epäilyjä jo aiemmin, mites Leo 1 panssari, sekin oli sivulta aika ohutta, meneekö siitäkin 152mm sirpale läpi?
Jos menee vähentää aika rajusti kalustoa jota voi käyttää hyökkäyksessä...
Robotynesta kirjoitettu paljon viime viikkojen aikana, tässä lisää: väittää että yrittäisivät kiertää kyseisen paikan idän puolelta. Lisäksi väite että Ukrainalla olisi hallussaan korkeammat maastokohdat, mikä antaa hyvät lähtökohdat hyökkäykselle.

Tai jos tuota lukee hieman varovaisemmin, heillä olisi paremmat asemat yrittää Robotynen kiertämistä idän puolelta - tullaanko tällainen yritys näkemään, siitä ei ole varmuutta.

#UkraineRussianWar Zaporozhye. In the Tokmak direction of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, having pinned down the enemy’s actions on the flanks and in the direction of the settlement itself, they are conducting heavy battles bypassing Rabotino from the left flank. Ours are at superior heights on this flank and have the advantage. We believe in the APU!

Katso liite: 80331

Tässä vähän tarkastelin aikani kuluksi tuota maastoa Robotynen suunnassa kun siellä on nyt painittu merkittävästi. Itäpuolella kylää (josta huhuttu kierto tulisi) on korkeuseroa merkittävästi eli kylän itäpuoli ja reuna-alueet ovat selkeästi korkeammalla kuin siitä alkava peltoalue itään päin. Ryssä on Kastehelmen kartan mukaan linnoittanut alavalla maalla menevän itäpuolen tien vahvasti sekä kaakossa olevan kylän ylävällä maalla olevan kulman ja metsiköt. Ei tosiaan ole mitään tietoa missä nollalinja tällä hetkellä kulkee mutta ei tuokaan helppo suunta näytä olevan. Pellot lienevät miinoitettuja ainakin. Oletukseni oli, että tuossa korkeuserokartassa ukrainalla olisi asemia jo tuolla sinisellä ympäröidyllä alueella. Voi olla tai ei. En todella tiedä kannattaako tuolla ravissa edetä vai onko pusku vain tuolta korkealta kylän itäpuolelta. Saatan olla myös aivan kujalla koko hommasta :)

edit: Rybarin kartan mukaan olisi vielä aivan ylängön pohjoisosassa mähinät. Myöskin epäselvää eri lähteiden kanssa tarkoitetaanko ukrainan vai ryssän "left" flänk.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Nähtävästi ei ole ammuksista pulaa jos on uskominen Micekiä.

The vicinity of the villages of Wesele, Berchiwka, Kliszcziivka and Kurdyumiwka - the Ukrainian artillery barrage lasts for 3-5 hours without a moment's break. This is confirmed information from several different telegram and personal sources. A large movement of Ukrainian troops is to be noted in the direction of Berchivka.

Lisäksi v_tus varovaiset arviot.

Fighting continues on the flanks of the Bakhmut direction.There is a tactical advance in several sectors in the south, a little more - in the area of Orihovo-Vasylivka and Yakovlivka.Berkhivka and its surroundings are a separate and very complex story. There is no "victory" there. More on that later.
Ryssällä ei mene hyvin haavoittuneiden huollossa. Itseasiassa menee aivan päin persettä. Ei kai tämä ketään yllätä. Huikea ketju.
Russian front-line hospitals are experiencing acute shortages of personnel and supplies. Only officers are reportedly evacuated to Russia, with ordinary soldiers being treated without anaesthesia or medications. Volunteers are providing most of the medical supplies. ⬇️
2/ The Insider reports on the calamitous state of Russian front-line medical care in the occupied regions of Ukraine. Simply getting to a medical facility is hard enough – many have complained that the wounded are not being evacuated and are often left to die.
3/ Wounded soldiers are supposed to be stabilised and sent to the nearest military field hospital, where they are triaged. They are then meant to be sent to regional hospitals in the occupied territories or in Russia, depending on the severity of their injuries.
4/ In practice, only officers are reportedly sent back to Russia; soldiers and NCOs are being treated within Ukraine. Particularly since the Ukrainian counter-offensive began, medical facilities there are so overwhelmed that schools and kindergartens are being used as hospitals.
5/ Even within Russia, hospitals are overwhelmed by injured men. Russia's decript health care system is a further obstacle: there are no computers, everything is done by hand and it reportedly takes 45-60 minutes to deal with each man. There is no digitisation of records.
6/ Only a quarter of those queuing are actually being seen due to the very slow rate with which they are being processed. "The guys line up before opening. As a result, after sitting all day, they cannot get an appointment."
7/ Volunteers crowdsource medical supplies on social media. "Calls for help, photos of severed or almost severed limbs of soldiers in fundraising chats alternate with jingoistic videos, pro-Russian videos from TikTok, congratulations on Russia Day and other public holidays."
8/ The civilian hospital in Valuyki in the Belgorod region is a main treatment centre for Russian wounded, but lacks everything from wipes to prescription drugs.
9/ Doctors say they lack disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide, solutions for IVs, tubes for decompression of the gastrointestinal tract, drainage systems for the chest, gauze bandages, bandages, and painkillers. Anaesthetics are in short supply as well.
10/ The doctors also have no tools. They ask volunteers to buy surgical scissors, clamps, staplers and staples for suturing wounds and internal organs, hemostatic sponges to stop bleeding, and tablets to determine the patients' blood group.
11/ The medics face particularly acute problems in dealing with amputations, which have become among the most common procedures they are having to perform due to the number of injuries caused by shelling and mine explosions.
12/ The number of amputations is also much greater than it should be. Soldiers are poorly trained in emergency aid and lack high-quality tourniquets in their first aid kits. Tourniquets are often improperly applied, leaving no option but to amputate the injured limb.
13/ This problem has been acknowledged before by the Russian authorities. The head of the Kalashnikov Centre for Tactical Medicine, Artyom Katulin, has said that more than 30% of amputations were due to improper tourniquet application. Russian paramedics are often poorly trained.
14/ Russian paramedics are often poorly trained, while medical training for ordinary soldiers is minimal. They are given only small, old-fashioned and often decades-old medical kits which are vastly different from Ukrainian equivalents.
15/ According to Dmitry Trishkin, head of the Russian Ministry of Defence's military medical department, by December last year approximately a quarter of the soldiers admitted to hospitals were in a serious or extremely serious condition. Half were moderately injured.
16/ However, this was before the start of the Ukrainian counter-offensive and the bloodiest stage of the Battle of Bakhmut, which have both caused a huge increase in Russian casualties. Figures are kept secret but are certain to be high – in the tens of thousands.
17/ The hospitals themselves are often in a poor condition due to a lack of investment. Some Russian hospitals are still using beds shipped to them by the British in 1945. They lack air conditioning and are stiflingly hot in summer, adding to the patients' discomfort.
18/ Russia's hospitals are frequently in a poor condition, with mouldy, crumbling walls, filthy bedding and unsafe buildings. As of 2019, over 41% had no central heating and over 30% had no water. Half of Russia’s hospitals closed between 2000 and 2015 for lack of funding.

19/ Although volunteers have kept military hospitals going, donor fatigue appears to have set in. One Moscow region volunteer says: "People are tired of the Special Military Operation, every month fewer people send us money. The amounts that people transfer have also decreased."
20/ The pro-Ukrainian incursion at Shebekino in May 2023 also diverted funds away from hospitals. A widespread volunteer effort helped the local inhabitants, many of whom lost their homes in the fighting. However, hospitals have lost out and their conditions have deteriorated.
21/ It's worth contrasting the dismal state of Russian military medicine to how the Ukrainians have tackled the challenge of treating the wounded. Ukraine's extensive pre-war planning gave it one of the highest number of hospital beds per capita of any country in the world.
22/ Ukrainian hospitals were told to increase bed numbers by thirty percent and keep them empty. There are now more than 8 beds in Ukraine for every million people, compared to 2.4 in Britain and an average of 5 across the European Union. Paramedics receive extensive training.
23/ Although tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers have been wounded in the fighting, far fewer of them will have died or suffered crippling injuries due to the higher standard of medical care. The Russians' bad medical outcomes have been self-inflicted and unnecessary. /end
Viimeksi muokattu:
Tässä vähän tarkastelin aikani kuluksi tuota maastoa Robotynen suunnassa kun siellä on nyt painittu merkittävästi. Itäpuolella kylää (josta huhuttu kierto tulisi) on korkeuseroa merkittävästi eli kylän itäpuoli ja reuna-alueet ovat selkeästi korkeammalla kuin siitä alkava peltoalue itään päin. Ryssä on Kastehelmen kartan mukaan linnoittanut alavalla maalla menevän itäpuolen tien vahvasti sekä kaakossa olevan kylän ylävällä maalla olevan kulman ja metsiköt. Ei tosiaan ole mitään tietoa missä nollalinja tällä hetkellä kulkee mutta ei tuokaan helppo suunta näytä olevan. Pellot lienevät miinoitettuja ainakin. Oletukseni oli, että tuossa korkeuserokartassa ukrainalla olisi asemia jo tuolla sinisellä ympäröidyllä alueella. Voi olla tai ei. En todella tiedä kannattaako tuolla ravissa edetä vai onko pusku vain tuolta korkealta kylän itäpuolelta. Saatan olla myös aivan kujalla koko hommasta :)
Katso liite: 80351Katso liite: 80354

Katso liite: 80353
edit: Rybarin kartan mukaan olisi vielä aivan ylängön pohjoisosassa mähinät. Myöskin epäselvää eri lähteiden kanssa tarkoitetaanko ukrainan vai ryssän "left" flänk.
Vastaan vielä itselleni Majakovskin erinomaisella twiitillä isommassa kuvassa.
Just an altimetric explanation of why Robotyne and Novopropokivka are important for Ukrainians and for Russians. They are in an elevated position, they allow access to a hilly area which allows, through wooded areas, an approach behind nesterianka


  • robomaja.jpg
    284 KB · Luettu: 47
Tämän mukaan Bahmutissa mentäisiin nyt eteenpäin koko linjan leveydellä. Ryssiä viedään kuin kuoriämpäriä jos näin on.

Twiitin mukaan Ukraina olisi iskenyt paikkaan, josta Shahedeja lähetään eli Krasnodarin alueelle. Aika jäätävä kuoppa ainakin on jonnekin syntynyt.

Oleshkyissä ei ole venäläisille turvallista seisoskella aukealla.

Kiinnitin videossa huomiota siihen, että ryzzälle varsin epätyypillisellä tavalla tämä vähiten osumaa ottanut heppu tulee katsomaan miten tovereille kävi. Asia jäi minua pohdituttamaan siinä määrin, että katsoin videon vielä parikertaa...

Tarkemman tutkiskelun jälkeen tuo henkilö ei tainnutkaan katsoa tovereidensa kuntoa, vaan näytti keskittyvän maassa olevaan esineeseen, jonka vieressä oli märkä läntti. Minun silmääki tuo näytti siltä, että kun kaveri havaitsi pullosta valuneen nesteet pihalle, niin heppu ikäänkuin huitaisee kädellä, Saatana sinne meni votkat!
Ryssällä ei mene hyvin haavoittuneiden huollossa. Itseasiassa menee aivan päin persettä. Ei kai tämä ketään yllätä. Huikea ketju.

Russian front-line hospitals are experiencing acute shortages of personnel and supplies. Only officers are reportedly evacuated to Russia, with ordinary soldiers being treated without anaesthesia or medications. Volunteers are providing most of the medical supplies. ⬇️
2/ The Insider reports on the calamitous state of Russian front-line medical care in the occupied regions of Ukraine. Simply getting to a medical facility is hard enough – many have complained that the wounded are not being evacuated and are often left to die.
3/ Wounded soldiers are supposed to be stabilised and sent to the nearest military field hospital, where they are triaged. They are then meant to be sent to regional hospitals in the occupied territories or in Russia, depending on the severity of their injuries.
4/ In practice, only officers are reportedly sent back to Russia; soldiers and NCOs are being treated within Ukraine. Particularly since the Ukrainian counter-offensive began, medical facilities there are so overwhelmed that schools and kindergartens are being used as hospitals.
5/ Even within Russia, hospitals are overwhelmed by injured men. Russia's decript health care system is a further obstacle: there are no computers, everything is done by hand and it reportedly takes 45-60 minutes to deal with each man. There is no digitisation of records.
6/ Only a quarter of those queuing are actually being seen due to the very slow rate with which they are being processed. "The guys line up before opening. As a result, after sitting all day, they cannot get an appointment."
7/ Volunteers crowdsource medical supplies on social media. "Calls for help, photos of severed or almost severed limbs of soldiers in fundraising chats alternate with jingoistic videos, pro-Russian videos from TikTok, congratulations on Russia Day and other public holidays."
8/ The civilian hospital in Valuyki in the Belgorod region is a main treatment centre for Russian wounded, but lacks everything from wipes to prescription drugs.
9/ Doctors say they lack disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide, solutions for IVs, tubes for decompression of the gastrointestinal tract, drainage systems for the chest, gauze bandages, bandages, and painkillers. Anaesthetics are in short supply as well.
10/ The doctors also have no tools. They ask volunteers to buy surgical scissors, clamps, staplers and staples for suturing wounds and internal organs, hemostatic sponges to stop bleeding, and tablets to determine the patients' blood group.
11/ The medics face particularly acute problems in dealing with amputations, which have become among the most common procedures they are having to perform due to the number of injuries caused by shelling and mine explosions.
12/ The number of amputations is also much greater than it should be. Soldiers are poorly trained in emergency aid and lack high-quality tourniquets in their first aid kits. Tourniquets are often improperly applied, leaving no option but to amputate the injured limb.
13/ This problem has been acknowledged before by the Russian authorities. The head of the Kalashnikov Centre for Tactical Medicine, Artyom Katulin, has said that more than 30% of amputations were due to improper tourniquet application. Russian paramedics are often poorly trained.
14/ Russian paramedics are often poorly trained, while medical training for ordinary soldiers is minimal. They are given only small, old-fashioned and often decades-old medical kits which are vastly different from Ukrainian equivalents.
15/ According to Dmitry Trishkin, head of the Russian Ministry of Defence's military medical department, by December last year approximately a quarter of the soldiers admitted to hospitals were in a serious or extremely serious condition. Half were moderately injured.
16/ However, this was before the start of the Ukrainian counter-offensive and the bloodiest stage of the Battle of Bakhmut, which have both caused a huge increase in Russian casualties. Figures are kept secret but are certain to be high – in the tens of thousands.
17/ The hospitals themselves are often in a poor condition due to a lack of investment. Some Russian hospitals are still using beds shipped to them by the British in 1945. They lack air conditioning and are stiflingly hot in summer, adding to the patients' discomfort.
18/ Russia's hospitals are frequently in a poor condition, with mouldy, crumbling walls, filthy bedding and unsafe buildings. As of 2019, over 41% had no central heating and over 30% had no water. Half of Russia’s hospitals closed between 2000 and 2015 for lack of funding.

19/ Although volunteers have kept military hospitals going, donor fatigue appears to have set in. One Moscow region volunteer says: "People are tired of the Special Military Operation, every month fewer people send us money. The amounts that people transfer have also decreased."
20/ The pro-Ukrainian incursion at Shebekino in May 2023 also diverted funds away from hospitals. A widespread volunteer effort helped the local inhabitants, many of whom lost their homes in the fighting. However, hospitals have lost out and their conditions have deteriorated.
21/ It's worth contrasting the dismal state of Russian military medicine to how the Ukrainians have tackled the challenge of treating the wounded. Ukraine's extensive pre-war planning gave it one of the highest number of hospital beds per capita of any country in the world.
22/ Ukrainian hospitals were told to increase bed numbers by thirty percent and keep them empty. There are now more than 8 beds in Ukraine for every million people, compared to 2.4 in Britain and an average of 5 across the European Union. Paramedics receive extensive training.
23/ Although tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers have been wounded in the fighting, far fewer of them will have died or suffered crippling injuries due to the higher standard of medical care. The Russians' bad medical outcomes have been self-inflicted and unnecessary. /end
Mitäs läksit, niin. Kikkelis kokkelis.