Ukrainan sodan videot.

Summary of DeepStateUA as of November 11
An overview of the latest developments on the front lines from the DeepStateUA team. Battles near Sinkivka, Pervomaisky, Klishchiivka, Andriivka, Stepovoy, Pervomaisky, Vodyany, Maryinka, Staromayorsky, Priyutny, Robotyny, Verbovy, and Krynkiv.

00:00 Greetings, friends
00:12 Matchmaking shade
02:00 Bakhmut shade
04:18 Avdiiv shade
06:48 Ugledar
07:06 Zaporizhia shade
09:03 Crimean shade
10:42 Thanks for watching

Ukrainalaiset taistelusukeltajat äänessä. Harmittavasti automaattikäännös on surkeaa mutta videolla hieman aikaisemmin julkaisematonta materiaalia.
The fight for Ukrainian Kherson, special operations on the Dnieper, battles on the water - exclusive to the SSO
They took part in the liberation of Kherson and the region, they were among the first to enter the city, which had been waiting for the return of the Ukrainian flag for almost nine months. Today, they continue to carry out special operations on the left bank of the Dnieper and knock out the enemy from there. They are soldiers of the 73rd Naval Center for Special Purposes of the SSO. "Being a SSO operator is cool, but, of course, scary," the guys admit. And yet, they talk about their work with great enthusiasm. See more in our report (spoiler: the video contains exclusive footage from combat missions in the Kherson direction, which you will see for the first time).

Dubattu englanniksi.
Brutal Battles for Klishchiyivka. Ukrainians Destroyed Russian Troops near Bakhmut
In September 2023, fierce fighting took place to liberate the settlements of Kleshchyivka and Andriivka, near Bakhmut in the Donetsk region. Various units took part in this operation, including the Tsunami Assault Regiment, which consists of volunteer police officers, and this was their first combat experience. These Ukrainian soldiers will tell us about their emotions, the details of those battles, and the specifics of urban assaults.
Areenassa tunnin mittainen ranskalaisten tekemä dokumentti asemasodasta viime talvelta.
Rynnäkkökonekivääri. KKmies tuunasi PKM:stä rynnäkköversion, jossa on lyhyempi piippu ja perä sekä bipodin sijasta pystykahva. Automaattikäännös englanniksi toimii sen verran hyvin, että kaverin ajatuksista saa kiinni.

Dronelentäjän pitkä haastattelu. Automaattikäännökset toimivat hyvin.
"Khytrozhopist" during the war / Oleksandr "Mazhor", Serhiy Gnezdilov / ++ podcast
"The war can be won with FPV drones," says Oleksandr "Major", a volunteer and aerial scout. He dreams of going abroad, so he fights to make it possible as soon as possible. Oleksandr started working with drones, because it is "cool, safe and efficient", and then to teach others, developing production.

About the experience of creating FPV drones, the biggest enemy of the army, the attitude of the military to the rear and "cunning" during the war - in the "++ podcast" with Serhii Hnezdilov and Oleksandr "Mazhor"

00:00 - presentation of the guest
01:00 - how Oleksandr "Major" got into the war
02:17 — what is the motivation to continue being at the front
03:01 — why drones in particular/why I decided to become an aerial scout
04:40 - how much Russian equipment has Oleksandr burned so far
06:37 - why is it still not in the ranks of the Armed Forces
08:11 - about FPV drones and their production
12:40 — bureaucracy and policy of the Ministry of Defense regarding drones
14:35 — Oleksandr sent Hnezdilov a photo of his dismembered leg. How did the wounding happen and did the perception of war change after it
7:15 p.m. — how long after being wounded did "Major" return to the front
20:26 — about the trip during the offensive on Novodonetsk (specify the mentioned location)
22:14 — about Oleksandr's Telegram channel
23:00 - how many can fight in a non-stop format
23:55 — participants of the "Force Majeure" project assembled the FPV drone with their own hands. Will there be mass production and how to join it
28:30 — FPV drones can win the war
32:44 - what will he do when the war ends
34:15 — about the experience of communicating with The Guardian journalists
34:53 is the biggest enemy of the army
35:48 - about "cunning" during the war
37:33 - everyone should be equal in war
37:45 — is there a feeling that the rear forgets about the front
42:37 - some military personnel are dressed in civilian clothes while on leave, and they can be judged as "dodgers"
43:17 - does he encourage everyone to volunteer
43:54 — what needs to be done to increase the number of drones
49:40 is a recipe for Ukrainian victory
51:40 - about the rehabilitation of veterans and how to integrate them into society after the war
53:15 — the war in Ukraine is hotter than it was in Afghanistan
55:04 - about psychologists
56:05 — to a psychologist on a big account, fuck, what will happen to you tomorrow

FPV for 56 OMBR
Friends, "++ podcast" is collecting 3 sets of FPV equipment and drones for the 56 Mariupol OMBR. Our goal is 3 more full FPV calculations for the crew. You need VR-glasses, antennas, remotes — and all this is not so cheap. Thanks to everyone who stays with us.

The crew of the Challenger II tank. Tankers of the 82nd brigade of the DSHV. Melitopol direction. 1 part.
The crew of the Challenger MK II tank tells how they got into the army, about training in England, the features of this combat vehicle, which is not typical for Ukraine. You will also hear how the soldiers see our victory, how they learned the training and how they use the latest type of weapons in the realities of modern full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Dubattu englanniksi.
Russians Fighting for Ukraine told a lot of Interesting Things. Interview with fighters of the RVC
Units of Russian volunteer soldiers are fighting as part of the AFU. One of them is the Siberian Battalion, which consists of Buryats, Tuvinians, Yakuts and other nationalities of the Russian Federation. In this video they will talk about Kremlin propaganda, how life in Russia really is and why they decided to fight on the side of Ukraine.
Legion's Armory: AK
Welcome to the Legion's Armory where we take a quick look at the weapons used by the legionnaires of the 1st Battalion of the International Legion. Today we go through three generations of the Ol Reliable: AK platform. Watch a side-by-side comparison of the AK-74 and two new trophy AK-12's, generously provided by the Russian Federation.

Brutal Battles for Klishchiyivka. Ukrainians Destroyed Russian Troops near Bakhmut
In September 2023, fierce fighting took place to liberate the settlements of Kleshchyivka and Andriivka, near Bakhmut in the Donetsk region. Various units took part in this operation, including the Tsunami Assault Regiment, which consists of volunteer police officers, and this was their first combat experience. These Ukrainian soldiers will tell us about their emotions, the details of those battles, and the specifics of urban assaults.

Ukrainian Wheeled Mount for Mk19 Automatic Grenade Launcher

Ahkera örkki oli kerännyt monta tellua vaunun viereen, jotka laukesi dronesta. Hieno pilvi, mutta kävikö tosiaan niin, että myös viereisessä kaivannossa olleilta kaikkien pää meni paineaallosta vaalean punaiseksi mössöksi?

Näemmä semiraju video, niin ei näy upotteena. Klikkaa yltä, jos gore ei haittaa.

Suomalaisvapaaehtoisten tukena - Your Finnish Friends - Osa 1​

Ketä ovat Ukrainan suomalaiset kaverit? Your Finnish Friends auttaa muun muassa varustamaan Ukrainassa taistelevia suomalaisia vapaaehtoisia. Käydään jakson aikana läpi, että mistä ajatus lähti liikkeelle, millaisia avustusreissut Ukrainaan ovat, millaisiin ongelmiin ja kommelluksiin kaverukset ovat törmänneet matkalla ja ketä auttajat ja autettavat ovat! Studiossa Kasper Kannosto ja Elmer Halonen.
Juttua riitti, joten leikattiin jakso kahteen osaan, joista toinen seuraa pian perässä!

Tekstitetty englanniksi.
"I Want to Kill": How the Famous Hlib and Other Children of Kherson Live
The war has completely transformed the lives of children in the Kherson region. They've endured the horrors of occupation, kidnapping to Russia, and relentless airstrikes. Learning online, rare peer interactions, and the inability to safely roam outside have replaced the once-normal activities. Instead of dreaming about bicycles or toys, their only wish is to never hear the haunting sound of sirens again. Witness the reality of children living in Kherson a year post-liberation in the Decoding Ukraine special project.

On the anniversary of Kherson's liberation, Russians shelled its city center. 14-year-old Max became a witness to a Russian war crime. Russians have killed ten children in liberated Kherson Region in a year after de-occupation. Another 75 minors were injured. What they've robbed from all Kherson children is a semblance of a normal childhood, turning their lives into a ceaseless race from bedrooms to basements. Their only hope now remains: never hearing the siren's wail again.

14-year-old Hlib became famous all over the world after liberation. His photo went viral on social media and has become a symbol of the stolen childhood of Ukrainian children. Once dreaming of becoming a chef, his aspirations have shifted. He now dreams of becoming a soldier, stating, "I want to kill the people who come here."

Video: Artem Lysak, Maria Avdeeva
Subtitle Editing: Silviya Nitsova
Tekstitetty ja dubattu englanniksi.
NGU OMEGA assault aerial recon, Javelin crews in action and the graveyard of russian machinery
The Vremivskyi ledge, formed last year due to the intrusion of russian forces into Ukrainian defenses on the border of Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk regions, was considered a problematic flank for Ukrainian military. The key stronghold on this front was the village of Staromykhailivka, located approximately 2-3 km south of Urozhaine.

The first liberated settlement within the Vremivskyi ledge is considered to be the village of Neskuchne. Later, Ukrainian forces managed to breach the defense of Blahodatne. Subsequently, the Defense Forces initiated offensive actions toward Staromayorsk and Urozhaine.

During this time, our filming crew was positioned with the guardsmen. Special Forces of the National Guard conducted reconnaissance and engaged in combat missions throughout the summer. It's them who ventured behind enemy lines to identify concentrations of equipment and personnel, as well as to analyze the enemy's defense planning.

By the end of July, they liberated Staromayorske and two weeks later, on July 16, the Ukrainian Defense Forces entered Urozhainoye.

In our report, you will see the situation on the first day of Blahodatne's liberation, hear about how special forces targeted enemy vehicles, command and platoon strongholds, and witness the work of FPV groups in Staryi Mayorsk and Urozhainoye. You will also understand why guardsmen's determined advance on the Vremivskyi ledge continues month after month and how the occupiers gradually lose their advantage.
Taistelu komentajan GoProlla: Kolmannen hyökkäysdivisioonan taistelijat vangitsevat vihollisen asemat
Julkaisemme videon hyökkäyksestä vihollisasemia vastaan metsäkaistalla, jonka kolmannen hyökkäysprikaatin ryhmäkomentaja toveri Makar kuvasi GoPro-kameralla. Taisteluoperaatio lähellä Bakhmutin piirin Andriivkaa toteuttavat 2. hyökkäyspataljoonan 3. komppanian taistelijat UAV:iden tuella.

Iskusotilaat lähtevät tehtävään ja ennen laskeutumispaikkaan saapumista liikkeellä alkavat ampua panssaroidusta M113-ajoneuvosta haudoissa piileskeleviä miehittäjiä.

Laskeuduttuaan taistelijat jatkavat vihollisen peittämistä tiukasti ja liikkuvat eteenpäin. Kolmannen OShBr:n iskusotilaat onnistuvat murtautumaan Venäjän puolustuksen läpi ja valtaamaan vihollisen asemat. Elossa pysyneiden kolmannen hyökkäyksen asukkaiden sotilaiden epätoivoisen hyökkäyksen alaisena perääntyivät.


00:00 alkaa
00:40 Onko se meille?
01:37 "Tyhjennys ja meno oikealle!"
03:20 3. OShBr:n sotilaat ottivat miehittäjien paikan
04:17 Liikettä kaksin, mennään!
05:15 Jatkoa helvetin taistelulle hyökkääjiä vastaan
06:20 "Natsik, kerro vihollisen jalkaväestä!"
08:10 "Vihollinen lähtee!"
09:10 "Saksa, Belka, mene eteenpäin! Olemme miehittämässä vihollisen juoksuhautaa"
Viimeksi muokattu:

Suomalaisvapaaehtoisten tukena - Your Finnish Friends - Osa 1​

Your Finnish Friends - Suomalaisvapaaehtoisten tukena - Osa 2​

The work of the "Stryzh" crew in support of the assault of the South UDA detachment.
We are sharing with you footage of the work of our "Stryzh" crew in support of the assault carried out by the South UDA detachment as part of the 28th OMBr.
Donetsk direction.

We sincerely believe in the power of drones, so we invite everyone to support us and our unit 🔥

First of all, because it's cool when a bird for less than $1000 destroys a multi-million armored vehicle by hitting it!
And also, the factor of a lower probability of human losses on our side is very important! (Because we are not Russia, for which human life is worth nothing)

Together to victory 🇺🇦
(along with kamikaze drones, Maviks and remote scouts 💪)

The lucky ones

Damage of two Russian BM-21 "Grad" by American "HIMARS"
Both targets are hit but not destroyed.
Presumably, the installations were without BC.
But they will definitely not go by themselves, and they are unlikely to work for our boys again.

And for all the haters:
1. Regarding damage, it is difficult to assess the consequences of shrapnel damage in a lateral projection from a height of several hundred meters.
2. "Visually not damaged" imagine that your car was in place of the Hail.
Good day!

Shadow запасний канал
Shadow backup channel


The occupier who thought he could escape from his fate) - RUN

Айті та Батя
Aiti and Batya
Artillery strikes under the correction of BUAR 5 OSHBr

5 окрема штурмова Київська бригада
5 separate assault Kyiv brigade

Avdiyiv direction. 116 separate brigade of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Avdiyiv direction.
"Burning" archival video.
We continue to work!

Полтавська окрема бригада територіальної оборони
Poltava Separate Territorial Defense Brigade
Special forces of the Central Security Service "A" of the SBU continue to destroy the enemy
Another portion of beautiful examples of the fact that the occupiers of our land will continue to die on the battlefield, and their equipment - wards

Another 184 occupiers and 152 units of Russian equipment were "destroyed" by special forces of the TsSO "A" of the SBU
Our warriors worked hard this week. And make sure that enemy losses are replenished:

▪184 occupants
▪13 tanks
▪21 BBM
▪17 artillery systems and 1 MLRS
▪2 air defense systems
▪23 drones
▪2 electronic warfare and intelligence systems
▪67 military vehicles
▪6 Murom video surveillance systems
▪72 fortifications and firing positions
▪4 warehouses with ammunition and 1 with fuel and lubricants

And another 155 occupiers and 38 units of enemy equipment were destroyed by special forces of the SBU in coordination with the artillerymen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

We continue to work until complete Victory!
Donetsk: SSO corrected the fire of HIMARS on the equipment of the occupiers
⚫ Operators of the 3rd SSO regiment in the Donetsk direction recorded the movement of the R-149 CABG command and staff vehicle. The enemy used the equipment to control his units

⚫Specialists conducted additional reconnaissance actions and adjusted the HIMARS fire of the artillery unit of the Defense Forces on the KShM

⚫ As a result of the impact, the car was completely destroyed

Damage to the radar of the occupiers
On November 18, 2023, an enemy radio position was discovered near the settlement of Dmitriev, Kursk Region.
Two expensive Russian radar stations were affected - the 55Zh6 Nebo radar and, probably, the Gamma-S1E radar.

10.2 million from UAH 36.6 million in the first 15 hours of collection 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
10.2 million of UAH 36.6 million in the first 15 hours of collection 🇺🇦🇺🇦
Marines - assault boats; units - Evaks.

The wormhole is well visible on the snow

The only details of all Magyar meetings are fixed on the official MAGYAR 🇺🇦 Telegram channel:

Zobow details:

Have a peaceful and quiet day,


STRETCHES - detect, remove, neutralize
"63 life hacks" is a new section. In it, boys and girls from the 63rd brigade will talk about the necessary and necessary things and processes that will definitely come in handy in the war...


Englannin kielinen tekstitys löytyy
THREE ENEMY ASSAULT GROUPS STOPPED. How the battle is managed. The importance of FPV drones in the war
Can kamikaze FPV drones stop enemy assaults? As practice shows - yes. But this happens under many conditions and processes, which is exactly what I show in the video. How the battle and the army are managed. An interesting tactic used by the Russian infantry in offensive operations. During the day, three enemy assault groups were stopped. During the offensive operation, the occupiers received about 30 wounded soldiers, some of them are no longer there. On our side, the advantage was the heroism of the infantry, who were the first to enter the battle, as well as the powerful support of the FPV drones, which inflicted accurate fire damage on the advancing groups of the enemy and artillery. Unique shots from advanced positions of the Serebryan forest in the Luhansk region. Excellent work by Combined Tactical Group "Adam", 67th Separate Mechanized Brigade and other friendly units

Suomen liput Ukrainassa kaatuneiden suomalaistaistelijoiden kunniaksi
Kiovan Maidanin aukion laidalla olevan lippumeren keskellä on kaksi Suomen lippua Ukrainan itsenäisyyden puolesta kaatuneiden suomalaisten Sankareiden kunniaksi Ukrainan lippujen ympäröimänä.

Tämä spontaani "muistomerkki" on todella liikuttava ja vetää aika vakavaksi, koska joka kertaa kun tulen Kiovaan, niin se kasvaa ensitstä suuremmaksi ja siihen ilmestyy niin ukrainan, kuin uusien maiden lippuja. Ylivoimasesti eniten on tietysti Ukrainan lippuja, koska juuri Ukrainan kansa kärsii suurimmat menetykset tässä järjettömässä verilöylyssä.

Kymmenien muiden maiden lippujen kirjo kuitenkin kertoo sen, että Ukraina ei ole taistelussaan yksin, vaan sitä tukee koko maailma, mistä löytyy vielä rohkeita ihmisiä, jotka ovat valmiita tulemaan, taistelemaan ja jopa kuolemaan tänne tuhansien kilometrien päästä. On todella järkyttävää nähdä sen lippumeren keskellä myös Suomen lippuja, mutta tällaisessa paikassa sodan kasvot näyttäytyvät kaikessa karmeudessaan.
Hyvät tekstitykset.
Assault operation. The armored group dismantles the fortifications of the occupiers. Part 1. Battalion K-2.
This video series will consist of three parts. In the first part, the commander of the armored group "Nomad" will share the details of the operation, planning, preparation and details of battle tactics. How they repelled the landing from the occupiers - more details in the video. Enjoy.
Our FPV drones are a real terror for the enemy thanks to the skill of the pilots. They go where others wouldn't dare and perform tasks with such skill that the enemy barely has time to blink. Edelweiss pilots operate drones with amazing precision, inflicting new blows on the enemy every day.

The work of the guys from "Taystra"

Subscribe to our social networks 👇🏼





With a shield or on a shield 🛡️
Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦

10 гірсько - штурмова бригада Едельвейс
10 mountain - assault brigade Edelweiss

We work with your FPV drones in the Kupyansk, Soledarsk and Bilogorivsk directions
Stopping the enemy on the Kupyansk, Soledarsk, and Bilogorivsk directions is a big job that requires appropriate technical support.

That is why we are opening a collection for 50 FPV drones for even more effective destruction of enemy military equipment and manpower.

🎯Target: 1,000,000 UAH.

🔗Link to the bank:

💳 Card number: 5375 4112 0951 8443

Thank you for your support and donations

Небесна Кара 54 ОМБр
Heavenly Punishment 54 OMBr

MT-12 RAPIRA gun
Ternopil gunners showed how they hone their combat skills on regular weapons with a complex barrel, caliber 14.5 mm.

44 окрема артилерійська бригада
44 separate artillery brigade