Ukrainan sodan videot.

Suomalainen taistelija Ukrainan sodassa - Vieraana Veeti Rautamies​

Veeti Rautamies on suomalainen vapaaehtoistaistelija Ukrainan sodassa. Tällä videolla Veeti Rautamies kertoo, millaista on olla sodassa. Videolla käydään läpi laajasti taistelijoiden arkea rintamalla sekä pohditaan millaisia millaista on lähteä sotimaan toisen valtion puolesta!

Veeti kertoo myös omista motiveeistaan sekä siitä sekä siitä, mikä sai hänet lopulta palaamaan takaisin Suomeen! Videolla käsitellään myös Suomen armeijaa ja sitä, millaista nykyajan sodankäynti on.

Video ei sisällä väkivaltaista kuvitusta tai kuvailua.


0:00 Vapaaehtoistaistelija Veeti Rautamies
1:04 Minkä takia lähdit Ukrainaan?
2:27 Mitä mieltä olet Armeijasta?
2:53 Mitä sinulle merkitsee Suomen itsenäisyys?
4:30 Mitä mieltä läheiset olivat lähöstä sotaan?
5:31 Kuinka kauan olit itse pohtinut lähtöä ja miten valmistauduit sotaan?
6:51 Miten lähteä vapaaehtoiseksi taistelijaksi?
10:30 Mikä on Your Finnish Friends ry?
11:26 Millaiset varusteet suomalaisilla taisteilijoilla on Ukrainassa?
12:31 Vapaaehtoisten taisteilijoiden koulutus Ukrainassa
13:34 Oliko rintamalla sellaista kuin kuvittelit?
14:43 Onko taisteilijoilla vapaa-aikaa?
15:49 Pelottaako olla sodassa?
17:05 Miltä tuntuu taistelutoverin kuolema?
19:06 Miten sotiminen on muuttunut?
20:32 Oliko paljon naisia taistelijoina?
20:48 Jääkö sodassa koetut asiat kummittelemaan mieleen?
22:19 Miksi lähdit pois Ukrainaista?
26:59 Onko rintamalla mahdollista tavata psykologia?
28:06 Kuinka hyvin rintamalla saa kokonaiskuvan sodasta?
30:30 Ajatuksia sotapropagandasta
31:21 Millaista on olla takaisin Suomessa?
33:20 Suomalaisten taistelijoiden kaatuminen
34:57 Miten läheiset suhtautuivat kun palasit Suomeen?
35:32 Paljonko vapaaehtoistaistelija saa palkkaa?
36:14 Kuinka kauan sota vielä jatkuu?
38.55 Mitä haluat sanoa ihmisille?
40:51 Ajatuksia Suomen puolustuskyvystä
Viimeksi muokattu:
Englannin kielinen tekstitys.
Save the Warriors: Medical Reality
Did you know that every day brave warriors risk their lives to protect our freedom and way of life? These heroes face countless dangers on the battlefield, risking life and limb for their country.

Together to victory!💪🇺🇦

Automaattikäännös englanniksi näyttäisi toimivan ihan OK
What is the gun and ammo against the FPV drone?
A past video about fighting hovering drones with a shotgun got a lot of reactions and a lot of views. But time demands new tests, because now the biggest problem is FPV drones, which are used by hundreds and thousands.

You will receive a huge amount of useful information because we wanted to thoroughly test different types of cartridges and their fallout at different distances. The test rifle was the Hatsan BTS-12, as the most compact rifle with a medium-length barrel.

Also, the video includes videos of real shootings of FPV drones, which were carried out on training grounds for the military and for research.

Our tests will not stop there, so subscribe to the channel and support with subscriptions and comments.
Legion's appeal to Russians | March 12, 2024
Good morning from the Russian-Ukrainian border.

Like all our fellow citizens, in the Legion we dream of a Russia freed from Putin’s dictatorship. But we are not just dreaming: we are making every effort to realize these dreams. We will take our land from the regime, centimeter by centimeter. Russians will sleep peacefully, not be afraid of the doorbell, and will say what they think without fear. Russians will vote for whom they want, and not for whom they should. Russians will live freely.

⚡️The Legion is coming.

Defeat of enemy ROP in the village of Tetkino | Kursk region, 03/12/2024
A fragment of the morning combat defeat of an enemy company stronghold during the entry into Tetkino.

Go ahead!

Легион "Свобода России"
Legion "Freedom of Russia"
SSO destroy enemy equipment in Kherson region
⚫️ Operators of the 73rd Maritime Center of the SSO discovered a building with a cluster of antennas for FPV drones, a surveillance camera, an electronic surveillance station and a MUROM-M remote video surveillance complex.

⚫️ To destroy the enemy's devices, FPV drone operators were involved, who destroyed all targets with surgical precision.

You can see the result of the destruction and the skill of our operators in the video.

🔥25 occupants and 6 units of equipment - the result of the work of one SSO unit per day
⚫️In the zone of responsibility of the 8th SSO regiment during reconnaissance, equipment and personnel of the enemy were discovered. A decision was made to use FPV drones.

⚫️According to the results of the work:

Damaged and disabled:
- 2 tanks;
- TOS-1A "Sonstsepok";
- 3 BBM.
In addition, 13 occupiers were killed and 12 were wounded.

⚫️ "It was a very difficult day, and at the same time - productive, I didn't leave the remote control for more than a couple of minutes," said the operator of the 8th SSO regiment.
We destroyed a UAV operator, an anti-UAV operator and four "three hundred" on the border with Russia
It is only a few kilometers from here to the enemy's territory. A group of border aerial reconnaissance arrived at the position to check whether there was a threat in that direction. Here it is extremely important not to "burn out". Drone operators are as desirable targets for the enemy as snipers. However, it is mutual: hunting is conducted from both sides. How border aerial reconnaissance groups work on the border with Russia, what tricks do they have in their arsenal and what do they consider to be the main thing in their work.

Hyvä englannin kielinen tekstitys
K-2 fighter commander: Storming is an honor! About the fear of an assault, grandfathers in the army and motivation
The hero of today's video "Psycho" barely remembers himself before the war, when he worked at one of the mines in his native Donetsk region. About his combat path as a warrior, the most difficult operations, the fear of storming and whether he would be able not to surrender - all this is in the interview. What other questions would you like to hear answered? Leave them in the comments.

00:00 - Introduction
01:38 - Since when have you been at war?
02:18 - What did you do before the war?
02:38 - How did you get into the K-2 Battalion?
03:26 - About stuttering
03:55 - What kind of people are with you?
04:48 - Why did you become an officer?
05:50 - How to gain authority?
06:45 - Preparation of the attack aircraft
07:40 - Age threshold for an attack aircraft
08:15 - The brightest moment
09:30 - Operations in the Seversky direction
10:50 - Have you ever been scared?
11:30 - What do stormtroopers lack?
12:10 - Storming is an honor or a punishment?
13:26 - How is your morale?
13:50 - What would you say to those who are tired of the war?
14:05 - How do you feel being in the rear?
14:50 - Did you ask for motivation?
16:18 - How should mobilization take place?
18:13 - Death or capture?
19:24 - What do you think about our enemy?
20:28 - What do you think about "Wagners"?
20:40 - Hero's TikTok
21:25 - Recruitment to the "Psycho" unit
21:38 - Video announcement about the assault group
Merierkkarit asialla.
🔥SSO prevented the enemy's attempt to mine reservoirs in the Kherson region
⚫️ Operators of the 73rd Maritime Center of the SSO, while conducting aerial reconnaissance in the Southern direction, discovered an enemy vehicle with a carriage and two boats. Enemy personnel were also present. It was established that the Russians were planning an exit to replace reservoirs in one of the settlements.

⚫️ Fire damage was promptly inflicted on enemy targets by impact unmanned systems. As a result of the accurate work of the SSO operators, the enemy's equipment was destroyed.

Destruction of 2 BC warehouses in Tetkino | Legion "Freedom of Russia", March 14, 2024
While Putin’s army is destroying civilian houses, the Legion artillerymen delicately destroyed 2 ammunition depots of Putin’s troops in Tetkino. It burns beautifully.
Tekstitetty englanniksi
Bakhmut's experience, analysis of battles, final assault: how sergeants of the 3rd OShBr are trained
A necessary component of the military unit's combat capability is a well-trained junior command staff. In this video, we talk about the E. Konovalts Military School of Commanders, where sergeants of the Third Assault Brigade and the 12th Special Purpose Brigade "Azov" are trained.

VSHK has been training junior commanders since 2016. However, in the conditions of a full-scale war, sergeants undergo an intensive course of training. During the training, not just good fighters are trained, but leaders who will be able to lead them into battle, command an operation, discipline and protect the personnel of their unit.

The school's instructors use combat experience and the best Western methods and standards when training the sergeant corps of the Third Assault Division.

"If you just get a book - Soviet or American - there is no recipe. The recipe is the experience of how to apply it. Examples are needed. We took the best instructions of the West, adapted them to our weapons, our mentality and war," explains Kirt, head of the training department of the 3rd OShBr.

Assaulting and clearing a building, organizing a full-fledged defense of a platoon stronghold - training takes place in conditions that reproduce as much as possible what happens on the battlefield. Fighters in practice work out scenarios of dangerous situations that were or may be in battle. During the training, the fighters work to achieve harmony and clear interaction in the group, when you understand each other's half a word.

"We give them training, battles in urban conditions, we give them examples of Bakhmut, Mariupol, Chechnya, Syria - everything we studied, where we were ourselves, learned from open or closed sources," says Kirt. According to him, if a fighter is serious about training, he can gain 20% of experience, as from combat, "without paying for it in blood or losses."

Every time after the training, there is an analysis of the actions taken: the instructors carefully analyze the situation and the mistakes made with the fighters. To make a mistake during training is "not a bad thing." It is important to learn from the situation, because a mistake in a real battle can be fatal.

"We teach the staff to create during the training process the opportunity to make mistakes, identify this mistake, correct it and become stronger. We learn to take into account and plan every aspect, and not to work on a whim or a whim," says Kirt.

At the end of the training course, the sergeants pass the final assault, as a summary of the acquired knowledge and practiced skills. The training ends with a ceremony at which the soldiers take an oath and receive name knives engraved with the sergeant's motto: "Follow me, do as I do."

00:00 start
00:25 What is the officer responsible for?
00:50 How did the idea to create a sergeant's school come about?
02:30 How is the training going?
03:00 "What should I throw at you so that you understand?"
04:10 Training of sergeants
05:10 Sergeants are responsible for the life of the personnel
06:10 What tasks do sergeants face?
07:40 What would you do if there was no war?
08:20 Masking positions
09:00 In what conditions are the trainings conducted in the Third Assault Station?
10:15 "There is no single tactic that will always work"
12:00 "You can take 20% of everything you need from your studies, but you don't pay in blood or losses"
13:00 How to storm enemy trenches?
15:30 "Start evacuating the wounded"
17:00 Error analysis and conclusions
22:00 The ancient tradition of receiving a Knife

Wayne Hallatt - Canadian Infantry / Chosen Company | Funker530 Ep.1
Wayne Hallatt is a Canadian Infantry Veteran of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry with 18 months in combat during the GWOT. Wayne is also a current PKM machine gunner with Chosen Company, a highly kinetic unit assigned to Ukraine's 59th Brigade comprised entirely of foreign Volunteers.

Chosen Co.

Protect A Volunteer
Robotyne. Sych Bombers against Russian Assaults. Defending Frontline with the 411 Hawks
Ukraine is preparing to create a new branch of the military: The Drone Forces. One of the prototypes is the 411 Separate UAV Batallion, also called the 411 HAWKS. Founded a year ago, the Hawks are one of the first to work exclusively with drones, from standard FPVs to large bombers. Today, they are taking us on two of their missions in one of the most difficult directions of the frontline: Robotyne.

Brave1 has tested 50 ground robotic platforms. And this is only the beginning
The other day, Defense Tech members of the Brave1 cluster took part in a test of 50 ground robotic systems.

These are logisticians, tow trucks, scouts, shock systems, kamikaze, as well as deminers and deminers.

In total, more than 140 ground robotic systems projects applied to the platform. Brave1 has been working with ground-based drone systems since last summer. As of now, 14 developments have already been codified according to NATO standards.

For security reasons, filming is very limited and not everything can be shown. At the same time, some developments are already familiar to Military viewers, so subscribe to our channel, you will know more.
Englannin mielinne tekstitys
Avdiiv direction: FPV kamikaze drones against Russian T90 tanks.
00:00 Announcement
00:27 Thank you for your help
01:19 We are going to the position and the first shelling
02:19 Preparation for takeoff
04:06 BC warehouse was destroyed
04:36 Minus the infantry
05:02 BMP was burned
05:47 Sad foot soldiers
05:55 Finished the tank
06:02 Mass of infantry
06:07 The first buggy
06:25 MTLB with infantry
06:38 Tank head on
07:02 The enemy is in the trench
07:36 We are working under fire
08:45 Basement with the enemy
10:04 Cannon battery
10:14 Another infantry
10:41 Finishing the tank
10:53 Another buggy
11:15 We get the infantry
11:19 a game of hide and seek
11:39 Glory to Ukraine!

SHOOT THE ENEMY EVEN FASTER: How to use your gun belt effectively
There are several types of gun belts that allow you to use your machine gun as comfortably, safely, and quickly as possible. These belts are mainly divided into three types: single-point, two-point and three-point. Some of them can be used as universal.

In this story, you will learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of the belts mentioned above, how to use them correctly and as efficiently as possible, as well as what is the difference between them.
Englannin kielinen tekstitys
Operation "Hoverla". Details from the SSO of Ukraine
A carefully thought-out, rapid and successful operation of the SSO of Ukraine made it possible to seize an extremely important height in one of the operational directions. A few months before, the Defense Forces could not take these important positions, the enemy defended them well for a long time, keeping a large area under control, hindering the actions of Ukrainian units.

The details of the operation are disclosed by the operators of the combat group of the Special Operations Forces, which seized the commanding height, accidentally capturing several Russian soldiers

ATV evacuation: how does it work? Shows a fighter of the 93rd OMBr "Mukha", Limansk direction
Evacuation from the battlefield is always difficult. And if we are talking about off-road, the "three hundredth" has to be pulled out... by a quad bike. Because other transport simply won't pass there. This method of rescue cannot be called comfortable, but the main thing is to save life. A soldier of the 93rd OMBr "Kholodny Yar" with the call sign "Mukha" takes the guys from the battlefield every day by quad bike and delivers them to the point from where medics take them to the stabilization point.

This is what "Mukha" told us:

🦸‍♂️ How many "three hundred" did he save?
🦸‍♂️ What was the maximum number of departures in one night?
🦸‍♂️ In what weather is it best to evacuate a person by ATV?
🦸‍♂️ What quad bike does he use?
🦸‍♂️ What is his maximum speed?
🦸‍♂️ What helps to overcome stress during work?
ARE FOREIGN TROOPS ALREADY IN UKRAINE? Zolkin interviews prisoners of war | Missing soldiers

"Angry Birds" is a combined division and startup To arms!
The commander of the "Angry Birds" combined unit Ilya Shpoliansky talked about the development of the Bekfire anti-aircraft missile defense system, opportunities for financing military developments, and the work of the unit.
Englannin kielinen tekstitys
Raid in Krasnohorivka: how the Third Assault Force knocked the occupiers out of the city
Combat operation of the 3rd OShBr, during which fighters of the 1st and 2nd assault battalions stopped an attempt to break through the front line and cleared Krasnohorivka of enemy forces. The video footage was shot on the GoPro cameras of the raid participants.

The day before, the occupiers managed to advance on a certain part of this settlement and start preparations for defense. It was necessary to act quickly to dislodge the enemy without allowing them to gain a foothold. Soldiers of the Third Assault Division were sent to this difficult area.

"We were given this task at 2 in the morning and we left in the morning," recalls Estet's friend, the commander of the assault platoon "Myron" of the 1st assault company, 2nd assault battalion.

Having entered the city, the units of the brigade went on the offensive. The fighters began clearing building after building, while the enemy desperately defended himself. From the intercepted conversations of the enemy, it became clear that things were bad for the occupiers. However, the Russians held on with all their might. The occupiers ignored the offer to surrender and exchange.

"Their skills were not at a high level. But the level of stability and motivation was characteristic. Even being surrounded, although they certainly had no opportunity to retreat or run away, because they would have been killed immediately, they still fought and fought back. It cost us some effort to destroy them," says friend Darwin, deputy company commander, TVO commander of the 3rd assault company of the 1st assault battalion.

Shooting battles took place among private sector buildings damaged and completely destroyed by shelling. Sometimes it was extremely difficult to get hold of the occupiers. To eliminate the enemy, the fighters used grenades, and also worked with the help of FPV drones.

The video captures the moment of providing first aid to the injured and M-ko's quick evacuation. Thanks to the operational actions of the soldiers, all comrades who were injured in the battle were saved.

"It is always difficult to conduct operations without reconnaissance, prior combat orders in new directions. This is a very large volume of work, which was done as quickly as possible, which did not give the enemy the opportunity to gain a stronger foothold, establish logistics, bring supplies to himself, and connect his forces on this bridgehead with his main forces. Due to the speed of events and assault actions, we were able to nip their breakthrough attempt in the bud," Darwin stated.

As a result of the lightning operation of the Third Assault Brigade, Krasnohorivka remained under the Ukrainian flag. The bridgehead for breaking through the front line was destroyed along with the enemy's manpower.

00:00 start
00:40 "the task was set at 2 in the morning, and we already left in the morning"
01:30 P*dars adapted and prepared for battles
02:40 "We need to storm this house!"
04:00 "We were in attack, and they were in defense, it was easier for them"
05:00 "The best job in the world"
06:00 "They are coming already"
06:50 "The boys shouted to the fuckers to surrender, but they were silent"
07:50 "Some grandfathers are fighting against us, but there is no pity at all"
09:00 Cleaning of houses from occupants
12:30 Problem with clearing a house with an armored door
15:00 Rescue of a wounded soldier
17:40 "The loss ratio was at least 1/3 + we saved all the wounded"
19:00 The site was dangerous, and the enemy had no opportunity to evacuate
20:00 "We were able to prevent their attempt to break through the front"
21:00 "We are often sent to difficult areas of the front so that professionals can come in and do their work"
22:00 Break into the Third Assault!
22:30 Thank you to our sponsors!

About choice, motivation and the way to victory. Air reconnaissance 45 OABr
War changes people. Few of us are born for the military cause. Today, everyone has to make their own choice.
Ukrainan sota: Tilannekatsaus ja tulevaisuus (Jussi Pajunen & Lasse Laaksonen) | Puheenaihe 485
Mikä Ukrainan sodan tilanne on maaliskuussa 2024? Miten Venäjän presidentinvaalit ovat heijastuneet sotaan ja mikä on sodan kehityssuunta lähitulevaisuudessa?

Studiossa apulaissotilasprofessori Jussi Pajunen ja sotahistorioitsija Lasse Laaksonen. Jakso on kuvattu 14.3.2024.

0:00 Rintamatilanne
1:34 Venäjän presidentinvaalit
8:18 Venäjään vaikuttaminen
11:32 Ukrainan kapasiteetti
17:31 Venäjän tavoitteet
22:11 Aseapu
29:01 EU:n apupaketti
39:10 Macronin kommentit
43:26 Sodan päättyminen
49:03 Skenaariot
55:04 Zelenskyin asema
58:20 Yhdysvallat

Time codes:

00:00-00:58 - Introduction
00:59-03:25 - Special purpose center "Omega"
03:26-07:49 - History from 2003 to 2014
07:50-13:49 - History from 2014 to 2022
13:50-22:43 - History from 2022 to 2024
22:44-24:18 - Preparation and assembly
24:19-25:26 - Updating the arsenal after the start of a full-scale war
25:27-26:00 - Conclusion
26:01-26:20 - End
Dokumentti Baba Yaga droneja lennättävästä yksiköstä. Automaattikäännös englanniksi näyttäisi pääsääntöisesti toimivan ihan hyvin.

SBU: special forces of victory. Documentary about the special unit "White Wolf"
The "White Wolf" unit, which is part of the Special Operations Center "A" of the Security Service of Ukraine, has already destroyed more than 800 units of Russian equipment on the front line.*

The formation of the unit and its work in the hottest spots of the war are discussed in the documentary film "SBU: Special Forces of Victory".

"White Wolf" works successfully and efficiently along the entire front line. The operation to liberate Izyum Oblast should be especially noted. Before the Defense Forces entered there, our "wolves", in fact, burned the enemy's armored fist... This is a really unique unit and top military personnel, capable of performing any extremely complex operational and combat task," said the Head of the SBU, Vasyl Malyuk.

The unit consists of patriot volunteers who entered the SBU "A" TsSO with the beginning of the full-scale invasion. And from that time they took part in operations for the defense of Kyiv region, the liberation of the territories of Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk regions and Kherson.

"The most striking result of the White Wolf is the number of destroyed enemy equipment: at least 800 units since the beginning of the full-scale aggression.* And that's not all. They also destroyed about 300 objects, such as fortifications, warehouses, firing positions," emphasizes Yevgeny Khmara, the head of the Central Security Service "A" of the SBU.

As Oleg Yemets, the commander of the "White Wolf" unit, said in the film, the "wolves" burned more than 50 Russian tanks in the Kharkiv region alone. This weakened the enemy's defenses and allowed the Armed Forces to liberate the territories with minimal losses and very quickly.

"Our unit cooperates widely with the Armed Forces. Together we participate in assault actions. In some ways, they copy our approach to combat work, and what is nice, before training their personnel, they try to get drones with similar characteristics," Oleg Yemets notes.

According to him, "White Wolf" specializes in working with drones, being one of the first to combine their reconnaissance and strike functions. Since then, the unit has focused on training and developing military professions such as pilots, navigators, gunners, and sapper engineers.

"They are engaged in causing successful fire damage with the help of attack copters, i.e. dropping ammunition," Vasyl Malyuk explains.

In the film, the "White Wolf" fighters told many examples of combat work, including how one crew hit 13 units of enemy equipment in one night. They also shared their emotions about the loss of their brother Oleksandr Engel (call sign "Boatsman") in the Kharkiv Region and about their personal motivation to fight for Victory.

According to Vasyl Malyuk, many soldiers of the unit received state awards for their courage.

The film "SBU: Special Forces of Victory" was created by the company "Ukrainian Production Hub" (UpHub) with the assistance of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine. The director of the film is Artur Lerman.

Note: *as of March 17, 2024
Unbelievable! A remote control mine clearance tractor made by farmers
See the 3rd issue of the research project "The world inside out. Ukraine". Dmytro Komarov's new report is an insider's look at what is behind an ordinary loaf of Ukrainian bread today.

Today, a third of Ukraine is covered with explosives, and the work of a simple farmer has become deadly. Artisans create their own inventions from improvised means that help clear fields and save lives and equipment. At times, their achievements are impressive: driverless tractors drive through Ukrainian fields, and new developments are tested at training grounds, which can speed up the pace of demining in the country for years. The Inside Out World team was the first to see with their own eyes the secret tests of a unique machine developed by Ukrainian farmers. This is not just an amateur invention. The machine was developed by order of the State Emergency Service, taking into account the experience of farmers. Whether the invention will pass the strength test by running over a real combat mine will be shown in a new report. In addition, Dmytro Komarov will try out the work of a sapper. And we will go to Slavutych. In the spring of 2022, the satellite city of the Chornobyl NPP survived the occupation and blockade, and its residents were on the verge of starvation. Together with Dmytro, they will recreate the bread recipe of the blockaded Slavutych - from flour for pigs, salt for sprinkling the roads and beer instead of yeast.

REP against a dozen worm-winged kamikazes over Krynky
I haven't reported on the Anti-FPV tape for a long time. The worm does not spare drones, we will cross the mark of 4,000 pieces in a week, it is obvious; the enemy ramps up attacks with kamikaze wings.
Suomalaistaistelija "Joona" matkalla Ukrainaan, taistelemaan maan itsenäisyyden puolesta. Osa 3.

Tässä sarjassa seuraamme suomalaisen "Joonan" taivalta Ukrainan armeijan sepalveluksessa. Ensimmäisissä jaksoissa hän kertoo itsestään, syistä, jotka sai hänet lähtemään Ukrainaan, esittelee varusteitaaan ja antaa neuvoja Ukrainan asevoimiin liittymistä suunnitteleville suomalaisille. Nämä jaksot on kuvattu marraskuussa 2023, matkalla Ukrainaan. Tässä kolmannessa osassa Joona esittelee tarkemmin tiedustelulääkintämiehen repun sisältöä ja käyttämiään varusteita.

Videon tarkoituksena on kertoa yksityiskohtaisesti, mitä Ukrainan armeijaan liittyminen oikeasti tarkoittaa, miten prosessi etenee ja miten sitä saa nopeutettua.

Joona on tällä hetkellä hyvissä käsissä Harkovan aluepuolustuspataljoonassa, minne on perusteilla suomalaisista koostuva osasto. Harkova on sikäli hyvä paikka, että meillä on siellä käytössä ambulanssi, jolla saadaan tarvittaessa haettua haavoittuneita vaikka rintamalta, hyvä kuntoutuskeskus, missä suomalaisille taistelijoille järjestetään tarvittaessa kuntoutusta ja hoitoja, lakimiehen palvelut käytössä ja yksikön antamat varusteet ovat todella hyvät, verrattuna siihen, mitä joissakin muissa paikoissa on legioonalaisille annettu.

Odotusaika rajan ylittämisen ja sopimuksen allekirjoittamisen välillä, mikä on pahimmillan ollut useita kuukausia on saatu Harkovassa supistettua noin kuukaudeksi ja odotuksen aikana järjestämme täyden ylöspidon, majoituksen ja työpaikan, sekä mahdollisuuden osallistua ensiapukoulutukseen, aseiden purkuun, puhdistukseen ja korjaamiseen yms.

Mikäli olet jo hakenut Ukrainan asevoimiin ja sinut on määrätty johonkin rynnäkköpataljoonaan, niin suosittelen ottamaan meihin yhteyttä ASAP sähköpostitse [email protected], tai puhelimitse +358405637805, niin järjestämme teille siirron Harkovaan, samaan yksiköön Joonan kanssa. Sieltä löytyy koulutusta vastaavia tehtäviä niin hyväkuntoisille erikoisjoukkojen taistelijoille, kuin vähemmän kokeneillekin.

Ensimmäisessä sarjassa on kolme ambulanssissa menomatkalla Ukrainaan kuvattua osaa. Seuraavaksi tulee videomateriaalia Harkovasta ajalta ennen sopimuksen allekirjoittamista Ukrainan asevoimien kanssa ja palvelusajalta.

Kanavamme jäsenet saavat nähdä nämä videot ennen niiden varsinaista julkaisemista, eli kannatta liittyä jäseneksi, koska samalla tuette meidän toimintaa ja autatte hankkimaan varusteita suomalaisille ja ukrainalaisille vapaustaistelijoille.

Medics from LEGION of DIU. Real stories, experience FROM UKRAINIAN FRONTLINES.
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BMP-3 UNDER*RIV DESTROYED! Burns beautifully!
Precise defeat by the crew of the "Vitrol", the #FPV was driven directly into the open hatch of the combat vehicle. Burned to the ground, estimated cost 2 million dollars!

We destroy the enemy every day!
Support, subscribe, donate!

Today minus buggies, two D-30 guns, and a lot of Katsap infantry.

Battalion of unmanned systems as part of the 3rd separate assault brigade!

🚀 Our arsenal includes a variety of advanced unmanned and robotic systems: from Mavics and high-speed FPV drones to powerful reconnaissance wings, heavy kamikaze drones and mobile ground platforms.
These technologies not only enhance our intelligence, but also enable effective detection and detection


Mariupol... out of range | Documentary film
We could not imagine what the people in Ukrainian city Mariupol are going through… Mariupol has been occupied by russian army and has been under the constant fire from the russian aircraft since the beginning of March, 2022. People of Mariupol are left without any communication services. This became the idea of the documentary film "Mariupol... out of range".

Mariupol Defender I Documentary I Rebel Monkey Production
This film tells the inspiring and heroic story of a Ukrainian soldier who defended the city of Mariupol against an invading force.

As you all know, the conflict in Ukraine has been ongoing for many years, and has affected the lives of millions of people. Through this film, we wanted to shed light on the bravery and resilience of the people who have been affected by this conflict, and especially the soldiers who have risked their lives to protect their country.

This film is not just a story about war, it's a story about humanity, sacrifice, and courage. It's a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there are people who will stand up and fight for what they believe in.

I hope that this film will leave you feeling inspired and moved, and that it will give you a greater appreciation for the sacrifices made by those who serve their countries in times of war.

Thank you and we hope you enjoy the film. Glory to Ukraine!

Director - Stanislav Puzdriak
❓Will 1 million drones be enough? How much FPV is needed for the Armed Forces? REFILLED
- How many #FPVs are needed for the #ZSU?
- Will 1 million drones be enough?
- What is the cost of repelling one assault under the river?

We look, we count.
This is one of the roll-ups of pods at the Orlivka naval base, corrected by the "Anubis" crew, Unmanned Systems Battalion, #3OshBr.

This two-minute video does not capture all the impressions of the FPV, the actual event took about two hours.
The drones of not only our battalion worked, but also 2MB, 1MB, and related units from other brigades of the Armed Forces.

This is only one assault, one group of Katsaps, air combat for one landing. Multiply that by the length of the front times the drone loss factor (even 0.3), is a million a year enough?
In our opinion, the answer is obvious - NO!

Therefore, dear people, please donate to FPV drones!
Join our permanent meeting on FPV, join the meetings of other divisions and volunteers. Join constantly, it is expensive and difficult - but otherwise you will not win.

Thanks for viewing and support. 🫡
Subscribe, because we destroy katsaps every day!

ENG. VER. Avdiivka direction: FPV kamikaze drones against Russian IFV
00:00 Announcement
00:27 Thank you for your help
01:19 We are going to the position and the first shelling
02:19 Preparation for takeoff
04:06 BC warehouse was destroyed
04:36 Minus the infantry
05:02 BMP was burned
05:47 Sad foot soldiers
05:55 Finished the tank
06:02 Mass of infantry
06:07 The first buggy
06:25 MTLB with infantry
06:38 Tank head on
07:02 The enemy is in the trench
07:36 We are working under fire
08:45 Basement with the enemy
10:04 Cannon battery
10:14 Another infantry
10:41 Finishing the tank
10:53 Another buggy
11:15 We get the infantry
11:19 a game of hide and seek
11:39 Glory to Ukraine!