Uutisia Israelista

Voin olla vanhanaikainen, mutta ainakin omille aivoille naisten laittaminen kevyeen jalkaväkeen on täysin järjenvastainen ajatus jo fyysisten ominaisuuksien takia. Jossain motorisoidussa yksikössä pärjännevät. Sittenkin tulee väkisin vastaan myös se pienehkö ongelma, että nuoret miehet eivät ikinä ajattele kovinkaan loogisesti nuorten naisten läsnäollessa ja tämä biologisen tosiseikan aivokemialliseen toimintaan ulottuva vaikutus tuskin on poistumassa, vaikka kuinka teeskentelisi, että sukupuolilla ei ole väliä.
Voin olla vanhanaikainen, mutta ainakin omille aivoille naisten laittaminen kevyeen jalkaväkeen on täysin järjenvastainen ajatus jo fyysisten ominaisuuksien takia. Jossain motorisoidussa yksikössä pärjännevät. Sittenkin tulee väkisin vastaan myös se pienehkö ongelma, että nuoret miehet eivät ikinä ajattele kovinkaan loogisesti nuorten naisten läsnäollessa ja tämä biologisen tosiseikan aivokemialliseen toimintaan ulottuva vaikutus tuskin on poistumassa, vaikka kuinka teeskentelisi, että sukupuolilla ei ole väliä.

Tuntuuhan tuo toimivan. Tosin nuo pataljoonat eivät ole "varsinaisia" taistelujoukkoja vaan rajavartiointiin- ja turvallisuustehtäviin tarkoitettuja.

Tämä kertoo jo paljon: " The unit will include field intelligence, visual intelligence, and trackers." Eli tod.näk. miehet hoitaa noita jäljityshommia, poisluettuna ehkä jotkin koiranohjaajat.
Tuntuuhan tuo toimivan. Tosin nuo pataljoonat eivät ole "varsinaisia" taistelujoukkoja vaan rajavartiointiin- ja turvallisuustehtäviin tarkoitettuja.

Tämä kertoo jo paljon: " The unit will include field intelligence, visual intelligence, and trackers." Eli tod.näk. miehet hoitaa noita jäljityshommia, poisluettuna ehkä jotkin koiranohjaajat.
Laitoit itse asiassa @Sardaukar tähän ketjuun taannoin viestiä, jossa IDF:n tutkimusten mukaan liike pysähtyy samantien jos nainen haavoittuu... tulee se suojeluvaisto killer-instinctin yli ja hommasta ei tule mitään.
Samaa mieltä savolaisen hiusharjan kanssa tästä kyllä, ei hyvä idea myöskään meillä.
Laitoit itse asiassa @Sardaukar tähän ketjuun taannoin viestiä, jossa IDF:n tutkimusten mukaan liike pysähtyy samantien jos nainen haavoittuu... tulee se suojeluvaisto killer-instinctin yli ja hommasta ei tule mitään.
Samaa mieltä savolaisen hiusharjan kanssa tästä kyllä, ei hyvä idea myöskään meillä.

Joo, eihän noita ole etulinjan taistelutehtäviin tarkoitettu. Noissa hommissa varmasti pärjäävät hyvin. Jotkut Caracal-pataljoonan naiset ovat saaneet ihan kunnon kunniamerkkejäkin tappelustilanteista. Taisi olla joku tarkka-ampuja noiden joukossa.

Tässä ihan hyvä artikkeli:


Ja hieman lisää uudesta muodostetusta Border Defence Forcesta (johon nuo 4 pataljoonaa nyt kuuluvat):


The Border Defense Force will also include teams of female soldiers, known in Hebrew as tatzpitaniyot, who monitor surveillance cameras along the border.


But the process of bringing in more female combat soldiers has, at times, been painful, literally. Servicewomen have suffered stress fractures and other injuries at far higher rates than their male counterparts.

To prevent some of those issues, the army has provided female soldiers with lighter, better-fitting flak jackets and helmets.

Female soldiers from the mixed-gender Caracal Battalion train in southern Israel on December 10, 2014. (IDF Spokesperson’s Unit)

Now, Kahana said, after reviewing the options, the army decided to outfit female soldiers only with M-16 assault rifles, in place of the heavier Tavor, which is currently being used by the Caracal Battalion.

In addition, light machine guns — which weigh a lot more than their name lets on — will no longer be carried by soldiers in the mixed-gender battalions, but will be fixed to their patrol vehicles, he said.

Hmm... olisin luullut että Tavor varsinkin jonkin verran takapainoisena sopisi paremmin noille mimmeille, jos ei ole pitkät kädet luonnostaan ja habaa nostella asetta valoilla yms. etu-härpäkkeillä? Mini-Tavorit ilmeisesti menevät edelleen suoraan Sayeret-joukoille..?
Hmm... olisin luullut että Tavor varsinkin jonkin verran takapainoisena sopisi paremmin noille mimmeille, jos ei ole pitkät kädet luonnostaan ja habaa nostella asetta valoilla yms. etu-härpäkkeillä? Mini-Tavorit ilmeisesti menevät edelleen suoraan Sayeret-joukoille..?

Joo, CTAR-21 ja MTAR-21 eli mini-(compact) Tavor ja micro-Tavor taitavat olla erilaisten erikoisjoukkojen herkkua. Tosin saattaa ehken löytyä esim. tankkimiehistöiltäkin.
Mitä ihmettä ? Youtubesta löytyy sinne 2015 ladattu video, jossa Bundeswehrin sotilaat osallistuvat koulutukseen Israelissa.

Oliko tämä kenties joku kohteliaisuuskäynti tai vierailua ?
Ovat käyneet siellä koulutuksessa jo pitkän aikaa. Muutakin yhteistyötä on ollut aina 50-luvulta lähtien.

Muutamia vanhempia kuvia:





Viimeksi muokattu:
Israelin Arrow-ohjustentorjuntajärjestelmä tositoimissa ensi kertaa (ja harvinaisessa lausunnossa Israel ilmoittaa tehneensä ilmaiskun Syyriaan...yleensä IDF ei kommentoi moisia operaatioitaan):


Israel has shot down a Syrian missile using its most advanced anti-missile system for the first time, Israeli media say.

A surface-to-air missile (SAM) was intercepted using the Arrow system, designed to stop long-range ballistic missiles, reports say.

And in a rare admission, Israel said it had targeted several sites in Syria.

The intercepted SAM is reported to have come down in Jordan. Two others are said to have landed in Israel.

There were no reports of any injuries.


Syria's state news agency Sana said on Friday that Syrian forces had shot down one of four Israeli planes which had carried out overnight raids. The IDF however said none of its aircraft had been "compromised".

The Israeli military said its planes were already back in Israeli airspace when the SAMs were fired.

Israeli media said one missile was intercepted by the Arrow system north of Jerusalem.


The anti-aircraft missiles were fired from eastern Syria by Bashar Assad’s military, traveling over Jordan and toward the Jerusalem area. They were apparently SA-5 surface-to-air missiles (SAMs).


Therefore, it was not immediately clear why the IDF used the Arrow against a SAM, possibly indicating a misidentification of the type of weapon being fired from Syria.

Mielenkiintoinen juttu Hizbollahin aikeista hyökätä raketein Israeliin.

Hezbollah is preparing Syria as second battlefield against Israel
By David Daoud | March 16, 2017 | [email protected] | @DavidADaoud
Hezbollah intends to wage its next war against Israel from deep within Syria, according to a report on a pro-Hezbollah news site last week.

The report, found on the web site Ya Sour, quoted Hezbollah sources saying the group intends to fire long-range projectiles at the Jewish state from the Qalamoun and Anti-Lebanon Mountain ranges, areas firmly under the Shiite group’s control on both the Syrian and Lebanese sides of the border.

There is reason to suspect that Hezbollah has indeed built up a missile arsenal in those areas, particularly as the city of Baalbek, the heartland of its Beqaa Valley stronghold, lies nearby. Israeli airstrikes against the group in Syria have been concentrated in Qalamoun. Moreover, a spokesman for the opposition’s Syrian National Salvation Front, named Fahd al-Masri, said in Dec. 2016 that Hezbollah was nearing completion of a tunnel in the Zabadani valley linking these two areas. Hezbollah seeks to facilitate the transfer of weapons and “reinforce its presence in the strategically important areas” in the western Damascus countryside, which includes Qalamoun, according to al-Masri.

Earlier in 2016, satellite images revealed a Hezbollah weapons warehouse slightly north of that area in Qusayr, where the group reportedly housed Katyusha rockets, mortars and howitzers. Reports also claimed Hezbollah was storing longer-range, Iranian-produced ballistic missiles there, including the Shahab-1, Shahab-2 and Fateh-110/M-600, which the organization could use to strike Israel. Intelligence has long suspected that Hezbollah possesses these missiles, but that has not been confirmed.

The Hezbollah sources told Ya Sour that the group was shifting its missile operations to the Qalamoun and Anti-Lebanon Mountain range because it would be easier “to camouflage the rockets and protect their storehouses and launchers from the danger of Israeli military planes.” They added that the Qalamoun’s vast expanses made the region ideal for easily and safely firing long-range ballistic missiles at Israel.

This latest report coincides with others that Hezbollah has transferred its longer-range rockets to Syria as part of a restructuring of its forces, as they require launching pads too large to be hidden in Lebanon from Israel’s aerial surveillance.

Hezbollah has good reason to prefer placing its longer-range weapons in Syria. This would place those projectiles out of range of IDF ground troops, and could be hidden in the Syrian army’s hardened shelters to better insulate them from air strikes. On the second day of the 2006 Second Lebanon War, it took the Israeli Air Force 34 minutes to destroy most of Hezbollah’s medium and long-range missiles tucked away in the rugged Lebanese terrain.

By dispersing the weapons across the Qalamoun Mountains, Hezbollah would complicate Israel’s task of replicating that success. Israeli jets would now have to cover a much larger area to locate and destroy these rockets, while also worrying about ducking Syrian and Russian air defenses.

However, these added difficulties are not insurmountable for Israel. The concentration of Israeli strikes in the Qalamoun region – 43 to date – demonstrates that Hezbollah’s arsenal in that area lies well within the IAF’s reach. The size of the launching pads and long-range missiles, their fueling time, and their lack of mobility would make them easy prey for Israeli jets operating over Qalamoun, allowing Israel to replicate its 2006 success. Israel also has experience in overcoming Russian-made air-defenses, as it did during the 1982 Lebanon War against Syria’s Soviet-built surface-to-air missile network in the Beqaa Valley. Israel’s new squadron of F-35 jets, expected to go into service by the end of 2017, will help surmount that challenge once again in a future war against Hezbollah.

The number of fronts on which Hezbollah will attempt fight is also part of the “surprises” to come in a future war, “which is right around the corner or closer,” the Hezbollah sources reportedly said. They claimed Hezbollah had already finished preparing the Golan Heights as an additional front to south Lebanon and had transferred high quality and specialized weapons there, fulfilling a long-standing promise by Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah. Interestingly, the sources reportedly made this assertion two days before Harakat al-Nujaba, an Iranian-controlled Iraqi militia – which once described itself and Hezbollah as “twins of the resistanceannounced the formation of its “Golan Liberation Brigade” to fight Israel.

Despite Hezbollah’s claims, fighting the IDF on multiple fronts will not be enough, on its own, to overwhelm Israel. The Israelis have successfully fought such wars in the past against conventional armies. It is Hezbollah’s reliance on guerilla tactics that make it a more elusive and formidable foe. However, those tactics – which depend on Lebanon’s more rugged topography – will be less effective in the relatively flat Syrian side of the Heights, where Israel controls the high ground.

More importantly, the claim that Israel and Hezbollah are on the verge of war must be taken with a grain of salt, as the organization remains too bogged down in Syria to seriously confront the IDF.

Wall street Journal on lähde.

Syria Fires Missiles at Israeli Jets After Airstrikes

Israeli military denies Syrian claim that one Israeli plane was brought down and another damaged


An Israeli Air Force F-15 fighter jet flies during an aerial demonstration at a graduation ceremony for Israeli air force pilots at the Hatzerim air base in southern Israel on Dec. 9, 2016. PHOTO: REUTERS
RORY JONES in Tel Aviv and

March 17, 2017 8:54 a.m. ET

Israeli air force planes carried out airstrikes inside Syria on Friday, drawing fire from government antiaircraft missile batteries in the most intense military exchange between the two countries since the start of the Syrian conflict six years ago.

The Israeli military didn’t disclose what it had targeted in Syria but said the aircraft had returned safely to their base, denying a Syrian army claim that one Israeli plane had been downed and another damaged.

Israel has long maintained a policy of neither confirming nor denying its military activities in Syria and said only that it reserves the right to strike arms shipments to Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed military and political group in Lebanon that is supplying fighters to the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

Israeli military spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said Israel was forced to disclose Friday’s clashes to the Israeli public because explosions had been heard and sirens had sounded in the Jordan Valley.

In a statement carried by Syria’s state news agency SANA, the Syrian army said four Israeli planes had targeted a government military position near the city of Palmyra in central Syria. The army and Syrian officials, including the governor of Homs province, where Palmyra is located, accused Israel of providing air support to Islamic State militants.

The airstrikes “definitely serve the terrorist organization [ISIS] because the Syrian army is countering terrorism. Any strike against the Syrian army serves terrorism,” said the governor, Talal al-Barazi.

Cross-border strikes by Israeli forces have escalated tensions between Israel and Hezbollah but so far haven’t mushroomed into wider fighting. The last major clash between them was a 34-day war in 2006 that left hundreds of combatants and civilians on both sides dead and thousands wounded, mostly on the Lebanese side.

In Friday’s fighting, Israel’s Arrow missile defense system intercepted and brought down a rocket from Syria, said Mr. Lerner, the Israeli military spokesman.

The Arrow system, which is jointly funded and produced by Israel and the U.S., is designed to deter missiles up to a range of more than 600 miles. Together with the Iron Dome and David’s Sling systems, it forms Israel’s missile defense umbrella.
David's Sling ohjustentorjuntajärjestelmä (aka Magic Wand) tulee täysin operationaaliseksi 2 viikon sisällä.


The David’s Sling, also known as the Magic Wand, will make up the middle tier of Israel’s multi-layer missile defense capabilities, and with it, Israel hopes to close the gaps in its missile defense capabilities, said Brig. Gen. Tzvika Haimovitch, head of the army’s Aerial Defense Command

Haimovitch did not give an exact date for the system’s deployment, but said on Monday afternoon that it should occur “around two weeks from today.”
Israel iski viime yönä taas Syyriaan, Kolmas isku kolmessa päivässä, toinen 24h kuluessa.


Israel is said to have struck Syria overnight Sunday-Monday, the second strike in 24 hours and third in three days as tensions escalated between the two countries over the weekend.

Syria media reported early Monday that Israeli jets took out a number of targets near the Lebanon-Syria border including a Hezbollah weapons convoy and Syrian military sites.
How did the North Korean threat reach Israel recently?
Despite the threats and sanctions imposed upon North Korea, the missile tests and nuclear developments continue. Behind the provocations and demonstration of power is an advanced weapons industry that has become an exporter worldwide. Some of these developments also threaten Israel.
Mar 20, 2017, 4:20PM Rachel Avraham

A series of missile tests that were conducted recently in North Korea have upset the world and have been seen as a dangerous provocation but behind the demonstration of power are economic interests. Various missile ranges, aerial defense systems and communication systems have been a leading exporter for the closed-off dictatorship. They send them to many countries and terror organizations across the world including to entities that threaten Israel.

Over the weekend, various Arab media outlets reported that a weapons convoy that was designated for Hezbollah was attacked by the IDF in Syrian territory on the night between Thursday and Friday. The weapons were all part of a North Korean advanced missile system.

In addition, the reactor that Israel allegedly attacked in September 2007 was built for Assad with the assistance of the North Korean dictatorship.

David's Sling ohjustentorjuntajärjestelmä (aka Magic Wand) tulee täysin operationaaliseksi 2 viikon sisällä.

Linkissä video Magic Wandin laukaisusta: http://www.jerusalemonline.com/news...sful-experiment-with-the-new-magic-wand-27349

Watch: IAF conducts successful experiment with the new Magic Wand

The Israeli Air Force is currently experimenting with the first battery of the Magic Wand - the new missile interceptor that will protect Israel and join the ranks of the Arrow and Iron Dome. The new system is designed to intercept cruise missiles and precise long-range rockets- the type of missile that Hamas and Hezbollah are in a race to obtain
Kyllä Golanilla, Quneitran lähellä tapahtuu nyt päivittäin...

IDF confirms: Drone fell in Syrian territory
Following the publication of pictures of an Israeli drone in media outlets associated with the Assad regime and Hezbollah, the IDF confirmed that a drone fell in Syria: “The circumstances are being examined.”
Mar 21, 2017, 9:42AM Rachel Avraham


Photo Credit: Channel 2 News

The IDF Spokespersons Office confirmed today that an Israeli drone fell in Syrian territory. The announcement comes after media outlets associated with the Assad regime and Hezbollah reported downing a drone in the area of Quneitra. Aside from the report in Syria, pictures were also published of the aircraft that indicated that it was a sky rider.

The IDF confirmed that a drone fell and stated that “the circumstances are being examined.” However, they did not confirm the Syrian version that it was shot down. It also appears that there is no fear of a leakage of information.

Tässäpä mielenkiintoinen video... hyvin oikeistokannattajajoukkoinen fudisbändi Beitar Jerusalem FC palkkasi ensimmäiset muslimipelaajansa (2 tsetseeniä), ei pudonnut hyvin.... (huom: The Guardianin filtterin läpi tämä pätkä tosin)

Israelilaispoliisi poltti hihat. Kotiarestiin...

Video linkissä http://www.jerusalemonline.com/news...ne&utm_campaign=EveningNewsletter+-+Recurring

Video of Israeli policeman hitting Palestinian truck driver draws criticism
The officer was filmed head-butting the driver and kneeing him in the stomach. Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan has condemned the officer's actions, as have police.

An Israeli policeman was filmed physically attacking a Palestinian truck driver Thursday morning in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Wadi al-Joz. The officer was arrested and later released on house arrest. The incident is being investigated by police's Internal Investigations Department.

In the video, the officer is shown approaching the driver, Mazen Shwiki, and accusing him of crashing into his private vehicle three days earlier. At some point, he head-butts the driver, slaps him and knees him in the stomach.

Ahmad, who was filming the incident from inside his car, tried to break up the fight and was also hit by the officer. "I was hit in the eye and I ran away from there, my friends took me," he said.

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan condemned the officer's actions. "Police did the right thing by suspending him," he said. "There is no place for such behavior and I hope police prosecute him to the full extent of the law."