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Breaking: JSOC’s Secretive Delta Force Operators on the Ground for El Chapo Capture
January 11, 2016 by Jack Murphy Leave a Comment


Mexico’s most notorious drug lord, Joaquín Guzmán Loera, better known as El Chapo, was recaptured following an intense firefight between Mexican Marines and Chapo’s goons in Sinaloa, Mexico, last Friday. Although Mexican officials claimed that the entire operation to recapture El Chapo after he escaped from prison for the second time was planned and executed by Mexico,multiple sources report to SOFREP that American law enforcement officers and JSOC operators were involved in the mission.

The operation, dubbed “Black Swan” by the Mexican government, was actually targeting Chapo’s lead sicario (assassin) but came across the cartel leader by chance. The Mexican Marines stormed the house and in the ensuing firefight five cartel gunmen were killed and six were injured. Additionally, one Marine was also injured. During the firefight, Chapo escaped through a series of tunnels and then tried to flee in a stolen vehicle. Federal agents caught sight of him and arrested him on the spot. According to one account, the arresting agents had not even been aware of the larger mission being carried out in the area by Mexican Marines. Arresting Chapo was simply a chance encounter, a stroke of good luck.

Rumors of American special operations personnel roaming around the badlands of Mexico have been floating around for well over a decade at this point, but the idea of bearded, ball cap- and Oakley-wearing American soldiers south of the border has been more fiction than fact. JSOC maintained a small analysis cell in Mexico, but the Mexican government has been extremely wary of an American military presence on the ground. Much of this has to do with fears of neocolonialism, as well as Latin American machismo—insecurity over the fact that Mexico cannot manage its own internal affairs.

While America’s so-called “war on drugs” is perhaps at an all-time low socially and politically, with our focus on the Middle East, the capture of El Chapo is still a tactical win for the United States, even if it only gets us incrementally closer to securing the rule of law in Mexico.

In the lead for the capture were the Mexican Marines, who are the go-to preferred force for counter-drug cartel operations in a country where public officials are often hopelessly corrupt. It is interesting to see how, around 2006 or 2007, the Mexican Marines suddenly became very effective at direct-action (DA) raids. Such raids were responsible for capturing and killing high-value targets (HVTs), causing speculation that the Marines were receiving a little help from their North American neighbors. America has also leveraged its significant signals intelligence (SIGINT) capabilities to help the Mexican authorities track down drug cartel leaders.

In regards to the latest El Chapo capture, SOFREP has been told that it was actually the U.S. Marshals who had an important role in tracking down the drug lord. Also on the ground was the U.S. Army’s elite counterterrorism unit, Delta Force. Operators from Delta served as tactical advisors but did not directly participate in the operation.

This type of arrangement is hardly unprecedented, as Delta also worked in the shadows during the search for, and eventual killing of, Pablo Escabar in Colombia. They’ve also served in advisory capacities during hostage-rescue missions in places as diverse as Sudan and Peru. Delta Force has also remained behind the scenes in the capture of other HVTs, from Manuel Noriega in Panama during the 1989 invasion, to the killing of Uday and Qusay Hussein in Iraq in 2003. Also worth noting is the unit’s role in tracking down and arresting Bosnian war criminals in the 1990s.

Although Delta had some level of involvement in the operation, their presence is probably less interesting than many would assume. Law enforcement agencies often request the presence of Delta operators as advisors to sensitive operations. These operators are often there putting in face time to appease the request of a federal agency, but may have little if any actual participation in the planning and execution of events. Such was the case when Delta was asked to consult on the Waco stand-off between the ATF, FBI, and the Branch Davidians in 1993. Law enforcement agencies are said to regard the presence of a JSOC operator as a sort of lucky talisman.

The good news is that it is now unlikely that Chapo will be escaping from prison a third time as the Mexican government is signaling that he will be extradited to the United States to face prosecution. When the black Chinook comes for Chapo, we will know that he will finally face the justice that he has long evaded.

Borderland Beat blogi, joka käsittelee Meksikon huumekartelleita.
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One more War!

EXCLUSIVE: Ted Cruz Suggests U.S. Military Response to Mexican Cartels

Photo: YouTube Screenshot/Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion

by Brandon Darby12 Jun 2017Lubbock, TX3151

LUBBOCK, Texas — U.S. Senator Ted Cruz suggested that the U.S. military should be used against Mexican transnational criminal groups (cartels). The statements were made during a one-on-one interview with the senator at the end of May at the Bayer Museum of Agriculture in Lubbock, Texas. The senator made clear that he was not suggesting unilateral U.S. military action in Mexico, but rather a cooperative effort, as seen in Colombia.
The portion of the interview pertaining to Mexican cartels follows.

BRANDON DARBY: One of the things that’s very interesting about Texas on the border, as you know, there’s nine sectors on the Southwest Border, five of which are in Texas. Part of the problem that we have in Texas is that two of the most brutal criminal groups south of the border, which actually operate north of the border as well, as you know, are Los Zetas and the Gulf Cartel. But unlike most of the other criminal organizations in Mexico along our border, which would be Sinaloa, Juarez Cartel, Tijuana Cartel. Los Zetas and the Gulf Cartel are extremely brutal. In fact, the videos they release resemble ISIS videos. We try to challenge them as much as possible, but what more could the U.S. do? There’s talk of declaring certain factions as foreign terror organizations so you could appropriately go after the money and the politicians. Again, Tamaulipas, a state below Texas, the last two governors are fugitives from U.S. justice for being surrogates of the Gulf Cartel. Several of the governors in Coahuila are now in trouble because they were Los Zetas. What more could the U.S. do to to challenge Mexican transnational criminal groups who operate in our country, who kill our kids? What could we do to challenge them?

SEN. TED CRUZ: We could do a great deal more. What has happened in the last decade with Mexican drug cartels has been nothing short of tragic. Mexico is a great and wonderful country. The Mexican people are wonderful people. Growing up in Texas, we spent a great deal of time in Mexico. Most Texans have long and deep commitments to Mexico. Whether family ties, or business ties, or cultural ties. Where Texans vacation in Mexico. Mexicans vacation in Texas.

In the past decade, we have seen the control and reign of terror of the cartels wreak enormous damage to the nation of Mexico. Where ordinary citizens are terrified for their lives. Where crime and kidnapping becomes almost routine and the corruption that goes hand and hand with billions of dollars of illegal narcotic trafficking resources combined with vicious violent transnational criminal cartels has done enormous damage to Mexico and enormous damage to America.

What can we do about it? One of the things I think we should explore very seriously is something along the lines of what we did in Colombia: Plan Colombia. Where President George W. Bush worked with President Uribe to target the cartels and take them out. It was treated less as a law enforcement matter than as a military matter. Where our military went into Colombia and helped destroy the cartels.

It did so on the invitation of the Colombian government. Look, we should not engage in a military action in Mexico without the active cooperation of the duly elected government there.

DARBY: I’m going to interrupt you and I apologize for doing so. How do, this is the issue with Mexico: Mexico’s ruling political party, the PRI, is in fact largely funded by transnational criminal organizations. The current Mexican president, Peña Nieto, and I don’t expect you to respond to it. I’m saying. He was largely put into office by money from the Juarez Cartel. The line between Mexican cartel and Mexican political leader on the highest levels is so fine, if even maybe nonexistent. How do you do that in a country where there’s so much public corruption?

CRUZ: It’s an enormous challenge and rule of law in Mexico is profoundly imperiled. Where the justice system doesn’t operate. Where far too many of the police and the prosecutors and the judges are corrupt. Where cartel enforcers, even if they are apprehended, are released within hours. It creates an environment that makes it profoundly difficult for government leaders to take on the corruption. We need American leadership to try to work to find Mexican government officials willing to do so and we need to use the tools we have in our country to secure the borders and shut down the trafficking. Shut down the narcotics trafficking, the human trafficking. And do everything we can to protect the American citizenry from the enormous damage being inflicted by the cartels.

Brandon Darby is managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. He co-founded the Cartel Chronicles project with Ildefonso Ortiz and Stephen K. Bannon. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. He can be contacted at [email protected].

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Vaikea tajuta noita Meksikon järistyksiä ja niiden uutisointia.

19.9 M7.1 syvyys 51.0km Tästä media puhuu seismologia haastateltuaan laattojen törmäyksenä. Eikös tuo syvyys ole sitä luokkaa, että tuolla on pelkkää magmaa?

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23.9 M6.1 9.0km & 23.9 M4.9 10.0km Nämä taas ovat todella selkeästi laatassa, mutta eivät kovin lähellä sen reunaa vaikka päivystävät seismologit puhuvat laattakolarista ja alle liukumisesta?

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Meksikon vasemmistolaispresidentin mielestä koko armeijan voisi vain lakkauttaa näyttääkseen, että Mexico on pasifistivaltio, joka ei tarvitse puolustukseen armeijaa. Samaa vanhaa vasemmistolaispaskaa. Eivät tunny ymmärtävän, että maalla on joko oma armeija tai maassa on sitten jonkun toisen armeija.

Meksikon vasemmistolaispresidentin mielestä koko armeijan voisi vain lakkauttaa näyttääkseen, että Mexico on pasifistivaltio, joka ei tarvitse puolustukseen armeijaa. Samaa vanhaa vasemmistolaispaskaa. Eivät tunny ymmärtävän, että maalla on joko oma armeija tai maassa on sitten jonkun toisen armeija.
Asevoimat on tainnut olla se vaikeammin lahjottava osa hallituksen taistelussa huumejengejä vastaan.
Ovatko menestyneet liian hyvin?
Poliisi pidätti ”El Chapo” Guzmanin pojan ja kartellilaiset laittoivat ranttaliksi. Seuranneen tulitaistelun johdosta poliisit perääntyivät joutuen vapauttamaan chapo juniorin.

Twitteristä löytyy jonkin verran mm. kartellilaisten videomateriaalia asearsenaalistaan. Tässä pikku teknikaali.

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