EU:n viimeinen ydinasevaltio haluaisi ottaa Macronin johdolla lisää EU:n puolustuksesta ja maailmanpoliisin roolista harteilleen.
Artikkelin kommentti puheesta:
" It was a further modest step by Macron in the long-standing French flirtation with the idea of transforming France’s national nuclear deterrent into a broader European deterrent. The principal targets of this message were in Berlin, where government officials guardedly welcomed the language, with the important proviso that it should not call into question the centrality of the United States’ nuclear guarantee. "
President Emmanuel Macron’s February 2020 speech at the École Militaire, ostensibly about French nuclear policy, was also a major strategic statement about France’s role in Europe and the world. His primary message, directed towards Berlin in particular, advocates for an ‘awakening’ of Europe as...
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Retrouvez le discours du Président Emmanuel Macron sur la stratégie de défense et de dissuasion devant les stagiaires de la 27ème promotion de l'école de gu
Lainaus puheen tärkeästä osasta:
"The choice which arises for us is indeed that of a taking back in hand of our destiny or that, giving up any own strategy, of an alignment on any power that it is.
This is why a leap is necessary and the overhaul of the world order in the service of peace must be our course. France and Europe have a historic role to play there.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
All our action must be at the service of an ambition, that of peace, taking advantage of a strong and effective multilateralism based on law.
Basically, there are four pillars to this strategy, in my view: the promotion of working multilateralism, the development of strategic partnerships, the search for European autonomy and national sovereignty. These four elements form a whole, which gives its overall coherence and its deep meaning to our defense strategy. "
"Thus, there can be no defense and security project for European citizens without a political vision seeking to promote the gradual rebuilding of confidence with Russia.
This project, I lead it with rigor. I expect Russia to be a constructive player in our common security. But we cannot be satisfied with the current situation, where the gap is widening, the dialogue is becoming poorer, even though the security issues to be dealt with with Moscow are multiplying.
The main objective - I have come back to this on several occasions - in my approach to Russia, is to improve the conditions for collective security and stability in Europe. This process will take several years. It will require patience and high standards, and it will be carried out with our European partners. But we have no interest in delegating such a dialogue or locking ourselves in the current situation. "
Ranskalla on viimeisen neuvottelukierroksen jälkeen alle 300 ydinasetta. Noillakin saisi ehkä jonkinlaisen sateenvarjon aikaiseksi. Toivottavasti Sauli on ollut kuulolla.
Jos otetaan sellainen ajatusleikki, että Ranska on laajentanut ydinsateenvarjoaan, Venäjän ilmoitus JASSM ohjukseen vastaamisesta Atomi-Iskanderilla menisi enemmän järkeen.
Tällöin konfliktin syttyessä mm. Ranska todennäköisesti painostaisi Suomea, ettei niitä JASSMeja käytetä.