Uutisia Venäjältä

Venäjällä varkaatkin ryssivät tyyllikkäästi, Moskovassa mies murtautui apteekkiin mutta kuoli lasinsirpaleista aiheutuneisiin vammoihin.

In Moscow, a man wanted to rob a pharmacy, but cut himself on the glass and died​

MOSCOW, 23 August. /TASS/. A man in Moscow wanted to rob a pharmacy, but he hurt himself on glass and died. As TASS was told in the press service of the Moscow Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, an investigation is underway on this fact.

"Preliminary, on August 22, at about 23:00, a man entered a pharmacy on Obruchev Street, presumably with the aim of committing a theft. Leaving the premises, he was injured by glass fragments. Doctors were called by eyewitnesses. The citizen died," the press service of the police chief said.