Uutisia Venäjältä

Putin allekirjoitti lain jonka mukaan Venäjä alkaa vastaanottamaan pakolaisia maista jotka pakottavat kansalaisiaan hyväksymään tuhoisat neoliberaalit arvot. Ulkoministeriö voi hyväksyä turvapaikan moraalisyistä syyskuusta lähtien ja hakijat vapautetaan vaatimuksista osata kieltä, tuntea Venäjän historiaa ja lakeja.

Russia will provide resettlement assistance to those who do not accept Western values​

MOSCOW, August 19. /TASS/. Russia will provide assistance to those who do not accept the destructive neoliberal attitudes in their countries, which contradict traditional values. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on preferential procedures for applying for resettlement to Russia as humanitarian support.

As noted in the document, the opportunity to apply for temporary residence in the Russian Federation is given to such foreigners "without taking into account the quota approved by the government of the Russian Federation and without submitting a document confirming proficiency in the Russian language, knowledge of the history of Russia and the fundamentals of legislation." The reason may be the rejection of the policies of their countries, "imposing destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values."

The list of values has already been established by the Fundamentals of State Policy in this area, while the list of states that impose unhealthy attitudes on their citizens is to be compiled by the Russian government. The Russian Foreign Ministry has been ordered to begin issuing three-month visas for applications on moral grounds as early as September.

In February, at the forum of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, Putin supported the idea of Italian student Irene Cecchini, who proposed simplifying the move to the Russian Federation based on cultural, traditional and family values. The head of state agreed with Cecchini's words that in order to determine what kind of people are coming to the country, an individual approach is needed.
Putin allekirjoitti lain jonka mukaan Venäjä alkaa vastaanottamaan pakolaisia maista jotka pakottavat kansalaisiaan hyväksymään tuhoisat neoliberaalit arvot. Ulkoministeriö voi hyväksyä turvapaikan moraalisyistä syyskuusta lähtien ja hakijat vapautetaan vaatimuksista osata kieltä, tuntea Venäjän historiaa ja lakeja.

Kuulostaa hyvältä, varsinkin tuo lakihomma :p
Putin allekirjoitti lain jonka mukaan Venäjä alkaa vastaanottamaan pakolaisia maista jotka pakottavat kansalaisiaan hyväksymään tuhoisat neoliberaalit arvot. Ulkoministeriö voi hyväksyä turvapaikan moraalisyistä syyskuusta lähtien ja hakijat vapautetaan vaatimuksista osata kieltä, tuntea Venäjän historiaa ja lakeja.

Jaa-a, haetaanko tässä nyt hyödyllisiä idiootteja aivopesukoneen kautta kotiutettavaksi pikku sabotaaseihin taikka vakoiluun ja mielipidevaikuttamiseen, vai kattaako kolmen kuukauden pakopaikka (vrt. kolmen päivän erityisoperaatio) kenties myös suoran sijoituksen oikeamielisten etujoukkoon NATO-viruksen saastuttamia sateenkaarinatseja vastaan?
An-2:n korvaajaksi tarkoitettu UZGA LMS-901 Baikal tulee maksamaan 3,5 kertaa enemmän kuin mitä luvattiin. Vuonna 2019 hinnaksi luvattiin enintään 120 milj. ruplaa (n.1,2 milj.€), nyt hinnaksi kerrotaan 455 miljoonaa ruplaa (n.4,5 milj.€). Valmistajan mukaan hintojen nostaminen on yleistä ilmailualalla ja kaikki tekevät niin poikkeuksetta.

RBC: The cost of the Baikal aircraft was 3.5 times higher than the base price​

MOSCOW, August 19. /TASS/. The cost of the Baikal aircraft, which is to replace the Soviet An-2 "crop duster", in the first year of expected delivery - 2025 - will be 455 million rubles. This was reported by RBC with reference to a letter from the State Transport Leasing Company (GTLK), potential operators of the aircraft.

According to RBC, the cost of the aircraft is 3.5 times higher than the base price set by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade in October 2019. At that time, according to the terms of the competition, the cost of "Baikal" should not exceed 120 million rubles.

"Currently, GTLK, together with JSC Ural Plant of Civil Aviation (UZGA, the developer and manufacturer of the aircraft - TASS note), is working on the possibility of implementing an investment project for the purchase of aircraft within the framework of a state civil order with the involvement of funds from the National Welfare Fund, which involves the purchase of aircraft of the LMS-901 Baikal, LMS-192 Osvey, and TVRS-44 Ladoga types and their transfer to Russian airlines for financial leasing," GTLK Deputy Director General Mikhail Parnev told the publication.

According to GTLK, by 2032 the cost of the Baikal will grow to 587 million rubles. The company offers operators to lease the aircraft for ten years, the leasing rate for one Baikal in 2025 will be 5.4 million rubles per month. The lessor asked the airlines to inform which of them is ready to order an aircraft with such financial parameters, and also "in case of disinterest due to the high size of the lease payment" to report what rate would be economically effective for them, RBC notes.

"Price escalation is a global practice in aircraft manufacturing, used by all players without exception," a representative of UZGA commented on the situation to the publication. He noted that all developers in their activities are faced with "objective macroeconomic conditions and disproportionate growth in prices for purchased components and materials." At the same time, a source close to the Ministry of Industry and Trade told RBC that all prices are approximate, since the aircraft have not yet been created.

About the plane

The developer of the "Baikal", which is to replace the Soviet "maize" aircraft, is the company "Baikal Engineering" (a subsidiary of UZGA). "Baikal" will be equipped with a domestic engine VK-800. This aircraft is being created to improve the transport accessibility of remote regions of Russia and to develop local air routes.

The key parameters of the aircraft were determined in accordance with the requirements of regional airlines: 2 tons of payload, flight range of 1.5 thousand km, cruising speed of 300 km/h.
Azerit vähän näytti kiviä Putinille ja sitten vihjailleet et voisko riittää sitä räiskimistä jo?

”Neuvotteluhuoneestamme näytin Vladimir Vladimirovitšille [Putinille] kiviä, jotka olivat vielä kaksi vuotta veden pinnan alla. Tänään ne ovat metrin verran pinnan yläpuolella”, Alijev sanoi Reutersin mukaan.

Venäjä on käyttänyt Kaspianmerellä sijaitsevia asevoimien resurssejaan täysimittaisessa sodassaan Ukrainaa vastaan. Mereltä on laukaistu muun muassa Kh-55-risteilyohjuksia. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace -ajatushautomon Eurasia-keskuksen tutkija Zaur Shiriyev nosti kirjoituksessaan esiin, että sotatoimet merellä ovat voineet johtaa ekologiseen katastrofiin.
Samaran alueella Syzranissa halutaan aloittaa sotilaskoulutus ekaluokkalaisille. Vihollisen tunkeutumisen Venäjän maaperälle kerrotaan olevan syynä koulutuksen tarpeeseen.

Russian region wants to prepare first-graders for the army​

In Syzran they want to conduct classes on basic military training for primary school students. This is reported by the local television company KTV-LUCH.

According to one of the veterans of the special military operation (SVO), who opened the initial military training center, classes will be held "literally for children from the first grade." He explained the need for this by the presence of the enemy on Russian territory.

"We have specialists in UAVs, assault training, tactical medicine. We will teach all this to children," the man explained.

Earlier, the authorities of St. Petersburg ordered the installation of electronic boards with the names of the SVO participants in schools. The decision was due to the desire to inform children about the exploits of the fighters, the press service of the city administration explained.
Duuman puhemiehen mukaan käsittelyssä on 28 lakialoitetta maahanmuuton vaikeuttamiseksia. Ehdotuksia on mm. kielto perheen ym. sukulaisten tuomiseksi maahan, pakollinen sormenjälkien ottaminen, maahanmuuttajille maahantulomaksu mahdollisen karkotuksen maksamiseksi ja maahanmuuttajien työskentelykielto kolutuksessa ja lääketieteessä. Näillä kielloilla Venäjän työvoimapula varmasti helpottaisi.

Russia is preparing an “unprecedented decision” on migrants: the State Duma speaker announced the long-awaited points​

According to Volodin, deputies, based on citizens' feedback, proposed a number of legislative initiatives to solve existing problems. Some of these proposals concern migration policy.

There are currently 28 bills under consideration on this topic, six of which were introduced in August. Among the initiatives that deputies will discuss are the following:

- A ban on bringing family and relatives for low-skilled labor migrants;

- Mandatory fingerprinting of foreign citizens upon entry into Russia;

- Restrictions on the rights of foreigners to work in certain areas, such as medicine and education;

- Introduction of a fee for migrants, which will cover the costs of their deportation;

- A federal ban on hiring migrants in certain sectors, including medicine and education;

- Limiting the share of foreign workers in companies to 5% of the total number of employees;

- Abandonment of the patent system and limitation of the period of stay of low-skilled specialists in the country by an employment contract.

In addition, other initiatives are being considered. As Vyacheslav Volodin noted, all proposed measures have already received support from representatives of political factions of the State Duma.

Earlier, deputy Dmitry Gusev emphasized in a conversation with Tsargrad that the need to tighten migration policy has been long overdue. The sharp increase in crimes committed by illegal migrants indicates that control over newcomers should be strengthened.

It also became known that the Government has prepared amendments to the bill aimed at combating fictitious marriages used by foreigners to obtain temporary residence permits (TRP) in Russia. The Government Commission on Legislative Activity has approved the draft amendments proposed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This was reported by Vedomosti, citing a source familiar with the decisions made following the commission meeting.

According to the proposed draft amendments, a temporary residence permit without taking into account the quota may be issued to a foreigner if he or she is married to a Russian citizen who has permanently resided in the country for at least two years prior to filing the application. A temporary residence permit may also be issued if a child was born or adopted in a marriage with a Russian citizen in the same region where the spouse with Russian citizenship resides.

Earlier, there was a proposal to limit the number of migrant children in Russian schools in order to avoid ethnic conflicts, which have become a frequent occurrence in some regions of the country. The initiative comes from deputies Yana Lantratova and Sergei Mironov.

Currently, educational institutions do not conduct testing before accepting students, which leads to problems that require urgent intervention. Many children of migrants have difficulties in socio-cultural adaptation and learning the Russian language, which contributes to the formation of ethnic groups and conflicts. Moreover, not all schoolchildren show interest in learning, preferring to adhere to their cultural traditions.

In some schools in Central Russia, the number of migrant children can reach 50%, which has a negative impact on the educational process. Parliamentarians believe that an even distribution of migrant children across various educational institutions will help simplify their integration, improve their assimilation of Russian culture, and prevent the formation of aggressive ethnic groups among schoolchildren.

A proposed solution to the problem is to introduce a limit on the number of migrant children in each class. It is planned to establish that no more than 10% of students in a class can be migrants. This proposal has already been sent to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko for consideration.
Juupa juu, vähän tosin epäilen että Wagnerin Afrikan persraiskausseikkailujen lopputulema on, että tuovat apinarokot venäjälle - elleivät näin ole jo tehneet.

"Popovan mukaan apinarokkotapauksia on havaittu Venäjällä yhteensä kolme koko ”kuluneen ajanjakson aikana”, mutta hän ei tarkentanut, että mitä ajanjaksoa hän tarkoitti." :sneaky:
"Popovan mukaan apinarokkotapauksia on havaittu Venäjällä yhteensä kolme koko ”kuluneen ajanjakson aikana”, mutta hän ei tarkentanut, että mitä ajanjaksoa hän tarkoitti." :sneaky:

Ajanjakso: Maanantai 19:03 - 19:27 Moskovan aikaa.

Edit: Korjattu lainaus kohdalleen.
Venäläismies yritti raiskata lehmän Thaimaassa ja nyt häntä ollaan palauttamassa kotimaahansa. Mies lupasi sosiaalisessa mediassa Putinille liittyvänsä armeijaan ja olevansa valmis mihin tahansa tehtävään jos Putin auttaa häntä saamaan lentoemäntä ex-tyttöystävänsä takaisin.

Russian Man Who Tried to Rape a Cow in Thailand Promises Putin to Join the Army​

A Russian tourist who tried to rape a cow in Thailand and was caught on video has promised Russian President Vladimir Putin to join the army and carry out “any task.” He wrote about this on his social networks, which was noticed by The Sun .

According to 26-year-old Yevgeny Kuvshinov, he broke up with his girlfriend, a flight attendant for a major international airline. When his ex-lover blocked him on social media, the man appealed to Putin for help. In response, he guaranteed his return to Russia and military service.

The man also mentioned former US President Donald Trump in his post . Since his ex-partner now lives in the US , Kuvshinov asked the former head of the White House to return her to him.

Also, photos with a Thai general and pictures taken in expensive cars and villas were found in his account. Kuvshinov will soon be deported to his homeland, from where he left in 2022, first for Dubai and then for Thailand. It is known that he overstayed his Thai visa.

A video of the Russian attacking a cow was published earlier. It is specified that the incident took place in a field near the city of Surat Thani in the south of the country. On the afternoon of August 15, Kuvshinov undressed and approached the bull, but then changed his mind and switched his attention to the cow tied to a wooden fence.

The police found marijuana in the Russian's car and assumed that he had used it shortly before the incident.