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Delta IV Heavy -kantoraketti Kaliforniassa. / SciNews
Vakoojaraketin lieskat paloivat jo: Laukaisu seis vain sekunteja ennen lähtöä
Antti Kirkkala | 10.12.2018 | 09:17

Delta IV Heavy-kantoraketin oli tarkoitus kuljettaa Yhdysvaltain tiedustelupalvelun satelliitti kiertoradalle.

United Launch Alliance -yhteisyrityksen rakettilaukaisu jouduttiin perumaan viime hetkellä lauantai-iltana Kaliforniassa. Delta IV Heavy-kantoraketin oli määrä kuljettaa kiertoradalle Yhdysvaltain puolustusministeriön alaisen National Reconnaissance Office -viraston salaiseksi luokiteltu NROL-71-satelliitti.
Analyytikkojen mukaan NROL-71 on todennäköisesti kehittynyt vakoilusatelliitti, joka on suunniteltu ottamaan kuvamateriaalia erikoiselta napa-alueille keskittyvältä kiertoradalta.
Lähtölaskentaa valvovat tietokonejärjestelmät havaitsivat ongelman vain 7,5 sekuntia ennen aikataulun mukaista lähtöä. Liiallista vetykaasua varotoimena polttavat soihdut oli tuolloin jo sytytetty laukaisutornin juurella.
Keskeytys tehtiin puoli sekuntia ennen kuin Delta IV:n ensimmäinen rakettimoottori olisi käynnistynyt. Muiden moottorien oli tarkoitus jyrähtää käyntiin kaksi sekuntia myöhemmin.
CBS Newsin mukaan lennonjohtaja ilmoitti samalla hetkellä radioon ”Seis, seis, seis”. Vetykaasun sytyttämiseen tarkoitetut polttimet ehtivät toimia muutaman sekunnin ajan laukaisualustan pohjalla.
Ylimääräiset lieskat aiheuttivat seuraajissa hermostusta, sillä rakettiin oli ladattu yhteensä noin 1,76 miljoonaa litraa nestemäistä vetyä ja happea polttoaineeksi.
United Launch Alliancen henkilökunta sai kuitenkin keskeytettyä lähtöprosessin turvallisesti, ja kantorakettia alettiin tyhjentää polttoaineesta. Uutta laukaisupäivämäärää ei ole vielä asetettu.
The Delta 4-Heavy countdown halted at T-minus 7 seconds, just as the rocket’s three main engines were set to ignite. https://t.co/opELyuG2JV pic.twitter.com/Z4tc3JtDvM
— Spaceflight Now (@SpaceflightNow) December 9, 2018
The launch of #DeltaIVHeavy carrying the #NROL71 mission for the @NatReconOfc was scrubbed today due to an unexpected condition during terminal count. The team is reviewing all data and will determine the path forward. A new launch date will be provided when available.
— ULA (@ulalaunch) December 9, 2018
Trumpin hallinnon Treasury on lykännyt alumiinitariffien asettamista venäläistä Rusalia vastaan jo viidettä kertaa. The Atlanticin päätoimittaja Frum huomioi, että Yhdysvaltain liittolaisilta tulleja kyllä peritään.

Sen lauluja laulat kenen leipää syöt. vai miten se meni.

ore than 18 million Americans live in “extreme poverty,” according to a report from the United Nations, which ranked poverty in the U.S. alongside some of the poorest areas in the world. The UN Special Rapporteur for Extreme Poverty paid a visit to the U.S. last year, drawing worldwide attention to his findings. NewsHour Weekend Special Correspondent Simon Ostrovsky followed in his footsteps to report from Lowndes County, Alabama. This is part of an ongoing series of reports called “Chasing the Dream,” which reports on poverty and opportunity in America, and is supported in part by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.
Lähes 700 pappia syytetään seksuaalisesta hyväksikäytöstä Yhdysvalloissa – lukumäärä on huomattavasti katolisen kirkon aiemmin ilmoittamaa suurempi
Illinoisin osavaltion yleisen syyttäjän Lisa Madiganin mukaan hyväksikäyttötapauksia on reilusti enemmän kuin mitä osavaltion kuusi hiippakuntaa on ilmoittanut.

Kirkon ilmoittaman määrän mukaan 185 pappia on uskottavasti syytetty seksuaalisesta hyväksikäytöstä.

Elokuussa alkaneen tutkimuksen alustavat tulokset paljastivat yli 500 pappia ja papiston jäsentä lisää kuudessa hiippakunnassa. Heitä kaikkia kohtaan on syytteitä seksuaalisesta hyväksikäytöstä. Syytettynä on yhteensä 685.

– Tämän tutkinnan alkuvaiheet ovat osoittaneet, että katolinen kirkko ei pysty valvomaan itseään, Madigan sanoi.
Kalifornialainen demokraattipoliitikko Nancy Pelosi äänestettiin torstaina odotetusti Yhdysvaltain edustajainhuoneen puhemieheksi vuosiksi 2019–2020.

Edustajainhuoneessa on 235 demokraattia, 199 republikaania ja yksi paikka yhä auki. Pelosi sai 220 ääntä ja republikaanien ehdokas Kevin McCarthy 192 ääntä. Loput äänistä jakaantuivat muille ehdokkaille.

78-vuotias Pelosi on erittäin kokenut poliitikko. Hänet valittiin marraskuun vaaleissa 17. kaudelle Kalifornian kongressiedustajana.

Uutinen vuodelta 2015.

U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies

Dan Quinn was relieved of his Special Forces command after a fight with a U.S.-backed militia leader who had a boy as a sex slave chained to his bed.CreditKirsten Luce for The New York Times


Dan Quinn was relieved of his Special Forces command after a fight with a U.S.-backed militia leader who had a boy as a sex slave chained to his bed.CreditCreditKirsten Luce for The New York Times
By Joseph Goldstein

KABUL, Afghanistan — In his last phone call home, Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. told his father what was troubling him: From his bunk in southern Afghanistan, he could hear Afghan police officers sexually abusing boys they had brought to the base.
“At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it,” the Marine’s father, Gregory Buckley Sr., recalled his son telling him before he was shot to death at the base in 2012. He urged his son to tell his superiors. “My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture.”
Rampant sexual abuse of children has long been a problem in Afghanistan, particularly among armed commanders who dominate much of the rural landscape and can bully the population. The practice is called bacha bazi, literally “boy play,” and American soldiers and Marines have been instructed not to intervene — in some cases, not even when their Afghan allies have abused boys on military bases, according to interviews and court records.
The policy has endured as American forces have recruited and organized Afghan militias to help hold territory against the Taliban. But soldiers and Marines have been increasingly troubled that instead of weeding out pedophiles, the American military was arming them in some cases and placing them as the commanders of villages — and doing little when they began abusing children.

“The reason we were here is because we heard the terrible things the Taliban were doing to people, how they were taking away human rights,” said Dan Quinn, a former Special Forces captain who beat up an American-backed militia commander for keeping a boy chained to his bed as a sex slave. “But we were putting people into power who would do things that were worse than the Taliban did — that was something village elders voiced to me.”
The policy of instructing soldiers to ignore child sexual abuse by their Afghan allies is coming under new scrutiny, particularly as it emerges that service members like Captain Quinn have faced discipline, even career ruin, for disobeying it.
After the beating, the Army relieved Captain Quinn of his command and pulled him from Afghanistan. He has since left the military.
Four years later, the Army is also trying to forcibly retire Sgt. First Class Charles Martland, a Special Forces member who joined Captain Quinn in beating up the commander.
“The Army contends that Martland and others should have looked the other way (a contention that I believe is nonsense),” Representative Duncan Hunter, a California Republican who hopes to save Sergeant Martland’s career, wrote last week to the Pentagon’s inspector general.

In Sergeant Martland’s case, the Army said it could not comment because of the Privacy Act.
When asked about American military policy, the spokesman for the American command in Afghanistan, Col. Brian Tribus, wrote in an email: “Generally, allegations of child sexual abuse by Afghan military or police personnel would be a matter of domestic Afghan criminal law.” He added that “there would be no express requirement that U.S. military personnel in Afghanistan report it.” An exception, he said, is when rape is being used as a weapon of war.
The American policy of nonintervention is intended to maintain good relations with the Afghan police and militia units the United States has trained to fight the Taliban. It also reflects a reluctance to impose cultural values in a country where pederasty is rife, particularly among powerful men, for whom being surrounded by young teenagers can be a mark of social status.

Gregory Buckley Sr. believes the policy of looking the other way was a factor in his son's killing.CreditKirsten Luce for The New York Times


ImagGregory Buckley Sr. believes the policy of looking the other way was a factor in his son's killing.CreditKirsten Luce for The New York Times
Some soldiers believed that the policy made sense, even if they were personally distressed at the sexual predation they witnessed or heard about.
“The bigger picture was fighting the Taliban,” a former Marine lance corporal reflected. “It wasn’t to stop molestation.”
Still, the former lance corporal, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid offending fellow Marines, recalled feeling sickened the day he entered a room on a base and saw three or four men lying on the floor with children between them. “I’m not a hundred percent sure what was happening under the sheet, but I have a pretty good idea of what was going on,” he said.
But the American policy of treating child sexual abuse as a cultural issue has often alienated the villages whose children are being preyed upon. The pitfalls of the policy emerged clearly as American Special Forces soldiers began to form Afghan Local Police militias to hold villages that American forces had retaken from the Taliban in 2010 and 2011.
By the summer of 2011, Captain Quinn and Sergeant Martland, both Green Berets on their second tour in northern Kunduz Province, began to receive dire complaints about the Afghan Local Police units they were training and supporting.

First, they were told, one of the militia commanders raped a 14- or 15-year-old girl whom he had spotted working in the fields. Captain Quinn informed the provincial police chief, who soon levied punishment. “He got one day in jail, and then she was forced to marry him,” Mr. Quinn said.
When he asked a superior officer what more he could do, he was told that he had done well to bring it up with local officials but that there was nothing else to be done. “We’re being praised for doing the right thing, and a guy just got away with raping a 14-year-old girl,” Mr. Quinn said.
Village elders grew more upset at the predatory behavior of American-backed commanders. After each case, Captain Quinn would gather the Afghan commanders and lecture them on human rights.
Soon another commander absconded with his men’s wages. Mr. Quinn said he later heard that the commander had spent the money on dancing boys. Another commander murdered his 12-year-old daughter in a so-called honor killing for having kissed a boy. “There were no repercussions,” Mr. Quinn recalled.
In September 2011, an Afghan woman, visibly bruised, showed up at an American base with her son, who was limping. One of the Afghan police commanders in the area, Abdul Rahman, had abducted the boy and forced him to become a sex slave, chained to his bed, the woman explained. When she sought her son’s return, she herself was beaten. Her son had eventually been released, but she was afraid it would happen again, she told the Americans on the base.
She explained that because “her son was such a good-looking kid, he was a status symbol” coveted by local commanders, recalled Mr. Quinn, who did not speak to the woman directly but was told about her visit when he returned to the base from a mission later that day.

So Captain Quinn summoned Abdul Rahman and confronted him about what he had done. The police commander acknowledged that it was true, but brushed it off. When the American officer began to lecture about “how you are held to a higher standard if you are working with U.S. forces, and people expect more of you,” the commander began to laugh.

A portrait of Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. in his family's home in Oceanside, N.Y. He was shot to death in 2012 by a teenage "tea boy" living on his base in Helmand Province.CreditKirsten Luce for The New York Times

A portrait of Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. in his family's home in Oceanside, N.Y. He was shot to death in 2012 by a teenage "tea boy" living on his base in Helmand Province.CreditKirsten Luce for The New York Times
“I picked him up and threw him onto the ground,” Mr. Quinn said. Sergeant Martland joined in, he said. “I did this to make sure the message was understood that if he went back to the boy, that it was not going to be tolerated,” Mr. Quinn recalled.
There is disagreement over the extent of the commander’s injuries. Mr. Quinn said they were not serious, which was corroborated by an Afghan official who saw the commander afterward.
(The commander, Abdul Rahman, was killed two years ago in a Taliban ambush. His brother said in an interview that his brother had never raped the boy, but was the victim of a false accusation engineered by his enemies.)
Sergeant Martland, who received a Bronze Star for valor for his actions during a Taliban ambush, wrote in a letter to the Army this year that he and Mr. Quinn “felt that morally we could no longer stand by and allow our A.L.P. to commit atrocities,” referring to the Afghan Local Police.
The father of Lance Corporal Buckley believes the policy of looking away from sexual abuse was a factor in his son’s death, and he has filed a lawsuit to press the Marine Corps for more information about it.
Lance Corporal Buckley and two other Marines were killed in 2012 by one of a large entourage of boys living at their base with an Afghan police commander named Sarwar Jan.
Mr. Jan had long had a bad reputation; in 2010, two Marine officers managed to persuade the Afghan authorities to arrest him following a litany of abuses, including corruption, support for the Taliban and child abduction. But just two years later, the police commander was back with a different unit, working at Lance Corporal Buckley’s post, Forward Operating Base Delhi, in Helmand Province.
Täytyy kyllä sanoa että tuo maa on tuhoon tuomittu.
Tuo Suomessakin uutisoitu intiaanin ja koulupioikien kohtaaminen sen osoitti.

Jumalauta kaikki amerikkalaiset liberaalit pikkujulkkikset, toimittajat ja isommatkin julkkikset twitterissä väkivaltaan kannustamassa ja nimiä huutelemassa tai etsimässä,osoitteita jaelllaan ja hastageja tehdään.

Sittenkun joku julkaisee videon jossa näkyy koko tapahtuma,niin se sama lehdistö joka vihaa lietsoo korjaa uutisensa pienellä eli antaa vihan jatkua.

A new video shows a different side of the encounter between a Native American elder and teens in MAGA hats

Viral standoff between a tribal elder and a high schooler is more complicated than it first seemed

Homman nimi oli oikeasti että tämä intiaani meni rumpujensa kanssa poikien luo paukuttelemaan.
Taustalta mustat huuteli poille pedofiili huutoja.
Missään ei kuulu epäkunnioittavaa huutoja poikien osalta, pääasiassa koulun "chantteja".
Missään ei myöskään näy uhkauksia intiaania kohtaan.
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