Uutisia Yhdysvalloista

Oksettavaa katsoa tuota Helsingin miekkaria. Haastateltavat järjiltään kaikki. Toivottavasti korona leviää lingon lailla.

Jaa. Mä katsoin iltalehden videota yhden haastattelun verran. Kyseinen nainen puhua ihan asiallisia. Nuori nainen kyltti pään päällä, jolla oli sukua jenkeissä ja olikos se
isä joka on puolineekeri. Oli vastustamassa rotusortoa. Sitä saa minusta vastustaa ja osoittaa rauhallisesti mieltä lopunkin rotusorron kitkemisen puolesta. Riehujista ei havaintoja, mutta eiköpähän niitäkin siellä seassa ole. Mielenosoitus lakkautettiin kesken liiallisen osallistujamäärän takia, mutta jos riehujia on kokoontunut, niin ehkä ne jotain vielä kerkiää perseilemään.

Onko Jari Kumisilmä Lainetta näkynyt? Jos näkyy, niin vinkatkaa. Haluan nauraa sen touhotukselle.
Tuleeko Esperille lähtö?
One of Trump's most controversial moves during this protest has been his photo-op posing with a Bible outside a landmark church in Washington.

Among those with him was Defence Secretary Mark Esper.

He is now saying he was given no advance notice that White House officials would walk through a recently-cleared protest to pose for pictures outside the church.

"I was not aware that a photo op was happening," he said in an interview.

"I thought I was going to do two things: to see some damage and to talk to the troops," he told NBC, adding that he thought they were going to see a public restroom that was damaged the night before.

"I didn't know where I was going," Esper said. "I wanted to see how much damage actually happened." He added that he had "no idea" that police would disperse the crowd.

The church photo-op led one former top policy official at the Pentagon to quit, writing a scathing resignation letter.

"President Trump’s actions Monday night violated his oath to 'take care that the laws be faithfully executed,' as well as the First Amendment 'right of the people peaceably to assemble,'" wrote former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy James Miller.

"You may not have been able to stop President Trump from directing this appalling use of force, but you could have chosen to oppose it. Instead, you visibly supported it.”
Mistä tiedät?

A New York City woman who worked as an aide for President Barack Obama pleaded for looters to halt their destruction of New York City — accusing them of “profiting off our f–king pain” in a powerful video that surfaced on social media.

Desiree Barnes, who worked for first lady Michelle Obama and as a White House press aide, was seen confronting the rabble Saturday in the East Village, as the unrest continued over the police-involved killing of George Floyd, in the footage shared on Instagram.

Freelance videographer Dan LaDue, who recorded the clip, told The Post he was walking home around 9 p.m. Saturday when he heard Barnes’ speech and began to film.
His video was shared on the Instagram account @newyorkcity and has been viewed more than 1 million times as of Tuesday morning.

LaDue said he didn’t connect with Barnes until after the video went viral, but his gut told him to share the powerful encounter.
“She’s frustrated and wanted to be heard. Some people don’t want that opinion heard. And based off the overwhelming amount of messages people sent yesterday, she isn’t alone,” he wrote on Instagram.
