Uutisia Yhdysvalloista

Alastonkuvakohu Merijalkaväessä. Axl Smith asialla? :rolleyes:

Alastonkuvakohu kuohuttaa Yhdysvaltain merijalkaväessä – naissotilaiden kuvia jaettiin Facebookissa
Yhdysvaltain puolustusministeriö tutkii väitteitä, joiden mukaan merijalkaväen sotilaat olisivat jakaneet sosiaalisessa mediassa alastonkuvia naiskollegoistaan.

6.3.2017 klo 09:41

Yhdysvaltain merijalkaväen maihinnousupanssareita viime vuoden Baltops-harjoituksessa Puolassa. Adam Warzawa / EPA
Yhdysvalloissa merijalkaväen sotilaiden epäillään jakaneen naispuolisten sotilaiden alastonkuvia sosiaalisen median keskusteluryhmässä.

Nimeltä mainittujen naissotilaiden kuvien lisäksi ryhmässä on jaettu kuvia nimeämättömistä naisista. Kuvien yhteyteen on kirjoitettu loukkaavia kommentteja.

Kuvia jaettiin "Marines United" -nimisessä Facebook-ryhmässä. Sen jäseninä on sekä nyt palveluksessa olevia että eläköityneitä sotilaita.

Puolustusministeriö on käynnistänyt tapauksesta tutkinnan. Viranomaiset eivät ole kertoneet tarkalleen, kuinka monta sotilasta tutkinnan kohteena on. Ryhmään kuului noin 30 000 jäsentä.

Kuvaskandaalista kerrottiin ensimmäisenä täällä: https://www.revealnews.org/blog/hun...gated-for-sharing-photos-of-naked-colleagues/

Jutun on kirjoittanut merijalkaväen veteraani Thomas Brennan.Washington Post -lehden mukaan Brennan on saanut jutun julkaisun jälkeen useita tappouhkauksia.

Espanjalainen öljy-yhtiö Repsol on tehnyt 1,2 miljardin barrelin öljylöydön Alaskassa.
Repsolin öljykenttä Nanushukissa, Alaskassa on osoittautunut paljon aiemmin arvioitua merkittävämmäksi. Yhtiö arvioi nyt, että se kätkee sisäänsä 1,2 miljardia barrelia pumpattavissa olevaa öljyä.

Nanushukin öljykenttä sijaitsee Brooksin vuorten pohjoispuolen öljyalueilla, joissa pumppauksen on jo jonkin aikaa uskottu hiipuvan öljyn loppuessa. Tuotanto on vähentynyt jo 30 vuotta.

Repsol on tehnyt alueella aktiivisesti koeporauksia Armstrong Energyn kanssa vuodesta 2011. Yhtiön mukaan nyt tehty löytö on ”suurin Yhdysvalloissa maalta tehty öljylöytö 30 vuoteen”.

Espanjalaisyhtiön mukaan Alaskan olemassaoleva öljyinfrastruktuuri tarjoaa hyvät mahdollisuudet löydön hyödyntämiselle. Tuotanto voisi alkaa 2021.

Tammikuussa myös ConocoPhillips teki Brooksin vuorten pohjoispuolelta löydön, jota luonnehdittiin merkittäväksi. Se oli kooltaan arviolta 300 miljoonaa barrelia pumpattavissa olevaa öljyä.

Taas venäjää potkitaan munille. EU: vähentää öljyn käyttöä ja USA:sta löytyy itseltään. Iran myy öljyä markkinoille ja Irak voi päästä kohta taas myös markkinoille paremmin mukaan.
1,2 miljardia barrelia näyttäisi vastaavan jenkkien 60 päivän kulutusta. Öljyä löytyy, mutta kyllä sitä meneekin.
Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas joins Peter Robinson to discuss the Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment (RAISE) Act, an immigration reformation bill he is cosponsoring. He notes that American workers have been getting a raw deal since the immigration laws were changed in 1965. The American workers’ wages have not gone up but income inequality has. Senator Cotton thinks this is largely due to flooding the labor market with millions of low-skilled, low-wage workers. In rethinking our immigration policies we need to look at whether our laws are serving the American people.

Senator Cotton uses examples of the different approaches Norway and Sweden have had toward immigrants and refugees as illustrations of what America should and shouldn't do concerning refugee resettlement and immigration. He argues that Norway has a limited yet stable system for refugee resettlement compared to the unstable Swedish system, which has economic and security problems.

Senator Cotton claims that the legal immigration system as it currently is set up in America is hurting the American worker. A desire to protect American workers drove him to cosponsor the RAISE Act. He explains that the RAISE Act is a threefold bill that will prioritize visas for immediate family members only, eliminate the diversity lottery for immigration visas, and limit the number of incoming refugees to 50,000 a year. Reducing immigration, he argues, will help American workers because millions of Americans who are not now in the workforce will be able to find jobs.

Senator Cotton argues that America’s current immigration policies strain our resources, disrupt integration of other recently arrived immigrants, and lower wages for the working class. He notes that immigration is an area in which elites are disconnected from the reality of what most citizens’ face. Only one thing has stopped the elites from their desired immigration policy: two-thirds to three-quarters of Americans consistently oppose any increase in immigration. Americans want an immigration policy to be in the economic and social interests of American citizens.

Additionally, Senator Cotton and Robinson discuss the role of Congress and whether it can reassert itself in an age where the president and the courts have been gaining influence. He then analyzes the classified leaks that have occurred since President Trump was sworn in and Congress's role in resolving the issues.
Kaikki ei menny niinku trömsöös

Starbucks' refugee hiring program to counter Trump is hurting brand and sales, Credit Suisse says

"Our work shows a sudden drop in brand sentiment following announcement of the refugee hiring initiative on Jan. 29th, to flattish from a run-rate of ~+80 (on an index of -100 to +100). Net sentiment has since recovered, but has seen significant volatility in recent weeks," equity analyst Jason West wrote in a research note.


Starbucks' brand perception has plummeted since it announced plan to hire refugees



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USA kieltää New Yorkissa kuolleen Venäjän diplomaatin kuolinsyyn julkistamisen
1 tunti ja 45 minuuttia sitten (päivitetty 1 tunti ja 35 minuuttia sitten)
New Yorkin viranomaisia on ohjeistettu olemaan kertomatta Vitali Tshurkinin kuolinsyytä YK:lle.

  • 641eac0b7d994288dd1189aa1dd33a6a4cc3b0a378482d051e36249fe88acb72

    Vitali Tshurkin haudattiin Moskovassa helmikuun lopulla.

Yhdysvaltojen ulkoministeriö on määrännyt, ettei New Yorkissa äkillisesti menehtyneen Venäjän YK-lähettiläs Vitali Tshurkinin kuolinsyytä tule paljastaa julkisuuteen tai YK:lle.

Tshurkin menehtyi 64-vuotiaana New Yorkin toimistossaan helmikuussa. Kaupungin kuolinsyytutkijan mukaan diplomaatin kuoleman ”yksityiskohtia pidetään salassa” kansainvälisen lain vuoksi, asiasta uutisoiva BBC kertoo.

Viranomaisia on ohjeistettu olemaan kertomatta julkisuuteen veteraanidiplomaatin kuolinsyytä tai -tapaa. BBC:n viranomaislähteen mukaan Tshurkinin ruumiinavauksen tuloksia ei voida paljastaa Yhdysvaltojen ja YK:n välisen sopimuksen vuoksi.

Venäjän hallitus on jo esittänyt vastalauseensa jo aiemmista veteraanidiplomaatin kuolinsyytä käsitelleistä lausunnoista. Venäläisten mielestä Tshurkinin terveydentilaa ei tule puida julkisesti.
Melkoisen huimaa...

Tunkeilija kiipesi Valkoisen talon aidan ylitse, pääsi Donald Trumpin ovelle

Salainen palvelu on pidättänyt tunkeilijan Valkoisessa talossa Washingtonissa.

Tunkeilija pääsi etenemään aina Yhdysvaltojen presidentti Donald Trumpin asuintilojen ovelle asti perjantaina, amerikkalaismediat kertovat.

Repun kanssa liikkunut henkilö kiipesi Washingtonissa sijaitsevan presidentin virka-asunnon aidan yli. Salainen palvelu pidätti lopulta tunkeilijan. Repussa ei mediatietojen mukaan ollut vaarallisia aineita.

Presidentti Trump oli Valkoisessa talossa tapahtumahetkellä. Hän sai kuulla tapauksesta myöhemmin.

Tämä laki tulisi aika kalliiksi.... :D Ei ole varaa maksaa tuhatta taalaa per viikko.... :D :D :D

Teksasilainen lainsäätäjä tekee lakialoitteellaan pilkkaa osavaltion tiukoista aborttilaeista.

Teksasilainen demokraattipoliitikko Jessica Farrar haluaa säätää lain, jonka myötä miehiä sakotettaisiin sata dollarilla eli vajaalla 94 eurolla jokaisesta masturbointikerrasta.

Farrarin ehdotuksen mukaan miehet joutuisivat myös odottamaan 24 tuntia halutessaan vasektomian eli siemenjohdinten katkaisun tai Viagraa.

Naisten oikeuksien puolesta pitkään puhunut Farrar haluaa CNN:n mukaan näin näpäyttää tiukkojen aborttilakien taustalla olevia lainsäätäjiä.
Joillain senaattoreilla huoli että veronmaksajien rahoja valuu vassareiden propakandaan ja "aktivismiin" ulkomailla.

GOP senators ask Tillerson to probe US funding of Soros groups abroad

Republican senators are asking Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to investigate claims that U.S. taxpayer money is being used to back left-wing billionaire George Soros' political meddling and similar efforts overseas.

A letter sent Tuesday asked for a probe into how U.S. funds are being used by agencies such as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to back left-wing political groups in other countries.

"This includes reports of diplomats playing political favorites, USAID funds supporting extreme and sometimes violent political activists, and the US Government working to marginalize the moderates and conservatives in leadership roles. ... This sort of political favoritism from our missions around the world is unacceptable.”

Makedonia esimerkkinä

The USAID website shows that between 2012 and 2016, USAID gave almost $5 million in taxpayer cash to FOSM for “The Civil Society Project,” which “aims to empower Macedonian citizens to hold government accountable.” USAID’s website links to www.soros.org.mk, and says the project trained hundreds of young Macedonians “in youth activism and the use of new media instruments.”

Itse pyyntö


USA:n Euroopan joukkojen komentajan lausunto Senaatissa Euroopan uhista:

Eucom, NATO Confront Dynamic Challenges From Russia to ISIS
By Karen ParrishDoD News, Defense Media Activity
WASHINGTON, March 23, 2017 — Threats from violent extremists and a resurgent Russia require both strong U.S. capabilities in Europe and a sustained commitment to the NATO alliance, the senior U.S. military leader in Europe told the Senate Armed Services Committee here today.

Army Gen. Curtis M. Scaparrotti, commander of U.S. European Command and NATO's supreme allied commander for Europe, told the committee that the current European strategic environment is the most dynamic it has been in recent history.

European Theater Critical to U.S. Interests

The European theater holds about a billion people and its trade is roughly half of the world’s gross domestic product, the general said.

Scaparrotti said the transatlantic NATO alliance confers a unique advantage over adversaries. It is, he said, a united, capable warfighting alliance resolved in its purpose and strengthened by shared values that have been forged in battle.

“Eucom’s relationship with NATO and the 51 countries within our [area of operations] provides the United States with a network of willing partners who support global operations and secure international rules-based order,” he said.

Russian Threat: Malign Activities, Military Actions

Political volatility and economic uncertainty in Europe are compounded, the general said, by security threats that are “transregional, multidomain and multifunctional.”

“In the east, a resurgent Russia has turned from partner to antagonist as it seeks to reemerge as a global power,” Scaparrotti said. “Countries along Russia’s periphery, including Ukraine and Georgia, struggle against Moscow’s malign activities and military actions.”

In the southeast, he said, “strategic drivers of instability converge on key allies, especially Turkey,” which faces simultaneous threats from Russia and terrorists coupled with the challenge of refugee flows.

To the south, the general said, violent extremists and transnational criminal elements “spawn terror and corruption from North Africa to the Middle East.”

In the north, Scaparrotti said, Russia is reasserting its military presence and positioning itself for strategic advantage in the Arctic.

U.S. Priorities in Europe: ISR, Ground Forces, More

Scaparrotti listed his command’s priorities in meeting European security challenges.

“Eucom has identified the following focus areas: [intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance] collection platforms that improve timely threat information and strategic warning; land force capabilities that deter Russia from further aggression; enhanced naval capabilities for anti-submarine warfare, strike warfare and amphibious operations; prepositioned equipment to increase our responsiveness to crisis; and enhanced missile defense systems,” he said.

Countering ISIS in Europe

Scaparrotti noted that Europe faces “a difficult challenge” from extremists connected to or emulating the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

“Europe is challenged by both a flow of terrorists returning to Europe from Syria and other places, [and] they’re challenged by an internal threat of those inspired by ISIS or directed by ISIS,” he said.

“The number of threat streams that we have of this type within Europe -- it’s probably higher in Europe than any other part of the globe, with the exception of the places we’re actually physically fighting them, like Syria … Afghanistan and Iraq,” the general said.

Scaparrotti expressed his condolences to those injured or killed in yesterday’s terrorist attack in London, which left three people dead and at least 20 others injured.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to these victims and their families impacted by this senseless attack,” he said. “We strongly condemn this attack, and will continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our NATO ally, and our partners, to defeat terrorism.”

Jenkit videoneuvottelussa venäläisten kanssa Syyrian operaatioturvallisuudesta

U.S., Russia Continue Syrian Airspace Security Talks
DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, March 24, 2017 — The Defense Department today held a video conference with Russian defense ministry counterparts, Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis announced in a statement.

The call was co-chaired by Ken Handelman, performing the duties of assistant secretary of defense for International Security Affairs, and Navy Rear Adm. Michael J. Dumont, the Joint Staff’s deputy director for strategic initiatives.

“This was the latest session of our dialogue with the Russian ministry of defense under the memorandum of understanding for the safety of flight in Syria to ensure that each side continues to adhere to agreed-upon measures to prevent incidents in Syria,” Davis said.

Department officials discussed ongoing work regarding the safety of operations since the two sides last met, he said, and each side reiterated the utility of adhering to the memorandum of understanding to avoid accidents and misunderstandings in Syria.

Today's meeting follows previous video conferences between the Defense Department and the Russian defense ministry on this topic.

Lyhyen kantaman ilmatorjunta US Armyn kehittämislistan kärkeen. Myös panssariajoneuvojen omasuojan kehittäminen kärkisijoilla.

Short-range air defense tops SPAR, G-8 says
By C. Todd LopezApril 4, 2017


1 / 1 Hide Caption – A Counter-Rocket, Artillery, Missile gun, a type of short range air defense system, fires flares during a weapons test at Joint Base Balad, Iraq, Jan. 31, 2010. SHORAD capability has become a top priority for the Army. (Photo Credit: Senior Airman Brittany Y. Bateman) VIEW ORIGINAL
WASHINGTON (Army News Service) -- Last year the Army kicked off an effort called the Strategic Portfolio Analysis and Review, or SPAR, to review 780 programs and evaluate their impact on warfighting.

Now, said Lt. Gen. John M. Murray, deputy chief of staff, Army G-8, that effort has been completed. Topping the list of most-important programs to emphasize for the Army is "maneuverable, protected, short-range air defense" capability.

Primarily, Murray said, SHORAD's ranking at the top has been in response to what's being seen in the Ukraine, and also comes as a result of the Army's de-emphasis on that capability.

"We have not worried about air defense in years because we had the best air defense system in the world: the U.S. Air Force."

Murray told a room full of defense industry representatives in Tyson's Corner, Virginia, March 28, that the Air Force may not be as effective in the anti-access area-denial environment as once assumed. That, coupled with a proliferation of unmanned aerial systems, and the fact the Army has not invested anything in SHORAD in years, Murray said, makes SHORAD a top priority for the Army.

As part of the SPAR, a total of 780 existing programs were evaluated by the Army and were categorized according to their contribution to the Army's warfighting capability. Those categories included:

I: Accelerate or find a way to bring into the portfolio.
II: Sustain at current level of resources.
III: Reallocate resources to invest elsewhere.
IV: Divest most or all resources.

Ultimately, the future of Army programs will not be decided by the SPAR, but will be decided by the decisions of senior Army leadership, who are informed by findings of the SPAR, Murray said. It's expected the SPAR will be a yearly process.

Other programs that top the list of importance to the Army, Murray said, include long-range precision fires; buying out munition requirements, meaning ensuring there are enough mentions to fire for the weapons systems the Army has; lethality, mobility and protection of combat systems, such as for the Bradley and Abrams, as well as acceleration of the armored multi-purpose vehicle; active-protection systems for air and ground systems; ensured position navigation and timing; electronic warfare; both offensive and defensive cyber capabilities; assured communications; and vertical lift.

Murray said the Army is now looking at several active-protection system, known as APS, including the "Trophy" system from Israel, which he said "has a great reputation in terms of being effective."

He said the Army has brought number of Trophy systems, and a number of another system as well, to evaluate, including one called "Iron Fist," also from Israel, and another from a U.S.-based manufacturer called "Iron Curtain."

He said the Army aims to put Iron Curtain on a Stryker, Iron Fist on a Bradley, and Trophy on an Abrams tank, to evaluate their effectiveness.

"The one that is farthest along in terms of installing it is ... Trophy on Abrams," he said. "We're getting some pretty ... good results. It adds to the protection level of the tank. Trophy has an interesting capability, slew to cue. We're finding that we can incorporate that into the installation on the Abrams."

Iron Fist on the Bradley is also "moving along," he said. Though he cited a problem with installing the system on the Bradley, due to the size, weight, and power requirements of the system, plus the amount of space available on top of the turret of the Bradley

APS systems, he said come with additional considerations. In particular, he said, are considerations for the safety of Soldiers alongside the vehicles who are dismounted.

"As we do this, the interesting thing is going to be safety concerns," he said. "Anything that shoots off an armored vehicle, 'x' amount of meters, and makes something blow up, is not good for the integrated dismounted/mounted operations. So we have some concerns about tactics, techniques, and procedures and how we adjust those."

Murray also cited resistance to the primary purpose of having an APS, which is to reduce passive armor. He said there's a trust issue there with such systems.

"There has to be a level of trust in whatever it is that you're trying [to use] to displace that passive armor," Murray said, adding that he's not sure Soldiers right now trust the protection offered by an APS enough to lose the passive armor that is currently on systems.

"I struggle with when we start significant money in the next-generation tank, based upon a breakthrough in armor technology," he said. "I want a material that is three-quarters the weight or half the weight but offers the same level of protection. If we start building a new tank tomorrow, seven years from now, we'd have a new tank and it'd weigh 75 tons. We'd put the same level of protection on it. Even with enhanced situational awareness, even with the APS."

Asiaa huollosta (puhe alkaa 6:20).
Air Force Gen. Darren W. McDew, commander of U.S.
Transportation Command, provides remarks as the keynote speaker at the Navy
League's Sea-Air-Space exposition in National Harbor, Md., April 4, 2017.
:eek::cool: Ei tuo sotilaselämä olisi minulle.
Mutta olihan se punkanteko ja pinkanteko aika tarkkaa vielä meidänkin aikana. Ja opittiin.
Muistan tunteneeni ylpeyttä monta kertaa, kun tuli särmä punkka, missä päädyssä oli päiväpeitossa kolmio juuri oikealla tavalla ja kun sattui sellainen päiväpeittokin, ettei kiertänyt ruudut yhtään, niin jopas. Paras punkka muuten oli sellainen, jossa ei ollut yhtenäinen pohja. Lautojen välistä sai hyvin kiristettyä :)