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Ymmärsin kyllä. Ei tuossa ole mitään uutta.

Jenkkien perustuslain ensimmäinen pykälä oli juuri tehty siksi, että ihmisillä on lupa protestoida jos haluavat. Mutta heidän oikeushallituksensa päätti että tuolla kansainvälisellä lailla voidaan pyyhkiä persettä kun toinen ei halua kuulla ihmisten valituksia.
Jenkkien perustuslain ensimmäinen pykälä oli juuri tehty siksi, että ihmisillä on lupa protestoida jos haluavat. Mutta heidän oikeushallituksensa päätti että tuolla kansainvälisellä lailla voidaan pyyhkiä persettä kun toinen ei halua kuulla ihmisten valituksia.

Kuten sanottua, ymmärsin kyllä yskän. Mutta missä muka protestointi on sallittua ihan missä tahansa? Protestointi on sallittua, eikä sinua voi rankaista siitä mitä sinä sanot protestiksi. Mutta se missä sen protestin tai minkä tahansa pito on sallittu on ihan toinen juttu.
Et ymmärtänyt pointtia. "People are not at liberty to speak whenever, however, and wherever they please."

Tuossahan se sanotaankin, siellä ovat todenneet, että tuo ei pidä paikkaansa. Missään ei sanota, että sinä saat protestoida siellä missä luulet saavan osaksesi eniten huomiota tai missä se mellakka haittaa toisten elämää eniten.
Jenkkien perustuslain ensimmäinen pykälä oli juuri tehty siksi, että ihmisillä on lupa protestoida jos haluavat. Mutta heidän oikeushallituksensa päätti että tuolla kansainvälisellä lailla voidaan pyyhkiä persettä kun toinen ei halua kuulla ihmisten valituksia.

Niin, ja jos et huomannut, niin heitä ei estetty protestoimasta. Heidät vain siirrettiin pari korttelia kauemmas hotellista. Vai luuletko, että sinä voisit "pitää protestin" vaikkapa sentin päässä jonkun korvasta vain siksi, että sinun möykällä ei ole muuten kylliksi vaikutusta kohdehenkilöön?

Ihan maalaisjärjen mukainen päätös tuo on.
Tuossa on niin päätös kuin lausunto siitä, että ihmiset eivät saa puhua, taikka osoittaa mieltään milloin heitä lystää. Heidän perustuslain ENSIMMÄINEN (ja 14) pykälä sanoo:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

SJ kirjoitti:
Niin, ja jos et huomannut, niin heitä ei estetty protestoimasta. Heidät vain siirrettiin pari korttelia kauemmas hotellista. Vai luuletko, että sinä voisit "pitää protestin" vaikkapa sentin päässä jonkun korvasta vain siksi, että sinun möykällä ei ole muuten kylliksi vaikutusta kohdehenkilöön?

He eivät olleet sentin päässä Bushin korvasta, ja se ei ole pointti, koska kyse uutisessa on sananvapauden rajoituksesta eikä mistään muusta. Se että hallituksen tuomarit painavat villaisella tuota protestoijien siirtoa, ei ole mitään uutta, mutta se että korkeimman oikeuden edustaja sanoo, että sananvapautta ei saa harjoittaa on ihan eri. Täällä Briteissä, josta sananvapauden laki lähti eteenpäin vuonna 1686, on sitä kunnioitettu vaikka kuinka viranomaisia ja parlamentin edustajia vituttaa, että joku möykkää ulkona. Tosin silloin tällöin on tullut pampusta taikka kaveri(t) on kadonneet yöhön, mutta laki on laki, ja varsinkin ameriikan presidentin pitäisi perustuslakia kunnioittaa, kun hän sitä niin vannoo puolustavansa. Mutta ei, enkä minä jaksa tästä vängätä enempää.

U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel (L) talks with Japan's Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera as they wait for South Korea's Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin to arrive to begin their meeting in Singapore May 31, 2014.

U.S. warns China against aggression as allies seek more cooperation


USA varoittaa Kiinaa horjuttamasta Etelä-Kiinan meren vakautta


U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel (L) talks with Japan's Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera as they wait for South Korea's Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin to arrive to begin their meeting in Singapore May 31, 2014.

U.S. warns China against aggression as allies seek more cooperation


USA varoittaa Kiinaa horjuttamasta Etelä-Kiinan meren vakautta


Tälle Herra Tykkimies on oma ketjunsa http://maanpuolustus.net/threads/kiinan-ja-japanin-konflikti-kiinan-merellä.1785/page-6
A handful of billionaires are quietly dumping their American stocks . . . and fast.

Warren Buffett, who has been a cheerleader for U.S. stocks for quite some time, is dumping shares at an alarming rate. He recently complained of “disappointing performance” in dyed-in-the-wool American companies like Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, and Kraft Foods.

Buffett’s holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, has been drastically reducing its exposure to stocks that depend on consumer purchasing habits. Berkshire sold roughly 19 million shares of Johnson & Johnson, and reduced its overall stake in “consumer product stocks” by 21%. Berkshire Hathaway also sold its entire stake in California-based computer parts supplier Intel.

With 70% of the U.S. economy dependent on consumer spending, Buffett’s apparent lack of faith in these companies’ future prospects is worrisome.

Unfortunately Buffett isn’t alone.

Niin se dollari porskuttaa. On se niin hyvä ja hemmetin vahva, että ei edes kultaa tarvitse pankissa pitää.

What about America’s gold? Is it still in Fort Knox? Kirby says, “I don’t believe America possesses any substantial amount of gold. America claims to have sovereign holdings of just over 8,000 metric tons. I believe that number is grossly inflated, and it might be close to zero.” What would happen to the dollar if it was indeed fact that America had very little gold left in its vaults? Kirby contends, “There would be calamity in the financial markets around the world. . . . If the 8,000 tons of gold has grown feet and is not where it is supposed to be, it would certainly qualify as a national secret. This would also explain why the United States has been so dead set against a proper audit of its gold reserves.”

Lisää aiheesta.

When an economy is healthy, there is lots of buying and selling and money tends to move around quite rapidly. Unfortunately, the U.S. economy is the exact opposite of that right now. In fact, as I will document below, the velocity of M2 has fallen to an all-time record low. This is a very powerful indicator that we have entered a deflationary era, and the Federal Reserve has been attempting to combat this by absolutely flooding the financial system with more money. This has created some absolutely massive financial bubbles, but it has not fixed what is fundamentally wrong with our economy. On a very basic level, the amount of economic activity that we are witnessing is not anywhere near where it should be and the flow of money through our economy is very stagnant.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Clinton and Bush’s counter-terror czar – Richard Clarke – is the guy who created the drone assassination program.

Specifically, he was the first person to implement a program to assassinate using drones, when he convinced the government to arm surveillance drones to try to kill Bin Laden.

Even Clarke thinks that Obama administration’s drone program has gone way too far:

They were targeting people in so-called signature strikes, when a place look like a terrorist camp. And they were able, after looking at that place for days on end, to satisfy themselves that it was a terrorist camp. Then they attacked that camp without knowing, frankly, the names of the people who were there. The result was, collateral damage. We don’t know how much. There are widely varying estimates of the number of innocent people who have been killed in each of these cases. But, we do know that innocent people were killed. As recently as the attack in Yemen at the end of last year that blew up a wedding. When you do things like that, you cause enemies for the United States that will last for generations. All of these innocent people that you kill have brothers and sisters and tribe — tribal relations. Many of them were not opposed to the United States prior to some one of their friends or relatives being killed. Then, sometimes, they cross over not only to being opposed to the United States, but by being willing to pick up arms and become a terrorist against the United States. So you may actually be creating terrorists rather than eliminating them by using this program in the wrong way.
Näin väittää Debka tänään : Ahmed Abu Khattala, commander of the Libyan Ansar al-Sharia, who led the 2012 assault on the US consulate in Benghazi, has been captured in a secret US Special Operations forces raid in the same Libyan town. The Islamist terrorist, who was the prime mover in the attack which killed US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three of his staff, is now in US custody outside the country.

Tuolta kaverilta tulee paljon tietoa.
http://www.verkkouutiset.fi/ulkomaat/Teksas sulki Meksikon rajan-22421
Teksas kyllästyi rajaselkkauksiin - sulki Meksikon rajan
12 minuuttia sitten
Teksasin osavaltio kyllästyi odottamaan liittovaltion toimenpiteitä Meksikon rajan turvallisuuden takaamiseksi.

Teksasin osavaltion varakuvernööri David Dewhurst syyttää Obaman hallintoa tehottomuudesta turvata Meksikon rajan turvallisuus. Hän sanoo, että osavaltio ei ole saanut mitään apua liittovaltion hallitukselta, jonka keskeinen tehtävä on taata kansallinen turvallisuus.

Osavaltio onkin päättänyt toimia itse estääkseen huumeiden salakuljetuksen, seksikaupan ja laittoman maahanmuuton. Kolme viikkoa kestävässä operaatiossa Meksikon raja oli käytännössä kiinni Rio Granden alueella.

– Rio Granden alueella lähes mikään ei liikkunut kolmen viikon aikana. Meillä oli lainvalvojia ilmassa, aseistettuja veneitä ja paljon muuta, varakuvernööri kertoiBreitbartin haastattelussa.

– Operaatio todistaa, että Teksas voi tehdä työn, jonka liittohallitus on kieltäytynyt tekemästä - investoida rajavalvontaan ja estää laittoman toiminnan, joka haittaa Teksasia ja muuta maata.

Osavaltio on Dewhurstin mukaan budjetoinut rajan valvontaan satoja miljoonia vuodesta 2008. Vastaavanlaiset rajaoperaatiot maksavat viisi miljoonaa dollaria kuukaudessa.

– Meillä on ongelma ja kaikki tietävät sen, paitsi Obaman hallinto ja ihmiset rajavalvonnan johdossa. Teksasin järjestäytyneet rikollisliigat tekevät yhteistyötä Meksikon (huume)kartellien kanssa. Seitsemän kahdeksasta Meksikon huumekartellista toimivat Teksasin suurimmissa kaupungeissa. Kartellit käyttävät osavaltiota tukikohtanaan toiminnalleen koko Yhdysvaltojen alueella, Dewhurst kertoo.

Dewhurst kertoo myös, että nuorten tyttöjen salakuljettaminen seksiorjiksi Yhdysvaltojen puolelle ja laiton maahanmuutto ovat arkipäivää. Hänen mukaansa tilanne on jo pitkään ollut kestämätön.

Dewhurst kertoo soitelleensa kuuden tai seitsemän vuoden ajan kongressiedustajille, ja kertoneensa, että rajavartiointia täytyy kaksin- ellei kolminkertaistaa.

– Viimeisen vuoden aikana olen vakuuttunut, että tämä hallinto ei aio tehdä mitään rajan turvaamiseksi.
As part of the American Civil Liberties Union’s recent report on police militarization, the Massachusetts chapter of the organization sent open records requests to SWAT teams across that state. It received an interesting response.

As it turns out, a number of SWAT teams in the Bay State are operated by what are called law enforcement councils, or LECs. These LECs are funded by several police agencies in a given geographic area and overseen by an executive board, which is usually made up of police chiefs from member police departments. In 2012, for example, the Tewksbury Police Department paid about $4,600 in annual membership dues to the North Eastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council, or NEMLEC. (See page 36 of linked PDF.) That LEC has about 50 member agencies. In addition to operating a regional SWAT team, the LECs also facilitate technology and information sharing and oversee other specialized units, such as crime scene investigators and computer crime specialists.

Some of these LECs have also apparently incorporated as 501(c)(3) organizations. And it’s here that we run into problems. According to the ACLU, the LECs are claiming that the 501(c)(3) status means that they’re private corporations, not government agencies. And therefore, they say they’re immune from open records requests. Let’s be clear. These agencies oversee police activities. They employ cops who carry guns, wear badges, collect paychecks provided by taxpayers and have the power to detain, arrest, injure and kill. They operate SWAT teams, which conduct raids on private residences. And yet they say that because they’ve incorporated, they’re immune to Massachusetts open records laws. The state’s residents aren’t permitted to know how often the SWAT teams are used, what they’re used for, what sort of training they get or who they’re primarily used against.
The New York Times on Sunday night released a bombshell, revealing that the State Department ended an investigation into the private security firm Blackwater after one of its managers in Iraq threatened the government’s chief investigator. Since that event in 2007, the U.S. has awarded at least $242 million in contracts to the controversial company — including one as recently as May 2014.

Though the Times’ headline “Before Shooting in Iraq, a Warning on Blackwater” — referring to the incident in which Blackwater guards shot and killed 17 Iraqi civilians — seemed anodyne, the story was nothing of the sort. In 2007, Blackwater was handling a substantial amount of security for civilians both in Afghanistan and Iraq, at a substantial cost to the government. The State Department deployed Jean Richter to Iraq to audit the firm’s actions, but he and his partner didn’t get very far. According to a memo Richter wrote in August 2007, Daniel Carroll, Blackwater’s project manager in Iraq, told Richter “that he could kill me at that very moment and no one could or would do anything about it as we were in Iraq.”

In the memo, which according to the Times was corroborated by his partner in a separate statement, Richter went on to describe the threat more fully (emphasis added):

“Mr. Carroll’s statement was made in a low, even tone of voice, his head was slightly lowered; his eyes were fixed on mine,” Mr. Richter stated in his memo. “I took Mr. Carroll’s threat seriously. We were in a combat zone where things can happen quite unexpectedly, especially when issues involve potentially negative impacts on a lucrative security contract.”

He added that he was especially alarmed because Mr. Carroll was Blackwater’s leader in Iraq, and “organizations take on the attitudes and mannerisms of their leader.”

The very next month, a group of Blackwater guards opened fire on a crowd of Iraqis in Nisour Square, killing more than a dozen and wounding many more. Despite that incident, the investigation was not only cancelled, but Blackwater saw its contract — estimated to be worth between one-third and half of the company’s business — renewed in 2008. It wasn’t until 2009, and the Obama administration taking over, that the Blackwater contract in Iraq was released, due to the contractor being unable to receive a license to operate from the Iraqi government.

That wasn’t the end, however, of the relationship between the U.S. government and the group founded by Erik Prince, though the name has changed several times since then. Prince changed the company’s name from “Blackwater Worldwide” to “Xe Services” in 2009, as the company was under intensified scrutiny for the 2007 shootings. It was under that name that they received a contract worth around $100 million from the Central Intelligence Agency in 2010. Prince then sold the company in 2010, when investors changed the name to “Academi” — it is under this name that most of the firm’s recent contracting with the Department of Defense has taken place. Earlier this month, the firm merged with one of its rivals — Triple Canopy — to form “Constellis Holdings.”

Given the the secrecy surrounding the amount of some of its classified contracts, ThinkProgress can not give an official ceiling on how much the company has earned from the government since the Nisour Square shootings. Based on publicly available information, however, between that incident and the time Prince ended his time with them, the company formerly known as Blackwater raked in at least $201,000,000.

Though Prince is no longer in the picture, the company still continues to obtain government contracts. In July 2012, the U.S. Army awarded Academi a contract to “provide for the life support services in Afghanistan” for $6,660,438. In May 2014, that contract was awarded an $8,801,172 modification, with the mission now reading that Academi will provide “camp integrity and life support and private security services.” Between 2012 and 2014, another $16 million in modifications were were added to the contract, making the total contract worth $31 million to date.
According to the HHS, nearly half of all Americans are now dependent on some form of government benefit just to put food on the table. And of our population of 310 million, nearly one in four receive welfare benefits.

That’s over 70 million people who, if the government safety nets broke down due to lack of funding or a monetary crisis, would be starving on our streets right now.

The sheer magnitude of the numbers is shocking. What’s worse is that they are indicative of a continuing down-trend that won’t be improving any time soon.

Jotenkin minusta vaikuttaa, että tuo artikkeli liioittelee. Opama on liberaalina lisännyt valtion tukia kansalaisille, joten useampia ihmisiä on valtion tukien varassa. Samalla Opaman toimet eivät ole tehneet erityisen hyvää työllisyydelle, joten sossun luukulla on varmasti sakkia. Muutenkin opama on syytänyt rahaa kaikkeen "vihreään" ja rankaissut kaikkea mikä ei ole vihreää, etenkin niitä aloja, jotka tuottavat rahaa ja työpaikkoja, etenkin jos ne kilpailevat opaman suosikkien kanssa. Isompi valtio ja pienempi yksityinen sektori on opaman tavoite ja se näkyy.
” ‘Collect It All, Know It All’ Is Actually the Stasi Model”

The Washington Post reported last week:

Ordinary Internet users, American and non-American alike, far outnumber legally targeted foreigners in the communications intercepted by the National Security Agency from U.S. digital networks, according to a four-month investigation by The Washington Post.

Nine of 10 account holders found in a large cache of intercepted conversations, which former NSA contractor Edward Snowden provided in full to The Post, were not the intended surveillance targets but were caught in a net the agency had cast for somebody else.

Many of them were Americans. Nearly half of the surveillance files, a strikingly high proportion, contained names, e-mail addresses or other details that the NSA marked as belonging to U.S. citizens or residents.


Many … files, described as useless by the analysts but nonetheless retained, have a startlingly intimate, even voyeuristic quality. They tell stories of love and heartbreak, illicit sexual liaisons, mental-health crises, political and religious conversions, financial anxieties and disappointed hopes. The daily lives of more than 10,000 account holders who were not targeted are catalogued and recorded nevertheless.
