Mielestäni aseapu Ukrainaan sopii aiheena sodan seurantaketjuun, mutta kun keskustelu on vilkkaimmillaan, asia näyttää ärsyttävän joitakin. Eli silloin voisi ehkä laajempi keskustelu ja väittely ohjautua tänne.
Varmistamaton lista aseistuksesta, jota Ukraina kaipaili joskus maaliskuun puolivälin kieppeillä. Alkuperäislähde siis ilmeisesti Telegramissa.
Kuvat listasta löytyvät myös tästä viestistä:
Samoin täältä:
Pöllin tähän avaukseen ansiokkaan kokoelman kuvia ja linkkejä tästä Isovihan viestistä (tilanne siis 24.4.2022 - ja ilmeisesti ainakin osin puutteellinen otos, koska kaikki maat eivät raportoi enää ainakaan kaikkea apuaan):
in Figure 6, we only count publicly known arms and weapon commitments (disclosed in-
kind donations). We excluded defensive gear and financial
commitments for military purposes. The US again tops the ranking, having sent mostly anti-
tank and anti-aircraft weaponry as well as artillery, weapon carriers and unmanned aerial
systems including drones. Second comes Poland, which committed a range of high-cost items
such as artillery and weapon carriers as well as tanks. Third and fourth are Canada and the UK,
followed by the Baltic countries.
Lista siitä mihin yllä oleva data perustuu:
Varmistamaton lista aseistuksesta, jota Ukraina kaipaili joskus maaliskuun puolivälin kieppeillä. Alkuperäislähde siis ilmeisesti Telegramissa.

List of equipments Ukraine has requested from United Nations and USA.
Posted in r/UkraineWarVideoReport by u/Aiesar • 455 points and 129 comments

Samoin täältä:
Pöllin tähän avaukseen ansiokkaan kokoelman kuvia ja linkkejä tästä Isovihan viestistä (tilanne siis 24.4.2022 - ja ilmeisesti ainakin osin puutteellinen otos, koska kaikki maat eivät raportoi enää ainakaan kaikkea apuaan):
U.S. remains the single largest supporter of Ukraine, with the equivalent of 10.3 billion euros since the end of January, and has already announced the next significant increase in its commitment.
All EU countries combined have donated a total of 12.8 billion euros.
The Estonian military assistance to Ukraine has been estimated at around 220 million EUR. The shipment includes: missiles for anti-tank weapon system Javelin; Javelins; ammunition; medical equipment; personal equipment; 25,000 field rations announced on 25 February; an undisclosed number of D-30 howitzers, originally put forward on December 30, 2021, but stalled due to required approval from previous owners Germany (approved on February 26) and Finland (approved on February 27). This list should only be considered as indicative, since most of the information regarding the assistance has remained undisclosed.
Finnish President of the Republic approved the delivery of defense material, additional to the military aid reported in FIM1, FIM2 and FIM3. No further information regarding the shipment has been disclosed.
in Figure 6, we only count publicly known arms and weapon commitments (disclosed in-
kind donations). We excluded defensive gear and financial
commitments for military purposes. The US again tops the ranking, having sent mostly anti-
tank and anti-aircraft weaponry as well as artillery, weapon carriers and unmanned aerial
systems including drones. Second comes Poland, which committed a range of high-cost items
such as artillery and weapon carriers as well as tanks. Third and fourth are Canada and the UK,
followed by the Baltic countries.
Lista siitä mihin yllä oleva data perustuu:
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