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Kiinnostaa tietää miten hyvin nuo kosketusnäytöt toimii paksuilla hanskoilla?

Sen hanskan sormienpäässä on kuulemma joku pikku anturi joka pikkasen auttaa.

Edit: Ja ei ne puvut niin paksuja ole, ei ole tarkoitus suorittaa mitään avaruuskävelyjä. Riittää että onnistut vetämään ja kääntämään Eject-vipua ennen kuin tietokone tekee sen. Muutenhan homma on täysin automatisoitu.
Sen hanskan sormienpäässä on kuulemma joku pikku anturi joka pikkasen auttaa.

En ajatellutkaan että ne olisi intergoineet tuon padikynistä tutun teknologian.

Ja ei ne puvut niin paksuja ole, ei ole tarkoitus suorittaa mitään avaruuskävelyjä. Riittää että onnistut vetämään ja kääntämään Eject-vipua ennen kuin tietokone tekee sen. Muutenhan homma on täysin automatisoitu.

Jos NASA ei osta Elonilta uusia pukuja, niin aivan varmasti he käyttävät vanhoja pukuja, missä 50-60 luvun nappulat ja kytkimet ovat niitä halutuimpia asioita käyttöliittymässä kuin kosketusnäyttö.

For the last year or so, Stratolaunch has conducted a number of ground-based tests on the world's largest aircraft, both inside its gargantuan hangar and on a runway in Mojave, California. If all goes well, the company plans for the aircraft with a 117-meter wingspan to make its maiden flight by the end of this year.

But the aircraft is only a means to an end—sustainably launching rockets into space. Although Stratolaunch appears to have built a fine airplane, questions have lingered for years regarding exactly which rockets will be flown to a cruising altitude to then be released by the airplane. And when you've built an aircraft the likes of which has never been seen before, such curiosity is understandable.

On Monday, the company finally provided some additional clarity. Previously, Stratolaunch announced an agreement to launch small Pegasus rockets from the aircraft, but these boosters can only deliver up to 370kg into low-Earth orbit. (And they are so small, their use could not possibly justify the scale of the Stratolaunch plane, with a wingspan 20 meters greater than even the Spruce Goose).

Fortunately, the new rockets announced this week will have significantly more capacity, and they appear to be right-sized for this very large mobile launch platform:

  • Medium Launch Vehicle: A new medium-class air-launch vehicle optimized for short satellite integration timelines, affordable launch, and flexible launch profiles (3.4 ton capacity to LEO).
  • Medium Launch Vehicle – Heavy: A three-core MLV variant with capability to deploy heavier payloads to orbit (6 tons to LEO).
  • Medium Launch Vehicle – Reusable: A fully reusable space plane that enables advanced in-orbit capabilities and cargo return; Initial designs optimized for cargo launch, with a follow-on variant capable of transporting crew.

According to Stratolaunch, the medium launch vehicle is under development, with a maiden launch targeted for 2022. The heavier version of this rocket is undergoing "early development," and the company is performing a "design study" of the space plane. Earlier, Stratolaunch dubbed this space plane concept "Black Ice."
Three top executives of the Russian space company Energia, which designs and manufactures the Soyuz and Progress spacecrafts, have been arrested for alleged fraud, investigators said on Sunday.

"Energia's deputy director Alexei Beloborodov and two of his subordinates were arrested and charged with attempted fraud," the Investigative Committee of Russia said in a statement.

The arrests come as part of a probe conducted "with the active assistance" of the main Russian intelligence agency, the FSB, the statement added.

At the end of July, the FSB carried out several searches targeting the Russian space industry as part of an investigation into "high treason", according to Russian media.

The raids were at the Central Research Institute of Machine-Building (TsNIImash), Russia's leading research institute for the space industry, and one of its employees, Viktor Kudriavtsev, was arrested.

According to the Russian daily Kommersant, a dozen Russian space industry employees are suspected of having sent classified information about Russian hypersonic weapon projects to Western security services.

Russian President Vladimir Putin in March boasted at a state-of-the-nation address of new "invincible" weapons under development, including hypersonic missiles.
Jos NASA ei osta Elonilta uusia pukuja, niin aivan varmasti he käyttävät vanhoja pukuja, missä 50-60 luvun nappulat ja kytkimet ovat niitä halutuimpia asioita käyttöliittymässä kuin kosketusnäyttö.
Lentopuvut ovat integroitu osa alusta ja tulevat aina samalta valmistajalta kuin kapselikin. Dragon 2:ssa käytetään SpaceX:n pukuja, Starlinerissa Boeingin ja Soyuzissa venäläisten riippumatta matkustajien kansallisuudesta. Avaruuskävelyiden asut ovat sitten astetta monimutkaisempia, periaatteessa puettavia avaruusaluksia, ja ne ovat henkilökohtaisesti -nautin mittoihin sovitettuja.
Oon kyllä aina tiennyt, että pohjanmaalaiset ovat kovia yrittämään, mutta en tiennyt, että näin kova yritys on päällä :oops:

"Avaruuden pääkaupunki, miten voin auttaa?" – Seinäjoki uudisti brändinsä


Seinäjoki lanseerasi tänään uuden brändikampanjansa, jolla halutaan valloittaa avaruus.

Avaruus on vielä osin valloittamatta, ja missäs muualla on tilaa niin paljon kuin Seinäjoella.

Avaruuden pääkaupunki on Seinäjoen kaupungin uusi markkinointislogan.
Kaupungin uuden ilmeen mukaiset brändisivut löytyvät osoitteesta
www.avaruudenpaakaupunki.fi ja www.capitalofspace.com.
Oxfordin Yliopiston tutkijaryhmän löydöksiä, vetäjänään Roger Penrose:


Physicists Think They've Spotted the Ghosts of Black Holes from Another Universe

We are not living in the first universe. There were other universes, in other eons, before ours, a group of physicists has said. Like ours, these universes were full of black holes. And we can detect traces of those long-dead black holes in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) — the radiation that is a remnant of our universe's violent birth.

At least, that's the somewhat eccentric view of the group of theorists, including the prominent Oxford University mathematical physicist Roger Penrose (also an important Stephen Hawking collaborator). Penrose and his acolytes argue for a modified version of the Big Bang.

The theory states that the only things left from a post black hole universe will be photons or gravitons. Since neither photons or gravitons experience space or time, they can all be in one place, like a singularity.

The key is to understand that, to a photon or graviton, space and time are meaningless, so they don't matter. The size of the expanded universe doesn't matter. The universe expands into a singularity.

Another way to explain it is to think of those mandelbrot fractal zoom sets you see on websites and youtube. You can keep zooming in/out to infinity.
Viimeksi muokattu:

To learn how to build with moon dust, researchers are turning to volcanic powder here on Earth.

Several countries are planning lunar missions over the next decade, and some may choose to send human settlements to the moon's surface.

Many programs have recently tested out the habitability of lunar bases. In May 2018, Chinese student volunteers in Beijing completed a one-year test living in a simulated lunar lab. In October 2017, the International MoonBase Summit (IMS) convened in Hawaii to discuss building a mock structure to examine how a human settlement on the moon would work. And for two weeks in August 2017, six mock astronauts lived inside a simulated moon base in Poland

But how would you build a base in the first place?

Olisiko 3d printauksesta sulutteiden muodostajaksi kun rakennustekniikka kehittyy kuuaseman toteutuessa ensi vuosikymmenellä? Minusta paras idea on että kuuasema ja Deep Space Gateway kuun kiertoradalla toteutetaan ennenkuin Marssin valloitusta edes yritetään. Meillä on niin paljon oppimista meidän lähiavaruudessa, että isomman Marssin tukikohdan perustamista ennen 2050 ei tulisi edes miettiä. Mutta onko näistä printattavista seinän kappaleista pysäyttämään taikka suuntaamaan liikennettä maanpuolustuksen alla? Yllä oleva kappale on printattua tulivuori massaa eli basalttia.
Uudessa Neil Armstrongista kertovassa elokuvassa jätetään näyttämättä Armstrong ja Aldrin pystyttämässä kuun pinnalle Yhdysvaltojen lippua, se kun olisi nykymaailmassa liian patrioottista, nationalistista ja varmaan rasististakin:


Neil Armstrong biopic leaves out the moment the astronaut plants a US flag on the Moon - with star Ryan Gosling saying it's because the achievement 'transcends countries and borders'

Uudessa Neil Armstrongista kertovassa elokuvassa jätetään näyttämättä Armstrong ja Aldrin pystyttämässä kuun pinnalle Yhdysvaltojen lippua, se kun olisi nykymaailmassa liian patrioottista, nationalistista ja varmaan rasististakin:



Jo muuten kesällä 1969 kuului jonkin verran napinaa siitä että astronautit pystyttivät tähtilipun kuuperään. Joidenkin kriitikoiden mielestä olisi ollut soveliaampaa pystyttää YK:n lippu. Amerikkalaiset vastasivat kritiikkiin osuvasti, että montako dollaria YK on laittanut likoon Apollo-ohjelman puolesta.

Max Rymsha, from the Ukraine, was one of the winners in the HP Mars Home Planet Rendering Challenge. They won for their piece "Between the Red Mountains" as part of the Rendering challenge.


Jorge Moreno Fierro, from Columbia, was one of the winners in the HP Mars Home Planet Rendering Challenge. They won "Innovation in Design" for their BIO SYSTEM as part of the Conceptual Design challenge.


Rustam Shaikhlislamov, from Russia, was one of the winners in the HP Mars Home Planet Rendering Challenge. They won for their Long Range Universal Platform as part of the MARS Multi-utility Vehicle as part of the 3D Modeling Challenge.
Sojuz-avaruusaluksen ilmavuoto johtui poranreiästä ja paikattiin teipillä – tehtiinkö avaruusalukselle sabotaasia?


Sojuz-avaruusaluksessa viime viikolla havaitun ilmavuodon syy on selvinnyt. Aluksen seinässä oli poranreikä.
Aluksella olevat avaruuslentäjät onnistuivat paikkaamaan reiän teipillä ja ilmavuoto saatiin tyrehdytettyä.
– Ajatellaan, että joku laiska työntekijä on tehnyt virheen. Hän on säikähtänyt ja paikannut reiän erikoisliimalla. So on pysynyt huomaamattomana pitkä aikaa. Sitten liima on kuivunut ja pudonnut pois.
Does Stratolaunch Have a Top Secret Purpose?

It’s certainly possible that Stratolaunch is a top secret asset hiding in plain sight, but a more likely scenario is that Stratolaunch is set to perform regular civilian spaceflight jobs while being on retainer to become a government asset during a national emergency. The U.S. Air Force has a similar agreement with major American airlines, which during a crisis would transfer civilian planes to the Civil Reserve Air Fleet for military service.

Then again, they really did built the Glomar Explorer.

Satellites are more likely to be at risk from high-speed solar wind than a major geomagnetic storm according to a new UK-US study published this week in the Journal Space Weather.

Researchers investigating the space weather risks to orbiting satellites calculated electron radiation levels within the Van Allen radiation belts. This ring-doughnut-shaped zone wraps around the Earth, trapping charged particles. Geostationary orbit lies inside the Van Allen radiation belts

The study, which analysed years of satellite data, found that electron radiation levels at geostationary orbit could remain exceptionally high for 5 days or more, even after the solar wind speed had died down. As a result, electronic components on satellites could charge up to dangerously high levels and become damaged.

Professor Richard Horne, lead author of the study, said: "Until now we thought that the biggest risk to orbiting satellites was geomagnetic storms. Our study constructed a realistic worst-case event by looking at space weather events caused by high-speed solar wind flowing away from the Sun and striking the Earth. We were surprised to discover just how high electron radiation levels can go."

This new research is particularly interesting to the satellite industry. Professor Horne continues:

"Fast solar wind is more dangerous to satellites because the geomagnetic field extends beyond geostationary orbit and electron radiation levels are increased all the way round the orbit - in a major geomagnetic storm the field is distorted and radiation levels peak closer to the Earth.

"Electronic components on satellites are usually protected from electrostatic charges by encasing them in metal shielding. You would have to use about 2.5 mm of aluminium to reduce charging to safe levels - much more than is used at present. There are well over 450 satellites in geostationary orbit and so in a realistic worst case we would expect many satellites to report malfunctions and a strong likelihood of service outage and total satellite loss".

Dr Nigel Meredith, a co-author on the study, said: "A few years ago, we calculated electron radiation levels for a 1 in 150 year space weather event using statistical methods. This study uses a totally different approach but gets a very similar result and confirms that the risk of damage is real."

The solar wind is a stream of particles and magnetic field flowing away from the Sun. It flows around the Earth's magnetic field and excites so-called 'chorus' plasma waves near geostationary orbit. Chorus waves accelerate electrons and form the Van Allen radiation belts. The chorus waves also travel along the geomagnetic field to the Polar Regions where they are detected on the ground at Halley Research Station, Antarctica.