Voi tulla aseenomistajille/ostajille itku Jenkeissä jos tämä menee läpi:
Joe Biden's plan to end gun violence will tackle America's gun violence head on, and treat it as the public health epidemic it is.
Vähän veikkaan, että tuo on enemmän omille äänestäjille. On tuolla ihan höttöä myös asiasta, mihin aikaisemmin törmännyt.
- Close the “fugitive from justice” loophole created by the Trump Administration. Because of actions by the Trump Administration, records of almost 500,000 fugitives from justice who are prohibited from purchasing firearms were deleted from the background check system. The Biden Administration will restore these records, and enact legislation to make clear that people facing arrest warrants are prohibited from purchasing or possessing firearms.
No mikä sitten tuo Trumpin loophole oikein on? No se on ATF ja FBI kiista fugitiven määritelmästä, jonka Obaman oikeusministeriö viimein ratkaisi, ja johon Trump teki vain ihan pieniä muutoksia.
The policy change settled a dispute between the ATF and the FBI that had lasted since at least 2008, according to a
2016 report by the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General. The ATF had long maintained “that an individual is not a fugitive from justice if they remain in the state where the warrant was issued,” while the FBI had been denying “transactions involving the purchase of a firearm outside the county or other local jurisdiction where the warrant was issued, even if the purchase is within the same state.”
In November 2017, the
Washington Post reported that, before Trump took office, the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel “sided with ATF and narrowed the definition of fugitives” and said that gun purchases should only be denied to fugitives who crossed state lines.
“After Trump was inaugurated,” the
Post said, “the Justice Department further narrowed the definition to those who have fled across state lines to avoid prosecution for a crime or to avoid giving testimony in a criminal proceeding.”
When asked what he was going to do about the "gun problem," President Donald Trump responded that “we have done much more than most administrations.” Trump has taken some action to strengthen federal gun control, but his administration also has eased gun restrictions.
Veikkaan siis poliittista painostuskeinoa, että jossain toisaalla saadaan läpi jokin todella paska juttu, koska kukaan punainen ei voi tuohon millään suostua. Voidaan siis sanoa, ettei onnistunut, koska reput ja nauretaan matkalla pankkiin.