Diskussion om kriget i Ukraina, med deltagare - Discussion on war in Ukraine, with participant

BTW: Heard that there is a Finn that has fought on the separatist side. Is that true?
Somewhere some time ago I read somewhere that an ethnic Russian doctor residing in Helsinki, possibly having aquired Finnish citizenship would have gone to Donnbass to assist the "separatists". That was a rumour and haven't heard abt it likely.

The local Russian minority is divided, but I can't say in which proportions.

@Maidan, do you know and have you heard abt anyone from Finland fighting for the Russians?
Hi David!

And welcome to the forum.

BTW: Heard that there is a Finn that has fought on the separatist side. Is that true?

That doesn`t suprise me, if there is a Finn(s) on the commie side, but this was news to me, although it`s posted on September, last year:

(Don´t know if it`s true or not?)

Posted on September 24, 2014 by tim

A video of an American (allegedly based on an accent and what he says himself) from Ilionois (or Alabama?). He says he fights for New Russia. He however admits he would like to get it resolved peacefully. Does someone recognize his classmate here? Video is inside and thanks to them speaking English it doesn't need any translation:


He`s saying: "People with US military experience are valuable and here is a lot of them" o_O

Have You heard, that there are Yanks on the Putlers side?

My first thought was, that it`s the same if Israelian citizen joins into National Guard of Iran. :confused:
BTW: Heard that there is a Finn that has fought on the separatist side. Is that true?
Yes there is he did write to difrent webpage at ylilauta u can find he's picture and adress there I think it was in Ukraine 9 or 10 thread if u want to check it out. He wrote that he did serve at parolannummi as medic and he's mother is Russian. Don't really know was he a troll or not.
We have a small fundraiser set up for our small team here http://www.gofundme.com/l0ta0k?fb_a...36&fb_action_types=og.shares&fb_ref=fb_d_m_i3
Every cent is worth something.

Just made a small donation. Hope it helps a little.

Must say that I certainly do NOT like everything about Ukraine: Corruption, the hand of oligarchs in every aspect of society and undependable people even in the army. But I sure as hell think that Ukraine should have the opportunity to build its own future, however small the chances right now seem for any great improvement in people's life. Seems like mr. Putin does not want to give any of his "friends" this opportunity if he can have his way and cannibalize and mutilate any country that tries to think for itself too much.

Right now the no. 1 best way to help Ukraine (and all the other probable and possible targets for this kind of behavior) is just what mr. Löfroos and the other volunteers and ukrainian Warriors are doing - make everything as hard for the russians and their henchmen as possible. In the end, this is good even for the russian people who have been 'hijacked' By their insane "captain Ahab" Putin. It is a shame that the russian elites who are behind this do not have to be afraid of their own sons' safety in their dirty little war but instead press the 10% "bottom rung" of society, which are essential for their geopolitical adventures but treated like shit, into service to "defend Russia" which could at best be against Muslim terrorists but actually ends up as being the terrorists themselves against the people of Ukraine.

Give 'em hell but be careful out there. And I must say that if @Sinkomies should find Sweden to be too hypocritical Place to be (comparing volunteering in Ukraine to ISIS? Really?) I think you will be more than welcome here in Finland :)
Hi David!

And welcome to the forum.

That doesn`t suprise me, if there is a Finn(s) on the commie side, but this was news to me, although it`s posted on September, last year:

(Don´t know if it`s true or not?)

Posted on September 24, 2014 by tim

A video of an American (allegedly based on an accent and what he says himself) from Ilionois (or Alabama?). He says he fights for New Russia. He however admits he would like to get it resolved peacefully. Does someone recognize his classmate here? Video is inside and thanks to them speaking English it doesn't need any translation:


He`s saying: "People with US military experience are valuable and here is a lot of them" o_O

Have You heard, that there are Yanks on the Putlers side?


Think he meant that there are a lot of Americans with military experience that are valuable. Don't think they have many Americans. That was probably the only one.

In ATO there has been two Americans. One had Ukrainian heritage and died fighting for the Donbass batallion. The other was warried to an Ukrainian girl, was one month in Azov before he was kicked out because he took leave without permission. For some reason only Europeans are allowed in the batallions otherwise.

My first thought was, that it`s the same if Israelian citizen joins into National Guard of Iran.

I got the same thought when I heard that a Finn had joined the Russians. :-)
America is hugh. They are bound to have a lot of idiots.
Just made a small donation. Hope it helps a little.

Must say that I certainly do NOT like everything about Ukraine: Corruption, the hand of oligarchs in every aspect of society and undependable people even in the army. But I sure as hell think that Ukraine should have the opportunity to build its own future, however small the chances right now seem for any great improvement in people's life. Seems like mr. Putin does not want to give any of his "friends" this opportunity if he can have his way and cannibalize and mutilate any country that tries to think for itself too much.

Right now the no. 1 best way to help Ukraine (and all the other probable and possible targets for this kind of behavior) is just what mr. Löfroos and the other volunteers and ukrainian Warriors are doing - make everything as hard for the russians and their henchmen as possible. In the end, this is good even for the russian people who have been 'hijacked' By their insane "captain Ahab" Putin. It is a shame that the russian elites who are behind this do not have to be afraid of their own sons' safety in their dirty little war but instead press the 10% "bottom rung" of society, which are essential for their geopolitical adventures but treated like shit, into service to "defend Russia" which could at best be against Muslim terrorists but actually ends up as being the terrorists themselves against the people of Ukraine.

Give 'em hell but be careful out there. And I must say that if @Sinkomies should find Sweden to be too hypocritical Place to be (comparing volunteering in Ukraine to ISIS? Really?) I think you will be more than welcome here in Finland :)

Thank You!

Everything that is wrong about Ukraine comes from Russia. Corruption, oligarchs, lack of loyalty. These are the blueprint of the Russian society.

Think that Russians have a lot in common with the Arabs. I've been a lot in Northern Africa and it struck me in Ukraine how similar values they both got.

Sweden is a mess. That's why I live in Tallinn. Can't handle the Kafka society that Sweden has become.
Just made a small donation. Hope it helps a little.

Bravo Honcho!

But I must say I'm bit of a disappointed that this is our level of willingness to help. Or is there some other way to support/donate that I'm unaware of?
But I must say I'm bit of a disappointed that this is our level of willingness to help. Or is there some other way to support/donate that I'm unaware of?

Yes, I would have guessed that the sum was bigger already. Perhaps the guys could report at some point what they have been able to acquire with the donations so far (not much but...), so everyone would see that the help is going through and making at least a little bit of difference.

They use this kind of tactic with help to Africa/Middle East etc. "This and this village got a well with clean water"...for Ukraine the best help is like "They got better rations for this squad" or "They bought 10 boxes of ammo" etc.
There is an Estonian NGO that has been very successful in getting donations to Medic packs to all regiments and batallions in Ukraine.

Think they raised 200.000-300.000 EUR in small Estonia alone. Very good guys and they have done a tremendous job. I've been helping packing the IFAKS in Tallinn once myself and also seen in Ukraine that the help really goes where it should.

I know that they want to expand that to Finland and Sweden. I will meet with the Finland representative this week.
When he has something finished I will post it here.
Maybe this forum wants to help market this?

If anyone wants to help getting donations to medic packs in Finland or Sweden send me a message and I'll pass it on.
Welcome Sinkomies!

Today We`ve heard that somekind of last possibility for peace in Ukraine stands in the balance in Minsk meeting. I don`t know how much you know about it but here finland experts and politicians consider meeting as divider how Ukraine situation ends up. We know soon if there`s any hope resolving this crisis peacefully.

I also have few questions if you have time to answer:
- Often heard phrase " Novorossiya" means exactly what? Donbas-area or both Krimea and Donbas or perhaps it even includes Transnistria/Moldova also? What do you think?
- If crisis escalates and Russia and rebels are pushing harder to gain more ground, will Russia start airwarfare campaign soon?
- do you have enough anti-aircraft weapons to deal with russian threat?
- have you heard how effective your light anti-tank weapons(RPG-18) have been against pro-russian tanks (we have samekind of weapon here in finland)? How many shots and where have been enough to put tank out of order?

I wish you and Ukraine people the best. Try to stay alive and get those motherfuckers!

I strongly agree with Estonia and USA for giving weapons support to Ukraine. Finnish politicians are wimps!
Godspeed and good luck!
I've wanted to contribute to Ukraine's cause for some time now. Here's few observations why it has been difficult, though. Please don't take this personally, these are just observations about the reasons I believe keep many folks e.g. here in Finland from contributing, and I want to share these in order to increase the probability that regular Joes here put forward money or effort towards helping Ukraine and those who fight against Russian aggression.

First, there is this distinct mental image that Azov and other volunteer battalions are very much right-wing, extreme nationalist or even "nazi" organizations. I'm somewhat of a nationalist myself but I still identify more with bleeding-heart liberal left-wing hippies (I vote socialists, for example), and even though I understand that things are not as black and white as mainstream media sometimes portrays them to be, this perceived right-wing connection still bothers me. So I can understand it bothers others even more.

Second, as some folks have already noted, there's the problem that Ukrainian leaders and the entire society is seen to be a corrupt mess. So we think that it doesn't make much difference whether we support one side or the other.

So: let's say I have friends who in principle have sympathy for Ukraine's cause, but have issues such as these. What sources of information could I direct them to prove that their fears are unfounded?

Personally, I'd buy anyone who's fighting Russian aggression in Ukraine so many beers that they pass out, and since it's unlikely I meet any of you, I'm going to contribute what I can through other channels. Unfortunately my financials are what they are.

Stay safe and good hunting! If Sweden rejects you I'd believe Finland is more appreciative to men who've fought Russians or their minions.
Welcome Sinkomies!

Today We`ve heard that somekind of last possibility for peace in Ukraine stands in the balance in Minsk meeting. I don`t know how much you know about it but here finland experts and politicians consider meeting as divider how Ukraine situation ends up. We know soon if there`s any hope resolving this crisis peacefully.

I also have few questions if you have time to answer:
- Often heard phrase " Novorossiya" means exactly what? Donbas-area or both Krimea and Donbas or perhaps it even includes Transnistria/Moldova also? What do you think?
- If crisis escalates and Russia and rebels are pushing harder to gain more ground, will Russia start airwarfare campaign soon?
- do you have enough anti-aircraft weapons to deal with russian threat?
- have you heard how effective your light anti-tank weapons(RPG-18) have been against pro-russian tanks (we have samekind of weapon here in finland)? How many shots and where have been enough to put tank out of order?

I wish you and Ukraine people the best. Try to stay alive and get those motherfuckers!

I strongly agree with Estonia and USA for giving weapons support to Ukraine. Finnish politicians are wimps! Th
Godspeed and good luck!

I let Carolus answer the weapon section. I'm not really good at that. Civilian at heart! ;-)

Think Novorossiya means what Putin decides it will mean. If he wants to take the Baltic it will include that as well.
I've wanted to contribute to Ukraine's cause for some time now. Here's few observations why it has been difficult, though. Please don't take this personally, these are just observations about the reasons I believe keep many folks e.g. here in Finland from contributing, and I want to share these in order to increase the probability that regular Joes here put forward money or effort towards helping Ukraine and those who fight against Russian aggression.

First, there is this distinct mental image that Azov and other volunteer battalions are very much right-wing, extreme nationalist or even "nazi" organizations. I'm somewhat of a nationalist myself but I still identify more with bleeding-heart liberal left-wing hippies (I vote socialists, for example), and even though I understand that things are not as black and white as mainstream media sometimes portrays them to be, this perceived right-wing connection still bothers me. So I can understand it bothers others even more.

I understand your concerns. Russia has really succeeded in getting western media to focus on the right wing stuff. Azov and a couple of other batallions are right wing. Most of the guys serving in them are not. Now it's all about fighting together regardless of political views. I bet some of the volonteers from Sweden in the winter war were nazis as well. When the war is over I will leave Azov if not before. But I know that a lot of the soldiers want reforms in Kiev. They will not let everything slide back to the corrupt copy of Russia it once was. But it will not be the nazis calling the shots.

Second, as some folks have already noted, there's the problem that Ukrainian leaders and the entire society is seen to be a corrupt mess. So we think that it doesn't make much difference whether we support one side or the other.

True, Ukraine is a blueprint of Russia when it comes to corruption. But it's not as bad as Russia and a lot has changed since Maidan. The other alternative is to let Russia take over. Then you will really see corruption.

So: let's say I have friends who in principle have sympathy for Ukraine's cause, but have issues such as these. What sources of information could I direct them to prove that their fears are unfounded?

Sorry. Don't have any way to persuade you and your friends. Talk to Ukrainians is my suggestion.

Personally, I'd buy anyone who's fighting Russian aggression in Ukraine so many beers that they pass out, and since it's unlikely I meet any of you, I'm going to contribute what I can through other channels. Unfortunately my financials are what they are.

No problems.

Stay safe and good hunting! If Sweden rejects you I'd believe Finland is more appreciative to men who've fought Russians or their minions.

Love Finland and Estonia in that sense. There is no PC BS. Just fight the Russians! :-)
I bet some of the volonteers from Sweden in the winter war were nazis as well.

Exactly what I was thinking about!

I don't like nazis but enemy of my enemy...

@Maidan , do you (or anyone else) have any ideas about English (or better yet, Finnish) sources of information that try to make the case for Ukraine? I'd like to have something to offer to folks I know.
@Maidan, do you know and have you heard abt anyone from Finland fighting for the Russians?
No, I dont know/heard about anyone. I also hope question in finnish, please, my english grammar not that good :rolleyes:
No, I dont know/heard about anyone. I also hope question in finnish, please, my english grammar not that good :rolleyes:

Okay, I'll try again.

Kysyin vain että tiedätkö jotain tietokanavaa mistä suomalainen voisi perehtyä Ukrainan tilanteeseen. Moni varmaan antaisi mielellään jonkinlaista apua, mutta pelkää, että rahat menevät uusnatsien tai korruptoituneen hallinnon tukemiseen.
Okay, I'll try again.

Kysyin vain että tiedätkö jotain tietokanavaa mistä suomalainen voisi perehtyä Ukrainan tilanteeseen. Moni varmaan antaisi mielellään jonkinlaista apua, mutta pelkää, että rahat menevät uusnatsien tai korruptoituneen hallinnon tukemiseen.
Olen tuonut mielestäni monta linkkia, ja moni muukin täällä, englanninkielisia ja venäjän kielisiä, kannattaa katsoa Ukrainan konflikti/sota ketjua. Ukrainassa on useita vapaehtoisvoimin toimivia ryhmiä, ja kyllä ne toimittavat tavaraa sotilaille sillä rahalla jotka ihmiset lähettävät ympäri maailmaa. On myös tili U. Puolustusvoimille suoraan.

Ja, please, ei puhuta "natseista" eikä "uusnatseista", se on jopa loukkava ukrainalaisia kohtaan, koska se on valhe, viimeisiä siellä tuskin enemmään kuin missään tahansa maassa, ja taatusti Venäjällä heitä on todella paljon mihin tahansa maan verrattuna. Venäjän propaganda on onnistunut täydellisesti tässä herjaamisessa koko maan "natsimaaksi". Se oli Putlerin idea, kyynisemmästä päästä. Vaikka todellinen fasismi on juuri Venäjällä.