Could you describe any daily routines you have when in operation? What takes time? What aspects of daily life in armed conflict have been most surprising or against your previous expectations?
Waiting, waiting takes the most time. Not much to say about daily routines other than that. Not sure if anything has been suprising, I came here with a clean mind, not expecting anything.
What kind of organization you have in your platoon and squad? How many men in squad, do you work on pairs or half squads (patrols)? How many machine guns you have? How are the RPG:s organized?
Thank you.
In this volunteerbatalion we work in so called "groups", wich could be said as to be equal to platoons. Above theese you have youre usual company levels and so forth, but we dont really have any given squads or so below grouplevel. When a mission i presented, they say for example "we need x-amount of guys from x-group, with x and y specialities" - then volunteers step up and form a squad or whatever special for that mission in particular. Its good in someways, of course, bad in others. But we try to make work with the strenghts in our favour.
Cheers mr. Sinkomies. I'm interested in the ethnic background of the men in the volunteer battallions. How many are from Ukraine, how many from abroad? Did you have a choice what troop to join, if so what made you join Azov or were they simply the "easiest" (or the only) possibility to join for a foreigner?
Mostly Ukrainians, of course, after that you have a minority of different foreigners - mainly russians and then belorussians. The next biggest group is likley the georgians. After that its a different mix of nationalities, but this one is very small, only ten guys or something. When I came here Azov was the only unit I knew to take foreigners. I know now that there is one foreigner here and one there too, in many other units as well. But theese are probably people who have known friend or something in theese units and has gotten in that way.
Do you know if you are the only person of Finnish background who is serving on Ukrainian side - there have been rumors of Finnish citizens fighting on Ukrainian side since the start of the conflict, but as far as I can tell you are the only one who is publicly known.
Cannot really talk about issues like theese.
How can I donate money to you, Mr. Löfroos?
We have a small fundraiser set up for our small team here
Every cent is worth something.
I have some questions about UAVs:
What types of UAVs have been encountered?
How do they operate?
Do ukrainian forces have means to shoot them down?
Do they (UAVs) fly always high as possible or do they need to come closer to the ground at the times (possibly because sensors can't see from maximum altitude so well)?
Can a IR-seeking missile (MANPADS in particular) get a lock on an UAV and if you can tell, how well?
What are the preferred methods of shooting down UAVs?
These questions aren't neccessarily directed to you as this isn't exactly your speciality but i think that others here would like to know also how to deal with UAVs.
Dont know about UAV's, except that both sides use small civilan drones.
Waiting, waiting takes the most time. Not much to say about daily routines other than that. Not sure if anything has been suprising, I came here with a clean mind, not expecting anything.
What kind of organization you have in your platoon and squad? How many men in squad, do you work on pairs or half squads (patrols)? How many machine guns you have? How are the RPG:s organized?
Thank you.
In this volunteerbatalion we work in so called "groups", wich could be said as to be equal to platoons. Above theese you have youre usual company levels and so forth, but we dont really have any given squads or so below grouplevel. When a mission i presented, they say for example "we need x-amount of guys from x-group, with x and y specialities" - then volunteers step up and form a squad or whatever special for that mission in particular. Its good in someways, of course, bad in others. But we try to make work with the strenghts in our favour.
Cheers mr. Sinkomies. I'm interested in the ethnic background of the men in the volunteer battallions. How many are from Ukraine, how many from abroad? Did you have a choice what troop to join, if so what made you join Azov or were they simply the "easiest" (or the only) possibility to join for a foreigner?
Mostly Ukrainians, of course, after that you have a minority of different foreigners - mainly russians and then belorussians. The next biggest group is likley the georgians. After that its a different mix of nationalities, but this one is very small, only ten guys or something. When I came here Azov was the only unit I knew to take foreigners. I know now that there is one foreigner here and one there too, in many other units as well. But theese are probably people who have known friend or something in theese units and has gotten in that way.
Do you know if you are the only person of Finnish background who is serving on Ukrainian side - there have been rumors of Finnish citizens fighting on Ukrainian side since the start of the conflict, but as far as I can tell you are the only one who is publicly known.
Cannot really talk about issues like theese.
How can I donate money to you, Mr. Löfroos?
We have a small fundraiser set up for our small team here
Every cent is worth something.
I have some questions about UAVs:
What types of UAVs have been encountered?
How do they operate?
Do ukrainian forces have means to shoot them down?
Do they (UAVs) fly always high as possible or do they need to come closer to the ground at the times (possibly because sensors can't see from maximum altitude so well)?
Can a IR-seeking missile (MANPADS in particular) get a lock on an UAV and if you can tell, how well?
What are the preferred methods of shooting down UAVs?
These questions aren't neccessarily directed to you as this isn't exactly your speciality but i think that others here would like to know also how to deal with UAVs.
Dont know about UAV's, except that both sides use small civilan drones.