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Aasialaiset tutkijat koronaviruksesta: "Mielestäni suurin virhe Yhdysvalloissa ja Euroopassa on, että ihmiset eivät käytä maskia"
Aasialaiset ja länsimaalaiset tutkijat ovat eri mieltä kasvomaskeista. Lopullista, tieteellistä totuutta asiaan ei saada ehkä koskaan, asiantuntija pelkää
Itse kallistun siihen että maskia pitää käyttää. Tartunta etäisyys on edelleen epäselvä, kuka tahansa voi potea jotain alkava Covid:a ja tulla liian lähelle toisia, tietämättä. Luin että puhuessakin virus voi lähteä liikelle, jotenkin puhumattomat ihmiset ovat "turvallisempia", tämän huomasin jo ajemmin. Maski estää tarpeton puhuminen. Ylipäänsä, kaupassa käynti nyt ei pitäisi olla mitä huvi vähän aika. Selkeä lista, nopea asioiden hoito ja ulos. Olen nähnyt kaupassa myös selvästi sairaita, nuhaisia ihmisia, miksei heillä ole maskia!?Tämä on tosiaan erittäin vakava puute lännessä. Maskeja ei kuitenkaan tällä hetkellä riitä edes terveydenhoitoalan ihmisille lännessä, joten on ehkä parempikin etteivät normikansalaiset ole yrittäneet urakalla rohmuta niitä. Omatekokoiset maskitkin olisivat selvästi parempi kuin ei mitään. Maskeja on jostain syystä koko ajan dissattu julkisuuden virallisten tahojen johdolla Suomessa.
Aasiassa tilanne on eri johtuen siitä, että maskeja saatetaan käyttää arkipäiväisesti myös ilmansaasteiden takia, menneen Sars episodin takia ja koska tuotanto/henkilö on varmaan moninkertainen.
Toinen aalto syntymässä?
"China’s reduction in cases of COVID-19 has been applauded the world over, as proof that there is light at the end of the lockdown tunnel.
However, new research has shown that there could be a second wave of infections looming.
As many as 14 per cent of recovered coronavirus patients in China have tested positive again, according to medical experts.
Research showed that between three to 14 per cent of patients were diagnosed with the coronavirus, after already being given the all-clear.
At one hospital in Wuhan, doctors found that five of the 147 patients in a study tested positive again after recovery, Wang Wei, director of the city’s Tongji Hospital, told the state broadcaster CCTV yesterday."
China reports deeply disturbing coronavirus development
As the country closes its borders to ban nearly all foreigners, new research reveals a worrying new
Nykissä koronaan kuolevat pääasiassa mustat vanhukset. Pesäkkeet hyvin usein mustien alueilla. Sama tottakai myös Ruotsissa. Ei ole ihonväristä kiinni, vaan enemmänkin syrjäytyneisyydestä ja köyhyydestä.
Maskeja on jostain syystä koko ajan dissattu julkisuuden virallisten tahojen johdolla Suomessa.
A breathing aid that can help keep coronavirus patients out of intensive care has been created in under a week.
University College London engineers worked with clinicians at UCLH and Mercedes Formula One to build the device, which delivers oxygen to the lungs without needing a ventilator.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) devices are already used in hospitals but are in short supply.
China and Italy used them to help Covid-19 patients.
Forty of the new devices have been delivered to ULCH and to three other London hospitals. If trials go well, up to 1,000 of the CPAP machines can be produced per day by Mercedes-AMG-HPP, beginning in a week's time.
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has already given its approval for their use.
A driver flouted the coronavirus lockdown to pick up £15 windows with his wife in the boot of his car.
The man, who had bought the windows on eBay, was stopped by police on the M6 in Cheshire on Sunday after collecting his purchase in Salford.
Police said his wife had to sit in the boot as she "could not fit in the vehicle" for the return journey to Coventry.
North West Motorway Police issued the man with a traffic offence report.
Saksan valtiovarainministeri? Finansminister teki itsemurhan...voi liittyä koronaankrisiin?
Tysk finansminister tog sitt liv – kopplas till coronakrisen
Thomas Schäfer, 54, var finansminister i tyska delstaten Hessen där finanscentrat Frankfurt ligger. I lördags begick han självmord. Finansministerns chef
An Australian astrophysicist has been admitted to hospital after getting four magnets stuck up his nose in an attempt to invent a device that stops people touching their faces during the coronavirus outbreak.
Dr Daniel Reardon, a research fellow at a Melbourne university, was building a necklace that sounds an alarm on facial contact, when the mishap occurred on Thursday night.
The 27 year-old astrophysicist, who studies pulsars and gravitational waves, said he was trying to liven up the boredom of self-isolation with the four powerful neodymium magnets.
More than 100 COVID-19 patients at a hospital in Beijing are receiving injections of mesenchymal stem cells to help them fend off the disease. The experimental treatment is part of an ongoing clinical trial, which coordinators say has shown early promise in alleviating COVID-19 symptoms.
However, other experts criticize the trial’s design and caution that there’s not sufficient evidence to show that the treatment works for COVID-19. They say other treatments have far greater potential than stem cells in aiding patients during the pandemic.
Researchers have so far reported results from only seven patients treated with stem cells at Beijing You’an Hospital. Each patient suffered from COVID-19 symptoms including fevers and difficulty breathing. They each received a single infusion of mesenchymal stem cells sometime between 23 January and 16 February. A few days later, investigators say, all symptoms disappeared in all seven patients. They reported no side effects.
This series of computerized tomography (CT) images from Jin’s study shows the progression of a severe case of COVID-19 in Beijing. On 23 Jan, no evidence of pneumonia was seen in the patient. By 30 Jan, some evidence was present. The patient received a stem cell infusion on 31 Jan. By 2 Feb, pneumonia had invaded both lungs. On 9 Feb, the pneumonia faded away. By 15 Feb, little evidence of pneumonia remained.
The team published those results in the journal Aging & Disease on 13 March. In an accompanying editorial, Ashok Shetty of Texas A&M University’s Institute for Regenerative Medicine wrote “the overall improvement was quite extraordinary” but stated that larger clinical trials were needed to validate the findings.