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Ministeri EU:n rokotteista: Puolet kuuluu SaksalleMinisteri EU:n rokotteista: Puolet kuuluu Saksalle
Arno Rydman | 10.11.2020 | 14:19- päivitetty 10.11.2020 | 15:39
Saksan terveysministeri odottaa maan saavan 100 miljoonaa rokotetta.
Saksan terveysministeri Jens Spahn olettaa Saksan saavan noin puolet Euroopan koronarokoteannoksista, joista EU on tehnyt aikaisemmin esisopimuksia yhdysvaltalaisen Pfizerin ja saksalaisen BioNTechin kanssa, kertoo Der Spiegel.
Esisopimusten perusteella EU on varmistanut vähintään 200 miljoonaa rokoteannosta jäsenmaille.
Spahn totesi tiistaina olettavansa, että Saksa saa jopa 100 miljoonaa annosta.
Hän otti kantaa asiaan jo maanantaina:
– Saksan terveysministerinä minun olisi vaikea selittää, jos Saksassa kehitetty rokote otettaisiin nopeammin käyttöön muualla maailmassa, Spahn sanoi ZDF-televisiokanavalla.
Saksa voi aloittaa koronarokotukset jo joulukuussaBerliinin odotetaan saavan ensimmäisestä erästä noin 900 000 rokoteannosta.
Euroopan terveysviranomaisten odotetaan hyväksyvän kahden koronavirusrokotteen käyttölupahakemukset ehkä jo joulukuun puolella. Pfizer ja BioNTech ilmoittivat perjantaina hakevansa hätäkäyttölupaa Yhdysvalloissa ja pian myös muualla maailmassa.
Moderna-yhtiön RNA-rokotteen lupaprosessi käynnistyy todennäköisesti noin viikkoa myöhemmin.
Saksa on valmistellut tulevaa rokotusohjelmaa muun muassa Berliinissä, jossa rokotuskeskuksia ollaan perustamassa Tempelhofin ja Tegelin entisille lentoasemille, messukeskuksiin ja urheiluhalleihin. Yksi keskus voisi rokottaa noin 3400 ihmistä päivässä.
Die Tageszeitung -lehden mukaan Saksa tilaa koronavirusrokotteita EU:n yhteishankinnan kautta. Berliini voisi saada ensimmäisestä erästä noin 900 000 rokoteannosta, joka riittää 450 000 henkilön suojaamiseen.
"Cohen, an ally of performance artist and perennial candidate Vermin Supreme, ran during his vice presidential primary campaign on a platform promoting free ponies, mandatory tooth brushing, "zombie power", killing "baby Hitler" and "baby Woodrow Wilson", and promoting anarcho-capitalism.[11][3][12] Cohen promised that should these not be achieved within the first 100 days of his vice presidency, he will resign and be replaced with Baby Yoda.[3]" (
"Cohen, an ally of performance artist and perennial candidate Vermin Supreme, ran during his vice presidential primary campaign on a platform promoting free ponies, mandatory tooth brushing, "zombie power", killing "baby Hitler" and "baby Woodrow Wilson", and promoting anarcho-capitalism.[11][3][12] Cohen promised that should these not be achieved within the first 100 days of his vice presidency, he will resign and be replaced with Baby Yoda.[3]" (
Tuolle tweetille olisi kiva saada joku muukin lähde. En löytänyt mitään muuta kuin "All Minnesotans are urged to voluntarily comply with this Executive Order. The state is working with local law enforcement and other authorities to support the order." ja "Adapt practices to ensure physical distancing of at least 6 feet between people from different households."
Yhdellä googlauksella löysin useita linkkejä joissa 1000$ sakko tai 90 päivän vankeusrangaistus mainittiin. Tässä yksi.Tuolle tweetille olisi kiva saada joku muukin lähde. En löytänyt mitään muuta kuin "All Minnesotans are urged to voluntarily comply with this Executive Order. The state is working with local law enforcement and other authorities to support the order." ja "Adapt practices to ensure physical distancing of at least 6 feet between people from different households."
Kiitoksia. 'Anyone who "willfully" violates the order is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 90 days in a jail or a fine of up to $1,000.' Hiukan kyllä tuo "up to" muuttaa tilannetta.Yhdellä googlauksella löysin useita linkkejä joissa 1000$ sakko tai 90 päivän vankeusrangaistus mainittiin. Tässä yksi.
What you need to know about Minnesota's COVID-19 restrictions
The latest updates on Gov. Tim Walz's coronavirus restrictions, from mask mandates to caps on
ps. En kyllä tiennyt tämän Cohenin poliittisesta taustasta![]()
Linkissä mainittiin myös että yritys voi saada jopa 25 000 dollarin sakon. Espanjassa vastaava max.sakko on paljon kovempiKiitoksia. 'Anyone who "willfully" violates the order is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 90 days in a jail or a fine of up to $1,000.' Hiukan kyllä tuo "up to" muuttaa tilannetta.![]()
Ruotsissa on nyt noin 3,5-kertainen viikoittainen koronatartuntamäärä kuin mitä on aiemmin pahimmillaankin ollut. Oikeuskieltä käyttääkseni, tämä on riidatonta.
No mitens se kuolleitten määrä? Is as follows, tuoreimmasta Folkhälsomyndighetenin viikkoraportista. Verratkaa kevääseen ja ihmetelkää.
Katso liite: 45399
The day after being discharged from the hospital last month, President Trump enthusiastically endorsed a new antibody cocktail, saying it had been a “cure” for his covid-19. “I want everybody to be given the same treatment as your president,” he said in an Oct. 7 video.
That’s not going to happen anytime soon. Frustrated doctors say they have had to ration the Regeneron medication given to Trump, and a similar one by Eli Lilly — if they can get them at all — because of extremely short supply.
“Frankly, the image of Trump coming out of Walter Reed and being better so quickly, I think it really gave a lot of people a false sense of security regarding what a treatment can do,” said Jeanne Marrazzo, director of the division of infectious diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. “The reality is, people who have extra access to the latest and greatest treatments are not your average person. . . . People don’t realize how inaccessible these drugs are.”
In some ways, the story of the antibody treatments is the tale of the U.S. health-care system, which tends to cater to the well-insured and well-connected, especially in providing new treatments.
Trump received his treatment Oct. 2, shortly before he was taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Christie, who days before had helped prepare Trump for the first presidential debate, became seriously ill and received the Lilly drug while hospitalized.
Carson received the Regeneron drug more recently, as an outpatient at Walter Reed. In a Facebook post Friday, he said he had been “desperately ill” with covid-19 and that Trump “cleared me for the monoclonal antibody therapy that he had previously received, which I am convinced saved my life.” The retired neurosurgeon said he realized he had access to a level of medical care most Americans do not, and added that such care should be available to everyone. A HUD spokesman declined to comment.
Carson, Christie and Trump all got the drugs under “expanded access” programs before they were authorized by the Food and Drug Administration.
Health experts worried their experiences would give Americans the wrong impression about the drugs’ availability.
“The president will not be calling Regeneron so that your grandmother can receive the therapy,” Walid Gellad, director of the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Policy and Prescribing, wrote in an email. “I don’t know to what extent the public understands how limited these therapies will be initially.”
Several other people in Trump’s orbit also have had covid-19 and were offered help getting access to the drugs.
One adviser who contracted the virus said the president offered to get the Regeneron drug for him. “It’ll make you better overnight,” the president said, according to a person who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the information. But the adviser demurred, saying he did not need it.
What a beauty: pressed against each other, all without masks, gloves, shaking hands. And then on TV they will tell what kind of irresponsible citizens we have, they do not comply with measures.