Eurofighter Typhoon

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"Dornier oli varustettu kahdella tarkkailijalla, joiden tehtävänä olisi ollut varoittaa juuri tästä, mutta tapahtumahetkellä heidän tiedettiin ihastelleen alla leviävää baijerilaismaisemaa. Keskustelu oli mennyt jotenkin seuraavasti:

Tarkkailija 1: ”Eikös tuo tuolla ole Dinkelsbühlin kaupunki?”
Tarkkailija 2: ”Hmm, voi olla.”
Tarkkailija 1: ”Hups, tuo oli lähellä.”

Melkoista :o
On tuo kyllä hieno kone, kaikin puolin. Ei mikään häivepullukka😵
Sitten tässä puhuu totuus vs. rehellisyys -teemasta. Oli huima oskillaatio-ongelma ilmatankatessa, joka johti koko FCS:n uudelleensuunnitteluun 7 vuotta ensilennosta. Sitä ei saanut ilmeisesti tuoda julki eikä kukaan halunnut virallisesti myöntää, koska otsikot olisivat voineet olla kuolettavia ohjelmalle.
My first encounter with Truth versus Honesty was as a test pilot on Eurofighter Typhoon. Early in its development, I encountered a severe oscillation during aerial refueling which ultimately led to a complete redesign of the flight control system, 7 years after first flight. The tale was one of blame and obfuscation, trying to hide from an issue that no one wanted to acknowledge or fix. At a time of very fragile political support for Eurofighter, a very bad news story could certainly have wreaked havoc on the program’s hopes for success. While the program ultimately solved the technical issue, the ethical dilemma tainted my view of Eurofighter and every subsequent test program that I flew in.
I had triggered a Pilot Induced Oscillation (PIO) that had likely been dormant in the aircraft for all of the 7 years that Eurofighter had been flying.

We had a 180-millisecond time delay in the longitudinal axis of the flight control system which is a significant delay between when I made an input, and the aircraft responded. And while that seems like a tiny number, in a fighter, it is easy to notice and leads to oscillations between what the pilot wants and how the aircraft behaves. We had a problem! There is no way this could be permitted to exist in this new fighter that cost multi-Millions. I wrote a report on the issue which triggered a furious response across the Eurofighter program and our German company.
Hieno tarina kaikkiaan luettavaksi. Ongelma dissattiin täysin, kunnes...

But it is hard to teach honesty. The short-term answer is to hope that you can get by. The hard part is to buy into honesty and have the conviction that being open and transparent will pay off long-term.

So that’s why it matters!

Eurofighter was not honest…back in my time. F-35 worked hard to be…in my time.
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