Norja tosin ostaa koneet vähitellen 6 koneen erissä.
Näemmä olisivat osittain samaa erää kuin meidän koneet.
Mutta saataisiin halvemmalla?
Jos me ja Norja tilaamme 60 konetta samasta tuotantoerästä, niin Norja maksaa koneistaan 3.5% meitä vähemmän koska on partnerimaa. Muuten koneet ovat saman hintaiset.
Osan koneistaan Norja tilasi ensimmäisisssä, erittäin kalliissa alkutuotantoerissä.
Tästä voit lukea lisää:
As part of its budget request for 2017, the Norwegian military asked for funding to purchase 12 more of the Lockheed Martin Corp.-made stealth fifth-generation fighters beginning in 2019. The government — whose first four F-35s are currently at
Luke Air Force Base in Arizona — plans to buy a total of 52 of the aircraft.
If the request for a bulk order is authorized, Norway would become the first F-35 customer to enter into such a contracting arrangement. Separately, the Norwegian military
is considering basing 300 U.S. Marines in the country to be able to better respond to Russian aggression in the region.
Joe DellaVedova, a spokesman for the F-35 program office, said Norway’s announcement “was expected” and that other allies involved in the acquisition program are considering the contract as
part of a plan to buy roughly 450 planes during a three-year period ending in 2020.
“Due to vast economies of scale, all countries will achieve significant reductions on the price of their jets,” he said in a statement to “The $80-85 million number often referenced for the cost of an F-35A in 2019 — is right in the middle of the expected block buy.”