Infantry Regiment 53’s parade on Eldanka lakes ice. Major General Pajari is inspecting the troops. Viena Karelia, 1944.03.01.

Finnish artillerist Toivo lomake (Toivo Ilomäki) posing in the trunk for its Weapon.
On the gun barrel 21 mark destroyed or padded armor.
Finnish soldiers at the monument to VI Lenin in the occupied Petrozavodsk.
Finnish soldiers raise the frozen body of a Soviet officer.
Finnish soldier skier near dead fins after battle
Finnish fighter Messerschmitt German production Bf.109G-2 / Trop (board code MT-236), broken 05/12/1944 as a result of collision with another aircraft of his squadron (HLeLv 24). MT-236 pilot Lt. M. Salovaara (M. Salovaara) was fatally injured in the accident.
captured soviet planes in Fin service
Tiergarten Flak Tower (Flakturm Tiergarten) with twin 12,8 cm Zwillingsflak 44, Berlin, 1945.
Dump dismantled and broken German planes. Among the remains of the aircraft, which can be identified: Messerschmitt fighter Bf.109, right, standing upright on the engine fighter Focke-Wulf Fw.190 and dive bombers Junkers Ju-87.
Knocked down in an air battle and burning on the ground British fighter 'Spitfire'. The picture was takenfrom a german Messerschmitt and published in the Journal of the fighting on 11.09.1940 city numbered 35.
Part of a railway train carrying 120 flying bombs to their launch sites, which was attacked and destroyed by Hawker Typhoons at Schulen, Belgium
Hanna Reitsch demonstrating FW indoors
Downed as a result of direct exposure to the Japanese flak (Boeing B-29 Superfortress).
BT-5 missile launcher, a prototype in 1935.
Olga Yamschikova was born June 6, 1914 in St. Petersburg. Since 1928 she worked as a tractor driver at the airport flying club. She studied at the Leningrad school aviamotoristov in Central flight school instructors (Tushino), then - the highest in Central parachute school. In 1933, Olga became commander of the Leningrad flying club. Fond of gliding. In 1935 he participated in the info from Leningrad to Koktebel and back as part of the female glider train towed aircraft P-5. Distance 1950 km was overcome in 13 hours and 40 minutes, which was a world record for long-distance flight in a glider. In 1938 he became the first female student of the Military Engineering Academy named after NE Zhukovsky. In May 1942, obletyvala and took planes to the front at an aircraft factory. Repeatedly requested to send it to the army. The request was granted in the autumn of 1942, after receiving the notice of the death of her husband, a pilot. Yamschikova was appointed commander of the 586th squadron of female fighter regiment. September 24, 1942 at Stalingrad Olga Yamschikova became the world's first woman pilot, shot down an enemy aircraft. During the Great Patriotic War, made 217 sorties, 93 air battles held, was hit by three enemy aircraft. Was seriously injured. After the war she worked as a test pilot in the Air Force Institute. Participated in the testing of the Yak-9, La-11, Yak-15, MiG-15 and L-29.1942 year. Pilots and navigators 1 Squadron L.Svistunova, T.Makarova, O.Yamschikova, M.Chechneva, E.Zhigulenko.
damages on an aircraft carrier 'Yorktown' (USS Yorktown, CV-5) obtained during the Japanese aerial attack during the Battle of Midway. In the background on the left - the heavy cruiser 'Astoria' (USS Astoria, CA-34).
Quenching of the engine of the American bomber B-17 (Boeing B-17G Flying Fortres) 358th Bombardment Squadron (358 bomb squadron) 303rd Bombardment Group (303 Bomb Group), sat down on a forced landing. Another episode with this plane.
American bomber B-25D 'Mitchell' (North American B-25D-10 Mitchell) №41-30345 c own name 'Reluctant Dragon' during attacks âponskih ships with nizkikh vysot Gulf of Hansa Bay (New Guinea). Silhouette of airplane seen left and above the center of the image. Damage, privedšie to fall, bomber received resulting razryva bombs from other B-25, proizvodivšego Ataka wounds. All crew 'Reluctant Dragon' Died in Fall aircraft.

Finnish artillerist Toivo lomake (Toivo Ilomäki) posing in the trunk for its Weapon.
On the gun barrel 21 mark destroyed or padded armor.
Finnish soldiers at the monument to VI Lenin in the occupied Petrozavodsk.

Finnish soldiers raise the frozen body of a Soviet officer.
Finnish soldier skier near dead fins after battle
Finnish fighter Messerschmitt German production Bf.109G-2 / Trop (board code MT-236), broken 05/12/1944 as a result of collision with another aircraft of his squadron (HLeLv 24). MT-236 pilot Lt. M. Salovaara (M. Salovaara) was fatally injured in the accident.
captured soviet planes in Fin service

Tiergarten Flak Tower (Flakturm Tiergarten) with twin 12,8 cm Zwillingsflak 44, Berlin, 1945.

Dump dismantled and broken German planes. Among the remains of the aircraft, which can be identified: Messerschmitt fighter Bf.109, right, standing upright on the engine fighter Focke-Wulf Fw.190 and dive bombers Junkers Ju-87.

Knocked down in an air battle and burning on the ground British fighter 'Spitfire'. The picture was takenfrom a german Messerschmitt and published in the Journal of the fighting on 11.09.1940 city numbered 35.
Part of a railway train carrying 120 flying bombs to their launch sites, which was attacked and destroyed by Hawker Typhoons at Schulen, Belgium

Hanna Reitsch demonstrating FW indoors
Downed as a result of direct exposure to the Japanese flak (Boeing B-29 Superfortress).
BT-5 missile launcher, a prototype in 1935.
Olga Yamschikova was born June 6, 1914 in St. Petersburg. Since 1928 she worked as a tractor driver at the airport flying club. She studied at the Leningrad school aviamotoristov in Central flight school instructors (Tushino), then - the highest in Central parachute school. In 1933, Olga became commander of the Leningrad flying club. Fond of gliding. In 1935 he participated in the info from Leningrad to Koktebel and back as part of the female glider train towed aircraft P-5. Distance 1950 km was overcome in 13 hours and 40 minutes, which was a world record for long-distance flight in a glider. In 1938 he became the first female student of the Military Engineering Academy named after NE Zhukovsky. In May 1942, obletyvala and took planes to the front at an aircraft factory. Repeatedly requested to send it to the army. The request was granted in the autumn of 1942, after receiving the notice of the death of her husband, a pilot. Yamschikova was appointed commander of the 586th squadron of female fighter regiment. September 24, 1942 at Stalingrad Olga Yamschikova became the world's first woman pilot, shot down an enemy aircraft. During the Great Patriotic War, made 217 sorties, 93 air battles held, was hit by three enemy aircraft. Was seriously injured. After the war she worked as a test pilot in the Air Force Institute. Participated in the testing of the Yak-9, La-11, Yak-15, MiG-15 and L-29.1942 year. Pilots and navigators 1 Squadron L.Svistunova, T.Makarova, O.Yamschikova, M.Chechneva, E.Zhigulenko.
damages on an aircraft carrier 'Yorktown' (USS Yorktown, CV-5) obtained during the Japanese aerial attack during the Battle of Midway. In the background on the left - the heavy cruiser 'Astoria' (USS Astoria, CA-34).
Quenching of the engine of the American bomber B-17 (Boeing B-17G Flying Fortres) 358th Bombardment Squadron (358 bomb squadron) 303rd Bombardment Group (303 Bomb Group), sat down on a forced landing. Another episode with this plane.

American bomber B-25D 'Mitchell' (North American B-25D-10 Mitchell) №41-30345 c own name 'Reluctant Dragon' during attacks âponskih ships with nizkikh vysot Gulf of Hansa Bay (New Guinea). Silhouette of airplane seen left and above the center of the image. Damage, privedšie to fall, bomber received resulting razryva bombs from other B-25, proizvodivšego Ataka wounds. All crew 'Reluctant Dragon' Died in Fall aircraft.