Irakin ja Levantin islamilainen valtio tai Irakin ja Suur-Syyrian islamilainen valtio (ISIS)

Ei koiraa tule tekniikka koskaan voittamaan. Sangen erikoista, että jenkit käyvät euroopasta ostamassa palveluskoirien pentuja itselleen. Luulisi, että maailman mahtavimmalla valtiolla olisi omasta takaa.

Voin sanoa että Rajavartiolaitos käy kerran päivässä valtakunnan rajan läpi koirien kanssa. Jokainen vartiosto tahollaan.
Ei mennyt ihan nappiin tämä hyökkäys.
The 20 fighters launched their attack at 03:00 local time (22:00 GMT), killing a border guard and a police officer but losing 15 men in the ensuing firefight, they said.
IS has not confirmed its involvement.

Police have closed roads in the area, while Uzbek border authorities are reportedly watching the situation.
There are growing indications that the Islamic State (IS) group is re-organising in Iraq, two years after losing the last of its territory in the country.

Kurdish and Western intelligence officials have told the BBC that the IS presence in Iraq is a sophisticated insurgency, and IS attacks are increasing.
Tämä toimittaja on pahimman luokan suvakki ja hyysäri. Kääntyi muslimiksi mutta ilmeisesti myöhemmin palannut kristityksi.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Keniassa isis tappanut amerikkalaisen soldaatin sekä siviilejä tänään. Odotetaan uutisia. Nyt vasta Twitter laulaa
New ISIS leader identified as Iraqi Turkmen Al-Salbi

Amir Mohammed Abdul Rahmanal-Mawlli al-Salbi, born into an Iraqi Turkmen family in the Iraqi town of Tal Afar, has been confirmed as the successor to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State leader killed in a US raid three months ago. A founding member of ISIS and one of its few non-Arab leaders, Al-Salbi led the enslavement of Iraq’s Yazidi minority and is a leading ideologue of the jihadist group by virtue of his degree in sharia law from the University of Mosul. Baghdadi’s replacement after his death was initially named as Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Quraishi. This name was not recognized by intelligence agencies and now proves to have been an Al-Salbi nom de guerre, according to the UK Guardian. In 2004,he was detained by US forces in Camp Bucca prison in southern Iraq where he met Baghdadi.
