Irakin ja Levantin islamilainen valtio tai Irakin ja Suur-Syyrian islamilainen valtio (ISIS)

M113 on ns. Battlefield Taxi" eikä tarkoitettu koskaan mihinkään suurempaan tulen alle joutumiseen. Kestää tuolla TOGA-panssaroinnilla 14.5 mm AP:n. Sitten kun tarvitaan enemmän kestävyyttä. mennään näillä:




Eipä se perus-Pasikaan hirveästi ota osumaa ja pysy hengissä M113 verrattuna, vaikka miinasuojaus onkin parempi.

Jihadi John: "I will go back to Britain and carry on cutting heads off"
Mohammed Emwazi, also known as Jihadi John, appears in a first video since his real identity was revealed last February.

Video, jota en osaa laittaa tänne, on katsottavissa:

A man who claims to be Mohammed Emwazi, who is the Islamic State's so-called Jihadi John, appeared for the first time before the public without a mask covering his face in a short video, in which he vows to "carry on cutting heads off."

In the video, which is believed to have been shot in Syria, Emwazi pledges: "I will soon go back to Britain with the Khalifa." Emwazi took part in at least seven beheadings. Two of the victims were British citizens.

This is the first video released by Jihadi John since being identified as Emwazi last February. In his last video he is seen beheading Japanese hostage Kenji Goto.

Last February, it was revealed that Mohammed Emwazi, 27, was from western London and that he was known to the security forces in the UK. His first online appearance was last August, when he was seen beheading American journalist James Foley in a chilling video.
US says Baghdadi’s top deputy killed in airstrike

The White House announced today that Fadhil Ahmad al Hayali (a.k.a. Hajji Mutazz), the “senior deputy to ISIL leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi,” was “killed in a US military airstrike on August 18 while traveling in a vehicle near Mosul, Iraq, along with an ISIL media operative known as Abu Abdullah.” ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) is the US government’s preferred acronym for the Islamic State.

A statement attributed to NSC Spokesperson Ned Price describes al Hayali as “the second in command of the terrorist group ISIL” and as an “ISIL Shura Council member.” He was “a primary coordinator for moving large amounts weapons, explosives, vehicles, and people between Iraq and Syria.” Al Hayali “supported ISIL operations in both countries and was in charge of ISIL operations in Iraq, where he was instrumental in planning operations over the past two years, including the ISIL offensive in Mosul in June 2014.”

The NSC says al Hayali was a member of al Qaeda in Iraq and stayed with the organization as it evolved into the current ISIL, which claims to rule as a “caliphate” over large parts of Iraq and Syria. Al Hayali’s “influence spanned ISIL’s finance, media, operations, and logistics.”
Mikä on lempiaineesi koulussa?

ISIS:n päiväkodissa opetellaan mestaamista ja raiskaamista
2 minuuttia sitten lastentarha-40027
Isis perehdyttää lapsia lastentarhassa terrorismin saloihin.

Niin kutsuttu Islamilainen valtio julkaisi Twitter-tilillään kuvia pyörittämästään lastentarhasta, joka sijaitsee Rakkan kaupungissa Syyriassa.

ABNA-uutissivuston mukaan Isis pyrkii opettamaan lapsille jo nuoressa iässä terrorismia, johon liittyy muun muassa mestaamista, itsemurhapommittamista ja raiskaamista.

Syyrian väkivaltainien kriisi on ollut käynnissä vuoden 2011 maaliskuusta alkaen. ABNAn mukaan yli 200 000 ihmistä on kuollut.

YK:n pakolaisjärjestö UNHCR:n kesäkuussa julkaiseman selvityksen mukaan Syyriassa oli sisäisiä pakolaisia viime vuonna 7,6 miljoonaa. Maasta lähteneitä pakolaisia oli 3,88 miljoonaa.

Isis valloitti vuoden 2014 kevään ja kesän aikana alueita Irakissa ja Syyriassa. Isis on syyllistynyt moniin julmuuksiin valtaamillansa alueilla.

The Islamic State wants Mokhtar Belmokhtar dead

The Islamic State’s supporters in Libya have continued their “wanted dead” campaign by targeting Mokhtar Belmokhtar, an al Qaeda leader who has long been loyal to Ayman al Zawahiri. The Islamic State’s men have released an online poster for Belmokhtar (seen above), just as they have done for dozens of other pro-al Qaeda jihadists in North Africa.

The posters are not just bluster. The “caliphate’s” arm in North Africa has specifically targeted some of the individuals identified, including leaders of the Mujahideen Shura Council (MSC) in Derna, a jihadist coalition that has been engaged in heavy fighting against Abu Bakr al Baghdadi’s fighters.

Indeed, in June, Baghdadi’s forces killed two veteran jihadists in Derna. The MSC then quickly routed the Islamic State’s branch from its strongholds in the city, pushing most of the fighting to Derna’s suburbs.

The Islamic State is attempting to strike back. The Islamic State says its opponents in Libya and elsewhere are part of the “awakenings.” This term is used to disparage its jihadist rivals, including the MSC, lumping them in with the American-backed tribes and fighters who battled al Qaeda during the height of the Iraq War. In reality, the MSC has nothing in common with America’s allies in western Iraq.

Belmokhtar is the most prominent al Qaeda operative listed in the “wanted dead” campaign thus far. And the Islamic State’s men say he is part of the “awakenings,” too.

Tassa on mielenkiintoinen artikkeli yhdesta lahi-Idan harvoista hiljaisista mutta tehokkaista toimijoista eli Jordanista, mika teidan nakemys yleisesti muuten on tosta Siella on aika paljon toistoa, mutta myos ihan kiinnostavia juttuja esim. Kashmirista ja Afrikasta, joita ei tulisi muuten seurattua. Pro-Israel asenne nyt on tallaisella sotilassivulla ihan lahtokohtaisesti selkea, nostetaan hattua porukalle joka harjoittelee ja osaa. Sivujen systemaattinen Kiinan-vastainen bias on vahan vaikeampi ymmartaa, keskustan valtakunnassa panostetaan (taloudellisen hegemonian) puolustukseen ja puolustustutkimukseen paljon ja tulokset alkavat jossain vaiheessa nakya.

Counter-Terrorism: Keeping Jordan Safe The Old Fashioned Way

August 24, 2015: Jordan has long been a prime target for Islamic terror groups. Yet compared to other nations in the region the kingdom has, next to Israel, had the fewest Islamic terrorist incidents within its borders. This is no accident and is the result of having one of the best trained and reliable security forces in the region and being the beneficiary of a lot of help with equipment and specialist training from the United States and Israel. Jordan has been particularly good at keeping Islamic terrorists and professional smugglers from getting across its long borders with nations suffering from Islamic terrorism. The border with Iraq is 179 kilometers long and Syria is 379 kilometers. Less troublesome, but still requiring tight controls is the 731 kilometers long border with Saudi Arabia and 148 kilometer border with the West Bank. This last one has Israelis controlling the other side and the Israelis and Jordanians cooperate to keep illegal traffic from going in either direction.

Jordan uses UAVs, vidcams on the ground (especially in towers). There are also radars than can see through sand storms. Finally the Jordanian border guards are well trained and led and under orders to shoot first and shoot to kill whenever anyone gets too close to the border or crosses without permission. The “kill zones” along the border are clearly marked and several times a month someone tries to cross anyway and gets killed or wounded. The word gets around and that is a major deterrent.

Jordan also carefully screens refugees from Syria and Iraq. There are currently over 600,000 refugees in Jordan, most from Syria. Syrian refugees are carefully screened at the border, a process made easier by reducing the number of official Syrian border crossings from 45 to five. Some admitted refugees are noted as potentially a problem and are screened again once they are inside Jordan. The UN has complained the Jordan is too quick to expel suspicious refugees but the Jordanians point out that they have caught many Islamic terrorists who pretended to be refugees but that were late found to be in Jordan to kill. Jordan also insists that it keeps the terrorists out by erring on the side of caution when it comes to screening refugees, either at the border or later inside Jordan.

All this security has required more trained people. So since early 2014 the Jordanian Army has increased its recruiting efforts. At first the government insisted this was routine but most Jordanians believe the increased recruiting is all about the threats from Syria and Iraq, especially Islamic terrorists from ISIL (al Qaeda in Iraq and the Levant). ISIL considers Jordan a formidable enemy but also makes no secret of its desire to kill the Jordanian royal family. Another issue for ISIL is Jordanian support for Syrian rebels fighting ISIL

To deal with all this Jordan is trying to increase the size of its army from 88,000 to whatever it can afford (probably with some financial help from the U.S. and Saudi Arabia) in order to better cope. Even if the increase is only a few thousand troops, it will take time and money to get the new recruits into shape. All Jordanian army recruits get 14 weeks of basic training and then a month or more of specialized training. It then takes a few years of active service before the new soldiers are considered really useful.

For Jordanians who make the army a career there are many opportunities for advancement. One of the most challenging, and rewarding opportunities is to gain admittance to Jordanian special operations troops (commandoes and rangers). These elite combat troops are particularly good and greatly feared by Islamic terrorists. Jordanian troops have also shown an exceptional ability to train Moslem troops for special operations. In 2007 Jordan provided training, in Jordan, for 2,400 members of the Afghan special operations (commando) forces. Members of Iraqi commando units were also trained. In both cases the Jordanian trained personnel went on to be particularly effective. In 2009 Jordan opened a $200 million Special Operations Training Center. This facility trains Jordanians, as well as foreign troops, mainly those from Moslem nations.

Jordan has long been recognized as having the best troops in the Arab world. This comes about because most Jordanian troops are recruited from the Bedouin population, and during several decades of British rule early in the century, the local Bedouins eagerly embraced British military techniques and traditions. Bedouins have long honored skilled warriors, and professional soldiers are seen as just that. These western training techniques and military practices became part of the Jordanian Bedouin culture.

In the 1967 war with Israel, the Jordanians caused the Israelis more trouble than any other Arab army. Since then, the Israelis and Jordanians have maintained good relations, partly because of the realization that war between the two nations would be particularly bloody. Jordan also became a good ally of the United States, and AmericanSpecial Forces have worked with their Jordanian counterparts for decades. Another thing that keeps the Jordanian troops on their toes is the fact that most Jordanians are non-Bedouin Palestinians, a population that has produced a lot of terrorists and disloyal Jordanians. The royal family of Jordan, from an ancient Bedouin family, takes very good care of the largely Bedouin armed forces, which provides security for the royal family.

Jordanian special operations troops operate in many foreign countries. This was violently demonstrated in late 2009 when a suicide bombing of a U.S. base in Afghanistan killed eight intelligence operatives. Most of the victims were CIA but one of the people killed was Ali bin Zeid, an agent for Jordanian intelligence. The fact that Zeid was identified was unusual, as the presence of Arab intelligence officials and commandos in Afghanistan is usually kept very quiet. But Zeid was a relative of the king of Jordan, and it was apparently thought better to just announce his "martyrdom" and avoid all the rumors that would appear otherwise.

One of the best kept secrets in the war on terror is the number of casualties among Arab commando and intelligence troops serving in Afghanistan. Several Arab nations have quietly contributed intelligence and commando units to the counter-terror effort there. This has been kept quiet, but is an open secret in the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan. These commandos are usually pretty busy back home, keeping local Islamic radicals in check. But some of their home-grown radicals have shown up in Afghanistan and Pakistan (usually after things got too hot for them back home), and it followed that these Arab governments allowed some of their counter-terror troops to continue the pursuit in the pro-Taliban areas of Afghanistan. Arrangements with the Pakistani government has allowed some of these operatives to work both sides of the border. These Arab counter-terrorists often get a crack at any Arab terrorists caught in Afghanistan, or Pakistan. The combination of interrogation skills, and cultural affinity, sometimes gets results where Western interrogators have failed.

There have been some casualties among the Arab commandos who take part in combat operations. Those wounded or killed are referred to, if at all, as "international troops." The Arab operatives are eager to serve in Afghanistan, which is seen as the Big Leagues within the commando community. But there's also the self-interest angle. Many Arab counter-terrorist specialists are on al Qaeda's hit list, and some of these men even have prices on their heads. So it's sometimes a question of getting the other guy, before he gets you.

The Jordanian armed forces contains 105,000 troops plus 65,000 trained reservists. It is a small force, but more effective, man-for-man, than any other in the region. Only about 40 percent of the eight million people in Jordan are Bedouins while about half are Palestinians (many who fled the West Bank in 1967 when Jordan lost control of the area to Israeli troops).

Central Asian groups split over leadership of global jihad


Members of the Islamic Jihad Union swear allegiance to Taliban emir Mullah Mansour.

The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) and the Islamic Jihad Union (IJU), two Central Asian groups that have been allied with al Qaeda in the past, have taken different sides in the ongoing struggle between the Islamic State and al Qaeda for the leadership of the global jihad.

Earlier this month, the IMU officially swore allegiance to the Islamic State’s emir, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. Last week, the IJU followed in al Qaeda’s footsteps and pledged loyalty to Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour, the newly appointed leader of the Taliban. Neither move was surprising as both the IMU’s and IJU’s loyalties have long been known.

Islamic Jihad Union reaffirms allegiance to the Taliban

On Aug. 20, the Islamic Jihad Union released a statement on Sodiqlar, its official propaganda website, saying its fighters in Kunduz province in northern Afghanistan have pledged fealty to the Taliban’s new emir. While the statement wasn’t attributed to the IJU’s shura, its fighters in Kunduz are a major branch of the group, and the pledge was promoted by Sodiqlar.

“Representatives of all the jihadist groups in the region of Kunduz … renewed the oath of allegiance to the Islamic Emirate Amirul Mu’mineen Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansuor,” the IJU said. “Amirul Mu’mineen” means the “Leader of the Faithful,” a title that is usually reserved for the ruling caliph.

“The commanders of the Islamic Jihad’s warriors promote unity [in] Kunduz province. God has united the hearts of believers to unite their ranks!” the IJU concluded.

The statement was accompanied by five images purporting to show IJU fighters meeting in the open to swear allegiance to the Taliban leader. Scores of heavily armed IJU fighters are seen in the photographs.

The IJU (also known as the Islamic Jihad Group) is a splinter faction of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, and a substantial number of its members are from Central Asia. German and Turkish Muslims also make up a significant portion of the jihadist group. Some of its fighters have been referred to as “German Taliban,” and the group released a video in 2009 of “German Taliban villages” in Waziristan. Its fighters were seen training at camps and conducting military operations. Prior to the Pakistani Army’s offensive in North Waziristan that began in June 2014, the IJU was based in Mir Ali.

The IJU has been waging jihad in the Afghan-Pakistan region for more than a decade. It maintains close ties with al Qaeda and Taliban leaders. The US government listed the IJU as a specially designated global terrorist organization in May 2005. Detained members of the group “have testified to the close ties between the [IJU] leaders and Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar,” the US State department said in its designation.

The IJU has been active in the Taliban’s offensive in Kunduz province and other Afghan provinces. At the end of July, the group trumpeted its role in the current Taliban-led Azm offensive in Kunduz, Badakhshan, Paktika, Paktia, and Nangarhar provinces, as well as its involvement in battling Pakistani troops in North Waziristan.

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan pledges to Baghdadi

The IMU, which was previously allied with the Taliban and al Qaeda, has officially joined Abu Bakr al Baghdadi’s Islamic State. On Aug. 6, the IMU released a video that featured the group’s leader, Uthman Ghazi, and numerous IMU fighters swearing allegiance to Baghdadi.

Ghazi’s decision to switch camps from the Taliban-al Qaeda axis is potentially one of the Islamic State’s most important gains in the jihadist rivalry inside Afghanistan and Pakistan thus far. The IMU maintains a significant footprint throughout Afghanistan, where it is heavily involved in the insurgency against the Afghan government and its foreign allies. In the past, the IMU has fought alongside the Taliban in northern Afghanistan and been integrated into the Taliban’s political and military command structure.

It is not clear if the entire IMU has joined the Islamic State’s international network, or if a faction will now breakaway.
Mikä ISIS- taistelijaa ketuttaa.

Miksi muslimit ovat niin vihaisia?

Vastuuvapauslauseke: Tällä tekstillä on yhtä vähän tekemistä todellisen islamin kanssa kuin terrori-iskuillakin.

12. Kaikki naiset pukeutuvat jätesäkkiin
Onhan se nyt yhtä helvettiä, kun ei voi akkamehtään lähtiessä tarkistaa, onko tavara kuranttia. Joutuu ostamaan sian säkissä. Eikä yleensä hyvällä tuloksella, sillä kulttuuripiirin naiset ovat keskimäärin niin rumia, että Muhammadin johtama julkisivulautakunta määräsi aikoinaan huntupakon puhtaasti esteettisistä syistä.

11. Kaikki teknologia, jota käytät, on länsimaista innovaatiota ja tuotantoa
Wikipedian hauskimpia artikkeleja on Aikajana tieteestä ja teknologiasta islamilaisessa maailmassa. Viimeinen maininnan arvoinen asia on sattunut 1600-luvulla. Ja melkein kaikki sitä ennen tapahtuneet ovat olleet itämaisen tiedon siirtymistä länsimaihin välissä olleen islamilaisen maailman kautta, mikä lakkasi heti kun löydettiin merireitti Afrikan ympäri. Tiedenobelin on saanut kaksi muslimia, jotka molemmat ovat tehneet työuransa länsimaissa ja toinen edusti sitä paitsi harhaoppiseksi julistettua lahkoa. Tämän kyllä kestäisi, mutta kun juutalaiset ovat eivät ole saaneet kahta, vaan lähemmäs 150 tiedenobelia.

10. Olet aina sodassa häviävällä puolella
Lukuisista esimerkeistä vaikka Jom Kippur. Noin kolminkertainen miesylivoima, tankeissa ja tykistössä tuplaylivoima, lentokoneissa niukka ylivoima, ulkomaiset sotilasasiantuntijat, kalusto uusinta uutta ja kaupan päälle yllätyshyökkäys vihollisen suurena juhlapäivänä. Turpiin tuli että tärisi, vaikka Israel ei edes käyttänyt tehokkainta asettaan eli ydinpommia. Ja sama juttu joka Allahin kerta, oli vastassa kuka tahansa. Ainoa tapa voittaa on käydä sota jotain toista, vielä huonompaa arabimaata vastaan.

9. Ainoa tapa päästä paratiisiin on räjäyttää itsesi tuusannuuskaksi
Ja silloinkin pitää toivoa, että 72 neitsyttä ei perustu käännösvirheeseen ja kyseessä eivät ole 72 Linux-nörttiä. Tosin jälkimmäinen vaihtoehto ei sodomiittia liiemmin häiritse, joten antaa paukkua vaan!

8. Et saa juoda viinaa – paitsi jos Allah ei näe
Joka kerta, kun tekee mieli ottaa näkäräiset, pitää mennä pimeään nurkan taakse, jonne Allahin katse ei yllä. Samalla tajuaa, kuinka onnettoman voimaton jumala Allah on – ei edes röntgenkatsetta! Ikään kuin tämä ei riittäisi, joka vuosi kuukauden ajan sama juttu päivällä syömisen kanssa, pakko mutustaa salaa. Ja vieläpä aina eri aikaan vuotta, kun Muhammad ei osannut laatia toimivaa kalenteria.

7. Et saa äänestää kotimaassasi demokraattisissa vaaleissa
Paitsi jos satut olemaan Israelin arabi.

6. Elääksesi leveämmin tarvitset muita kulttuureja
Oma kotimaasi on köyhä ja onneton persläpi, josta kaikki yrittävät päästä länsimaihin. Paitsi jos olet sattunut syntymään maahan, jossa rautakankea maahan tökätessä syöksyy öljysuihku taivaalle. Silloinkin kiitos vauraudesta kuuluu sille, että länsimainen teknologia on kehittänyt öljyä tarvitsevia laitteita ja luonut sen tuottamiseen tarvittavan infrastruktuurin, jota pyörittämään tarvitaan aasialaiset siirtotyöläiset.

5. Sinua pidetään kaikkialla haittamaahanmuuttajana
Abdirahman ”Husu” Hussein esitti äskettäin kysymyksen, mitä tapahtuisi jos kaikki 16 000 somalia lähtisivät Suomesta. Ainakin terveyskeskuskäynteihin seuraisi piikki, kun sadattuhannet suomalaiset joutuisivat turvautumaan lääkäriin saadakseen liian leveästä hymyilystä nyrjähtäneen naamansa takaisin paikoilleen.

4. Et tiedä, millaista on saada luonnollisesti kostunutta naista
Jos olet upporikas musulmaani, naisesi ovat liukuvoidekäyttöisiä huoria. Jos olet keskiluokkainen musulmaani, vaimo(i)ltasi on ympärileikkaamalla poistettu tarpeellisia ruumiinosia. Jos olet köyhä musulmaani, rikkaammat ovat vieneet kaikki naiset ja morsiamesi sanoo ”I-haa”. Jos taas olet päässyt luikahtamaan sivistysmaahan, naisesi on kuiva ja sitä paitsi pippurisumute kirvelee silmiä. Tai sitten naisesi saattaa kyllä olla kostea, mutta sellainen lähiövalas että takaa ei yletä, päällä ei pysy ja alle ei uskalla mennä.

3. Et tiedä, miten hyvää on rapeaksi paistettu pekoni
Kelpo pekonia mutustellessa sitä rakastaa koko maailmaa, on se vain niin namia. Kääntäen on ilmeistä, että pekonin syömättömyys saa sopuisammankin miehen vihaiseksi.

2. Joudut vaimoja ottaessasi ison riskin eteen
Voit ottaa neljä vaimoa. Mutta jos jokaisen vaimon isälläkin on neljä vaimoa, sinulla on kuusitoista anoppia. Vähemmästäkin on ryhdytty itsemurhapommittajaksi.

1. Et voi kiistää kritiikkiä
Koskaan ei ole esittää mitään kumoavia faktoja. Näin ollen joudut asiallisten argumenttien sijaan toteamaan, että "noin ei saa sanoa" ja "jos et usko, että islam on rauhan uskonto, mestaamme sinut".


”Iranin ja ISIS:n välillä ei ole mitään eroa"

Amerikkalainen palkkasoturi Ryan O’Leary matkusti Irakiin taistellakseen niin kutsuttua Islamilaista valtiota vastaan.

Ryan O’Leary on taistellut aikaisemmin Yhdysvaltain kansalliskaartissa Irakissa ja Afganistanissa.

Asiasta kertoo Timeen ja Des Moines Registeriin viittaava Business Insider. O'Learyn tarkoituksena oli kouluttaa kurdien Peshmerga-joukkoja taistelemaan Isistä vastaan Pohjois-Irakissa.

– Taistelu Isistä vastaan ei kuulu pelkästään heille. Taistelu kuuluu meille kaikille.

O’Learyn matka sai kuitenkin uuden käänteen miehen saavuttua Irakiin. Nyt hän partioi Iranin ja Irakin Kurdistanin välisellä rajalla Iranin kurdipuolueeseen kuuluvan aseellisen siiven taistelijoiden kanssa.

O’Leary ei kouluta sotilaita kuitenkaan taistelemaan Isistä vastaan. Hän kouluttaa heitä taistelemaan Iranin joukkoja vastaan. O’Learyn mukaan iranilaisjoukot sortavat kurdivähemmistöjä alueella.

– Minä muutin enemmän tai vähemmän näkemykseni. Iranin ja Isiksen välillä ei ole mitään eroa. Molemmat tekevät samoja asioita näille ihmisille. Asiasta ei vain ole uutisoitu paljoa.

O’Leary partioi ryhmänsä kanssa Qandil-vuorten seudulla puolustaakseen kurdeja Iranin aggressiota vastaan.

– Iranin vaikutusvalta tällä alueella alkaa olla älyttömän suuri. Kyse on kovan linjan uskonnollisesta näkemyksestä.
Kyse on kovan linjan uskonnollisesta näkemyksestä.

Juuri tätä jankuntan jokaisessa ketjussa mitä näitä kirjoituksia on. Asiat hiekkamaiden ihmisten kanssa alkavat luistaa paremmin vasta kun päättävät polttaa sen päätä puristavan kirjansa.
Sitä ne eivät tule tekemään, joten.......?
Maailma paranee sensuurilla.

elokuu 28, 201516:48
Outo ehdotus Ylen sisältä: ISIS:in hirmuteot sensuroitava uutisista

”Kehotan suomalaista valtamedia lopettamaan isisken hirmutekojen ja propagandan uutisoinnin. Näillä uutisilla saadaan vastakkaisen asettelun valtaväestön ja muslimien keskuudessa, ja näillä palvelemme just isista ja islamafoobikoita.”

Näin kirjoittaa Abdirahim Husu Hussein Facebook-seinällään.

Husseinin sensuriin kannustavaa kommenttia on moitittu tuoreeltaan. Kommentoijat toteavat muun muassa:

”Ei tuollaista voi vaatia.”

”Meillä Euroopassa tiedonvälitys ja uutisointi tapahtuu ilman sensuuria. Sensurointi kuuluu totalitaristisiin järjestelmiin.”

”Vapaata tiedotustako rajoittamaan? Ei todellakaan.”

”Ai että vaiettaisiin asioista?”

Hussein sai Suomen PENin sananvapauspalkinnon vuonna 2015. Hän juontaa Yle Puheessa esitettävää radio-ohjelmaa Ali ja Husu.

Islamic State kills 2 senior Iraqi generals in suicide assault near Ramadi


Three of the vehicles used by the Islamic State in the suicide assault that killed two Iraqi generals near Ramadi. One of the vehicles is an up-armored Humvee that was given to the Iraqi Army by the US.

The Islamic State killed two senior Iraqi generals in a coordinated suicide assault on a military headquarters in Anbar province. Six suicide bombers, including a German and a Tajik, executed the deadly attack.

The Islamic State claimed credit for killing Major General Abdel Rahman Abu Raghif, the deputy commander for the Anbar Operations command, and Brigadier Safin Abdel Majid, the commander of the 10th Iraqi Army Division, in an assault on “the main headquarters where the operations are managed,” according to a statement that was obtained and translated by the SITE Intelligence Group. The base is located in the Al Tarrah area near Lake Thar Thar, which is north of Ramadi, according to the jihadist group. The Iraqi military is attempting to wrest control of Ramadi, Fallujah, and other cities and towns that fell to the Islamic State between January 2014 and the end of May 2015.

The suicide assault was carried out “in revenge for our brother Abu Radhi al-Ansari (emir of the rural sector of al-Khaldiya),” the Islamic State said. It was executed by six fighters, who were identified as “Abu Hamza al-Ghazawi, Abu al-Darda’ al-Tunisi, Abu Muqatil al-Almani, Abu Muhammad al-Jazrawi, Abu al-Farouq al-Shami, and Abu Anas al-Tajiki.” The nom de guerres indicate that the fighters were from Germany, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Tunisia, and Syria. The jihadists used “four explosives-laden vehicles and two DShK-mounted vehicles” in their attack. Additionally, the Islamic State claimed it shot down an Iraqi military headquarters.

The attack and the deaths of the two Iraqi generals were confirmed by news reports from the region.According to RFE/RL, three Iraqi soldiers were killed along with generals Raghif and Majid. The Islamic State said that “dozens of officers and soldiers” died in the assault, but this claim cannot be confirmed.

The Islamic State has targeted and killed senior Iraqi generals in suicide operations in the past. In December 2013, one month before taking control of Fallujah and other towns in Anbar province, a suicide assault team killed the commander of the Iraqi Army’s 7th Division, the commander of the 28th Brigade, and 16 officers and soldiers in an attack in the of Rutbah in Anbar. The decapitation strike put the Iraqi military in Anbar in disarray, and helped the Islamic State, which at that time was still part of al Qaeda’s network, take over territory in the province.

The suicide assault, or coordinated attack using one or more suicide bombers and sometimes a follow-on assault team, is a tactic frequently used by the Islamic State, al Qaeda and its branches, as well as allied groups such as the Afghan Taliban, the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Suicide assaults are commonly executed by jihadist groups in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Nigeria.

The Islamic State has used the suicide assault to demoralize and strike fear into the hearts of Iraqi troops, and often uses five or more suicide bombers during a single attack. This tactic has allowed the jihadist group to overwhelm Iraqi forces. Between May 15 and May 17, the Islamic State deployed 30 suicide bombers during its operation to take control of Ramadi, the provincial capital of Anbar. Two months prior, the Islamic State deployed 13 suicide bombers in Ramadi in a single day. Many of the bombers were foreigners, and included a Belgian, an Australian, a Chechen, an Uzbek, a Moroccan, a Tunisian, an Egyptian, and two Syrians.

The Islamic State has touted its foreign suicide bombers that have executed attacks in Iraq. Suicide bombers from Western countries such as France, England, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Australia, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, China, and Russia have carried out numerous attacks for the jihadist group in Iraq.