Isku Iraniin

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Iranin laivasto keksinyt uuden tavan ärsyttää jenkkejä. Taas tultiin lähelle ja sitten valaistiin laserilla helikopteria joka pelästyi ja laukaisi flaret.

Luulisi amerikkalaisillakin olevan lasereita. Ei se partiovene soihtuja lauo, mutta puolisokeana on paha seilailla.
Kun ISIS on saatu taputeltua niin tuollakin nähdään vielä valtioidenvälinen sota.
Sitähän se tavallaan on jo. Isis ei pärjää ilman saudien ja usan rahotusta ja aseita, ei sitä taputella ihan helposti. Siksihän venäjä auttaa irania, ettei saudien kätyrit pääse niskan päälle.
Sitähän se tavallaan on jo. Isis ei pärjää ilman saudien ja usan rahotusta ja aseita, ei sitä taputella ihan helposti. Siksihän venäjä auttaa irania, ettei saudien kätyrit pääse niskan päälle.

Usa rahoittaa ISISa? Ja Venäjä ""auttaa"" Irania?

Usa, rus, gb, fra, chi hämmentävät kattilaa. Turkki ja Iran ottavat kaverikseen Venäjän....onnea matkaan. Kiina passailee, mutta on mukana. Länsiblokki on omansa ja siinä Saudit yrittävät tempoilla omaa hegemoniansiivuaan kakusta. Mainio soppa.

Ja meille on sentään uskoteltu jo 25 vuotta, että hiilivetyjutut ovat niin mennyttä aikaa. Jos suotte epäsot. selkäkeikkanaurun tähän kohtaan.
Sitähän se tavallaan on jo. Isis ei pärjää ilman saudien ja usan rahotusta ja aseita, ei sitä taputella ihan helposti. Siksihän venäjä auttaa irania, ettei saudien kätyrit pääse niskan päälle.

Usan täytyy löytää joku syy olla alueella Isiksen kaatumisen jälkeen. Tai sitten Isistä ei päästetä tuhoutumaan. Nyt virallisen selitys on Isis. Jos Usa lähtee pois Iran saa todella ison alueen ja sitä se on havitellutkin. Jordanian, Israelin ja Irakin rajoilla touhuaa Iranin kaarti ja Hizbollah. Tosin jenkit on sanonut että Irania ja sen kätyreitä ei hyväksytä Golanilla.
Mutta jos trump väistyy saattaa tulla nopeakin poliittinen käännös. Jenkit antaa kourallisen Mars patukoita kapinallisilleen ja juoksee helikopteriin. Lähti tai ei. Molemmat johtaa katastrofiin.
Usa rahoittaa ISISa? Ja Venäjä ""auttaa"" Irania?

Usa, rus, gb, fra, chi hämmentävät kattilaa. Turkki ja Iran ottavat kaverikseen Venäjän....onnea matkaan. Kiina passailee, mutta on mukana. Länsiblokki on omansa ja siinä Saudit yrittävät tempoilla omaa hegemoniansiivuaan kakusta. Mainio soppa.

Ja meille on sentään uskoteltu jo 25 vuotta, että hiilivetyjutut ovat niin mennyttä aikaa. Jos suotte epäsot. selkäkeikkanaurun tähän kohtaan.

Sallitaan toki. :D

Usa loi isiksen ja muistaakseni killary jäi ihan sähköposteissa kiinni rahotuksesta sinnepäin...
It is true that Tehran’s behavior in the region has not improved, but the agreement has kept the regime from going nuclear.

Today, the Iran nuclear deal turns two years old. In its critics’ eyes, it has already failed. President Donald Trump and many of his supporters complain that it has not changed Iran’s regional behavior, pointing to Tehran’s continued support for regional proxies and ongoing ballistic missile tests as proof. Other critics, including Senators Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, David Perdue, and Marco Rubio, who wrote a letter to the administration denouncing the deal just this week, suggest that Iran may actually be violating it. They allege a range of technical violations, even though the International Atomic Energy Agency—and Trump’s State Department, for that matter—have confirmed Iran’s compliance.

In fact, the deal is doing exactly what is was supposed to do: prevent Iran from acquiring enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon, demonstrate to the Iranian public the benefits of cooperation with the international community, and buy time for potential changes in Iranian politics and foreign policy.

What the deal has done, at least for the next decade, is remove any realistic threat of a near-term Iranian nuclear weapon. The United States should use that decade wisely: standing up to and imposing costs on Iranian transgressions, supporting U.S. allies in the region, making clear to the Iranian public that the West is not an enemy, and preparing for the day when some of the deal’s restrictions will no longer apply. If, by 2030, Iran has not demonstrated that its nuclear program is exclusively peaceful and that it is willing to live in peace with its neighbors, the United States and its international partners will have difficult decisions to make about how to handle the issue going forward.

But since there is a chance that Iran will have different leaders or policies by then—the current Supreme Leader will almost certainly be gone, and a new generation may have come to power—why make those difficult decisions now? The Iran deal has bought valuable time. Squandering that time without a better plan would be foolish.
The brother of Iran’s moderate president, Hassan Rouhani, has been arrested amid escalating tensions between the government and the country’s hardline judiciary ahead of his swearing-in ceremony next month.

Hossein Fereidoun, a top presidential aide who played a senior role in more than two years of high-level negotiations between Iran and the west over Tehran’s nuclear programme, was taken to prison after failing to secure bail on Saturday, local agencies reported.

The exact reasons behind Fereidoun’s arrest are unclear but it was reported that it was on charges connected to financial crimes.
Kaksi eri versiota, kun Usa ja Iranin laivat taas uhitelleet_

BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Iranian Revolutionary Guards said on Saturday that U.S. Navy ships came close to their vessels in the Gulf and shot flares.

The USS Nimitz and an accompanying warship drew close to a rocket-bearing Iranian vessel on Friday and sent out a helicopter near a number of Guards vessels close to the Resalat oil and gas platform, the Guards said in a statement published by their official news site Sepah News.

"The Americans made a provocative and unprofessional move by issuing a warning and shooting flares at vessels ...,” the statement said. “Islam’s warriors, without paying attention to this unconventional and unusual behaviour from the American vessels, continued their mission in the area and the aircraft carrier and accompanying battleship left the area."

A U.S. military statement said a U.S. Navy helicopter saw several IRGC vessels approaching U.S forces at a high rate of speed and deployed flares after it could not establish communications with the boats.

The statement said the interaction was "safe and professional."

SEPTEMBER 24, 2017 22:17

Security cabinet meets day after Tehran tests ballistic missile
4 minute read.


Naftali Bennett. (photo credit:MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)

Israel must ask the international community to stop Iran’s nuclearization but prepare to do the task on its own in case the world fails, Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett said in an interview with The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.

Bennett, who is a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s security cabinet, spoke before a meeting of the forum, in which the prime minister reported about his meetings with US President Donald Trump and other world leaders and his progress on the Iranian issue. The meeting was held a day after Iran tested a ballistic missile capable of reaching Israel, as security cabinet members backed Netanyahu’s call at the UN last week to either scrap or change the nuclear deal with Iran.
Juutalaiset käyttäytyy omituisesti liittyen Iranin diiliin Usassa. Samat porukat jotka mesosivat oikein kunnolla 2015 estääkseen Obaman diilin ovat aivan hiljaa. Suurin lobbariporukka ei sanaakaan. Kongressin lobbaamiseksi ei nähdä vaivaa vaikka nyt olisi toinen kierros,kun Trump ei sitä hyväksynyt ja se siirtyi kongerssille.

"AIPAC, the Jewish community’s most important lobby, heroically spent tens of millions of dollars and organized massive fly-ins of supporters to stampede the halls of Congress all in an effort to stop Obama from sealing the deal in 2015" "What are their plans now? Will a lobbying effort be launched to kill the deal now that there’s a round two? Many who were previous opponents of the deal have been seduced by the chorus of media commentators begging Trump not to scrap the deal – one that has been as loud as it has been constant."

Kertoo jotain jos jopa Juutalaiset pitävät diilin perumista hulluna.
Lähinnä mietityttää mitä varten Trump sitten tällaista teatteria tekee. Vai onko kaveri vain aivan sekopää`?