
kylla siina kay niin etta Jeriko palautetaan holsteriin/ kauppaan ja transjordanian-kakebiitti-hashemiitti pikku-arabi alkaa vastaanottamaan isallisia taputuksia vapaalla kadella kivien heittelyn vaaroista... valitettavasti senverran viisastuneita ovat jordanialaisetkin etta kieltaytyvat vastaanottamasta heita!!! haluavat tasan bupkis tekemista naiden lahio-terroristien kanssa... anteeksi pakolaisleirien palestiinalaisuhrien, siis tietysti ;)

How Israelis Are Dealing With Wave of 'Lone Wolf' Stabbings
by Paul Goldman and Sarah Burke

Israelis Explain Why Security is Being Increased in Jerusalem 0:56
JERUSALEM — Pepper spray is flying off stores shelves and Israelis are stocking up on guns amid a wave of random "lone wolf" stabbing attacks by Palestinians.

"It's scary," Jerusalem resident Ben Zucher told NBC News not long after leaving a weapons shop. "When you walk down the streets you need to look around and make sure you know what's going on around you."

A spate of stabbings and clashes between Palestinians and Israeli security forces have left seven Israelis and 33 Palestinians dead since the beginning of October.

While security has been stepped up and troops have been deployed in Jerusalem, knife attacks are almost impossible to predict and potential assailants difficult to identify. Suspects have been aged as young as 13.

FROM OCT. 14: Palestinian Wielding Knife Shot Dead by Israeli Police Before NBC Cameras 2:24
Some stores have sold out of pepper spray.

Shulamit Cohen, a jewelry shop employee in Jerusalem, said the incidents had left her on edge and nervous everywhere she goes.

"We look over our shoulders," Cohen said. "I bought pepper spray, if someone comes to me I will spray him and hope nothing happens. It's in my pocket all the time."

Jerusalem resident Nadi Cherna showed off a "gun that shoots tear gas."

She added: "I bought this because terrorists are in this area and we need to protect ourselves."

Nadi Cherna NBC News
Many streets in the city were quieter than usual on Thursday as many Arab and Jewish residents stayed home and avoided public transport amid fears of potential attacks.

"Arabs are afraid from the police, Jews are afraid to go out because they are worried not only for their own life but for their parents and kids," said Nathaniel Yosifun, a local businessman.

Jeffry Max, a busker on the street in central Jerusalem, insisted he is not afraid.

"I carry this thing around just in case I can help someone," Max said, displaying a pistol.

Israel announced a relaxation of the nation's gun laws on Wednesday, widening civilian access to weapons permits. Teachers in Jerusalem's Jewish orthodox community, for example, could be eligible for a special permit to possess a weapon under the new rules.

Some concerned civilians visited the Mitvach Adumim gun range in Ma'ale Adumim — a Jewish settlement outside Jerusalem — where manager Gabi Efrat-Begin said business was "very good."

"Everybody come and buy everything for their protection," Efrat-Begin said. "They are looking about guns ... they buy pepper spray, whatever they can get."

Israelis Take Self-Defense Classes at Shooting Range 1:18

In a statement on his Facebook page, the Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan said that armed civilians were playing an important role in responding to "lone wolf" attacks.

"Many civilians assisted the police in neutralizing terrorists who carried out attacks," Erdan said. "Citizens trained in operating the weapons are a force multiplier in the fight against terrorism. I thank the citizens again for the courage and determination and mutual assistance."

Israel's Magen David emergency medical response unit also distributed a video on social media earlier this week explaining how to treat stabbing victims while waiting for paramedics to arrive.

Meanwhile, Palestinians entered the Joseph's Tomb compound in the West Bank town of Nablus late Thursday and set it on fire, severely damaging the Jewish holy site in what Israel called a "despicable" act.
IDF ilmeisesti käynnissä sotilasoperaatio Quneitran kaupungissa Syyrian puolella, hekoja lentänyt sekä hävittäjiä.
Erään huhun mukaan Israelilta olisi tipahtanut lennokki, toinen kertoi taas panttivangista.

Huhujen mukaan Israelin maajoukot Quneitrassa nyt.

Voi olla pelkkiä huhuja, Israelin tiedonantajat kiistää.
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Developing: Israeli Military Enters Syria, Border Clashes/Bombings



Update 7:46pm EDT - ISIS group claims to have taken Israeli pilot hostage. Also a report that the Syrian army has taken an Israel supported base in the Golan Heights (Confirmed).

Update 6:45pm EDT - A timeline of alleged events has been put together, however this is based on reports alone at this point. We will consider this story unconfirmed until substantiated by official sources.
  • Syrian army captures rebel base in Quneitra.
  • Israeli plane down near border.
  • Israeli pilot taken prisoner, some say by ISIS.
  • Israel declares emergency, issues gag order.
  • Israeli jets fly over Quneitra, Syria.
  • Israeli helicopters make incursion into Syria.
  • Israeli jets begin bombing Quneitra.
  • Israeli drone nears Lebanon border.
  • Jets continue bombing Quneitra at random points.
  • More Israeli helicopters enter Syria.
  • Troops enter Syria to recover pilot, clashes erupt along the border, possibly in disputed territory.
  • Bombing of Quneitra continues during border clashes.
Syyrian hallituksen nettisivuilta:

Syrian Arab Army Forces captured “Free Syrian Army” mercenary-terrorists’ base in Golan Heights

(FNA, 24/10/2015) ~ The Syrian Armed Forces on Saturday morning stormed the 4th Battalion Base of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the Golan Heights and took full control over the base after fierce clashes with the FSA mercenaries.
At sunrise on Saturday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 90th Brigade of the 9th Armored Division, in coordination with Fouj Al-Joulani (Golan Regiment) and Liwaa Suqour Al-Quneitra (Al-Quneitra Hawks Brigade) of the National Defense Forces (NDF), launched a counter-assault at the 4th Battalion Base outside of the town of Taranjah, resulting in a series of intense firefights with the Free Syrian Army’s Southern Front Brigades.

The FSA has now lost all of their previous gains from the September offensive that put them in position to attack the Syrian government strongholds of Khan Arnabeh and Hadar inside the Golan Heights of the Quneitra province.

The Syrian Arab Army’s 90th Brigade and the National Defense Forces were able to impose full control over the 4th Battalion Base after they overran the Free Syrian Army’s defensive positions; this forced the aforementioned militants to withdraw to Tal Taranjah in order to regroup after their frontlines crumbled at the base.

According to a military source from the town of Hadar, the FSA militants have conducted a counter-assault since losing the 4th Battalion Base; however, they have yet to regain any territory lost to the Syrian Armed Forces this morning.
Koko häly johtuikin Israelin arabista, joka lensi liitovarjolla golanilta Syyriaan. :confused:

Israeli Paraglides Into Syria in Apparent Attempt to Join Rebel Group

Cleared for publication: 23-year-old Israeli Arab crosses border on Saturday evening; landing site unknown at this stage.
read more:

A 23-year-old Israeli Arab paraglided over the border into Syria Saturday night in an apparent attempt to join the civil war. His family said Sunday that the man had become religious in the past year.
During the night Saturday, Israeli military forces, including fighter jets, were seen deployed in the Golan Heights. The Israeli censor banned reporting on the incident until Sunday morning.

Israeli military lookouts identified a glider crossing the border into Syrian territory at 5 P.M. on Saturday. Large military forces were rushed to the scene. Aircrafts flew overhead in an attempt to identify the landing site.

"We don't know all the details, but apparently it was a 23-year-old Arab Israeli from Jaljulya, which did what he did intentionally and was picked up there," IDF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Moti Almoz told military reporters. "We don't know if people were waiting for him there, but we estimate that whoever did this kind of thing – against the direction of gliding – did so on purpose."

The IDF and Shin Bet security service are investigating the incident.

According to a source in the Israeli defense establishment, when the initial report that a manned glider crossed the border came in, it was initially suspected that a paraglider was inadvertently carried over the border by winds, and paragliding clubs were contacted to see if anyone went missing.

The family and friends of the Jaljulya resident commented on the incident Sunday morning. The young man’s uncle said that although the family is secular, his nephew had become religious over the past year. The uncle said the young man’s father had received a phone call about an hour after an IDF observation post spotted the paraglider, in which he was told, “Your son is fine. He’s with us. Don’t worry,” before the call was cut off. The father says the speaker had a Bedouin accent.

“He started becoming more religious. He started praying every morning in the mosque,” said the uncle, who said he last saw the young man on Friday. “I told him that he’s 23 now and the best thing he should do is get married and have children and raise a family.”

The uncle also said the young man is the second of five children, and that the family is shocked by his actions. “From the moment his mother understood what happened, she’s been crying and shouting for him to come home. Now there’s talk that he bought the paraglider and hid it in his car. It’s not clear how he managed to do it. You have to know how to control and fly one of those things. Where did he practice? We don’t know.”

Jaljulya council head Faik Odeh said Sunday that the paraglider’s family is not considered extremist at all. “It’s not one of the biggest families in town, but they are well known,” he said. “They’re a quiet family.”

Odeh said the council has no information on the incident. “We know that the Shin Bet and the police showed up this morning [Sunday]. I don’t know what happened there – if he got carried away by the wind or if he got carried away by the spirit of the Islamic State. We’re trying to find out all we can.

"Maybe the recent unrest surrounding Al-Aqsa Mosque affected him. It is certainly affecting our young people, and not necessarily in a good way. I can tell you we’re not really prepared for such things. We once had to deal with a fellow who came back from ISIS, and we thought we’d put all that behind us. And now this happens,” added Odeh.

At the start of Sunday’s weekly cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would take steps to have the young man’s citizenship revoked in wake of his attempt to join rebel organizations hostile to Israel.
read more:
Ählämit juhlivat loikkaria, joka aiheutti huhuvyöryn lauantaina.

Terrorists in Syria welcome Israeli citizen

Websites supporting ISIS have published messages welcoming to Syria the Arab-Israeli who crossed the border yesterday using a paraglider.

The Israeli citizen who crossed the border into Syria using a paraglider in order to join ISIS received a warm welcome from the Syrian Islamist rebels, according to social media reports.

One of the reports read: "Yesterday, one of the Palestinian brothers crossed the border and arrived on Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade territory using a paraglider. He contacted the Brotherhood and told them he intends to arrive. A few days later, he jumped from one of the occupied Golan Heights Mountains and landed in our territory."

"We congratulate our brother upon his arrival in Syria and his joining the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade," another post read, allegedly confirming that the 23-year-old Israeli citizen from Jaljulia joined the terror organization. Official media outlets in Syria have not addressed the issue.

Earlier today, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that his government will act to have the man's citizenship revoked. During the weekly government meeting, he stated: "Yesterday, an Israeli citizen crossed our border on the Golan Heights in order to join the enemy in Syria. We will act to revoke his citizenship and that is what we will do in any such case. Whoever joins the enemy to fight Israel will no longer be an Israeli citizen."
Onko Israelissa ollut aina noin tiukka aselupapolitiikka? Miksi? Eikö olisi järkevää, jos kaikilla (juutalaisilla) olisi aseet mukanaan, niin voisivat puolustautua terroristeja jne. vastaan? Eikö Hitlerin Saksasta opittu mitään (= aseet kädessä tuovat vapauden)? Kuitenkin varusmiehet kantavat aseita ja patruunoita mukanaan joka paikassa, miksi se olisi muka sitten "eri asia" jos muutkin kantaisivat? En ymmärrä tätä, voiko joku avata tuota logiikkaa ja miksi ja milloin siihen on päädytty?
Onko Israelissa ollut aina noin tiukka aselupapolitiikka? Miksi? Eikö olisi järkevää, jos kaikilla (juutalaisilla) olisi aseet mukanaan, niin voisivat puolustautua terroristeja jne. vastaan? Eikö Hitlerin Saksasta opittu mitään (= aseet kädessä tuovat vapauden)? Kuitenkin varusmiehet kantavat aseita ja patruunoita mukanaan joka paikassa, miksi se olisi muka sitten "eri asia" jos muutkin kantaisivat? En ymmärrä tätä, voiko joku avata tuota logiikkaa ja miksi ja milloin siihen on päädytty?

Olisiko kyseessä "jättäkää se ammattilaisille" -asenne? Ehkä myös jotakin tekemistä maan oman rikollisuuden kanssa?
Pitkä ja perinpohjainen analyysi islamin sotaisuudesta ja anti-juutalaisuudesta:

Knife Intifada is a religious war

Calling for jihad is a recipe to recruit hot-headed fighters and millions of dollars around the world. The world views religious wars as a humiliating shame and only the Muslims are proud of their religious wars, wishing for them to return.

In order to understand the events that we are living in the Middle East in general and in Israel in particular, we have to look at the history of war in order to analyze its characteristics and the changes in the nature of war. After all, both Judaism and Christianity conducted religious wars. But over the years, peoples were divided into nations and the nations have abandoned religious wars. The motivation for the existence of warfare became mainly economic and political. Only the Islamic countries have not made this change and religion is a key factor in the regional wars being waged today.

Jatkuu lähteessä. Kannattaa lukea!
Venäläisten pommitukset lähestyvät Israelia Golanilla.
Tal el Hara kukkula, jota Venäjän ilmoitetaan pommittaneen on jo tosi lähellä rajaa.
Jutussa mukana myös videopätkä.

Russian airstrikes in Syria nearing the Israeli border
For the first time since Russia began its direct military involvement in Syria, Russian aircrafts attacked Syrian Rebel targets near the border with Israel. According to the Iranian report, the strike was meant to disprove Israeli claims that the two countries had reached an agreement regarding airstrikes in Southern Syria.

The Iranian Fars News Agency reported that Russian fighter jets attacked several targets belonging to the Syrian Rebels yesterday (Monday) near Quneitra in the Syrian Golan Heights, close to the border with Israel.

According to the Iranian report, the Russian attacks focused on two strategic strongholds held by the rebels, Tal al-Harra and Tal Antar. Sources affiliated with the Syrian Rebels also confirmed that their targets were hit by Russia.

Political analysts in Iran claimed that the aim of the Russian strike, amongst others, was to send a clear message to Israel, “which is trying to claim that it reached an agreement with Moscow with regards to the use of airspace in southern Syria.”
Israelissa on se hyvä puoli että sitä ei kiinnosta mitä muut ajattelee ja jos se saa edes pienenpienen mahdollisuuden ampua ryssien koneen alas koska eksynyt vähän niiden ilmatilaan niin pudottavat varmasti
Oikeusvaltion piirteet sentään täyttyvät Israelissa aika hyvin, vaikka tietyt piirit muuta väittävätkin:

Indictment: Israeli fighters may have beat Palestinian terror suspects
The military prosecutor is expected to submit an indictment tomorrow against seven fighters in the Nahal Unit for beating Palestinian terror suspects.. In one of the incidents, a terror suspect had his head knocked up against a wall, where he was beaten.
Oct 28, 2015, 12:00PM | Dana Nasi


Photo Credit: Reuters/Channel 2

Seven fighters from the Nahal Unit were arrested recently over the suspicion of beating Palestinian terror suspects. The military prosecutor is expected to file an indictment against them tomorrow. Their lawyer responded: “Instead of backing up the soldiers, we are arresting them.”

The center of the case involves an incident that happened in Jenin. According to eye-witness testimony, three fighters tossed the head of a terror suspect against a wall and the floor a number of times. The soldiers replied that they were compelled to use force. Four other Israeli fighters were also arrested recently for beating Palestinian terror suspects.
Veikkaan että pojat ovat olleet taistelijoita ( ei sama asia mitä suomessa, vaan ovat ansainneet warrior merkin, ja myös kirkkaan vihreän baretin) Ja veikkaan että korkeintaa pieni ylilyönti vaan, mutta aina noi tutkitaan heti, ja salaamatta, jos ei ole kyseessä salainen operaatio

Nuoria lapsia Gazassa osallistui laisille kohdistettuun TV-ohjelmaan, josta vastaa Al-Gitab Gazassa. Nuoret lapset oli puettu islamin hijab ja keffieh asuihin. He ylistivät nuorten arabien antautumista kuolemaan puolustaessaan Jerusalemia. ”Kunnia ja ikuisuus puhtaille marttyyreillemme. Me tervehdimme heidän perheitään ja kunnioitamme nuoria sankareita, jotka uhrasivat elämänsä Jerusalemin hyväksi ja noita suuria sanakarillisia tekoja”, yksi tytöistä lausui. Me rakastamme heitä ja suutelemme heidän käsiään, koska he ovat todellisia sankareita.”, juontaja lisäsi.

Värikästä rekvisiittaa vasten lapset julistivat kymmenien arabien saaneen surmansa sotilaitten ja poliisien ampuessa heidät kylmäverisesti ja syyttäen ampujia, että he valheellisesti syyttävät arabeja puukotusyrityksistä, vaikka he olivat viattomia. Hän väitti, että IDF:n sotilaat heittävät veitsen näkemänsä arabin lähelle saadakseen aiheen hänen ampumisekseen. ”Israel taistelee tankein ja lentokonein, me taistelemme kivin, mutta emme pelkää. Israelilaiset rakasravat elämää enemmän kuín kuolemaa ja siksi pelkäävät”.
Arabilapset kasvatetaan pienestä pitäen vihaamaan juutalaisia.
Israelin jotkin toimet länsirannalla ruokkivat tätä vihaa entisestään. Surullinen kierre on valmis...