
Nahal prikaati perusti ensimmäisenä Israelissa etnisten druusien varaan rakennetun osaston. Druusit ovat vuosikaudet palvelleet kunnialla IDF:n joukoissa yleten korkeimpiin upseerinarvoihin saakka. Druusiosaston sotilaat palvelevat osittain yhteiskunnallisissa tehtävissä, osittain armeijan ohjesäännön mukaisissa sotilaallisissa tehtävissä.
Obaman "rauha meidän ajaksemme" sopimus....

YK:n alainen IAEA sulki Iranin atomiasetta koskevat kansionsa, mikä tarkoittanee sitä, ettei Iranin toimia tarkastella IAEA;n toimesta samalla tarkkuudella kuin tähän asti. Tämä tarkoittanee myös sitä, että Irania vastaan asetetut pakotteet poistetaan kokonaan, mikä vapauttaa miljardeja USD Iranin jäädytettyinä olleita varoja ja vapauttaa liiketoimet ulkomaitten kanssa. IAEA:n päätös herätti katkeraa vastustusta Israelissa.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Tee sitten rauha tällaisten kanssa...? :eek:

Hamas-johtaja Khaled Madshaal kehottaa lisäämään Israelin vastaisia hyökkäyksiä. Hamas ilmoitti, että Jerusalemin autohyökkääjä kuului Hamasin leiriin. Hamas haluaa aloittaa täyden sodan Israelia vastaan, sillä sen peruskirja kehottaa tuhoamaan Israelin ja karkottamaan tai surmaamaan kaikki Israelissa asuvat miespuoliset juutalaiset, naiset orjuutettaisiin.

Tämä on minustakin aika outo päätös..?

Israelissa lääkintäorganisaation tekemä päätös hoitaa ensin haavoittuneita terroristeja ennen muita potilaita on herättänyt kovaa kritiikkiä. Rabbit ovat puolestaan tulkinneet asian siten, että hyökkäysten uhrit on hoidettava ensin.. Myös Magen David Adomin tulkinta terroristien hyväksi arveluttaa.

PA:n korkea virkailija väittää pidätetyn Hamasin aktivistin väittäneen. että Hamas on julkistanut uuden protokollan Juudeaan ja Samariaan. Sen mukaan Hamas tulee aloittamaan itsemurhaiskut Israelia vastaan, kutsuen sitä intifada II:n toistoksi. Väkivaltaa harjoittaneet terroristit ovat pääosin Hamasin jäseniä kuulumatta mihinkään järjestöön, ja useimmat heistä ovat kotoisin Hebronista ja Sikemistä.

Kansainväliset asiantuntijat olivat kokoontuneet Israeliin, jonka päätteeksi he ylistivät Israelia oikeusvaltiona todeten, että sillä on kansainvälisesti merkittäviä juristeja, joiden tulee siirtää huomionsa kansainvälisille areenoille esittääkseen Israelin oikeudellisen aseman koko Israelin maahan Jordanista Välimereen. He totesivat, ettei Israelia voida syyttää Gazan sodista.
Saudi satellite operator drops Hezbollah channel from airwaves

Last week, Arabsat, the satellite operator majority-owned by Saudi Arabia, dropped Hezbollah’s television station from its broadcasts. Arabsat is the latest in a long list of satellite operators to drop the channel, Al-Manar, from its broadcasts.

The move comes just weeks after the kingdom imposed sanctions on 12 Hezbollah operatives accused of carrying out activities on behalf of the Lebanon-based group, and imposed sanctions on its “investment arms.” Saudi Arabia had already designated Hezbollah as a terrorist organization in March of last year.

In 2005, Al-Manar was being broadcast by more than a dozen satellite operators around the globe. But a coalition of organizations – including the Foundation for Defense of Democracies – concerned about terrorist-owned media’s incitement to violence, exposed Al-Manar as an outlet controlled and operated by Hezbollah, whose programs contained both subtle and overt incitement to violence. The coalition’s efforts lead 11 satellite operators to cease Al-Manar’s broadcasts and to the channel being banned in France, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Brazil, Canada, and Australia, among others.

In 2006, the US Treasury Department placed Al-Manar on its Specially Designated Global Terrorist list, citing its control by the Hezbollah terrorist network, which is itself funded by Iran. The press release noted that Al-Manar is a media arm of the Hezbollah terrorist network, has facilitated its activities, and has employed its members– one of whom engaged in pre-operational surveillance for the group.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, for example, has used the station as a platform to ask all Lebanese citizens to volunteer for the group’s military training. Nasrallah, along with Hezbollah’s Executive Council, managed and oversaw the channel’s budgets.

Treasury also noted that Al-Manar has provided support to Palestinian designated terrorist organizations, including Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, notably transferring tens of thousands of dollars for a PIJ-controlled charity. PIJ is listed as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist and a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the US Government, and is also named on the European Union’s list of terrorist entities.
Netanyahu and Putin spoke to each other following the elimination of terrorist Samir Kuntar
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to the Russian president over the phone and discussed regional issues. Yesterday, Hezbollah terror leader Hassan Nasrallah accused Israel of eliminating terrorist Samir Kuntar and promised a painful response.
Dec 22, 2015, 07:45PM | Ron Yanai

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke today (Tuesday) to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The two discussed regional issues with an emphasis on the Syrian front. Sources in the Prime Minister’s office said that the two discussed the challenges of the War against Terror and agreed to continue the dialogue between the two countries.

The conversation between Netanyahu and Putin follows the attack in Damascus that is attributed to Israel by foreign media sources in which terrorist Samir Kuntar was eliminated in a missile strike aimed at a building he stayed in.

Yesterday, Hezbollah terror leader Hassan Nasrallah accused Israel of the attack in a speech, and promised a harsh response. “We will respond to the killing at the time and place we will choose,” said Nasrallah. “Samir Kuntar is one of us and it is our right to retaliate any way we see fit. I have no doubt that Israel carried out the assassination.”
From a drug addict – to an outstanding IDF fighter
Liron Sacharovsky spent most of his youth using drugs, drinking alcohol and getting in trouble with the law. Months before his enlistment, he decided to take his destiny in his own hands and make a change. This week, he received a certificate of excellence for his service at the Nahal Brigade.


Liron Sacharovsky Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit / Channel 2 News

20-year-old Liron Sacharovsky from Kiryat Bialik led a normal life until the end of elementary school – when he started falling into depression. Things went downhill quickly from there and he became addicted to drugs and alcohol, which led to temper tantrums, police arrests, sleeping on the street and getting in trouble with the law. So it may be surprising that this week, Sacharovsky received a certificate of excellence from the IDF for his service at the Nahal Brigade.

Sacharovsky became an alcoholic at the age of 12. “I couldn’t last a minute without alcohol. It was the only thing that was important to me,” he recounted. It was that year, when he was thrown out of his middle school due to disciplinary problems, that he also started using drugs. The drug and alcohol abuse continued throughout his years in boarding schools in Akko and Afula.

“My mother was afraid to let me into the house. Many times she would go to sleep at a friend’s,” he recalls. After an especially severe temper tantrum, in which he violently threatened his mother and broke things in the house, he was arrested for domestic violence, attempted assault and property damage. The connection with his mother was severed, and after making bail he stayed at friends’ houses and at his girlfriend’s, whom he also beat.


“No matter how tough life is, you can always start anew.”

After several unsuccessful attempts at quitting drugs and rehabilitation, the change finally came several months before his enlistment. “I woke up in the morning and looked in the mirror. I saw myself, a helpless junkie. Your family ignores you, you have no friends and you only get in trouble. I told myself that I would not live my life this way and decided to fix them.”

Ever since, he has been going to rehab on a daily basis, and has collected money in order to pay for a 15-thousand-shekel debt he got into. He claims he hasn’t touched alcohol, cigarettes or drugs since then. “I believe I will never be addicted again,” he claimed. “But in my head there is a separation. An addict is always an addict. It’s forever.” He also got back in contact with his mother and lives with her now. “We are best friends. She is happy and never thought I would enlist and be a fighter and succeed.”

Concerning his military service, Sacharovsky stated: “It appealed to me. I always wanted to be a fighter in the field.” Following tough basic training, he learned a lot and became a new person. He respects the army and the tools it gave him to change. Last Sunday, his work was rewarded with a certificate of excellence, awarded in a special ceremony.

Sacharovsky’s next goal is to become an officer. If not, he want’s to be a police officer. Either way, he wants to contribute to the country. “Everything I went through has made me strong, but on the other hand, my past haunts me,” he concludes, and asks to pass on a message to young Israelis: “No matter how tough life is, know that you can always start anew.”–-to-an-outstanding-idf-fighter-18032
Statistiikkaa Israelissa palestiinalaisten toimesta suoritetuista terrori-iskuista:

Puukotuksia ja niiden yrityksiä, autoilla suoritettuja tappavia iskuja, ampumisia ja pommi-isku - tämä kaikki huomioiden Israel on valtiona toistaiseksi toiminut yllättävänkin maltillisesti. Näiden iskujen lisäksi Gazan alueelta on laukaistu useamman kerran raketteja Israeliin, tuhot olemattomia. Samoin Libanonin puolelta on laukaistu hezbollahin toimesta jokunen raketti Israeliin, ja mikäli oikein muistan Syyrian maaperältä on myös tulitettu Israelin aluetta terroristiryhmien toimesta. Israel toki on suorittanut vastatoimia Syyrian maaperälle, lähinnä hezbollahia vastaan.

Asetelma ja Israelin toimettomuus huomioiden palestiinalaisten tukijoina julkitulleet henkilöt ovat olleet hiljaa, ei ole tuomitsevia sanoja kuulunut - ei ole palestiinalaisterroristien toimia tuomittu kovinkaan jyrkkään sävyyn. Mietinpä vaan mikä "sota" olisi vallalla jos IAF iskisi voimalla Gazaan hävittäjien ja taisteluhekojen toimesta.

Video ampujasta, joka käytti länsirannan yleisintä asetta, Carl Gustavia.

Israeli security system: The identity of the terrorist is known

Earlier today Israeli police published a photo of the suspect who committed the shooting attack in Tel Aviv, in which two people were killed and seven were injured. While a manhunt is being held after the suspect, the Israeli security system claims that the identity of the terrorist is known to them, and that the estimation is that this was a nationalistically motivated attack.

Hours after the shooting attack in Tel Aviv, the Israeli security system claims that the identity of the terrorist is known to them, and that at this point the estimation is that this was a nationalistically motivated attack. The terrorist was documented by the security cameras of a nearby business minutes before he opened fire at a pub on Dizengoff Street, murdered two people and injured seven others.

The manhunt after the terrorist continues across the city, with the participation of hundreds of police officers and security force personnel. It is now suspected that the terrorist is an Arab-Israeli. In a photo published by the police, the suspect is seen wearing glasses, a black coat and carrying a bag in which, according to the estimations, he hid the weapon with which he committed the attack.


A cartridge that was found at the scene

Seconds after exiting a store, in which he even shopped, he drew his weapon and starting shooting. In footage from a nearby café, the suspect is seen firing in every direction with a Carl Gustav rifle, which is a popular weapon in the West Bank.

Meanwhile, the Tel Aviv Police reported that "from a preliminary investigation, it is impossible to determine whether the incident was nationalistically or criminally motivated and both options are being investigated." Police officers are spread across the city and are searching the streets, some of them going from door to door and from yard to yard, in order to try and locate the suspect.
Video IDF:n ilmataisteluharjoituksesta:

Israeli Air Force exercises its capabilities

The IAF recently completed a large-scale excercise simulating several warfare situations, mainly along Israel's northern front. The experiments included a simulation of a situation where the pilot loses control over the jet. Watch rare footage from the pilot's cabin.

It is not easy to watch this F-16 plane plummet to the ground after the pilot lost control. This is actually an experiment by the Israeli air force in which the pilot constantly reports about the plane's status. The goal is to learn how to land a plane in the event of an air battle in which an engine is lost.

You can hear the pilot breathe heavily from stress and exertion. On the ground engineers and pilots from the Tel Nof Air Base follow the events. First they attempt this at 40,000 feet and later at 20,000 feet where the pilot gradually stops the spiral down and stabilizes the plane. As Colonel Uri, commander of the base explains, "We must thoroughly test each new plane, computer system, or weapons system before using them."
Video ampujasta, joka käytti länsirannan yleisintä asetta, Carl Gustavia.

Israeli security system: The identity of the terrorist is known

Earlier today Israeli police published a photo of the suspect who committed the shooting attack in Tel Aviv, in which two people were killed and seven were injured. While a manhunt is being held after the suspect, the Israeli security system claims that the identity of the terrorist is known to them, and that the estimation is that this was a nationalistically motivated attack.

Hours after the shooting attack in Tel Aviv, the Israeli security system claims that the identity of the terrorist is known to them, and that at this point the estimation is that this was a nationalistically motivated attack. The terrorist was documented by the security cameras of a nearby business minutes before he opened fire at a pub on Dizengoff Street, murdered two people and injured seven others.

The manhunt after the terrorist continues across the city, with the participation of hundreds of police officers and security force personnel. It is now suspected that the terrorist is an Arab-Israeli. In a photo published by the police, the suspect is seen wearing glasses, a black coat and carrying a bag in which, according to the estimations, he hid the weapon with which he committed the attack.


A cartridge that was found at the scene

Seconds after exiting a store, in which he even shopped, he drew his weapon and starting shooting. In footage from a nearby café, the suspect is seen firing in every direction with a Carl Gustav rifle, which is a popular weapon in the West Bank.

Meanwhile, the Tel Aviv Police reported that "from a preliminary investigation, it is impossible to determine whether the incident was nationalistically or criminally motivated and both options are being investigated." Police officers are spread across the city and are searching the streets, some of them going from door to door and from yard to yard, in order to try and locate the suspect.

Taitaa olla kyse Carl Gustav-konepistoolista. Tuo on tod.näk 36 patruunan 4-rivinen lipas siihen. Sitä taidettiin tehdä jonkin verran Suomi-kp:llekin. Yhden kuvan olen jonkin kirjan kannessa nähnyt, olikohan jänkäjääkäristä kertova, jossa hepulla oli Suomi-kp ja tuollainen lipas.
Taitaa olla kyse Carl Gustav-konepistoolista. Tuo on tod.näk 36 patruunan 4-rivinen lipas siihen. Sitä taidettiin tehdä jonkin verran Suomi-kp:llekin. Yhden kuvan olen jonkin kirjan kannessa nähnyt, olikohan jänkäjääkäristä kertova, jossa hepulla oli Suomi-kp ja tuollainen lipas.

Jos voinee vähän korjata niin, en tiedä mitä asetta Carl Gustafiksi kutsutaan Israelissa mutta ko. artikkelissa oleva kuva näyttäisi olevan Italialaisesta Spectre konepistoolista.

Suomi-kp käytti myös nelirivistä ns. ruumisarkkulipasta mutta se on malliltaan erilainen. Se oli jo jatkosodassa käytössä, kun taas tuo Ruotsalainen Carl Gustaf-kp:n 36 patruunainen lipas on vasta 50-luvulta. Se on muuten kaksirivinen, varsin konventionaalinen lipas. Maksaa SA-kaupassa 2€ per kpl :)
Jos voinee vähän korjata niin, en tiedä mitä asetta Carl Gustafiksi kutsutaan Israelissa mutta ko. artikkelissa oleva kuva näyttäisi olevan Italialaisesta Spectre konepistoolista.

Suomi-kp käytti myös nelirivistä ns. ruumisarkkulipasta mutta se on malliltaan erilainen. Se oli jo jatkosodassa käytössä, kun taas tuo Ruotsalainen Carl Gustaf-kp:n 36 patruunainen lipas on vasta 50-luvulta. Se on muuten kaksirivinen, varsin konventionaalinen lipas. Maksaa SA-kaupassa 2€ per kpl :)

Olet oikeasssa, Spectren lipashan se. :) Artikkelissa pisti silmään maininka "Carl Gustav-kivääristä", CG-kp:ta valmistettiin lisenssillä Egyptissä, joten sellaisiakin saattaa alueelta löytyä.
Olet oikeasssa, Spectren lipashan se. :) Artikkelissa pisti silmään maininka "Carl Gustav-kivääristä", CG-kp:ta valmistettiin lisenssillä Egyptissä, joten sellaisiakin saattaa alueelta löytyä.

Egyptiläiset nimesivät aseen Port Said:ksi. Toki identtinen kalle-kustaan kanssa.
Taas Gazan hurmahenget saivat takaisin.

Israeli Air Force attacks Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip

The IAF attacked two military compounds and two terror infrastructures belonging to Hamas in Gaza in response to the five rockets fired towards Israel yesterday night. Two of the rockets landed in open areas in Israeli territory and the three remaining rockets exploded before the border. No one was injured.

During the night (Saturday), the Israeli Air Force (IAF) attacked two military compounds and two terror infrastructures belonging to Hamas in Gaza. The attack came in response to the barrage of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip towards the area of the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council in Southern Israel yesterday.

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit reported that they see Hamas as being solely responsible for what takes place in the Gaza Strip. “The IDF will continue to operate aggressively in order to maintain the quiet in Israel’s southern towns,” the report read.

Around 23:30 yesterday, residents of Sderot reported hearing explosions, as five rockets were fired towards Gaza Envelope towns. Two of the rockets landed in open areas in Israeli territory, while the three remaining rockets exploded before the border. Israeli security forces launched searches after the rocket landings.

The shooting this evening came around two weeks after a Red Color alert was sounded in the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council. It was later discovered that a rocket had in fact been fired and landed in the Gaza Strip near the border fence. It was the second incident that week in which terrorist groups in Gaza fired rockets towards Israel.
Israelin puolustusvoimien vuosi 2016

The IDF in 2016: Cyber protection, a new submarine and less alarms

The IDF is continuing its preparations for the changing threats it faces, and is leading technological and structural changes that will improve its capabilities. From a new and advanced submarine to technological developments that will reduce the number of false alarms – here are the expected changes for 2016.


After the Israeli security budget was approved in December, the year of 2016 marks the beginning of a time of many changes for the IDF, which is required to respond to new threats, such as cyber attacks.

In terms of technology, the IDF will strengthen its cyber defense system as part of Chief of General Staff Gadi Eizenkot’s policy on the matter. A new cyber protection brigade will be established in the first months of 2016, and will introduce many new technologies in order to affect the IDF’s cyberspace. Meanwhile, a “combat support cloud” will come into effect – a new app system developed in order to bring into line the issues of budget management, human resources and service conditions across the IDF.


The Dolphin submarine. Archives

Substantial changes will also take place at the Home Front Command, which is set to update its alert system In order to attain a more precise location on rocket landings and alarms. Advanced systems that were developed will enable to reduce the danger zone so that less people are forced to flee to security rooms.

The Israeli Navy is expected to receive its fifth submarine in 2016 – the HMS Sanguine. The new submarine, which was manufactured in Germany, can operate in open waters as well as in shallow waters and is considered to be one of the most advanced of its kind. The submarine is the IDF’s second of the model “AIP Dolphin”, which is similar to other dolphin-class submarines but includes improvements in its combat systems and technological capabilities. It has an additional compartment with fuel cells that allow the submarine to remain underwater for longer periods of time.

The New Year is also expected to see the introduction of a new system that manages the minefields spread across Israel, which was developed in recent years as a result of the many security incidents involving minefields. The IDF explained that Engineering Corps soldiers will now be able to use a computerized database on their tablets in order to locate the mines and will receive live updates.

In addition, this January, 19,000 new and direct public transportation routes will be inaugurated in order to provide IDF soldiers with accessible, comfortable and quick public transportation options.


More public transportation

Changes are also expected to take place amongst IDF generals, as new generals will enter the roles of GOC Army Headquarters Commander, Head of the Technological and Logistics Directorate, Navy Commander, Head of the Computer Service Directorate and Military Attaché to the United States.

Changes amongst IDF generals
Suomalaisille voi tulla kuumat paikat Etelä-Libanonissa?

Hezbollah bomb explodes near IDF forces on the Israeli-Lebanese border; no injuries reported

A bomb was detonated near IDF forces on the Israeli-Lebanese border. No injuries were reported among the IDF soldiers. Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for the bomb. In the Mount Dov region, exchanges of fire have begun. Residents in Northern Israel reported hearing explosions.

A bomb exploded near an IDF vehicle close to Nahal Sion. No injuries have been reported. Highway 99 has been shut down for civilian use. Hezbollah has claimed responsibilityfor the bomb. In the Mount Dov region, exchanges of fire have begun. Northern Israel residents reported hearing explosions.

In response to the bomb, the IDF fired artillery shells into Lebanon and an Israeli attack helicopter was launched into the sky. Dozens of shells fell near the Lebanese villages of Al Wazzani and Abbasiyya. According to Lebanese news agencies, some damage has been caused to buildings in these villages.

Hezbollah has released an official message claiming responsibility for the bomb. The Lebanese terror organization claimed that the attack was in response to terrorist Samir Kuntar’s elimination, which has been widely attributed to the Israeli Air Force. According to Hezbollah, the brigade that planted the bomb is called the “Samir Kuntar Brigade.”

Some roads near the Israeli-Lebanese border have been shut down for civilian use. Despite the explosion, no special instructions have been given for residents who live near the border.

Onko lisätietoa tullut Hizbollahin pommi-iskusta. Israelin puolella rajaa. Miten ne sai sen pommin sinne? Huippuunsa viritetyn elektronisen aidan läpi joka näkee suoraa sieluun. Vai menikö ali?