Kohti Skynettiä - Tekoäly sodankäynnissä

Tämmöisiä pohtineen nimekkäät tahot jokin aika sitten:

What ethical principles should AI researchers follow?
Are there restrictions on the ethical use of AI?
What is the best way to design AI that aligns with human values?
Is it possible or desirable to build moral principles into AI systems?
When AI systems cause benefits or harm, who is morally responsible?
Are AI systems themselves potential objects of moral concern?
What moral framework and value system is best used to assess the impact of AI?

Materially Engineered Artificial Pollinators


• Ionic liquid gels exhibit various physicochemical properties
• The gels enable photochromic camouflage and flower pollination with living insects
• The gel-coated fibers allow effective pollen collection
• A flying robot equipped with hybrid fibers can be used for artificial pollination

Tekoälytutkimus ja -tekniikka on hyvinkin voinut jo saavuttaa eksponentiaalisen kasvun vaiheen. Shakkitaiturien kaaduttua Go-mestari kukistui yllättävän nopeasti koneälyn kynsissä. Muitakin siviilisovelluksia tuntuu tulevan markkinoille päivittäin.

On vain ajan kysymys, milloin sotilassovellukset alkavat vallata alaa: autonomiset multikopterit, robottitornit, ohjaus- ja maalinosoitusjärjestelmät, kyberrobotit ja verkkosodat... Edessä on todellinen teknologinen harppaus asekuilun partaalla.

Nimenomaan. Monet eivät käsitä eksponentiaalisen kasvun käsitettä.

Tätä voi havainnollistaa vaikkapas miettimällä tietotekniikkaa 20 vuotta sitten tai perinteisemmin vaikka tällä:
Shakkipelin keksijän palkkio
Kuin pieni lapsi jolta lempilelu on otettu pois.

Being a sore loser is not an admired quality; especially when it's a sophisticated piece of artificial intelligence that's lashing out. Researchers at DeepMind, Google's artificial intelligence lab, recently performed a number of tests by having its most complex AI play a series of a games with a version of itself. In the first game, two AI agents, one red and one blue, scramble to see who can collect the most apples, or green squares. Each AI has the option of firing off a long laser beam to stun the other AI, giving one player ample time to collect more precious green apples.
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Toivottavasti tekoälylle annettiin mahis kehittää moraali ja tajusi pelaavansa vaan peliä :o Varmasti lyhyessä pelissä kävis noin. Jos antaisi viidelle ihmiselle yhden omenan päivässä ja aseita, niin suht samanlain tuossa kävisi. Onneks homo sapiens on edes hieman kehittynyt yhteisöllisyyteen. Computer sapiensin evoluutio voi olla suht nopsa ja mielenkiintoinen :o Tosin kyllä mekin olemme historiassa varmasti laittaneet matalaksi muita nousevia tähtejä, sekä omia.
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What’s the ground truth on artificial intelligence (AI)? In this video, John Launchbury, the Director of DARPA’s Information Innovation Office (I2O), attempts to demystify AI--what it can do, what it can’t do, and where it is headed. Through a discussion of the "three waves of AI" and the capabilities required for AI to reach its full potential, John provides analytical context to help understand the roles AI already has played, does play now, and could play in the future.
Tässä vielä pelaajien ja suomalaisproffan tuntoja siitä pokeri-pelistä.

"Humbling experience", olisi varmaankin hyvä yhteenveto.

Heikko tekoäly Watson voimistelee...

Teknologian nimi on Watson. Se on tekoäly, joka imee jatkuvasti itseensä lisää tietoa ja kasvaa vauhdilla. Watson kerää tietoa esimerkiksi suomalaisen hissiyhtiö Koneen hisseistä ja liukuportaista. Tekoälyn luoja, teknologiayhtiö IBM, kertoo, että Watson osaa säveltää musiikkia, ohjailla samalla miljoonien laitteiden toimintaa ja parantaa siinä sivussa sairauksia. Niin kuin viime kesänä Tokiossa, kun Watson huomasi, että lääkärit olivat antaneet 60-vuotiaalle japanilaisnaiselle väärän diagnoosin. Watson luki kymmenessä minuutissa 20 miljoonaa lääketieteellistä artikkelia ja tarjosi lääkäreille analyysia, jonka mukaan naisella olisi eräs harvinainen leukemian muoto. Diagnoosi oli oikea ja pelasti naisen hengen.


… odotellessaan Sherlockin tai Moriartyn saapumista. IBM valmistelee HALia.
Heikko tekoäly korvaa juristit:

Amerikkalainen pankki JPMorgan on ryhtynyt käymään sopimustekstejä läpi tekoälyn avulla. Aiemmin sopimusten tarkastaminen oli juristien tehtävä, ja siihen käytettiin vuosittain yhteensä jopa 360 000 työtuntia. Nyt sovellus nimeltä Coin, joka on lyhenne sanoista Contract Intelligence, suoriutuu hommasta sekunneissa, Bloomberg kertoo.

Yksinkertaisimpiin tehtäviin kuten it-tuen kyselyihin vastaamiseen on JPMorganilla kehitetty botteja. It-tuessa bottien odotetaan hoitavan tämän vuoden aikana jo 140 ihmistyöntekijät tehtävät vastaten kaikkiaan 1,7 miljoonaan it-tukipyyntöön. Lähde: Tivi

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As artificial intelligence becomes more powerful, people need to make sure it’s not used by authoritarian regimes to centralize power and target certain populations, Microsoft Research’s Kate Crawford warned on Sunday.

In her SXSW session, titled Dark Days: AI and the Rise of Fascism, Crawford, who studies the social impact of machine learning and large-scale data systems, explained ways that automated systems and their encoded biases can be misused, particularly when they fall into the wrong hands.

“Just as we are seeing a step function increase in the spread of AI, something else is happening: the rise of ultra-nationalism, rightwing authoritarianism and fascism,” she said.

All of these movements have shared characteristics, including the desire to centralize power, track populations, demonize outsiders and claim authority and neutrality without being accountable. Machine intelligence can be a powerful part of the power playbook, she said.

One of the key problems with artificial intelligence is that it is often invisibly coded with human biases. She described a controversial piece of research from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, where authors claimed to have developed a system that could predict criminality based on someone’s facial features. The machine was trained on Chinese government ID photos, analyzing the faces of criminals and non-criminals to identify predictive features. The researchers claimed it was free from bias.

“We should always be suspicious when machine learning systems are described as free from bias if it’s been trained on human-generated data,” Crawford said. “Our biases are built into that training data.”
AI isn’t just changing internet services, cars, robotics, and healthcare. It’s changing the computer chip market too.

This shift was underlined on Monday when Intel said it would pay $15.3 billion to acquire Mobileye, an Israeli company that makes chips and cameras for cars and trucks, including the self-driving variety. The purchase will be Intel’s second largest ever, following its $16.7 billion billion acquisition of chip-maker Altera in 2015. The Altera buy was also driven, in part, by the recent rise of machine learning, where machine learn can discrete tasks on their own.
Artificial intelligence agents can invent their own language and talk among themselves to work out the best way to get a job done, a study has shown.

Conversations come natural to humans, but they are a massive challenge for computers. Recent successes in this area include better human-language translation, and simple question answering by chatbots.

If AI agents are going to interact intelligently with humans, analyzing and aping patterns of words from conversations won't be enough. Computers have to gain a deep and true understanding of language and communication. The first step toward this is teaching software agents to develop a simple language on their own, one that describes their environment and how they can do stuff within it.
Reuters news agency reported on February 16 that "European lawmakers called [...] for EU-wide legislation to regulate the rise of robots, including an ethical framework for their development and deployment and the establishment of liability for the actions of robots including self-driving cars."

The question of determining "liability" for decision making achieved by robots or artificial intelligence is an interesting and important subject as the implementation of this technology increases in industry, and starts to more directly impact our day to day lives. Indeed, as application of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning technology grows, we are likely to witness how it changes the nature of work, businesses, industries and society.

And yet, although it has the power to disrupt and drive greater efficiencies, AI has its obstacles: the issue of "who is liable when something goes awry" being one of them. Like many protagonists in industry, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are trying to tackle this liability question. Many of them are calling for new laws on artificial intelligence and robotics to address the legal and insurance liability issues. They also want researchers to adopt some common ethical standards in order to "respect human dignity."