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In a keynote demonstration at the DEF CON hacking convention Hyrum Anderson, technical director of data science at security shop Endgame, showed off research that his company had done in adapting Elon Musk’s OpenAI framework to the task of creating malware that security engines can’t spot.
The key to the system is to take legitimate-looking code and change just a few tiny parts of it to convert the software into attack code. Even changing small details can fool AV engines, he said, citing research by Google and others to show how changing just a few pixels in an image can cause a computer to mistake a bus for an ostrich.
“All machine learning models have blind spots,” he said. “Depending on how much knowledge a hacker has they can be convenient to exploit.”
So the team built a fairly simple mechanism to develop weaponised code by making very small changes and firing them at a security checker. By monitoring the response from the engine they were able to make lots of tiny tweaks that proved very effective at developing malware that could evade security sensors.
With 15 hours of training the software ran over 100,000 samples past an unnamed security engine. They were able to get 60 per cent of the malware samples past the security system’s defences.
This software-generation software will online at the firm’s Github page and Anderson encouraged people to give it a try. No doubt security firms will also be taking a long look at how this affects their products in the future. new plan is open about AI’s value to the state. It envisages the use of the technology in everything from guided missiles to predictive policing. AI techniques are perfect for finding patterns in the massive amounts of data that Chinese censors must handle in order to maintain a grip on the citizenry. It is easy to imagine how the same data could boost the country’s nascent plans to create a “social-credit” system that scores people for their behaviour. Once perfected, these algorithms would interest autocratic regimes around the world. China’s tech firms are in no position to prevent the government in Beijing from taking advantage of such tools. Baidu, for example, has been appointed to lead a national laboratory for deep learning. Chinese AI will reflect the influence of the state.
Western firms and governments are no angels when it comes to data collection and espionage. But Western companies are at least engaged in an open debate about the ethical implications of AI; and intelligence agencies are constrained by democratic institutions. Neither is true of China. AI is a technology with the potential to change the lives of billions. If China ends up having most influence over its future, then the state, not citizens, may be the biggest beneficiary. the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, separate terror incidents involving letters laced with anthrax killed five Americans and sickened 17 in what the FBI describes as the worst biological attacks in U.S. history. Detection of such lethal anthrax spores could get a speed boost from artificial intelligence that has learned to identify the telltale patterns of the dangerous bacteria within microscope images.
The method of swiftly detecting a deadly biological agent with a mortality rate of more than 80 percent relies on two key components: holographic microscopes that can measure unique patterns of light scattering and refraction as light passes through the cell structures of various single-cell organisms, and artificial intelligence (AI) based on deep learning that has been trained to distinguish between Bacillus anthracis bacteria and other Bacillus bacteria.
“This study showed that holographic imaging and deep learning can identify anthrax in a few seconds,” says YongKeun “Paul” Park, associate professor of physics at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). “Conventional approaches such as bacterial culture or gene sequencing would take several hours to a day.”
The research published by Park and his colleagues in the 3 August 2017 online issue of the journal Science Advances may have implications beyond just identifying anthrax. Their HoloConvNet system represents a multilayered neural network loosely modeled on biological brains that can use deep learning to identify any single-cell organisms, as long as the neural network gets to first run through the proper training datasets involving images of those particular organisms.
Getting clearance to conduct this latest experiment also took almost a year because they needed access to a biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) laboratory at South Korea’s Agency for Defense Development. Sangjin Park, one of the coauthors of the published research, had access to the lab as an employee of the Agency for Defense Development. But he had to wear the usual protective clothing while handling the anthrax samples and using the holographic microscope inside the lab.
Holographic microscopes hold the promise of “label-free quantitative imaging of live cells and tissues” that does not rely on adding fluorescent dye or proteins to the samples in order to better see the internal structures of cells. But it’s still a relatively young technology that needs more widespread use so that researchers have access to a bigger database of holographic images that can train deep learning AI to identify different pathogens, Park says. He serves as chief technology officer and cofounder of Tomocube, Inc., a startup that aims to eventually offer a service combining holographic microscopy and deep learning AI.
“One of the big challenges is to pile up ‘big data’ of holographic images for more precise and efficient diagnosis of pathogens or diseases,” Park says. “It cannot be done by a few research groups, and this is why we have commercialized holography microscopy so that it can be used in numerous research laboratories and hospitals as a platform device.”
Täytyy todeta, että Putinilla saattaa olla astetta parempi kyky arvioida analyyttisesti tulevaisuutta kuin Trumpilla.
Putin uskoo: Se joka voittaa tekoälykilpailun tulee hallitsemaan maailmaa
Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putin uskoo tekoälyyn, uutistoimisto AP raportoi. Putinin mukaan tekoälykisan voittaja tulee hallitsemaan maailmaa. Presidentti kertoi näkemyksistään puhuessaan opiskelijoille.
Putin näkee tekoälyn luovan isoja mahdollisuuksia, mutta samalla myös uhkia, joita on vaikea tällä hetkellä ennustaa. Putin ilmaisi huolestuneisuutensa siitä, että yhden valtion monopoliasema tekoälyteknologian saralla voisi olla hyvin vahingollista. Siksi ainakin Venäjä on valmis jakamaan tietotaitojaan muiden valtioiden kanssa, Putin lupaili.
Tekoälystä puhuessaan Putin kertoi näkemyksiään myös tulevaisuuden sodankäynnistä, jonka presidentti uskoi tapahtuvan kokonaan erilaisten lennokkien avulla.
Onneksi meilläkin on analyyttinen tulevaisuuden arvioija piäministerinä.
Pääministeri Sipilä haluaa Suomen tekoälyn ykkösmaaksi
Pääministeri Juha Sipilä puhui tekoälyn mahdollisuuksista Suomelle tiistaina 7. helmikuuta Säätytaloon koolle kutsumassaan seminaarissa. Pääministeri totesi, että tekoäly on yksi nopeimmin kasvavista globaaleista teknologioista. Sen vaikutukset tulevat olemaan valtavia. Pääministerin mielestä tarvitaan visio: Suomi haluaa olla tekoälyssä maailman ykkönen., onto the Kirin 970. Yu said on stage the chip, about the size of a fingernail, is built with a total 5.5 billion transistors, (2.5 billion more than that of the Snapdragon 835), and is the first chipset in the world to have a dedicated NPU, meaning it has an A.I. on the device itself, without needing to connect to an internet server. On the Mate 10, we can expect, as mentioned earlier, significantly better camera performance because, according to Yu, the device is smart enough to analyze data in real time.
“It can tell the difference between a cat or a flower when you’re trying to take photos, and the ISPs will adjust accordingly,” he said.
Since the average joe thinks of A.I. as fully sentient machines like the Terminators or Ultron in the Marvel universe, just having a “smarter” camera that is aware of context and understands lighting and background information better may be disappointing, but rest assured this is just step one in the process, according to Yu. As the tech develops, it will be able to do more important things than providing better lighting in photos. Yu gives a futuristic example: “A.I. that relies on the cloud can suffer from latency. This delay of milliseconds isn’t a big deal when you’re trying to get your washing machine to start up, but for advanced machinery like self-driving vehicles, it’s the difference between life or death.”
Yu said Huawei has spent “billions of yuan” developing A.I. the past five years, and the NPU on the Kirin 970 is a breakthrough in the field. “The NPU can think and actively work to provide you the best user experience, whereas other A.I. assistance like Google Assistant only works reactively.”
Musk kommentoi tuota Putinin lausumaa.
Elon Muskilta synkkä ennuste: Globaali tekoälykilpailu tulee olemaan todennäköisin syy kolmannelle maailmansodalle of the Air Force, Navy, Army and Marines are converging on a vision of the future military: connecting every asset on the global battlefield.
That means everything from F-35 jets overhead to the destroyers on the sea to the armor of the tanks crawling over the land to the multiplying devices in every troops’ pockets. Every weapon, vehicle, and device connected, sharing data, constantly aware of the presence and state of every other node in a truly global network. The effect: an unimaginably large cephapoloidal nervous system armed with the world’s most sophisticated weaponry.
In recent months, the Joint Chiefs of Staff put together the newest version of their National Military Strategy. Unlike previous ones, it is classified. But executing a strategy requiring buy-in and collaboration across the services. In recent months, at least two of the service chiefs talked openly about the strikingly similar direction that they are taking their forces. Standing before a sea of dark- blue uniforms at a September Air Force Association event in Maryland, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein said he had “refined” his plans for the Air Force after discussions with the Joint Chiefs “as part of the creation of classified military strategy.”
The future for the Air Force? The service needed to be more like a certain electric-car manufacturer. we hand over more of our lives to artificial intelligence systems, keeping a firm grip on their ethical and societal impact is crucial. For DeepMind, whose stated mission is to “solve intelligence”, that task will be the work of a new initiative tackling one of the most fundamental challenges of the digital age: technology is not neutral.
DeepMind Ethics & Society (DMES), a unit comprised of both full-time DeepMind employees and external fellows, is the company’s latest attempt to scrutinise the societal impacts of the technologies it creates. In development for the past 18 months, the unit is currently made up of around eight DeepMind staffers and six external, unpaid fellows. The full-time team within DeepMind will swell to around 25 people within the next 12 months.
Headed by technology consultant Sean Legassick and former Google UK and EU policy manager and government adviser Verity Harding, DMES will work alongside technologists within DeepMind and fund external research based on six areas: privacy transparency and fairness; economic impacts; governance and accountability; managing AI risk; AI morality and values; and how AI can address the world’s challenges. Within those broad themes, some of the specific areas addressed will be algorithmic bias, the future of work and lethal autonomous weapons. Its aim, according to DeepMind, is twofold: to help technologists understand the ethical implications of their work and help society decide how AI can be beneficial
Googlen koneoppimisohjelma saavuttaa parempia tuloksia tekoälyn ohjelmoinnissa kuin insinöörit. Google julkisti toukokuussa AutoML:ksi nimetyn koneoppimisohjelman. Sen tarkoitus on oppia itsenäisesti algoritmeista riippumatta ohjelmoimaan muita tekoälysovelluksia. Nyt Google on ilmoittanut, että AutoML on onnistunut itsenäisti luomaan omia koneoppimisohjelmiaan, kertoo Wired. AutoML:n luomat tekoälysovellukset ovat pystyneet parempiin suorituksiin kuin ihmisten koodaamat vastaavat tekoälysovellukset. Eräs AutoML:n luoma ohjelma saavutti hiljattain ennätyksen kuvien luokittelemisessa niiden sisällön perusteella. AutoML:n luoma ohjelma kykeni myös ihmisten koodaamaa ohjelmaa paremmin merkitsemään eri objektien sijainnin kuvassa. AutoML:n merkitys korostuu siinä, että maailmasta löytyy vain vähän ihmisiä, jotka osaavat koodata kehittyneimpiä tekoälysovelluksia.
Tekoälyn kehitykseen liittyvä kilpavarustelu on jo käynnistynyt. Huippuasiantuntijoiden mediaaniarvion mukaan supertekoäly syntyy yli 50 prosentin todennäköisyydellä ennen vuotta 2060. Ei siis ole varaa keskustella siitä, ovatko tekoälyriskit todellisia, sillä katastrofaalinen niin kutsuttuun älykkyysräjähdykseen pohjaava kehityskulku vaarantaa ihmiskunnan olemassaolon ilmastonmuutosta nopeammin.
Suomeen tarvitaan lisää tiedettä, ja on hienoa, että pääministerimme Juha Sipilä (kesk) on tämän vihdoin ymmärtänyt. Tulevaisuuden tiede ei kuitenkaan ole taloustiede vaan kognitiotiede, jonka Helsingin yliopisto lakkauttaa vuoteen 2023 mennessä – kriittisellä hetkellä ihmiskunnan kaivatessa älyllisen toiminnan ymmärtämiseen tähtäävää tiedettä enemmän kuin koskaan.
Tekoäly tulee ja tappaa.
Ja ensimmäinen uhri on jo tiedossa: department's Project Maven uses machine learning to go through drone video feeds but that's just the beginning, Air Force Lt. Gen. Jack Shanahan said.
With artificial intelligence set to revolutionize how the military runs surveillance missions around the world, one top Defense Department official hopes to bring intelligent systems to the Pentagon’s efforts both on and off the battlefield.
As director of defense intelligence for warfighter support, Air Force Lt. Gen Jack Shanahan spearheaded Project Maven, a Pentagon initiative to rapidly turn drone surveillance footage into useful intelligence through machine learning. The tool is scheduled to launch by the end of the year.