Korean Sota Osa II ?

Korea has followed up last week’s reported test of a North Korean land-attack cruise missile by announcing a raft of new weapons of its own, including what it describes as a “high-power” ballistic missile able to carry a heavier warhead than previous weapons. Also revealed today was a supersonic anti-ship cruise missile, which has also been successfully tested, and which apparently features a ramjet propulsion system. These were just part of a flurry of new details about South Korean missile developments, also including a new air-launched long-range cruise missile, while Seoul’s previously disclosed submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) is now reported to have completed a full launch sequence.

Official videos were released today showing South Korea’s new ballistic missile, anti-ship cruise missile, and air-launched cruise missile. The disclosure of these South Korean missiles, and the recently announced tests, are the latest in a series of weapons developments on the peninsula in recent weeks, including underwater ejection tests from the same submarine announced earlier this month. Successful testing of North Korea’s new land-attack cruise missile was announced two days ago, and you can read more about its implications here. Meanwhile, only hours before Seoul announced its new weapons, North Korea launched two short-range ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan.

On Thursday morning, North Korean state media boasted that its ballistic missiles had been launched from a train, another novel addition to the isolated nation’s growing arsenal. The “railway mobile missiles system” throws another wrench in the U.S. and South Korea’s efforts to monitor and detect the nation’s missiles.
Totta kait, siellä on varmasti suuri joukko patavanhoillisia konservatiiveja jotka eivät missään nimessä halua kehittyä. On vain PK ja muu maailma. En olisi yhtään yllättänyt jos osa niistä on vahvasti liitoksissa Kiinan systeemiin.

Ja vielä isompi joukko eliitin jäseniä joilla on oikeasti jotakin menetettävää, eikä oikein toiveita eläkkeestä jos maassa tapahtuu suuria muutoksia.
Pohjois-Korean mukaan sen tiistaisessa ohjuskokeessa testattiin hypersoonista ohjusta.

Pohjois-Korean valtiollisen uutistoimiston KCNA:n mukaan kyseessä on ”strateginen ase”, jolla lisätään Pohjois-Korean puolustuskykyä.

Talks between Pyongyang and Washington have been at a standstill since the collapse of the February 2019 Hanoi summit between Kim and then-president Donald Trump over what the North would be willing to give up in return for sanctions relief.

Under Joe Biden, the US has repeatedly offered to meet North Korean representatives anywhere, at any time, without preconditions, while saying it will pursue denuclearisation.

But Kim condemned the declarations as “nothing more than a facade to mask their deception and hostile acts and an extension of hostile policy from past administrations”, the official Rodong Sinmun newspaper reported.

Kim also said South Korea “still follows the US,” and that “mutual respect must be guaranteed and unfair views and double standards attitude dropped” before the countries could declare an official end to the 1950-53 Korean war, which ended with a truce but not a peace treaty.

Nonetheless, he expressed a willingness to restore North-South telephone and fax lines in early October, while urging Seoul to abandon its “double-dealing attitude” and “hostile viewpoint”. Inter-Korean relations, he said, were at a “crossroads of serious choices” between reconciliation and a “vicious cycle of confrontation”.
It has taken weeks of discussions to get an interview with him, and he's still worried about who might be listening. He wears dark glasses for the camera, and only two of our team know what we think is his real name.

Mr Kim spent 30 years working his way to the top ranks of North Korea's powerful spy agencies. The agencies were the "eyes, ears, and brains of the Supreme Leader", he says.

He claims he kept their secrets, sent assassins to kill their critics, and even built an illegal drugs-lab to help raise "revolutionary" funds.

Now, the former senior colonel has decided to tell his story to the BBC. It's the first time such a senior military officer from Pyongyang has given an interview to a major broadcaster.

"In North Korea, even when a road is built, it cannot be done without the direct approval of the Supreme Leader. The sinking of the Cheonan and the shelling of Yeongpyeong Island are not a thing that could be carried out by subordinates.

"This kind of military work is designed and implemented by Kim Jong-un's special orders. It's an achievement."
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un reviewed a rare exhibition of weapons systems and vowed to build an “invincible” military, as he accused the United States of being the “root cause” of instability.

In an apparent continued effort to drive a wedge between Washington and Seoul, Kim also said his drive to build up his military isn’t targeted at South Korea and that there shouldn’t be another war pitting Korean people against each other.

Kim gave the speech Monday at the “Defense Development Exhibition Self-Defense-2021”, an event meant to mark the previous day’s 76th birthday of the ruling Workers’ party. South Korean media reported it was the first such event held by North Korea.

Calling the United States a “source” of instability on the Korean peninsula, Kim said his country’s most important objective was possessing an “invincible military capability” that no one can dare challenge.

The Biden administration has repeatedly stated it has no hostile intent towards the North, but Kim told the exhibition: “I am very curious if there are people or countries who believe that.”

“There is no basis in their actions for believing that it is not hostile,” he added, according to state media.

Tuntuu että Kim haluaisi olla tekemisissä EKn kanssa, mutta hän ei näe linnastansa että jenkit eivät ole suuri vaikuttaja etelä naapurissa. He ovat siellä koska YK mandaatti ja sotaa ei ole koskaan saatu päätökseen. Voin vain odottaa että heidän muurinsa tulee alas ja PK sulautuu suur koreaan kuten saksoilla kävi aikoinaan.
The Chinese box office is currently inundated with praise for a Chinese-centric tale of the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir- one that may be stretching the truth a little more than is generally considered acceptable.

The $200 million film, which runs three hours in length, is titled “The Battle at Lake Changjin” and has grossed $769 million in local revenue since its release three weeks ago.

The story covers the 1950 Battle of Chosin Resevoir, a 17-day battle in which the People’s Republic of China made their entry into the Korean War.

Unfortunately, that’s about where the story ends in terms of historical realism.
The U.S. and the Republic of Korea are expected to announce this week they will begin writing a new war plan for North Korea that takes into account Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile launch advances, two U.S. senior defense officials said Tuesday.

At their annual Security Consultative Meeting in Seoul on Thursday, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Republic of Korea Defense Minister Suh Wook will announce new strategic planning guidance “to start the process of developing a new operational war plan,” said one of the officials, who briefed reporters traveling with Austin to Seoul.

“The DPRK has advanced its capabilities. The strategic environment has changed over the past few years,” the official said. “It’s appropriate and necessary that we have an OPLAN that is updated.”

The officials noted that the current war plan for North Korea is around 10 years old. While the upcoming revision was not prompted by any immediate threat, “we have seen, certainly, advances in North Korean capabilities, particularly with respect to missile delivery capability. That is one set of issues that a new OPLAN would need to address,” the first official said.

The new war plan will also take into account South Korea’s recent military advancements “and their ability to contribute to the plan” to counter North Korea, the second official said.

Since September, the North has conducted a cruise missile test; a rail-launched short-range ballistic missile test; a reported hypersonic glide vehicle test; and a submarine-launched ballistic missile test, the officials noted.

“We’re obviously in a period of somewhat heightened tensions,” the first official said.

The release of strategic planning guidance directing a new OPLAN “will inaugurate an extensive and intensive effort where we review all of our assumptions, objectives, and end states with our ROK allies,” the first official said.


Pohjois-Korean jättiläismäisellä armeijalla on maailmanluokassakin poikkeuksellisen massiivinen joukko – noin 200 000 erikoisoperaatiosotilasta.
Kovin paljoa näistä joukoista ei tiedetä, mutta varmasti erikoisyksiköt ovat saaneet erityisen vahvan poliittisen koulutuksen, maan mittatikulla katsottuna ravinto ja terveydenhuolto lienee huolehdittu ensiluokkaisesti ja sotilaskoulutus on ollut vaativaa.

Erikoisoperaatiojoukot ovat tärkeässä roolissa armeijan doktriinissa, jonka mukaan on pyrittävä hyökkäämään vihollisen kohteita vastaan samanaikaisesti useilla eri asejärjestelmillä ja menetelmillä.
Pohjois-Korean erikoisoperaatiodoktriini korostaa nopeutta ja yllätystä. Erikoisjoukoilla on kaksi strategista tehtävää: soluttautua Etelä-Koreaan ja taistella konventionaalisin välinein sekä käydä epätavanomaista sodankäyntiä ja toteuttaa tuholaistoimintaa Yhdysvaltain ja Etelä-Korean selustassa.
Lisäksi tehtävänä on vastaerikoisjoukkotoiminta Yhdysvaltain tai Etelä-Korean erikoisjoukkoja vastaan.

Jos täysimittainen sota syttyisi, Pohjois-Korea pyrkisi nopeasti ylittämään demilitarisoidun vyöhykkeen ja etenemään syvälle Etelä-Koreaan.
Erikoisjoukot harjoittaisivat epätavanomaista sodankäyntiä selustassa ja hyökkäisivät esikuntia, huoltoa, komentopaikkoja ja muita merkittäviä kohteita vastaan.

Pohjois-Korean erikoisjoukot “olisivat kova vihollinen”, jos sota syttyisi, Etelä-Koreassa palvellut entinen yhdysvaltalainen erikoisjoukkojen edustaja arvioi.
Kim Jong Unin hallinto on kasvattanut henkilökulttia joukkojen ja sotilaseliitin julkisten uskollisuuslupausten myötä.
“Meillä on tekninen etu, ilma-aseemme ja ohjusarsenaalimme voivat pommittaa heidät takaisin kivikaudelle, mutta he tulevat taistelemaan johtajansa puolesta”, entinen vihreä baretti toteaa.
“He ovat syntymästään asti kasvatettu tässä kulttiympäristössä, jossa ylin johtaja on heidän “jumalansa”. He ovat fanaattisia ja kovia.
Korean talvet eivät ole vitsi, ja nämä kaverit on koulutettu selviytymään ja toimimaan kaikissa alueen olosuhteissa. He taistelevat viimeiseen mieheen asti.”
North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un has said the faltering economy will be the national priority this year as the country faces a "great life-and-death struggle".

He was speaking at the end of a key ruling party meeting, which coincides with him being in power for 10 years.

A self-imposed coronavirus blockade has left North Korea struggling with food shortages.
There was no direct mention of the US or South Korea in his speech.

Mr Kim said increasing development and improving people's living standards was the main task.
He acknowledged the "harsh situation" in 2021 and and set "an important task for making radical progress in solving the food, clothing and housing problem for the people", the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported.

He said battling the pandemic was one of the main goals for the coming year: "Emergency epidemic prevention work should be made a top priority in the state work," he is quoted as saying by KCNA.