Korean Sota Osa II ?

Onko ne yhä kaartin käytössä vai mitä ihmettä? Eikö merivoimat luopuneet niistä? Aktiivikäytössä?
Eiköhän ihan harrastajien käytössä jossain museossa tai jotain. Tuttu vaan kertoi, että Tomcat lensi. Olen siis hänen tietojen varassa. Toisaalta siinä videossa minkä linkkasin toisaalla näkyi myös Tomcat.
Eiköhän ihan harrastajien käytössä jossain museossa tai jotain. Tuttu vaan kertoi, että Tomcat lensi. Olen siis hänen tietojen varassa. Toisaalta siinä videossa minkä linkkasin toisaalla näkyi myös Tomcat.

Oma ymmärrykseni on, että kaikki Tomcatit stenattiin, ettei niitä päädy välikäsien kautta Iraniin.
Japan appreciates President Trump’s decision to make the North Korea nuclear threat a priority national security issue. For years, Japan has been living with this existential nuclear threat from North Korea. Now, the U.S. is seized with the reality that North Korea will soon become an existential nuclear threat to the U.S. The progress North Korea continues to make with its missile programs, definitely to include the recent Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) successes, with a mobile, solid fuel missile capable of reaching Guam, has correctly focused attention on the need to get North Korea to halt these missile launches and return to negotiations, ideally before they launch an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) capable of reaching the U.S.

Japan is supportive of President Trump’s strategy of “putting all options on the table.” Their preference would be returning to negotiations and getting China to use more of its leverage with North Korea to accomplish this goal. China’s decision to cease importing coal from North Korea in 2017 was movement in that direction. Another card available to China is the crude oil they provide to North Korea. Any reduction in the amount of oil China provides to North Korea would have immediate impact on the North’s economy and its ability to sustain its very vulnerable infrastructure.

A return to negotiations, however, must not only focus on halting North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs, it must also focus on our principal objective: Complete and verifiable denuclearization. There is a sense, and only a sense, that North Korea may believe that the progress they’ve made with its nuclear and missile programs has conditioned the international community to view a halt in these programs as the only realistic obtainable objective. Thus North Korea would retain its nuclear weapons and be accepted as a nuclear weapons state, albeit with a limited and capped nuclear weapons capability.

AUSTRALIA has placed more sanctions on North Korean officials as the regime continues to develop its nuclear capabilities.

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop placed another five individuals associated with the regime’s missile and weapons of mass destruction programs under travel bans and financial sanctions today.

Three of the officials live in China, one lives in Russia and another lives in Vietnam.

It comes as Malcolm Turnbull urged China to ‘rein in’ North Korea ahead of his biggest defence speech as prime minister.
North Korea asserted Tuesday that it has developed a means to strike moving targets at sea with precision. The capability was validated during a recent missile test conducted yesterday (Monday) when Pyongyang tested an upgraded Hwasong-7 (Scud-ER) type missile equipped with trajectory correction and Maneuvering Reentry Vehicle (MaRV), transforming the ballistic missile into ‘precision-guided’ one.

The rocket, fired from the country’s east coast early Monday morning, traveled around 450 kilometers to splash into the East Sea, according to the South Korean military. The North said it has halved the range for the test. It means the missile’s actual range is similar to a Scud-ER (extended range) at about 1,000 km.

According to official sources, the upgraded missile is capable striking targets at sea or on land, including warships. North Korea is pursuing such capability for a long time, in an effort to negate the US capability to strike from the sea. However, missile experts are doubtful whether the upgraded Scud-ER will be able to target a ship-size target at sea. It could, however, be accurate enough to target naval and air bases with reasonable precision.

The North’s Nodong mid-range missiles are known to have an accuracy of 2,000 – 3,000 meters when flown over 1,000 km. A Scud missile would hit 450 to 1,000 meters from its target, after flying 300 km. China’s DF-21D Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile (ASBM) reportedly has a CEP of 30-40 meters. Another improvement claimed by Pyongyang was the reduction in the pre-launch process, achieved by implementing automated processes.
Yhdysvaltain puolustusministeri James Mattis vetosi Kiinaan, jotta maa ymmärtäisi Pohjois-Korean tilanteen vaarallisuuden. Mattis puhui turvallisuuspolitiikkaa käsittelevässä konferenssissa Singaporessa.

– Uskomme Kiinan lopulta hyväksyvän sen tosiasian, että Pohjois-Korea on strateginen vaaratekijä, ei kilpailuvaltti, hän sanoi.

Kiina äänesti yöllä Suomen aikaa YK:n turvallisuusneuvostossa uusien Pohjois-Korean vastaisten pakotteiden puolesta, mutta esti Yhdysvaltojen ajamat uudet tiukemmat pakotteet.

Yhdysvallat ja Kiina ovat neuvotelleet tiukemmista pakotteista useita viikkoja. Yhdysvallat on huolissaan, että Pohjois-Korea kehittää mannertenvälisten ydinohjuksen, jolla se kykenee iskemään maahan.

Puheessaan Singaporessa Mattis myös arvosteli Kiinaa kovasanaisesti sen sotilastoimista Etelä-Kiinan merellä.

– Yhdysvallat vastustaa maita, jotka militarisoivat keinotekoisia saaria ja vaativat itselleen suurempia merialueita kuin mitä kansainvälinen laki sallii. Emme aio hyväksyä yksipuolisia muutoksia vallitsevaan tilanteeseen, hän sanoi viitaten Kiinaan.

Mattis myös vannoi Yhdysvaltojen jatkavan strategista läsnäoloaan Aasiassa ja Tyynenmeren alueella. Hän lupasi Yhdysvaltojen keskittävän 60 prosenttia sen ilmavoimien kapasiteetistä alueelle. Samalla Mattis vaati kuitenkin alueen maita panostamaan riittävästi omaan turvallisuuteensa.
North Korea has fired a volley of what appeared to be land-to-ship missiles, hours after a senior US official said the regime’s recent advances in missile technology were causing “great concern” in Washington.

South Korea’s joint chiefs of staff said several missiles – which are not thought to be ballistic – were launched from the North Korean eastern coastal town of Wonsan on Thursday morning.

They flew an estimated 200km and were intended to demonstrate the North’s ability to target a large enemy warship, the South Korean military said.

The salvo was aimed at an area in the Sea of Japan recently visited by two US aircraft carriers, the USS Carl Vinson and USS Ronald Reagan. The vessels left the area earlier this week after conducting joint manoeuvres with South Korean and Japanese forces.

“North Korea likely wanted to show off its ability to precisely target a large warship, in relation to the joint military drills involving US aircraft carriers,” Roh Jae-cheon, South Korea’s joint chiefs of staff spokesman, told reporters. “By testing different types of missiles, North Korea also appears to be aiming to secure the upper hand in relations with South Korea and the United States.”
kaksoiskansalainen jakaa kokemuksiaan EKn armeijasta. Simputus on hänen mukaan normi käytäntö.

kaksoiskansalainen jakaa kokemuksiaan EKn armeijasta. Simputus on hänen mukaan normi käytäntö.

Tämän takia monet vanhemmat haluavat lapsensa pääsevan KATUSA-ohjelmaan (Korean Augmentation To the US Army), sillä asenteet ovat rennompia, mutta vaatimukset varsin kovat. Muutamaan korealaiseen törmännyt, vihasivat aikaansa armeijassa niin paljon että se lähenteli pyhyyttä. Yksi oli tosin merijalkaväessä, jossa kuulemma isoimmat paskat nousevat aina pinnalle, kovaa porukkaa kun ovat.
An American college student who was imprisoned in North Korea and returned to his home state of Ohio in a coma has a severe brain injury and is in a state of “unresponsive wakefulness”, according to doctors who are treating him.

Otto Warmbier, 22, who arrived in the United States on Tuesday, is stable but “shows no sign of understanding language, responding to verbal commands or awareness of his surrounding”, said Dr Daniel Kanter, medical director of the neuroscience intensive care unit at the University of Cincinnati.

“He has not spoken,” Kanter said at a press conference. “He has not engaged in any purposeful movements or behaviors.” He said Warmbier was breathing on his own.

Earlier, his father, Fred Warmbier, said he did not believe North Korea’s explanation that the coma resulted from botulism and a sleeping pill. He said there was no reason for North Korea to keep his son’s condition a secret and deny him top medical care.

Fred Warmbier called his son’s return bittersweet.

“Relief that Otto is now home in arms of those who love him and anger that he was so brutally treated for so long,” he said at a news conference at Wyoming high school, where Warmbier graduated in 2013 as class salutatorian and played soccer.

Fred Warmbier told told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Wednesday that Otto had been “terrorized and brutalized” during his 17-month detention and had been in a coma for more than a year.