New Yorkin kuvernöörin mielestä positiivisen tuloksen vasta-ainetestistä antaneiden tulisi antaa palata töihin. Minusta Suomessa tulisi harkita samaa, eikä vain töiden osalta, vaan näiden ihmisten tulisi antaa palata normaaliin elämään muutoinkin - tietysti olettaen, että taudin sairastuminen antaa edes joksikin aikaa immuniteetin ja että he eivät enää levitä tautia.
Governor Andrew Cuomo, of New York, has advocated for widespread blood tests as a way for restarting the economy in a way that is consistent with a responsible public-health strategy. “I believe, once we get that test, you’re going to find hundreds of thousands of people who have had the coronavirus and resolved. Let the younger people go back to work. Let the recovered people go back to work.”
Governor Andrew Cuomo, of New York, has advocated for widespread blood tests as a way for restarting the economy in a way that is consistent with a responsible public-health strategy. “I believe, once we get that test, you’re going to find hundreds of thousands of people who have had the coronavirus and resolved. Let the younger people go back to work. Let the recovered people go back to work.”

Can Survivors of the Coronavirus Help Cure the Disease and Rescue the Economy?
An ever-expanding group of people who have been infected and recovered could provide invaluable antibodies for COVID-19 patients and return to work.