Mä oon käyny pubmedissa nyt filttereillä Randomized trial, meta-analysis ja systematic revieweja läpi 2021 hakusanallalla facemasks covid19. Vois käydä cochranen ja muiden tutkimuksia myös tänään läpi vuodelta 2021 kun dataa on kerätty.
Otetaan vaikka 5-10 ekaa tutkimusta:
when the mask efficacy is at 95%, the R0 can fall to 0.99 from an initial value of 16.90. Levels of mask filtration efficiency were heterogeneous, depending on the materials used (
surgical mask: 45–97%). One laboratory study suggested a viral load reduction of 0.25 (95% CI 0.09–0.67) in favor of mask vs. no mask.
Eighteen studies that fulfilled the selection criteria were included.
There is high certainty that the use of N95 respirators and
surgical masks is associated with a reduced risk of COVID-19 when compared with no mask use.
Review, level II.
with a 46% reduction to a 23% increase in infection. The recommendation to wear surgical masks to supplement other public health measures did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate among wearers by more than 50% in a community ://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7835129/
Results: After eligibility assessment, four articles with a total of 7688 participants were included in this meta-analysis
. The result of this meta-analysis has shown significant reduction in infection with face mask use; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33205991/
There are significant differences in preventive efficacy among current rPPE. Our result suggests that continuous wearing of N95 respirators on the whole shift can serve as the best preventive rPPE for HCWs from the VRID. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33360295/
Use of gloves, gown, surgical mask, N95 respirator, face protection, and infection training were each strongly protective against infection. Meta-regression
showed reduced infection risk in frontline HCWs working in facilities with infection designated wards
MGB is the largest healthcare system in Massachusetts, with 12 hospitals and more than 75,000 HCWs. The multipronged infection reduction strategy involved systematic testing of symptomatic HCWs and universal masking of all HCWs and patients. T
he study reported a clear control of the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate among HCWs associated with hospital masking, suggesting a decrease in transmission among HCWs and between patients and HCWs
Koko ajan rupee tulee enemmän ja enemmän dataa maskien hyödyistä. Miten esim keväällä 2020 ois voinukkaan olla dataa koronan ehkäsystä maskien avulla? Se ei enää taida olla mielipide asia ja tuntemus, että maskeilla ei ole hyötyä. Kun kattoo brutaalin objektiivisesti ilman tunteita tai ennakko käsitystä aiheesta, Se vaan näyttää kääntyvän koko ajan enemmän ja enemmän hyödyn suuntaan. Ja tämä trendi on johdonmukainen. Sillä ei taida enää olla hevonvtun merkitystä kenenkään fiiliksestä tai tuntemuksista tai mielipiteestä.