Hyvä kolumni Ukkolalta:
Miksi valtiot, tiedeyhteisö ja todennäköisesti jokainen sinua koskaan hoitanut lääkäri suosittelee sinulle rokotetta? Ovatko he kaikki osa jotain salaliittoa, jonka tarkoitus on vahingoittaa sinua, kysyy Iltalehden kolumnisti Sanna Ukkola.
Lainaus Ukkolan artikkelista:
"Lääkärit, valtiot ja tartuntatautiviranomaiset eivät ikinä suosittelisi koronarokotetta, elleivät ne katsoisi, että hyödyt selvästi ylittävät haitat. Niillä on asiasta paras mahdollinen tieto ja myös kyky tulkita dataa."
Brittien ja saksalaisten rokotteista suosituksia antavat viralliset asiantuntijaelimet (JCVI ja STIKO) eivät suosittele perusterveiden lasten koronarokotuksia.
Brittihallitus on 19.7.2021 hyväksynyt JCVI:n suosituksen, jossa määrittävät tarkasti ne 12-17 -vuotiaiden riskiryhmät, joille tulee antaa Pfizer-Biontech:in mRNA-koronarokotus. Kuitenkin saman, bittihallituksen hyväksymän suosituksen mukaan
perusterveitä 12-17 -vuotiaita ei rokoteta, KOSKA RISKI ON SUUREMPI KUIN SAAVUTETTAVA HYÖTY.
COVID-19 vaccination for children and young people
On 19 July 2021, Ministers in each of the UK’s governments announced that they had accepted advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) on COVID-19 vaccination in children and young people aged 12 to 17 years."
What about other children and young people not covered by this advice?
Most children are at minimal risk of being made seriously ill by COVID-19. Having looked at the available international data, and considered the direct and indirect benefits (such as education), the JCVI has weighed in the balance the benefit to children over 12 of being vaccinated against the very small but important risk of potential side effects from the vaccine.
It has decided that for children who are otherwise healthy, the risk is not outweighed by the benefit."
Lisäksi Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health on laatinut asiasta seuraavan tiedotteen:
RCPCH response to JCVI advice regarding children and COVID-19 vaccination
19 July 2021
Media & Campaigns team
The RCPCH responds to the Government announcement that they have accepted the advice of the Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisations (JCVI) regarding children and young people and COVID-19 vaccination.
The Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunisation (JCVI) has deliberated on an extremely complex issue and we are grateful for their expertise and the many hours that members of the committee have given to these difficult questions.
We are very pleased that all four UK Governments have now accepted the advice of this expert group (which contains a number of paediatricians) - advice which was made available to Government some weeks ago.
The JCVI advice reiterates what the evidence tells us - that most children are at minimal risk of being made seriously ill by COVID. Having looked at the available national and international data, the Committee has weighed in the balance the benefit to children over 12 of being vaccinated, against the very small but important risk of potential side effects from the vaccine. They have decided that for children who are otherwise healthy, the risk is not outweighed by the benefit.
The Committee has, however, specified that some specific groups of children and young people aged 12 and over are at increased risk of hospitalisation from COVID and have recommended that these children be offered the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, the only vaccine authorised by the MHRA for 12-17-year-olds in the UK. Clarity and more detail about who exactly will be included in these groups is required as a matter of urgency both for families and also for paediatricians and primary care professionals who will inevitably be asked for advice from patients and their parents or carers.
The JCVI has also noted that some children and young people, although not in these at-risk groups, may wish to have the vaccine in order to protect household members who are immune-suppressed. Provided they have proper information to make a decision, we believe children’s wishes to protect those with whom they live, should be listened to and respected.
It is extremely important that as many adults as possible are vaccinated and it is good to see the addition to the vaccination programme of those who will turn 18 in the next three months.
Governments and the NHS must move quickly to ensure that much needed guidance, information and resources are made available to professionals, patients, parents or carers, so that there is informed implementation of this next stage of the vaccination programme.
Saksan JCVI:tä vastaava asiantuntijoista koostuva toimielin STIKO ei myöskään suosittele perusterveiden lasten koronarokottamista. Deutsche Welle toteaa asiasta:
"Germany: Top vaccine advisory body STIKO holds off endorsing vaccine for teens
The expert body, which advises the German government on vaccines, has so far not endorsed inoculating teens with the COVID vaccine. The announcement places it at loggerheads with German politicians.
The head of Germany's Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) has again defended the advisory group's decision to not endorse the vaccination of teens. "We cannot issue a blanket recommendation as long as we are
lacking the necessary [medical] data," Thomas Mertens recently said in an interview.
So far, he said, there was insufficient data regarding potential health issues linked to vaccinating 12 to 17-year-olds. Mertens added that STIKO may eventually change its view and endorse teen vaccinations.
But it would not do so, he said, because politicians are calling for this step."
Paskaa pukkasi taas, pahoittelen, mutta tuon Ukkolan kommentin jälkeen ei voinut estää kun joku vitun järki kai näissäkin hommissa pitäisi olla.
EDIT: loivennetaan sen verran, että kuten korjasinkin jo edellisen sivun vuodatukseeni, niin brittien JCVI julkisti 4.8.2021 muutoksen 19.7.2021 julkilausumaansa niin, että suositteli 16-17-vuotiaiden perusterveiden lasten rokottamisesta Pfizer-Biontech:in ensimmäisellä annoksella sillä aikaa, kun pohtii pitäisikö antaa sitten myöhemmin se toinenkin annos... mutta ei sen nuoremmille perusterveille.