Kritiikkiä Luonaa ja Voutilaisen Paavoa kohtaan.
Vaikuttaisi siltä, että asyylin hakijat eivät ole olleet tyytyväisiä saamaansa kohteluun.
“Luona isn’t interested in the welfare of the asylum seekers but in maximizing profits,” a source said. “The job of those that work for the company is to not inform and help these asylum seekers but ensure that they remain passive and don’t cause any trouble.”
The source claimed that those asylum seekers that start demanding their rights or complain too much are transferred to other reception centers “for security reasons” as Mohamed Saleh Muhsi’s case proves.
Not only does Luona economize on the backs of the asylum seekers they are supposed to serve, the company doesn’t even bother to offer them minimal information about the law and social customs of Finland. “Asylum seekers have to figure out almost everything by themselves, even how to shop and where to buy bus tickets,” the source continued. “There are no talks given to men about what sexual harassment is since it costs money.”
Lisäksi moitteita tulee ammattitaidottomalle henkilökunnalle ja näiden rasistisille asenteille.
“Some employees show their dislike of asylum seekers and make it clear to them with their attitude and treatment that they aren’t welcome in Finland or at the reception center,” the source continued. “This type of behavior is not only reinforced by the management but by the anti-immigration atmosphere in Finland, arson attacks against other centers and the racism you find too commonly on social media.”
Lisäksi Paavo tarjoaa asukkaille paskaa ruokaa.
Tuohan on suorastaan ilosanoma. Siis, heitä ei paapota kovin paljon enempää, kuin kantista. Heidän uskontoaan ei pidetä ainoana oikeana maailmassa, eikä rotua. Ja ruokakin samaa, mitä Suomalaisetkin syövät.