PV:n videot

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4 päivää sitten
Thanks for you comments! We appreciate your insights and have been following your channel for some time now. Just a couple of things we thought should be clarified though. This is not a recruitment video. This is actually just a small part of an educational package for the FDF conscripts aimed to give them a glimpse about what it COULD look like if Finland would be drawn to war. No Hollywood here, just pretty realistic shots of the action. Recruitment is not an issue in the Finnish Defence Forces since we have a conscription based system. That system actually provides the FDF with first grade, professional level personnel for peace and war time service. The war time personnel is highly educated (including the officers, NCO’s and rank and file): practically everyone in the war time roster has a higher or vocational training. The reserve troops are getting refreshment training in a constant cycle to keep the FDF ready at all times. This creates a fighting force that is highly versatile and cohesive, with every member being able to take the initiative if necessary. A force comprised of real, intelligent and capable citizen soldiers who are defending their homes and families and take this responsibility seriously. That ”Home Depo” scene is pretty accurate. Those guys are actually trained reservist who are getting back to military setting. After they get their gear sorted out they set it up and start the refresher training with their unit. No need to yell at their faces either: They’re grown up men and women who know what they are doing and what’s at stake here. It is definitely not an insult to be called a conscript. The case is quite the contrary with the conscript readiness units: the members of the units are volunteers. The units are equipped and trained to be rapidly deployed to counter ”rapid changes in the security environment”. The fact that they are mentioned means that stuff just got serious. The Defence Forces also traditionally has a high approval rating within the population, 82% in the last poll in 2019. Part of this is very likely because of the conscription system. Roughly 75% of the male population and a constantly rising number of volunteer women complete their military service. This means that practically every family has had their members serve in the military at some point in time. There’s really no need to argue about the taxes spend for the national defence as everyone basically understands why it is necessary. That also means that there are no stolen valor village idiots, as you called them, in Finland You see people in military uniform on public places daily. You’re spot on with the hurry up and wait phase being missing from this movie. We’re trying to address that element as well as other not so sexy parts of the military in our channel videos. In this case it wouldn’t been practical: Wouldn’t want the the film to be 4 hours long. Oh yeah, about the Day-Night thing: It actually doesn’t get dark during the summer here in the north. During the winter months on the other hand, it’s pretty dark no matter what time of the day it is, so we got some experience on fighting in the dark too
Tässä ketjussa on puhuttu, että PVMoodlesta löytyisi Tulikaste 2020 -video. Mistäköhän kurssista se video oikein löytyy? Ja onko kyseinen kurssi edes avoin normaalille portaaliin rekisteröityneelle reserviläiselle? Vai pääseekö ko. videon sisältävään kurssiin sisälle ainoastaan jonkun maakuntakomppanian tai MPK:n kutsusta?

Tulikaste on pvmoodlessa taistelukenttä 2020 -kurssin alla: https://www.pvmoodle.fi/course/view.php?id=7445, siinä on lyhyt visailutyyppinen testi mukana. En tiedä onko muualla ns. yleisessä jaossa.
Yleensä sanotaan kun ollaan kateellisia toisen hommasta, että " se saa tosta vielä palkkaa". Kun itse taas maksaisi, jotta voisi olla mukana.
Vaikka en olisi pystynyt edes 30 vuotta sitten, mutta kivan näköistä. Heh, heh