Ei pelkästään poliorokoteesta kyse vaan useita muitakinMaksumuurin takana. Mutta jos asia tosiaan tarkoittaa sitä, että poliorokotukset jenkkilässä lopetettaisiin, niin samalla kertaa loppuisi myös matkustajaliikenne EU:n ja jenkkien välillä. KAIKKI matkustajaliikenne. Sitäkö ne haluavat?

RFK Jr key adviser petitioned regulators to revoke approval of polio vaccine
Aaron Siri is helping Trump’s health secretary pick to select top jobs despite long history of attacking vaccines
A key legal adviser to Robert Kennedy Jr, Donald Trump’s pick for health secretary, is at the center of efforts to push federal drug regulators to revoke approval for the polio and hepatitis B vaccines and block distribution of 13 other critical vaccines.
Syvällä autismisalaliittoteorioissa
Trump said this week that Kennedy may investigate vaccines for a supposed link with autism. The remark to NBC suggests that his pick for health secretary may run with the conspiracy theory that there is a connection between childhood vaccinations and autism that has been thoroughly debunked yet is repeatedly peddled by Kennedy.