Ei muuta kun EU-joukot Grönlantiin. Jos nyt jotenkin haluaa tästä hakea sitä positiivista näkökulmaa, niin ehkä nyt vihdoinkin saadaan sille EU Battlegroupille käyttöä. Eikä tarvi edes mennä EU-alueen ulkopuolelle! Vai oliko se sittenkin siinä rajalla?
Noh, joka tapauksessa Le Monde tietää kertoa:
"EU troops
The European Union's top military official said Saturday said troops from EU countries could be based in Greenland. "In my view, it would make perfect sense not only to station US forces in Greenland, as is currently the case, but also to consider stationing EU soldiers there," Robert Brieger, chairman of the European Union Military Committee told German newspaper Welt am Sonntag.
France's Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot did not rule out the possibility of European troops in Greenland. "Why not, since it is a matter of security," Barrot told Sud Radio on Tuesday. He stressed however that "that is not the wish expressed by Denmark, but it is a possibility.""
Tässähän alkaa Euroopalla olemaan olo kuin Albanialla, jonka ulkopolitiikka laatulehti Pahkasian mukaan lähti siitä, ettei sillä ole, tai tule, olemaan ulkomailla muita kuin vihollisia.
Noh, joka tapauksessa Le Monde tietää kertoa:
"EU troops
The European Union's top military official said Saturday said troops from EU countries could be based in Greenland. "In my view, it would make perfect sense not only to station US forces in Greenland, as is currently the case, but also to consider stationing EU soldiers there," Robert Brieger, chairman of the European Union Military Committee told German newspaper Welt am Sonntag.
France's Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot did not rule out the possibility of European troops in Greenland. "Why not, since it is a matter of security," Barrot told Sud Radio on Tuesday. He stressed however that "that is not the wish expressed by Denmark, but it is a possibility.""
Tässähän alkaa Euroopalla olemaan olo kuin Albanialla, jonka ulkopolitiikka laatulehti Pahkasian mukaan lähti siitä, ettei sillä ole, tai tule, olemaan ulkomailla muita kuin vihollisia.