Ei se aivan noin mene. Amerikan farmareiden kantti petti jo lähtöviivalle. Lihavointi minun.
Tuo on taistelu, jota ei olisi kannattanut edes aloittaa, koska siinä ei ole voittajia.
“Farmers and ranchers are concerned with the decision to impose increased tariffs on imports from Canada, Mexico and China - our top trading partners. Last year, the U.S. exported more than $83 billion in agricultural products to the three countries.
Approximately 85% of our total potash supply – a key ingredient in fertilizer – is imported from Canada. For the third straight year, farmers are losing money on almost every major crop planted. Adding even more costs and
reducing markets for American agricultural goods could create an economic burden some farmers may not be able to bear.
“We ask the president to continue working with our international partners to find ways to resolve disagreements quickly, so farmers can focus on feeding families in America and abroad.”