Onneksi Mattiksella on Pentagonissa seuraa sotilaista. Hän on nimittäin tähän mennessä Pentagonin ainoa virkaan nimitetty ja vahvistettu virkamies.
Kaiken kaikkiaan Trumpin hallinnon pitäisi vielä saada nimitettyä eri virkoihin yli 500 uutta virkamiestä. Nyt niitä hoitavat Obaman hallinnon tyypit tai viransijaiset (virastojen korkeat ei-poliittiset virkamiehet etc)
After 2 months, Mattis is the only Trump pick at the Pentagon
Tässä vähän lisää taustatietoja, mistä tuo onnettoman hidas eteneminen johtuu. Trumpin tiimi tappelee sisäisesti verissä päin. Mattis uhkasi lähteä jo lätkimään.
Sources: Mattis, Ricardel clashed over Pentagon appointees
Since President Donald Trump took office, there have been reports that Mattis has clashed with the White House team over appointees. Those who back Mattis, the only Senate-confirmed appointee at DoD, have put the blame squarely on the White House, saying the Trump team is blocking qualified nominees out of a political ideological test.
Those inside the White House, meanwhile, point out that the president has the right to pick people who share his worldview in top spots of his administration — and see no reason why they should give jobs to individuals who slammed the president over the course of the long 2016 election.
Sources who support Mattis have grown increasingly vocal about frustrations with Mira Ricardel, a top defense voice on the Trump campaign who also served as a part of the defense transition team for the administration. Ricardel is positioned at the Office of Presidential Personnel and has been a vital part of the nominee review process, including conducting personal interviews with perspective nominees.
A number of sources, including one inside the administration, said Mattis and Ricardel have directly clashed over nominees. Two of those sources speculated that Ricardel had hoped for a Pentagon position when the transition ended, perhaps as the undersecretary of defense for policy.
But where supporters of Mattis see Ricardel as a roadblock to progress, those on the Trump team view her as a loyal soldier who is looking out for the interests of the President.
“She’s extremely well respected and liked at the White House,” one administration source said. “The White House thinks she’s done great work in a difficult situation."
It now appears Ricardel will be moving out of the OPP position soon. The administration source said she is in line for a senior position with the Department of Commerce that deals with the national security world.
Sources from the Pentagon say that the move comes after a major clash with Mattis, with one source familiar with the discussions going so far as to say that “Mattis told the White House either Mira goes, or he walks. They blinked.”