Trump -psykoosi

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Cramer on varmasti aiheuttanut paljon taloudellista vahinkoa, mutta tämä on kyllä huippu!

Trump adviser Steve Bannon attributes his worldview to a simple stock investing mistake his dad made after listening to Jim Cramer
Regardless, it is interesting that one of the most influential voices on US economic policy could be based on one stock investing mistake made on the advice of a financial TV host.
Kuten oli arvattavissa, Trumpcare tai Ryancare on osoittautumassa katasrofiksi. Ja ennen kaikkea juuri Trumppia äänestäneet kärsisivät siinä eniten. Siispä. Pientä sisäistä mustan pekan siirtelyä havaittavissa.
  1. Breitbart (Bannon) paljasti nauhan, jolla Ryan toteaa, ettei halua puolustaa Trumppia. Idea oli mustamaalata Ryania ja tehdä pesäeroa häneen ja hänen terveydenhoitosuunnitelmaansa.
  2. Ryan iski takaisin. Hän on ilmaissut sen jälkeen useaan otteeseen eri muodoin, että suunnitelma on laadittu yhdessä Trumpin kanssa.
Going down in flames, together?
Trump oli Fox Newsin haastattelussa ja vastaukset salakuuntelusta olivat täysin käsittämätöntä höpinää. Trump jatkoi Sean Spicerin linjoilla että tarkoitti salakuuntelulla jotain muuta kuin salakuuntelua.
CARLSON: So on March 4, 6:35 in the morning, you're down in Florida, and you tweet, the former administration wiretapped me, surveilled me, at Trump Tower during the last election. How did you find out? You said, I just found out. How did you learn that?

TRUMP: Well, I've been reading about things. I read in, I think it was January 20 a "New York Times" article where they were talking about wiretapping. There was an article, I think they used that exact term. I read other things. I watched your friend Bret Baier the day previous where he was talking about certain very complex sets of things happening, and wiretapping. I said, wait a minute, there's a lot of wiretapping being talked about. I've been seeing a lot of things.

Now, for the most part, I'm not going to discuss it, because we have it before the committee and we will be submitting things before the committee very soon that hasn't been submitted as of yet. But it's potentially a very serious situation.

CARLSON: So, 51,000 people retweeted that. So a lot of people thought that was plausible, they believe you, you're the President -- you're in charge of the agencies. Every intelligence agency reports to you. Why not immediately go to them and gather evidence to support that?

TRUMP: Because I don't want to do anything that's going to violate any strength of an agency. We have enough problems.

And by the way, with the CIA, I just want people to know, the CIA was hacked, and a lot of things taken -- that was during the Obama years. That was not during us. That was during the Obama situation. Mike Pompeo is there now doing a fantastic job.

But, we will be submitting certain things and I will be perhaps speaking about this next week, but it's right now before the committee, and I think I want to leave it. I have a lot of confidence in the committee.

CARLSON: Why not wait to tweet about it until you can prove it? Don't you devalue your words when you can't provide evidence?

TRUMP: Well, because "The New York Times" wrote about it. Not that I respect "The New York Times". I call it the failing "New York Times". But they did write on January 20 using the word wiretap. Other people have come out with --

CARLSON: Right, but you're the President. You have the ability to gather all the evidence you want.

TRUMP: I do. I do. But I think that frankly we have a lot right now. And I think if you watch -- if you watched the Bret Baier and what he was saying and what he was talking about and how he mentioned the word wiretap, you would feel very confident that you could mention the name. He mentioned it. And other people have mentioned it. But if you take a look at some of the things written about wiretapping and eavesdropping --

And don't forget, when I say wiretapping, those words were in quotes. That really covers, because wiretapping is pretty old fashioned stuff. But that really covers surveillance and many other things. And nobody ever talks about the fact that it was in quotes, but that's a very important thing.

But wiretap covers a lot of different things. I think you're going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks.
The Brits aren't taking any of it.

Valkoisen talon uusi väite: Trumpia vakoilivat britit – "Järjetöntä hölynpölyä"
Britannian tiedustelupalvelu GCHQ ampui nopeasti alas Valkoisen talon tiedottajan uuden väitteen.
Nyt on selvinnyt vähän lisää Trumpin kansallisen turvallisuuden neuvontajasta ja entisestä Yhdysvaltain tiedustelujohtajasta. Hän tienasi vähän "pientä sivutuloa" venäläisiltä. Tämä saattaa osin selittää sitä, miksi hänet erotettiin, ja miksi hän saattoi jopa olla Yhdysvaltain tiedustelupalvelujen varsinaisen tutkinnan kohteena.

Mutta, tämä luonnollisesti edelleen avaa lisää uusia kysymyksiä.

Tätä Trumpin hallintoa voi erinomaisen hyvin tarkastella ns. sipulimallin kautta. Tuossa yksi esimerkkikuva. Me näemme vain pinnan. Mutta ymmärtämällä sen, pääsemme "kuorimaan sipulia", eli pureutumaan seuraavalle tasolle. Ytimeen on vielä matkaa.


Michael Flynn was paid by Russians before joining Trump team

President Trump’s former national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, was paid by the Russians before assuming his post, according to a new report.

Flynn received tens of thousands of dollars from Russian companies in 2015, just before he became a top surrogate to Trump and well before his brief stint in the US government, The Wall Street Journal reports, citing documents obtained by Congress.
Trumpin kausi tuo tullessaan muutoksia (tappaviin) droneiskuihin - tai oikeastaan näin on jo tapahtunut.

"The president is making it easier to order lethal drone strikes

Rules put in place under Barack Obama are being loosened

CIA:n mahdollista suorittaa jälleen tappavia iskuja droneilla:

"A further change is that the CIA will once again be allowed to carry out lethal strikes, as opposed to using its drones only to gather intelligence. Indeed, it has already done so, killing Abu al-Khayr al-Masri, a son-in-law of Osama bin Laden, in northern Syria in late February. Because the CIA operates under covert authorities, it is not subject to the same legal constraints and transparency as the Pentagon."


Kiinnostavaa seurata jatkossa heidän taiteilua aidalla, jotka odottivat (ja kuvittelivat) Trumpin tuovan rauhan tullessaan, ja että Clintonin valinnasta olisi seurannut sotien nopea eskaloituminen. Tätäkin porukkaa löytyy ja vieläpä pitävät itseään täysjärkisinä, minullekin totesivat Trumpin tuovan vihdoinkin rauhan - perusteena olivat Trumpin Putinia kosiskelevat puheet ja kuvitelmat, että tästä seuraa globaali rauha ja yhteinen taisto terrorismia vastaan. Katsellaan kuinka tässä koko kuviossa lopulta käy.

Trump oli Fox Newsin haastattelussa ja vastaukset salakuuntelusta olivat täysin käsittämätöntä höpinää. Trump jatkoi Sean Spicerin linjoilla että tarkoitti salakuuntelulla jotain muuta kuin salakuuntelua.

Hankala paikka kun on esittänyt yksiselitteisen väitteen joka on odotetusti osoittautumassa löyhkääväksi emävaleeksi. Trumpin pitää tässäkin kohdin vielä oppia kunnon poliitikoksi ja jättää sanomisiinsa aina pieni takaportti vaikkapa kryptisen kielen avulla. Näin tarvittaessa saa aina pakin silmään ja voi pestä kätensä koko asiasta. Kun sanoo että asia on näin ja piste niin siitä ei enää ihan helpolla luistetakaan.
Puolustusministeriö saamassa Boeingin varapresidentin apulaispuolustusministeriksi. Myös muita nimityksiä DoD:een.

President Announces Picks for Senior Pentagon Posts
DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, March 16, 2017 — Patrick M. Shanahan of Boeing Co. is President Donald J. Trump’s choice to succeed Bob Work as deputy defense secretary, White House officials announced today.

The announcement also lists the president’s intention to nominate five other people for senior civilian positions at the Pentagon.

Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis said in a statement that all are “highly qualified individuals” who were personally recommended by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

Mattis is grateful to Work for agreeing to continue serving until Shanahan is confirmed by the Senate, Davis said. Work’s steady leadership, he added, “is critical during this time of transition, and Secretary Mattis continues to have full confidence in him as he carries out crucial work in managing in the department."

Shanahan, from Washington state, is Boeing’s senior vice president for supply chain and operations, responsible for oversight of the company's manufacturing operations and supplier management functions. He came to that position from Boeing Commercial Airplanes, where he served as senior vice president of airplane programs and oversaw the management of profit and loss for the 737, 747, 767, 777 and 787 programs.

Previously, Shanahan was vice president and general manager of Boeing Missile Defense Systems and vice president and general manager for Rotorcraft Systems in Philadelphia, where he was responsible for all U.S. Army Aviation, including the Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft, and the CH-47 Chinook and the AH-64D Apache helicopters.

Shanahan is a Royal Aeronautical Society Fellow, Society of Manufacturing Engineers Fellow, and an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Associate Fellow. He serves as a Regent at the University of Washington and participates in numerous professional and charitable organizations, including the Washington Roundtable. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Washington and two advanced degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: a Master of Science degree in mechanical engineering, and an MBA from MIT's Sloan School of Management.

Other Selections

Selectees for other senior Pentagon posts include:

-- Robert Daigle, of Virginia, selected to serve as DoD’s director of cost assessment and program evaluation. Daigle previously served in CAPE during the Bush administration as director of program resources and information systems management. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics and mathematics from the University of Vermont. He was granted an MBA in finance from Columbia Business School and a Master of Science degree in international security studies from Georgetown University. Daigle is a professional staff member on the House Armed Services Committee and was the executive director of the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission. He previously served in the Army.

-- Elaine McCusker of Virginia, selected to serve as principal deputy undersecretary of defense, comptroller. McCusker is the director of resources and analysis for Headquarters U.S. Central Command, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida. Previously, she served as a professional staff member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, with the Navy Department and with the DoD comptroller’s office. McCusker previously worked in the private sector and the academic community, including with Argonne National Laboratory/Department of Energy and the University of Washington.

-- David L. Norquist of Virginia, selected to serve as undersecretary of defense, comptroller. Norquist is a partner with Kearney and Company, a certified public accounting firm. He has 27 years of experience in federal financial management, beginning as a federal employee in 1989 with the Army Department. He also has served on the professional staff of the House Appropriations Committee’s defense subcommittee and as deputy undersecretary of defense in the DoD comptroller’s office. He was the first Senate-confirmed chief financial officer for the Department of Homeland Security, where he established a formal process to eliminate pervasive weaknesses in DHS's financial statement and put the department on its path to a clean audit opinion. Norquist attended the University of Michigan, where he received both a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and a Master of Public Policy degree in 1989. He also received a Master of Arts degree in national security studies from Georgetown University in 1995. He is a certified government financial manager.

-- Kenneth P. Rapuano of Virginia, selected to serve as an assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense and global security. Rapuano has a long career in national security and homeland security affairs in the private, public and academic sectors. He currently serves as senior vice president and director of the Studies and Analysis Group at the ANSER Corp., and previously led the Homeland Security Studies and Analysis Institute. Rapuano served as White House deputy homeland security advisor from 2004 to 2006, has served in numerous roles with the departments of Energy and Defense, and has deployed numerous times on active and reserve duty with the Marine Corps and as a civilian with the Defense Department.

-- David Joel Trachtenberg of Virginia, selected to serve as principal deputy undersecretary of defense for policy. Trachtenberg is the president and CEO of Shortwaver Consulting LLC, a national security consultancy. Prior to this role, he was vice president and head of the strategic analysis division at CACI-National Security Research. Trachtenberg previously served in several roles at the Defense Department, most recently as the principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for international security policy, where he was responsible for issues relating to NATO, Europe, Russia and Eurasia; technology security; counterproliferation; missile defense; nuclear forces; and arms control. Trachtenberg also was a professional staff member with the House Armed Services Committee. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in international relations from the University of Southern California and a Master of Science degree in foreign service from Georgetown University.
Nyt voidaan jo kohtalaisella varmuudella sanoa (mikä tietysti oli aika selvää jo alunperinkin), että Trump valehteli, kun syytti Obamaa salakuuntelusta. Senaatin tiedustelu-valiokunta sai valmiiksi selvitykset ja totesi, että Trumpin väitteet olivat perättömiä.

Jos Obama haluaisi, niin tuossa olisi jo aika hyvä case haastaa Trump oikeuteen kunnianloukkauksesta. Harva kunnianloikkaushaaste etenee syytteeseen saati katsotaan oikeudessa toteen näytetyksi ja rangaistavaksi. Mutta tässä olisi aineksia.
Ei mene oikein putkeen Trumpin hallinnolla....

Intelligence sources told The Telegraph that both Mr Spicer and General McMaster, the US National Security Adviser, have apologised over the claims. "The apology came direct from them," a source said.

General McMaster contacted Sir Mark Lyall Grant, the Prime Minister's National Security adviser, to apologise for the comments. Mr Spicer conveyed his apology through Sir Kim Darroch, Britain's US ambassador.

Mr Spicer had earlier repeated claims that Barack Obama used GCHQ to spy on Mr Trump before he became president.

Ei mene oikein putkeen Trumpin hallinnolla....

Intelligence sources told The Telegraph that both Mr Spicer and General McMaster, the US National Security Adviser, have apologised over the claims. "The apology came direct from them," a source said.

General McMaster contacted Sir Mark Lyall Grant, the Prime Minister's National Security adviser, to apologise for the comments. Mr Spicer conveyed his apology through Sir Kim Darroch, Britain's US ambassador.

Mr Spicer had earlier repeated claims that Barack Obama used GCHQ to spy on Mr Trump before he became president.

Varmaan mukava homma kierrellä tuollaisen pomon perässä selittelemässä ja pyytämässä anteeksi milloin mitäkin :p :confused:
Varmaan mukava homma kierrellä tuollaisen pomon perässä selittelemässä ja pyytämässä anteeksi milloin mitäkin :p :confused:

Kuten aikaisemmin olen maininnut, niin Spicerilla on varmasti tosi mukavaa...uskottavuus on kohta Lavrovin tai "Comical Alin" luokkaa... :P

Ei mene oikein putkeen Trumpin hallinnolla....

Intelligence sources told The Telegraph that both Mr Spicer and General McMaster, the US National Security Adviser, have apologised over the claims. "The apology came direct from them," a source said.

General McMaster contacted Sir Mark Lyall Grant, the Prime Minister's National Security adviser, to apologise for the comments. Mr Spicer conveyed his apology through Sir Kim Darroch, Britain's US ambassador.

Mr Spicer had earlier repeated claims that Barack Obama used GCHQ to spy on Mr Trump before he became president.

Reservin täydennysjoukoista etulinjaan tuotu Kenraali McMestarikin sai heti "tulikasteen" osana ylipäällikkö Trumpin tiimiä :rolleyes:. Mahtaneeko keskusteluissa olla käytetty termiä 'bollocks'...? Se olisi aika idiomaattinen ilmaisu kuvaamaan tätäkin casea.
Lobbaajat ovat keksineet halvan tavan yrittää vaikuttaa Trumpin mielipiteisiin. West Palm Beachin alueen televisioasemien mainosaika on halpaa ja niinä viikonloppuina kun Trump on Floridassa lobbajien mainokset pyörivät esimerkiksi Saturday Night Liven aikana.
Outside pressure groups are flocking to the West Palm Beach media market for narrow, cheap television campaigns on weekends when Trump calls it home. The budgets are small, but the buys are a reminder of the unusual efforts being undertaken just to convince one particularly avid television watcher.
When he's back up the north, the ads vanish.
When Trump touches down at his resort on Friday, he can catch both anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony List on Fox News or MSNBC, or then switch over to broadcast to hear abortion rights advocates Cancer Survivors for Planned Parenthood make the exact opposite argument, according to buy contracts seen by CNN.
For just a few nickels -- Planned Parenthood's buy there is a grand total of $675 -- you may earn a valuable audience of one.
Varastetulla kannettavalla tietokoneella oli ABC Newsin mukaan Trump Towerin pohjapiirustuksia ja yksityiskohtaisia tietoja rikostutkinnasta, joka koski Hillary Clintonin sähköposteja...


En tiedä kuka tätä sirkusta ohjaa, mutta tyhmä on se joka rahansa elokuviin haaskaa :D

Ja tämä tosi-tv on vasta alkamassa, jos vielä ihan sitäkään...tuskin maltan odottaa seuraavaa jaksoa.