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Valkoinen talo kaaoksessa: avustajat piilottelevat, kuultu huutavan toisilleen
22 minuuttia sitten (päivitetty 20 minuuttia sitten)
Yhdysvaltain presidentin viraston, Valkoisen talon kerrotaan olevan kaaoksessa presidentti Donald Trumpin väitetyn tiedustelupaljastuksen jälkeen.
– Älkää kysykö minulta, miltä tämä näyttää, me kaikki tiedämme, miltä tämä näyttää, johtava avustaja totesi tilanteesta The Daily Beastin mukaan.

Lehti kertoo, että Valkoisen talon virkailijat ja avustajat ovat käytännössä "piiloutuneet" presidentin väitettyyn tiedustelupaljastukseen liittyvän jupakan käynnistyttyä.

Washington Post kertoi maanantaina, että Donald Trump olisi paljastanut Venäjän edustajille erittäin salaiseksi luokiteltuja tiedustelutietoja terroristijärjestö Isisin suunnitelmiin liittyen. Tapaamisessa olivat mukana Venäjän ulkoministeri Sergei Lavrov ja Venäjän suurlähettiläs Sergei Kisljak

Washington Post perusti tietonsa yhden nykyisen ja yhden entisen amerikkalaisvirkamiehen tietoihin. Heidän mukaansa informaatio oli niin herkkäluontoista, että joitakin yksityiskohtia ei ole edes kerrottu Yhdysvaltain liittolaisille.

Tapauksen tultua julki kymmenittäin toimittajia ryntäsi Valkoisen talon lehdistöpäällikön Sean Spicerin toimiston eteen.

Buzzfeed kertoo, että toimittajat kuulivat Valkoisessa talossa avustajien huutavan toisilleen presidentin residenssissä.

Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeri Rex Tillerson sanoi lausunnossaan, että Trump ja Venäjän edustajat "eivät keskustelleet lähteistä, keinoista tai sotilasoperaatioista", vaikka keskustelivat laajasti eri aihepiireistä mukaan lukien "yhteiset pyrkimykset ja terrorismin vastaiseen taisteluun liittyvät uhat".

Trumpin kansallisen turvallisuuden neuvonantaja H.R. McMaster vahvisti, että missään vaiheessa presidentin ja venäläisten edustajien tapaamista ei keskusteltu "tiedustelulähteistä tai -keinoista eikä sotilasoperaatioista", jotka eivät olisi jo julkisesti tiedossa.

– Olin huoneessa, sitä ei tapahtunut, McMaster sanoi.

Washington Post ei kuitenkaan väittänyt, että Trump olisi antanut tietoa tiedustelulähteistä tai -keinoista, vaan informaation sisällöstä.

Can now hear yelling coming from room where officials are. talo henkilokunta huutaa ja piilottelee-65453
Beckettin absurdi teatteri jää kirkkaasti kakkoseksi tälle meiningille. Trumppi on tosiaan aivan sekopäinen hölöttäjä. A. Stubb steroideilla.

Sisu-puukko @BarrelNut :lle siitä, että jaksaa sinnikkäästi puolustaa Trumpia.

Tässä tapauksessa tosin Trump itse paljasti asian paikkansapitävyyden. Mahtaa McMastersia ja kumppaneita tällä hetkellä vituttaa.

@Mustaruuti :n kysymykseen annan omana veikkauksenani, että UK. Heidän tiedustelupalveluillaan on pitkät perinteet tuolla suunnalla...
Tässä Mossadin entisen johtajan perustelut, miksi liittolaisilta saatua tietoa ei saa jakaa. Mies tietää mistä puhuu.

Former Mossad chief: Alleged Trump slip to Russia could be 'grave violation'
ByYonah Jeremy Bob
May 16, 2017 14:01

Danny Yatom, the former director of Israel's spy agency, cautions of the impact of revealing classified information after reports of Trump sharing intel with Russia.


Trump and Putin. (photo credit:REUTERS)

If Monday night’s Washington Post report that US President Donald Trump recently revealed classified information to Russia is true, it would be a “grave violation” of intelligence sharing protocol and “could lead to harm to the source,” former Mossad director Danny Yatom told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

The Washington Post report said that Trump shared classified information last Wednesday with Russia about a planned ISIS terror attack. The information was reportedly received from a US ally, with some hints that it was a Middle Eastern ally, yet one that had not yielded permission to release the findings.

Further, the report said that Trump had revealed to Russia the city from which the information was gathered and a high-level of detail about what the US knew about ISIS's planned attack.

Trump administration officials have not specifically denied that the president discussed information about an ISIS terror plot to use a concealed bomb within a laptop on an airplane, but denied that he revealed any means or sources of intelligence collection.

Yatom said he did not know if the reports of giving away an ally’s information were true “and I don’t know from where, I don’t know if it was from Israel,” but “if someone gives the US very sensitive information…it is prohibited to give the information to a third party – for sure not to Russia who has ties with Iran and Syria.”

The former Mossad director added that, “if the information is sensitive, it can harm the security of the intelligence source or lead to other damage.”

Regarding the Trump administration’s statements denying the sharing any intelligence methods or sources, he said “sometimes damage is caused from the content of the revelation, even if he does not say the methods and sources.”

“The fact that you have very high quality sensitive intelligence can lead to revealing the source. Very few people in ISIS may know about this information. Once it is publicized, ISIS can do an investigation and find the source," Yatom said. adding "or Russia can find the source.” Such an event could help Russia prevent the source from giving further information on potential Russia-Syria operations.

This would be of concern to all US allies, including Israel, about sharing intelligence with the Trump administration.

Another potentially-damaging scenario from Trump’s alleged disclosure could see ISIS adjust its approach to laptop bomb attack plots that until now had the potential of being uncovered and thwarted.

An element of the story which the White House has not denied is that its staff members immediately warned US intelligence agencies after the revelation, which seems to indicate that Trump had not cleared the revelation with them or departed from agreed-upon limits of what to reveal.

Yatom said that national leaders like the US president or the Israeli prime minister traditionally get a briefing from their intelligence chiefs or military liaisons about what can and cannot be revealed before meeting with a foreign official.

“If there is a debate, and he [the leader] wants to tell something that the head of intelligence is against telling, then there must be a discussion to hear the intelligence head’s reservations - even if the leader decides in the end to tell,” said Yatom.

He continued, “It seems this discussion did not occur. From what I read, he departed from the outlines agreed upon with the CIA of what he was not supposed to state and went beyond what they informed him not to say.”

While he thought that Trump simply most likely did not fully understand the implications of what he was revealing, he noted that the FBI still has an ongoing probe of Trump and his associates’ relationship with Russia.
Onkohan Trump sekoittanut BB-talon ja Valkoisen talon? Eikä edes ihmetellyt että se alkukarsinta oli epätavallisen monipolvinen ja kalliskin...
Joo, voisi kuvitella, että jossain vaiheessa Valkoisen talon, kongressin ja senaatin väki voisi haluta keskittyä ihan johonkin asiakysymykseenkin, mutta sirkus vaan jatkaa kulkuaan...
Popcornit esiin viikonloppuna :D

Trump aikoo pitää muslimimaiden johtajille puheen islamista

Yhdysvaltain presidentti Donald Trump aikoo pitää puheen islaminuskosta Saudi-Arabiassa, kertoo Valkoinen talo. Trump matkustaa Saudi-Arabiaan viikonvaihteessa. Hän tapaa matkallaan johtajia yli 50 muslimimaasta.

Valkoisen talon mukaan kyseessä on inspiroiva ja suora puhe radikaalista ideologiasta ja Trumpin visiosta rauhanomaisesta islamista.

Saudi-Arabian jälkeen Trump matkustaa tapaamaan Israelin johtoa Jerusalemiin ja palestiinalaisviranomaisia Betlehemiin.

Viranomaistietojen mukaan Trump aikoo kehottaa alueiden johtajia ottamaan askeleita kohti rauhaa.
Joo, voisi kuvitella, että jossain vaiheessa Valkoisen talon, kongressin ja senaatin väki voisi haluta keskittyä ihan johonkin asiakysymykseenkin, mutta sirkus vaan jatkaa kulkuaan...
Varsinainen sirkus on oldotettavissa kun Trump lähtee ulkomaille ihan sen kiertueelle :D

Naton kokouskin on nyt tehty esikoululaiselle sopivaksi :p

NATO Frantically Tries to Trump-Proof Presidents First Visit

A ‘freaked-out’ NATO braces for Donald Trump’s first meeting of the transatlantic alliance

NATO is scrambling to tailor its upcoming meeting to avoid taxing President Donald Trump’s notoriously short attention span. The alliance is telling heads of state to limit talks to two to four minutes at a time during the discussion, several sources inside NATO and former senior U.S. officials tell Foreign Policy. And the alliance scrapped plans to publish the traditional full post-meeting statement meant to crystallize NATO’s latest strategic stance.

On May 25, NATO will host the heads of state of all 28 member countries in what will be Trump’s first face-to-face summit with an alliance he bashed repeatedly while running for president. NATO traditionally organizes a meeting within the first few months of a new U.S. president’s term, but Trump has the alliance more on edge than any previous newcomer, forcing organizers to look for ways to make the staid affair more engaging.

“It’s kind of ridiculous how they are preparing to deal with Trump,” said one source briefed extensively on the meeting’s preparations. “It’s like they’re preparing to deal with a child — someone with a short attention span and mood who has no knowledge of NATO, no interest in in-depth policy issues, nothing,” said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “They’re freaking out.”

Still, despite these changes, experts are wary of how Trump will react to NATO meetings and their long-winded, diplomatic back-and-forth among dozens of heads of state, which can quickly balloon into hours of meandering discussions. One former senior NATO official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, described these meetings as “important but painfully dull.”

Rank-and-file diplomats always try to push for shorter, more efficient meetings at NATO. “It’s not so unusual that they strain to try to keep it interesting and short and not dragged down into details,” said Jim Townsend, who served as the Pentagon’s top NATO envoy until January. But what is unusual is the president.

“Even a brief NATO summit is way too stiff, too formal, and too policy heavy for Trump. Trump is not going to like that,” said Jorge Benitez, a NATO expert with the Atlantic Council, a Washington think tank.

Another change: NATO traditionally publishes a formal readout, known as a declaration, after each major meeting or summit. While they’re often lathered in diplomatic drivel, declarations signal new strategies and key policy shifts that come out of closed-door meetings, giving direction to allies and the NATO bureaucracy — and showcasing alliance unity toward rivals like Russia, a former senior NATO official told FP.

This year, NATO has scrapped plans to publish a full formal meeting declaration. One NATO official said that’s because it’s not a full summit, like past major NATO gatherings in Warsaw in 2016 or Wales in 2014. “It’s not necessary to have another full declaration, as it’s not a full summit,” the official said. “This meeting is just much more focused.”

But behind closed doors, other officials are giving a different reason. NATO isn’t publishing a full declaration “because they’re worried Trump won’t like it,” another source said.

Experts say a declaration could be invaluable to European allies still struggling to get a read on Trump’s stance on Europe. Four months into office, Trump hasn’t clarified U.S. policy toward Europe — he cheered Brexit and appeared to endorse anti-Europe candidate Marine Le Pen in the recent French elections — let alone toward NATO.

Trump rattled NATO allies during the campaign by slamming the alliance as “obsolete” and openly praising Russian President Vladimir Putin. Since he became president, top administration officials, including Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Vice President Mike Pence, traveled to Brussels to soothe Europeans’ nerves and reiterate customary U.S. commitments to the 68-year-old alliance. Meanwhile, Trump declared in April during a meeting with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg that the alliance is “no longer obsolete.”

But the president’s erratic policy shifts and surprise Twitter storms on other international issues have NATO jittery, a former senior NATO official told FP. (Trump offered a taste of this during his awkward meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in March, where he refused to shake her hand; German officials also said he handed her a fake “bill” for overdue NATO payments, though the White House swiftly denied those claims.)

“People are scared of his unpredictability, intimidated by how he might react knowing the president might speak his mind — or tweet his mind,” the former official said.

Or, as another current senior NATO official put it before the meeting: “We’re bracing for impact.”

Beyond nerves over Trump, the May 25 meeting is important in another way. It will be the first visit for newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron. And NATO leaders will use the meeting to unveil their new headquarters — a sleek, modern edifice meant to symbolize a new and modern alliance. But it also embodies the alliance’s shortfalls. The building is way behind schedule and over budget.

The senior NATO official who spoke to FP on condition of anonymity expressed concern that this could be a sore spot with Trump as he pushes European countries to spend more on defense. Although Trump may know little about the military alliance, he does profess to know something about getting buildings done on time and on budget.

If they can keep Trump’s attention, NATO heads of state are expected to discuss two main issues at the meeting, both catering to the president’s priorities: counterterrorism and burden-sharing.

On the counterterrorism front, the United States is pushing NATO to formally join the counter-Islamic State coalition at the meeting, but Germany is pushing back against the idea, multiple sources tell FP. All NATO members are involved at a national level, and while the alliance supports the mission, it’s not yet a formal member of the coalition.

“Some members say it’s not necessarily the right format,” a NATO official told FP. “Since all NATO allies are already members … the question is what could we do as an alliance we are not already doing.”

But beyond that, and potentially sending more troops to Afghanistan, where it has been fighting the Taliban and other terrorists for about 15 years, officials concede that NATO hasn’t thought up much more to do.

Part of the issue is staffing. After months of Trump’s threatening a radically new approach to global alliances the United States helped create, there’s nobody even charting a new course. Trump hasn’t appointed any high-level posts for Europe, including key Pentagon postings, undersecretaries of state, an assistant secretary of state for Europe, or a new ambassador to NATO. With no middle management to give direction on a day-to-day basis, Europeans are struggling to decipher what the new administration wants from them.

“That’s where there’s a ton of panic in NATO,” a source told FP. “The United States put that issue forward, but it has nobody on tap who’s doing any sort of fresh thinking on that front.”

Trump is also expected to push his Canadian and European allies to pony up more for defense. Burden-sharing has always been a sore spot in U.S.-NATO relations. The United States is by far the largest defense spender in the alliance — its share of NATO spending has skyrocketed in recent decades — and it has long warned other allies to bulk up their military budgets, to little avail.

“His views of burden-sharing seem to be more ambitious than past presidents,” and that could become a source of tension at the big NATO confab, said Alexander Vershbow, former deputy secretary-general of NATO. “The burden-sharing conversation may not go entirely smoothly,” he told FP.

Only five of the 28 members — the United States, United Kingdom, Poland, Estonia, and Greece — met the NATO guidelines of spending 2 percent of gross domestic product on defense, despite a more aggressive Russia and an unraveling security situation in the Middle East.

Ultimately, to keep Trump on board, NATO will probably set out to sell those recent changes as a concession to Washington, even though “98 percent of the changes NATO undertook are because of Russia, not because of Trump,” Benitez said.

That might secure Trump a happy ending to this first meeting, but could spell more trouble down the road.

“They may give Trump credit, but privately many allies feel they’re being bullied into it,” Benitez said. “Trump’s approach to NATO is poisoning the relationship.”

One former NATO official said the agenda meant to mollify Trump appeared to amount to repackaging what NATO was already doing — increasing its defense spending and continuing to support U.S. efforts in Afghanistan and the counter-Islamic State campaign — in a new wrapper for the president.

“They think they’re fine because they’re going to put old wine in new bottles,” one former senior U.S. official told FP. Whether Trump buys it remains to be seen.
Ei voi olla todellista! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Siinä sitä 50 arabijohtajaa huuli pyöreänä kuuntelee, että "mitä vittua tuo oranssi ukko horisee?" Kuvitelkaa se Juha Sipilän legendaarinen suora puhe Suomen kansalle, ja kertokaa se noin tsiljoonalla. Niin kiusallinen tuosta puheesta tulee kaikille osapuolille.

Epäiletkö?? :D
Valkoisen talon mukaan kyseessä on inspiroiva ja suora puhe radikaalista ideologiasta ja Trumpin visiosta rauhanomaisesta islamista.
Pitääkö tuo tulkita imaami Don al-Trumpoodyn ensiesiintymiseksi? Pyydetään häntä Helsingin suurmoskeija-hankkeen suojelijaksi.
Beckettin absurdi teatteri jää kirkkaasti kakkoseksi tälle meiningille. Trumppi on tosiaan aivan sekopäinen hölöttäjä. A. Stubb steroideilla.

Menee kyllä mielenkiintoiseksi ja jutut entistäkin erikoisemmiksi. Mutta Stubb on nuori, voi se vielä tuollaiseksi kasvaa.

Varsinainen sirkus on oldotettavissa kun Trump lähtee ulkomaille ihan sen kiertueelle :D

Siitä minäkin olen varma. Unelmat & peli poikki -porukka varmaan jo valmistelee esityksiään jos se tänne Suomeen eksyisi.

Hetkinen.. Entä jos jokin suuri terrori-isku oli tai on tekeillä? Mutta josta venäläisillä ei ollut mitään tietoa.

Siinähän sitä olisikin miettimistä jos Venäjällä sattuisi WTC-tyyppinen isku
jossa kuolee satoja ihmisiä mutta tietoja ei kerrottaisi ja se ehtisi tapahtua.

Mutta mikä lienee syy että presidentti sotkeutui asiaan. Eikös noilla ole
jo terrorismiin liittyen keskenään suorat "vihjenumerot" ja vastuulliset (USA - Venäjä).
Presidentti soittelee tai viestittelee omin toimin, oh..

Toisaalta, on taas tuo Washington Post. Tulevaisuus näyttää mikä oli todella totta ja mikä valetta. Isoa on peli
Viimeksi muokattu:
Bloomberg: Trump ehdottaa asevoimille yhtä sotalaivaa lisää

Yhdysvaltain presidentin Donald Trumpin hallinto ehdottaa puolustusmenojen kasvattamista vain maltillisesti edellisen presidentin ajoista.
Trumpin hallinto ehdottaa, että puolustusbudjetti lokakuussa alkavalle vuoden jaksolle on 603 miljardia dollaria. Se on noin 18,5 miljardia enemmän kuin tällä hetkellä kuluva vuosibudjetti, josta päätti presidentti Barack Obaman hallinto.

Trumpin budjettiehdotuksessa on yhdeksän sotalaivaa, eli yksi alus enemmän kuin Obaman hallinnon laskelmissa. Hävittäjien, kuten F-35:sten ja Super Hornetien määrä on ennallaan.

Asevalmistaja Raytheonin valmistavia Tomahawk-risteilyohjuksia Trump aikoo ostaa niin paljon, että yhtiön tehdas Arizonassa pysyy pyörimässä.

Yhdysvaltain puolustusministeriössä Pentagonissa valmistellaan parhaillaan uutta kansallista puolustusselontekoa. Sen tulokset näkyvät todennäköisesti seuraavissa, vuosien 2019–2023 puolustusbudjeteissa.
