Republikaanisenaattorit Jack Reed ja Susan Collins keskustelivat komiteaistunnossa ja lähellä ollut mikrofoni oli jäännyt päälle. Reed arveli presidentin olevan hullu ja Collins kertoi olevansa huolissaan hänestä.
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/25/...latest&contentPlacement=9&pgtype=sectionfrontREED: I think he’s crazy.
COLLINS: I’m worried.
REED: I don’t say that lightly and as kind of, you know, a goofy guy. Uh, oof. And you know, the, uh, this thing, you know, if we don’t get a budget deal —
COLLINS: I know.
REED: We’re going to be paralyzed, D.O.D. [the Department of Defense] is going to be paralyzed —
COLLINS: I don’t even think he knows that there is a B.C.A. [Budget Control Act] or anything. I really don’t.