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- why us politics is broken
- why america is no longer a democracy
Onpa mukavaa lukea tässäkin ketjussa vaihteeksi ihan mietittyä tekstiä jatkuvan ja typerän bolshevikki-huutelun sijaan!
Joko menettäneet suhteellisuudentajunsa, tai sitten ne ei vaan tiedä mikä bolsevikki on.Liberaalivihervassarit osaa ottaa vielä huumorilla mutta marxistit ja bolsevikit ovat jo mauttomia. Ihmiset kuplassaan ovat menettäneet täydellisesti suhteellisuudentajunsa. Valitettavasti.
Ha. Oliko bolsevikkien ja mensevikkien ero se, että bolsevikki oli valmis laittamaan porvarin saman tien narun jatkoksi, ja mensevikki sanoi että odota ei ihan vielä, antaa sen kerätä ensin vielä vähän lisää omaisuutta.Joko menettäneet suhteellisuudentajunsa, tai sitten ne ei vaan tiedä mikä bolsevikki on.
Liberaalivihervassarisuvakkiuteni vuoksi minua saa haukkua vain mensevikiksi. Bolsevikki on asiatonta vittuilua![]()
Minä olen ymmärtänyt että menseviikit olivat suunnileen sosialidemokraatteja poliittiselta näkökannaltaan.
Ei edes kiinnosta klikata linkkiä. Se tuskin vastaisi kysymykseen.
Millä tavoin hän hyödyntää islamismia valkoisen heteromiehen patriarkaatin tuhoamisessa? Miksi hän tekee niin? Eikö siitä seuraa muslimimiehen patriarkaatti?
Sinua ei kiinnostanut klikata twitter linkkiä, niin eteen sattui ihan Guardianin linkki, että jos tämä olisi parempi:
Näin cis-sukupuoliselle tuo Guardianin video iskee kuin puukapulalla päähän: eli vaikka "jotkut" naiset, "joissain" valtioissa, joutuvat väkivallan uhalla pitämään ääri-islamin määräämiä vaatekappaleita, niin länsimaissa asuvalle musliminaiselle/feministille sillä vastustetaan länsimaisen kulttuuria ja "markkinamiehiä".
You can't make this shit up.
Erilaisia mieleltään nyrjähtäneitä maailmasta löytyy aina.
Kyse oli siitä, millaista prosenttiosuutta he edustavat. 80% Feministeistä oli mainittu. Tälle jos saa vielä lähdettä.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/15/...column-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-newsSouth Korea — North Korea threw President Trump’s planned summit meeting with its leader, Kim Jong-un, into doubt on Wednesday, threatening to call off the landmark encounter if the United States insisted on “unilateral nuclear abandonment.”
The statement, made by the North’s disarmament negotiator, came hours after state media warned that the summit meeting might be canceled to protest a joint military exercise between the United States and South Korea that began this week.
The warnings caught Trump administration officials off guard and set off an internal debate over whether Mr. Kim was merely posturing in advance of the meeting in Singapore next month or was erecting a serious new hurdle.
In a statement Wednesday, Kim Kye-kwan, a vice foreign minister, rejected the administration’s demand that it quickly dismantle its nuclear program as Libya did 15 years ago, singling out John Bolton, Mr. Trump’s new national security adviser, for condemnation.
“If the United States is trying to drive us into a corner to force our unilateral nuclear abandonment, we will no longer be interested in such dialogue and cannot but reconsider our proceeding to the D.P.R.K.-U.S. summit,” the statement said, using the abbreviation for the North’s formal name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
Mr. Kim said his country would never follow the path of Libya and Iraq, which he said met a “miserable fate” at the hands of “big powers.”
He said North Korea had “shed light on the quality of Bolton” in the past, “and we do not hide our feelings of repugnance towards him.”
https://www.politico.com/story/2018/05/15/white-house-eliminates-cyber-adviser-post-542916The Trump administration has eliminated the White House’s top cyber policy role, jettisoning a key position created during the Obama presidency to harmonize the government's overall approach to cybersecurity policy and digital warfare.
POLITICO first reported last week that John Bolton, President Donald Trump's new national security adviser, was maneuvering to cut the cyber coordinator role, in a move that many experts and former government officials criticized as a major step backward for federal cybersecurity policy.
Odotetusti Pohjois-Korea uhkailee Trumpin ja Kimin tapaamisen perumisella. Pohjois-Korean mukaan se ei osallistu tapaamiseen jos USA vaatii yksipuolista ydinaseriisuntaa ja käytti Libyan kohtaloa esimerkkinä.
https://www.theatlantic.com/politic...ysteries-of-a-trump-russia-conspiracy/560465/To the president, the investigation may seem like it has dragged on. But the longest special-counsel probe—Iran Contra under former President Ronald Reagan—lasted six-and-a-half years. The Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky inquiry involving former President Bill Clinton, which ultimately led to Clinton’s impeachment in the House, lasted four years. And the investigation of the Valerie Plame affair under former President George W. Bush lasted three-and-a-half years. Mueller’s pace has been breakneck, legal experts tell me—especially for a complicated counterintelligence investigation that involves foreign nationals and the Kremlin, an adversarial government.
Mutta kun Obama. Ihme peliä vakavilla asioilla.
Jostain syystä senaatin johtopäätös oli eri kuin edustajainhuoneen.
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/wh...ayment-debt-financial-disclosure-form-n874331President Donald Trump reported that he reimbursed personal attorney Michael Cohen for costs apparently incurred in paying adult film star Stormy Daniels for a non-disclosure agreement, according to a federally required annual financial disclosure form released by the Office of Government Ethics Wednesday.
"In the interest of transparency, while not required to be disclosed as 'reportable liabilities' ... in 2016 expenses were incurred by one of Donald J. Trump's attorneys, Michael Cohen," a note at the bottom of Page 45 of the 92-page report states. "Mr. Cohen sought reimbursement of those expenses and Mr. Trump fully reimbursed Cohen in 2017. The category of value would be $100,001 to $250,000 and the interest rate would be zero."
https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/tillerson-warns-crisis-ethics-integrity-us/story?id=55211178Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had a stark warning Wednesday about a "crisis of ethics and integrity" and the dangers of "alternative realities" and leaders who "seek to conceal the truth."
In his first major speech since he was fired by President Donald Trump in March, Tillerson gave the commencement address at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Va., and although he never mentioned Trump specifically, the pointed remarks appeared to be shots at his former boss.
"If our leaders seek to conceal the truth or we as people become accepting of alternative realities that are no longer grounded in facts, then we as American citizens are on a pathway to relinquishing our freedom," he told the graduates.
At the center of "a growing crisis of ethics and integrity," he said, was that kind of assault on the truth, the "central tenet of a free society."
"When we as people, a free people, go wobbly on the truth – even on what may seem the most trivial of matters – we go wobbly on America," Tillerson added. "If we do not as Americans confront the crisis of ethics and integrity in our society and among our leaders in both public and private sector – and regrettably at times even the nonprofit sector – then American democracy as we know it is entering its twilight years."
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