Trump -psykoosi

Tapaamisessa aselaeista Trump oli sitä mieltä että Floridan ampujalta olisi pitänyt viedä aseet laeista välittämättä. Hän myös sanoi republikaanisenaattori Pat Toomeyn pelkäävän NRA:ta vaikka hän oli yksi harvoista republikaaneista joka tuki NRA:n vastustamaa lakia aseenostajan taustaselvityksestä.
One of the strangest moments came when he argued that the alleged shooter in the tragedy in Parkland, Fla. — about whom there were numerous red flags — should have had his guns taken away regardless of what the law allowed.

“I think they should have taken them away, whether they had the right or not,” Trump said. He added later, in case there was any doubt: "Take the guns first, go through due process second."

In an exchange with Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), Trump seemed to not know what was contained in the bill Toomey proposed with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) after the 2012 tragedy at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. Trump asked whether the bill, which was focused on background checks, would have raised the age limit for buying assault weapons.

When Toomey said it did not, Trump shot back: “You know why? Because you're afraid of the NRA.”

The rejoinder was especially odd given Toomey was one of few Republicans who supported his backgrounds checks bill, which failed, over the objections of the NRA. It also happens to confirm the argument Democrats regularly make against Republicans. Trump would later go on to say that some of the members in the meeting were “petrified” of the NRA.

“They have great power over you people,” Trump said. “They have less power over me.”
Tapaamisessa aselaeista Trump oli sitä mieltä että Floridan ampujalta olisi pitänyt viedä aseet laeista välittämättä. Hän myös sanoi republikaanisenaattori Pat Toomeyn pelkäävän NRA:ta vaikka hän oli yksi harvoista republikaaneista joka tuki NRA:n vastustamaa lakia aseenostajan taustaselvityksestä.
Presidentti, joka oikein kannustaa olemaan välittämättä laeista.
Väki vähenee pidot paranee... Valkoisen talon viestintäpäällikkö Hope Hicks ilmoitti eroavansa ja lähtee lähiviikkoina.
Hope Hicks, the White House communications director and one of President Trump’s longest-serving advisers, said Wednesday that she plans to leave the White House in the coming weeks.

Ms. Hicks, 29, a former model who joined Mr. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign without any experience in politics, became known as one of the few aides who understood his personality and style and could challenge the president to change his views.

Ms. Hicks had been considering leaving for several months. She told colleagues that she had accomplished what she felt she could with a job that made her one of the most powerful people in Washington, and that there would never be a perfect moment to leave, according to White House aides.

Her resignation came a day after she testified for eight hours before the House Intelligence Committee, telling the panel that in her job, she had occasionally been required to tell white lies but had never lied about anything connected to the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.
Huomasin kun liberaalivihervassari ryhtyy minimangeroimaan on argumentit lopussa, silloin kun minimanageroi niin voi aina väittää tämä ei kuulu tähän ketjuun ja toinen merkki liberaalivihervassarin argumenttien loppumisesta on kysely "mikä missä milloin" ja "faktoihin" vetoaminen ilman että kertoo mitä nuo "faktat" on

No ihmetellyt samaa jo kuukausia. MItä ihmettä tuo vanha haaska liittyy tähän Trumpin aiheuttamaan katastrofiin? Sama jos meillä arvosteltaisiin presidentti Niinistöä ja Niinistön porukka toisi kokoajan esille hänen vaalien aikaista vastaehdokasta Haavistoa??
Se olisi todella outoa. Kuten on tässä Trumpin tapauksessa.
Ero on siinä, että Trump on kokonaisuudessaan ylittänyt jo parodiahorisontin ja nyt mennään sellaisessa friikkisirkuksessa, että edes rationaalisesti ajattelevat ihmiset eivät näytä huomaavan tämän Hillarysekoilun outoutta
Minullakin on kaapissa se kasviksenpää ja jauheliha odottamassa keitoksi muuttumista. :D
Moro. Kun nyt jotenkin mun nokkaani käy tietyn kasviksen käry. Ei siinä mitään, tuosta tehty keitto on etenkin näin pakkasilla ihan maistuvaa.
Minullakin on kaapissa se kasviksenpää ja jauheliha odottamassa keitoksi muuttumista. :D

Kannabista voi käyttää monella muullakin tapaa kuin keitossa.
Muellerin kerrotaan tutkivan viime kesän tapahtumia jolloin Trump yritti saada oikeusministeri Sessionsin eroamaan kun ei ollut tyytyväinen tämän jäävättyä itsensä Venäjä-tutkinnoista.
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has been investigating a period of time last summer when President Trump seemed determined to drive Attorney General Jeff Sessions from his job, according to people familiar with the matter who said that a key area of interest for the inquiry is whether those efforts were part of a months-long pattern of attempted obstruction of justice.

In recent months, Mueller’s team has questioned witnesses in detail about Trump’s private comments and state of mind in late July and early August of last year, around the time he issued a series of tweets belittling his “beleaguered” attorney general, these people said. The thrust of the questions was to determine whether the president’s goal was to oust Sessions in order to pick a replacement who would exercise control over the investigation into possible coordination between Russia and Trump associates during the 2016 election, these people said.

Behind the scenes, Trump has derisively referred to Sessions as “Mr. Magoo,” a cartoon character who is elderly, myopic and bumbling, according to people with whom he has spoken. Trump has told associates that he has hired the best lawyers for his entire life, but is stuck with Sessions, who is not defending him and is not sufficiently loyal.

While Sessions has told associates he had been wounded by the attacks, he has also insisted he’s not going to resign, so the cold war continues.

On the anniversary of Sessions’s confirmation earlier this month, senior aides decided to buy Sessions a bulletproof vest with his name emblazoned on it as a gift, according to a person familiar with the matter.

While there is a soap-opera element to the drama between the country’s chief executive and chief law enforcement officer, Mueller apparently has decided there are significant issues at stake for the probe into whether the president or others in the White House sought to obstruct justice, according to the people familiar with the matter.

Mueller näyttää muutenkin kiristävän otettaan Trumpista kyselemällä ihmisiltä tiesikö Trump demokraattien hakkeroiduista sähköposteista ennen kuin tieto oli julkista.
Special counsel Robert Mueller's team is asking witnesses pointed questions about whether Donald Trump was aware that Democratic emails had been stolen before that was publicly known, and whether he was involved in their strategic release, according to multiple people familiar with the probe.

Mueller's investigators have asked witnesses whether Trump was aware of plans for WikiLeaks to publish the emails. They have also asked about the relationship between GOP operative Roger Stone and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, and why Trump took policy positions favorable to Russia.

The line of questioning suggests the special counsel, who is tasked with examining whether there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election, is looking into possible coordination between WikiLeaks and Trump associates in disseminating the emails, which U.S. intelligence officials say were stolen by Russia.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Amerikkalainen olympiaurheilija meni ottamaan selfien Ivankan kanssa. Seurasi vasemmiston vihapuhemyrsky.

A U.S. Olympic bobsledder deleted a tweet depicting her posing with Ivanka Trump and White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders after critics buried her in hateful comments.

“We don’t have to agree on everything to get along, be civil to each other and enjoy each others company,” Lauren Gibbs wrote with the selfie. “#Itsforamerica it was a pleasure to meet you both!”


Mitä tulee tuohon ylempään "friikkisirkus" väitteeseen, niin ainakin yhdestä täytyy olla suomalaisenkin hyvällä mielellä:

Trumpin avulla on tullut selväksi, kuinka suuri vaikutus äärivasemmistolla on ollut länsimaiseen yhteiskuntaan. Kaikki se sonta on pulpahtanut yhtäkkiä, kerralla pinnalle ja on nyt kaikkien näkyvillä.

Äärivasemmistolaisen totuuden jälkeinen aika.
@Geronimo Meinaakos inkkari olla toisen kerran voittavassa taustatiimissä tekemässä Trumpista presidenttiä toiselle kaudelle?

Tammy Bruce: Get ready for Trump 2.0 – The 2020 news is bad for Democrats, great for America


By Tammy Bruce | Fox News

Trump names former digital adviser as 2020 campaign manager

Brad Parscale tapped as campaign manager for President Trump's 2020 re-election campaign.

On Wednesday you could hear howls of misery and disbelief coming from Democrats and Never Trumpers. What now, you may ask?

After all, the power and popularity of the president’s tax cuts has already hit. His rolling back of regulations and the killing of the ObamaCare mandate has already fueled an economic renaissance. What else could have made the morose even less amiable?

Was it the president continuing to smash ISIS? Or was it the leaked audio of Russian fighters in Syria complaining that a U.S. attack “kicked our a---- like we were little pieces of s---.”

It was actually the most debilitating news of all: The Trump campaign announced that 2016 campaign digital guru Brad Parscale is the 2020 campaign manager for the president’s re-election bid, confirming the happy likelihood that people will be saying the words “President Trump” until early 2025.

This news shouldn’t have surprised anyone. President Trump filed his campaign paperwork with the Federal Election Committee on January 20, 2017, the day of his inauguration.

But for those who have been living in the 24/7 Never Trump fantasy universe – working on their fake Russian dossiers and “insurance policies” to derail President-elect Trump from becoming President Trump – this fresh proof that he’s not going away dealt a blow like no other.

The frantic attempts during the past year by the president’s opposition to nullify the election were meant to achieve his removal from office, one way or another. Nope, didn’t happen.

With personal attacks and salacious rumors, they would bully and harass Melania Trump into leaving the president, ripping out his support system and making him ineffectual. Nope, didn’t happen.

Remember the idiotic obsession with the 25th Amendment to the Constitution? Thinking the Cabinet would declare the president “incapable of performing his duties” and remove him from office? Yeah, good for a laugh, but nope, didn’t happen.

Then there’s the arrest for treason, collusion with the Russians, more treason, dementia. Nope, didn’t happen.

And the Michael Wolff book would be the death knell to Trump’s presidency. Well, someone did leave the White House after that dumpster fire, but it wasn’t President Trump.

The president has not only survived the past year, he has thrived. He learned more about the swamp, made his machine even more powerful and effective by making changes when necessary, and adopted his own style without sacrificing his agenda or commitment to make American great again.

For those who thought they could make Donald Trump and his family miserable or afraid, the president’s commitment to another four years confirms they continue to underestimate the man and still don’t understand what the revolution of 2016 was all about.

The American people were told by President Obama that family-supporting, full-time professional jobs were over. The languishing punishment of working two-part time jobs, or living unemployment check to unemployment check, was the “new normal.”

Instead of the government celebrating a strong economy, the Obama administration touted driving Americans onto food stamps, and boasted about how many people were forced into ObamaCare, making even access to health care a pipe dream.

President Trump put his foot down on the degradation of the American people, and reversed course. The Heritage Foundation has announced that within just year one of President Trump’s first term, he has already accomplished an astounding 64 percent of the organization’s conservative leadership recommendations.

The Washington Examiner reports: “With unprecedented speed, the Trump administration has already implemented nearly two-thirds of the 334 agenda items called for by the Heritage Foundation, a pace faster than former President Reagan who embraced the conservative think tank’s legendary ‘Mandate for Leadership’ blueprint.”

“We’re blown away,” Heritage Foundation Director of Congressional and Executive Branch Relations Thomas Binion told newspaper. He said the president “is very active, very conservative, and very effective.”

Paraphrasing Binion, the Examiner article also states that the president “hasn’t just focused on one agenda area, but he and his team has pushed through administrative moves on foreign policy, deregulation, immigration, tax reform and health care, moves often ignored by the media.”

President Trump knew from the start he would run for re-election and win. His success in the first election wasn’t an accident of history, it was a statement for the future. As a businessman, he’s also not going to leave a job half done.

Even some Democrats are beginning to understand the extent of the Trump sea change. From the liberal magazine New Republic: “Last year, it seemed certain that he would be a one-term president – if he even lasted that long. But he has a plausible path to victory in 2020.”

He does indeed. Helping the president’s re-election chances is the constant meltdown of liberal leadership and their refusal to acknowledge reality. Right now the Democratic agenda for America consists of hating the president, hating tax cuts and working really hard to ban plastic straws.

President Trump won on an agenda of putting the American people first, a vision made possible only if you actually like the country and her people. Combine that with a businessman’s and patriot’s success at bringing back the American Dream and get ready for President Trump 2.0 in 2020.
Tapaamisessa aselaeista Trump oli sitä mieltä että Floridan ampujalta olisi pitänyt viedä aseet laeista välittämättä. Hän myös sanoi republikaanisenaattori Pat Toomeyn pelkäävän NRA:ta vaikka hän oli yksi harvoista republikaaneista joka tuki NRA:n vastustamaa lakia aseenostajan taustaselvityksestä.

Minkähänlainen mahtaa olla NRA:n reaktio ? Järjestöhän käsittääkseni tuki innolla Trumpin vaalikampanjaa. Ja nyt jos presidentti alkaa puhua mahdollisista aselainsäädännön tiukennuksista ja mahdollisista rajoituksista aseiden saatavuuteen. Mielenkiintoista seurata mitä tapahtuu.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Minkähänlainen mahtaa olla NRA:n reaktio ? Järjestöhän käsittääkseni tuli innolla Trumpin vaalikampanjaa. Ja nyt jos presidentti alkaa puhua mahdollisista aselainsäädännön tiukennuksista ja mahdollisista rajoituksista aseiden saatavuuteen. Mielenkiintoista seurata mitä tapahtuu.

Hullu ei ole oikeustoimikelpoinen, käytännössä kukaan perustuslakia tiukasti tulkitsevakaan Yhdysvalloissa ei hyväksy hulluille aseita mitä itse olen jutellut.
Ja seinähullujahan nämä kaikki ovat melkein olleet, eivät ole mitenkään puskista tulleet.
Hullu ei ole oikeustoimikelpoinen, käytännössä kukaan perustuslakia tiukasti tulkitsevakaan Yhdysvalloissa ei hyväksy hulluille aseita mitä itse olen jutellut.
Ja seinähullujahan nämä kaikki ovat melkein olleet, eivät ole mitenkään puskista tulleet.

Siinä olen kyllä Trumpin kanssa samaa mieltä, että Floridan sälliltä olisi ilman muuta pitänyt takavarikoida jo hyvissä ajoin pois joka ainoa tuliase. Mutta eipä tuohon sitten puututtu. Yhdysvalloista puhuttaessa minua kyllä ihmetyttää se mitenkä helposti kaiken maailman kaistapäiset väkivaltafantasioissaan elävät latvakakkkoset pystyvät hankkimaan aseensa ihan laillisestikin. Puoliautomaattinen AR-15 lähtee ilmeisen helpolla kaupan hyllyltä tulevan massamurhaajan matkaan. Mutta kuten sanottu, itsepähän ovat tuohon tilanteeseen itsensä päästäneet. Hoitakoot minun puolestani ongelmansa miten parhaaksi näkevät.
Pari lisäkommenttia:
[Ted Lieun ja Bill Kristolin twiittaukset]
Kalifornian demokraattiedustaja Ted Lieu tai Never Trump-liikkeen äänitorviin kuuluva Bill Kristol toki olisivat onnellisia, jos Trumpin ja Sessionsin välille syntyisi isompikin välirikko. Muttei tuossa vielä mitään kovin ihmeellistä näytä olevan. Ei ole ensimmäinen kerta, kun Trump moittii Sessionsia twitterissä. Trumpin vastustajat sekä valtavasemmistomedia pyrkivät koko ajan lyömään kiilaa Trumpin hallinnon toimijoiden välille. Tillersoninkin piti jo kuukausia sitten erota...
Trumpin agendaa ja mokia paikkailevat ja häntä kannattavat eivät ole Trolleja tai Putinin faneja. Putinin fanit ja Trollit ovat oma porukkansa joille vain sattuuu osumaan samat uutislinkit. Motiivit ovat täysin erit. Enemmistö Trumpia äänestäneistä ei paljon vanjasta perusta paitsi tähtäimen läpi. Sama myös euroopassa,mutta esim suomessa Putiniin uskovat SE-porukat ovat vain äänekkäämpiä ja enemmän esillä.
NYT:n mukaan Jared Kushner on saanut puolen miljardin edestä lainoja perheen firmalle sen jälkeen kun pankkiirit ovat käyneet tapaamassa häntä Valkoisessa talossa. Kushner myös puhui mahdollisesta Valkoisen talon pestistä yhdelle pankkiireista. Eli Kushner näyttää käyttäneen hyväkseen asemaansa vaikeuksissa olevan firmansa lainoittamiseksi.
Early last year, a private equity billionaire started paying regular visits to the White House.

Joshua Harris, a founder of Apollo Global Management, was advising Trump administration officials on infrastructure policy. During that period, he met on multiple occasions with Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, said three people familiar with the meetings. Among other things, the two men discussed a possible White House job for Mr. Harris.

The job never materialized, but in November, Apollo lent $184 million to Mr. Kushner’s family real estate firm, Kushner Companies. The loan was to refinance the mortgage on a Chicago skyscraper.

Even by the standards of Apollo, one of the world’s largest private equity firms, the previously unreported transaction with the Kushners was a big deal: It was triple the size of the average property loan made by Apollo’s real estate lending arm, securities filings show.

It was one of the largest loans Kushner Companies received last year. An even larger loan came from Citigroup, which lent the firm and one of its partners $325 million to help finance a group of office buildings in Brooklyn.

That loan was made in the spring of 2017, shortly after Mr. Kushner met in the White House with Citigroup’s chief executive, Michael L. Corbat, according to people briefed on the meeting. The two men talked about financial and trade policy and did not discuss Mr. Kushner’s family business, one person said.

There is little precedent for a top White House official meeting with executives of companies as they contemplate sizable loans to his business, say government ethics experts.
Kalifornian demokraattiedustaja Ted Lieu tai Never Trump-liikkeen äänitorviin kuuluva Bill Kristol toki olisivat onnellisia, jos Trumpin ja Sessionsin välille syntyisi isompikin välirikko. Muttei tuossa vielä mitään kovin ihmeellistä näytä olevan. Ei ole ensimmäinen kerta, kun Trump moittii Sessionsia twitterissä. Trumpin vastustajat sekä valtavasemmistomedia pyrkivät koko ajan lyömään kiilaa Trumpin hallinnon toimijoiden välille. Tillersoninkin piti jo kuukausia sitten erota...

Niin, uutinen tässä oli oikeusministeri Sessionsin lausunto, ei se kuka lausuntoa kommentoi.

As long as I am the attorney general, I will continue to discharge my duties with integrity and honor, and this department will continue to do its work in a fair and impartial manner according to the law and Constitution.

Tässä Lawfareblog toteaa että tiedä kenenkään oikeusministerin koskaan (joutuneen) sanomaan presidentilleen näin. Lukusuositus.

NYT:n mukaan Jared Kushner on saanut puolen miljardin edestä lainoja perheen firmalle sen jälkeen kun pankkiirit ovat käyneet tapaamassa häntä Valkoisessa talossa. Kushner myös puhui mahdollisesta Valkoisen talon pestistä yhdelle pankkiireista. Eli Kushner näyttää käyttäneen hyväkseen asemaansa vaikeuksissa olevan firmansa lainoittamiseksi.

"Mutta minä nyt koplaan nämä kaksi asiaa yhteen."