Turkin hyökkäys Syyriaan

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Näköjää Trump möläyttänyt ydinaseiden olevan edelleen Turkissa
President Trump has often said things he perhaps shouldn’t have and has repeatedly disclosed sensitive information. On Wednesday, he did so again, appearing to confirm the United States has nuclear weapons in Turkey.
Trump was asked about the security of those weapons, now that Turkey has gone against U.S. wishes by invading northern Syria after Trump ordered a withdrawal of U.S. troops from the region. He didn’t explicitly confirm the weapons were there, but he went along with the premise, saying “we’re confident” they’ll be safe “and we have a great air base there — a very powerful air base.”
Se säilöttäköön Kongressin kirjastoon, muistutukseksi näistä hienoista ajoista.
Kirje on päivätty 9.lokakuuta, joten Erdoganin vastaus on tiedossa: hyökkäys Syyriaan. Eli kannattaa säilöä, koska Erdogan ilmeisesti käytti oman kopionsa wc-toimituksen jälkien siivoamiseen :camo:
Trumpin kirje Erdolle.

Katso liite: 33793

Edit: Lähde: Thris Reganin sometili(Foxin ankkuri)

Jos diplomatian määrittelyyn käytetään Churchillin sanontaa, että "diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions" niin tässä kirjeessä ei sisällön kannalta ole mitään ihmeellistä vaan korkeintaan ulkoasua on muuttunut.
Onkohan nyt käynyt niin, että Erdo olisi oikeasti uhannut jyräävänsä jenkkien sotilaat Syyrian sotaretkellään? Miten tyhmä voi joku olla?
Onkohan nyt käynyt niin, että Erdo olisi oikeasti uhannut jyräävänsä jenkkien sotilaat Syyrian sotaretkellään? Miten tyhmä voi joku olla?
Jos on miltä näyttää, niin Trump ei ollut valmistautunut puheluun, ei ollut lukenut / kuunnellut briiffejä, eikä varmaan edes tajunnut mitä Erdogan puhelun lopulla pyysi.
Ei Turkilla ole omalla puolellakaan mitään kurdivapaata vyöhykettä. Yleensä rajanvalvontaan liittyvät asiat pitäisi hoitaa omalla maalla.:D Se on kuin Suomi poistaisi Ruotsin puolelta saamelaiset. Satuilua.
Et tainnut ymmärtää villakoiran ydintä: se on Turkille ongelma, jos välittömästi rajan toisella puolella on aseellisten kurdiryhmittymien turvasatama.

Eikä tässä ole mitään uutta. 1998 Turkki ja Syyria solmivat Turkin vaatimuksesta Adanan sopimuksen, jossa Syyria lupaa estää sellaisen toiminnan Syyrian sisällä, joka voisi horjuttaa Turkin vakautta ja turvallisuutta. Syyria sitten karkotti kurdijohtaja Öcalanin ja sulki PKK:n leirit Syyriassa. Nyttemmin Turkki on kokenut SDF:n / YPG:n muodostavan vastaavan uhkan kuin Öcalan/PKK aikoinaan.

Why is the 1998 Adana pact between Turkey and Syria back in the news?
What is this 1998 agreement and why is it back on the agenda after seven years of conflict in Syria? The Adana agreement was signed at a time when relations between Turkey and Syria were strained and the neighbors were on the brink of war. Damascus had been allowing Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) — who is now serving a life sentence on the Turkish island of Imrali — to take shelter and direct the activities of the terrorist organization from within its borders for several years. When Turkey threatened military action, Damascus deported Ocalan and closed the PKK camps in the country.
Article 1 of the Adana agreement states: “Syria, on the basis of the principle of reciprocity, will not permit any activity that emanates from its territory aimed at jeopardizing the security and stability of Turkey.”
Erdogan otti kolmasluokkalaisen tasolla kirjoitetun kirjeen loukkauksena, eikä ymmärtänyt, että siinä Trump tosissaan (ehkäpä jopa itse kirjeen sanelleena) ja parhaan kykynsä mukaan yrittää viestiä ja sopia asioita hänen kanssaan.

Trump, eli hänen kirjeenvaihdosta vastaava, olisi voinut kirjoittaa kirjeensä mahdollisimman ylempiluokkaiseen hienostelutyyliin, mutta tälläisellä kielenkäytöllä todnäk ainoastaan pitkitetään islamistin taipumusta hoitaa asiat sapelia kalistellen.
Alueelta tullut syytöksiä siviiliväestöön kohdistetuista kielletyistä asevaikutuksista (fosforia).

Lähde: https://www.rudaw.net/english/middl...T0O9Hz1MZ21h2kKGXvq850zHNdSRXX2TpzmvW0yPL9MxA
(tuskin erityisen puolueeton lähde, ei itsellä kompentenssia arvioida mutta syytöksiä nyt kuitenkin ilmassa)

" Syrian Kurds accuse Turkey of using banned weapons against civilians

1 hour ago | 459 Views

Karwan Faidhi Dri

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Kurdish military and political leaders and health officials have accused Turkish forces of using internationally outlawed weapons in its offensive in the northern Syrian town of Sari Kani (Ras al-Ain) and have asked for an international investigation.

"There are a lot of fears that prohibited weapons are being used in Sari Kani. Wounds we treat at the hospitals are not normal injuries at all," Dr. Manal Mohammed, head of the Rojava Health Board, told Rudaw on Wednesday night.

"Our health board is currently investigating to find out what type of weapon is being used against us. Like I said, wounds we treat are not normal at all,” the doctor said.

Turkey has not commented on the alleged use of banned weapons, but Ibrahim Kalin, the Turkish presidential spokesperson, accused people of levelling false allegations against Operation Peace Spring.

“Those who are smearing the Operation Peace Spring are those who are frustrated, angry and funny for losing positions in Syria,” Kalin told a press conference in Ankara late Wednesday.

Spokesperson for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Mustafa Bali tweeted“we suspect that unconventional weapons are used against SDF fighters” in Sari Kani.

He appealed for an international investigation, saying the local teams on the ground lack the expert knowledge and the foreign specialists and humanitarian aid groups have withdrawnfrom northern Syria.

Aldar Khalil, an executive board member of northern Syria’s ruling Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM), told Sterk TV on Wednesday that medical examinations “confirm claims that Turkey is using banned weapons containing phosphorus and napalm.”

White phosphorous phosphorous is commonly used to create smoke screens or as an incendiary weapon. Its use is controversial and is prohibitedin areas where civilians are located.

The US-led coalition was criticizedfor appearing to use the chemical during the war against the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq and Syria.

Napalm is a viscous substance that burns at extremely high temperatures. Its use against civilians is banned by a United Nations convention.

Turkey launched its Operation Peace Spring into northeastern Syria last week. The fighting is largely concentrated in the towns of Sari Kani (Ras al-Ain) and Gire Spi (Tal Abyad) on the border where the Turkish army and its Syrian proxies claimed to have seized control, but the SDF says it has retaken lost ground.

Dozens of civilians have been killed in the offensive. The Kurdish Red Crescent reported62 people have died at Tal Tammer hospital.

Mazloum Kobane, commander of the SDF, told Ronahi TV on Wednesday that 205 civilians have been killed by Turkish forces.

Banned weapons have been used multiple times against civilians in the more than eight-year long Syrian conflict.

In November 2018, the US was accused by the Syrian regimeand Russiaof using white phosphorus in the fight against ISIS in Deir ez-Zor.

The Syrian regime been accused of using barrel bombs and chemical weapons including chlorine and sarin gas against rebel-held neighbourhoods.

The international community has voiced its concernover reports of Turkey’s Syrian proxies committing war crimes by executing civilians, prisoners of war, and a female Kurdish politician. The United States joined European nations on Wednesday in calling for a halt to the offensive.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has vowed he will not bow to the growing international pressure. “They say ‘declare a ceasefire’. We will never declare a ceasefire,” he said on Wednesday. “They are pressuring us to stop the operation. They are announcing sanctions. Our goal is clear. We are not worried about any sanctions."

Turkey considers the Syrian Kurdish forces a terrorist organization.

US Vice President Mike Pence is travelling to Ankara to try to negotiate a ceasefire.

Additional reporting by Zhelwan Z. Wali"
Trumpin ja Turun palloseuran sosiaalisen median taidot ovat yllättävän samankaltaisia. Trump on TPSn salainen Twitter vastaava?

Nojoo mutta asiaan, joko Turkin ja Syyrian armeijan joukot ovat kohdanneet? Ei niiden proxyt.
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Trumpin ja Turun palloseuran sosiaalisen median taidot ovat yllättävän samankaltaisia. Trump on TPSn salainen Twitter vastaava?

Nojoo mutta asiaan, joko Turkin ja Syyrian armeijan joukot ovat kohdanneet? Ei niiden proxyt.
Jonkun viestin luin että vaunua oltaisiin ilmasta pummitettu. Tiedä sitten.